Zwischen beiden entspann sich eine leidenschaftliche Hass-Liebe, die bis heute andauert. When After Gotham City is reopened to the public, the city council wants to evict her from the park and send her back to Arkham Asylum, as they are uncomfortable with the thought of a "Later on, she and other Gotham characters are manipulated by the Poison Ivy comes to believe that her powers are killing the children she had looked after, so she seeks Bruce Wayne's help to reverse her powers and make her a normal human being once more. "Union" Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #6. Dort tritt Ivy in ihrer altbekannten Rolle als Batman-Widersacherin auf. But when she subsequently kisses a dying Batman, she unknowingly cures her intended victim and establishes a budding romantic tension between them. After being saved by Batman, Catwoman is operated on by some of the most gifted surgeons in the world, including Eventually, Ivy and the other Sirens ambush the Riddler at his office (with Ivy using her plants to truss and gag his secretary), telling him that they've been framed for the murder of a young nurse. Sie war ein sehr ruhiges Kind mit labiler Psyche. (w), Barrionuevo, Al (p), Bit (i). Videospiele in denen sie auftritt, sind unter anderem Die Figur der Poison Ivy hat insbesondere in der amerikanischen Öffentlichkeit regen Widerhall gefunden. Batman, who appears in Gotham that very same year, thwarts her scheme, and she is incarcerated in In subsequent issues, she states that she only started a life of crime to attain sufficient funds to find a location to be alone with her plants, undisturbed by humanity. Poison Ivy burst onto the comic book scene in Batman #181 and quickly established herself as Batman's most dangerous new villainess.

But Ivy has also proven herself compassionate time and time again, especially toward other women who have been victimized. In volume three of Some versions of the character depict her as more plant than human, such as breathing Beyond her metahuman traits, Ivy is shown to be exceptionally physically fit both due to gymnastics and her enhanced health; being both similar to Harley Quinn in skill as well as showing enough hand-to-hand combat prowess to challenge Batman without relying solely on her powers. Wenn Ivy beabsichtigt, ihre Gifte an andere Menschen zu übertragen, so erfolgt dies zumeist durch genitalen oder oralen (Küssen) Körperkontakt. Poison Ivy was created by Robert Kanigher and Sheldon Moldoff, and made her debut in Batman #181 (June 1966). In einigen besonders In der Regel erscheint Ivy "menschlicher", wenn sie mit Pamela Isley wuchs als verwöhntes Einzelkind wohlhabender Eltern in Seattle auf. Optisch wird Ivy meist als eine mit allen Vorzügen weiblicher Attraktivität ausgestattete, verführerische junge Frau dargestellt. In einigen Comics gibt es immer wieder Andeutungen, dass die beiden sogar eine lesbische Beziehung zueinander haben. A few years later, she attempts to leave Gotham forever, escaping Arkham to settle on a desert island in the At one point, Batman travels to Seattle to ascertain information on Pamela Isley's life before she became Poison Ivy. So gilt der Name Poison Ivy in den USA weithin als ein Synonym für die Femme fatale. Weitere Fähigkeiten, die sie seither besitzt, sind eine Immunität gegen die allermeisten Gifte in nahezu jeder Kontaktform (Atemwegsaufnahme, orale Einnahme, Hautkontakt usw. Sie ist groß, schlank, mit üppigen weiblichen Formen, ebenmäßigen Gesichtszügen, starken Wangenknochen, langem wallenden Haar und einem Schmollmund. Freeze. "Human Nature, Book One" Lieberman, A. J. Grimley had been conducting experiments with Ivy's research in order to cure his own cancer; he had then murdered Luisa because she was suspicious of the experiments he was performing. In The character was partly inspired by the short story "Poison Ivy's origin is depicted in Neil Gaiman's short story "Pavane," during which she declares herself to be nature's daughter and the world's rightful ruler; it is later revealed that she was, in fact, gifted by the environmental force known as the Green.Ivy is considered extremely beautiful within the DC Universe, and is often presented as a temptress.Writer J. T. Krul, who helped further define Poison Ivy's personality, summed up her character with the following quote: Die Hautfarbe und Haarfarbe der Figur unterliegt ständigen Schwankungen und obliegt anscheinend der "künstlerischen Freiheit" des jeweiligen Zeichners: In einigen Geschichten wird Ivy als Frau mit normalem Inkarnat-Ton ("Fleischfarbe") dargestellt, in anderen ist ihre Hautfarbe hellgrün oder auch kreideweiß.