Not only is it strategically located in the three-country region where Liechtenstein, St. Gallen and Vorarlberg meet, but also the diverse nationalities of students and staff at ISR reflect to some extent the wider world within a school. secure environment for all participants. The school now caters for children from 3 years to Grade 12.The school is an asset to the region and the future of the International School Rheintal continues to be a promising one. The International School Rheintal (ISR) is a genuine cross-border, cosmopolitan institution. ... universities and governments, as well as students, to discuss and develop ideas on international education. - is a car required.City/Country in which the school resides provides for adequate personal safety.School makes available a variety of professional development opportunities.School makes available funds to support continued development.Time is specifically set aside in the calendar for faculty and staff formation.Faculty and Staff are encouraged to professionally grow by the school.Faculty and Staff are encouraged to experiment, implement, and bring up new ideas for classroom innovation.School meets you on arrival and escorts you to accommodations.School provides an adequate orientation to the school and local culture upon arrival.School provides an allowance to support the transition.Facilities of the school were well represented during the hiring process.Contract is honored based on what was agreed upon during the hiring process.School actively maintains a dialogue and support structure to make sure basic needs are being met.
Experience the International Spirit in the Rhine Valley.The three programs of the International Baccalaureate organization (IB).Find out more about the International School RheintalDescription of route to ISR after leaving the A13 motorway.committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people in our care. Studied by over one million students in 148 countries, the IB prepares students with the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills needed to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalising world Bahnhofstrasse 26, 4310 Rheinfelden, Schweiz. International School Rheinfelden, Rheinfelden AG.
ipso International School - Die bilinguale Ganztagesschule für Kinder von 1,5 bis 16 Jahren Seither wächst unsere, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, jüngste Schule dynamisch und ist Ende Juli 2020 mit ihren mittlerweile fast 90 Kindern und Jugendlichen an ihre neue Adresse im Herzen von Rheinfelden umgezogen. The school now caters for children from 3 years to Grade 12.The school is an asset to the region and the future of the International School Rheintal continues to be a promising one. Die International School Rheinfelden (ISRH) ist seit ihrer Gründung Anfang 2014 deutlich gewachsen.
ISRH International School Rheinfelden / Schweiz - Mehr als einfach nur Schule... Alle vergangenen Änderungen können unter der Rubrik Meldungen abgerufen und als PDF speichert werden. We also support the rights and wellbeing of our staff and
Ipso International School, Rheinfelden. Experience the International Spirit in the Rhine Valley. Die ISR ist nach den Empfehlungen der Schweizer Regierung geöffnet - die Familien werden darüber informiert. International School Rheinfelden, Rheinfelden. IB School since: ... School details incorrect? Gefällt 2.562 Mal. ISR is open according to the recommendations of the Swiss Government - families will be advised of details of this.For more information or for support, email or phone 081 750 63 00. ipso International School Education Management ipso International School in Rheinfelden, Schweiz - Die bilinguale Ganztagesschule für Kinder von 1,5 bis 16 Jahren volunteers and encourage their active participation in building and maintaining a The International School Rheintal (ISR) is a genuine cross-border, cosmopolitan institution. My International Educator - An International School Review Website Mit nur neun Schülerinnen und Schülern hat die ipso International School Rheinfelden Anfang 2014 ihren Betrieb aufgenommen. Die Schüler werden neu im ehemaligen Coop-Gebäude unterrichtet. 2.5K likes.