Bluepoint made smart choices here that manage to create a very consistent package from start to finish - a remarkable accomplishment here bearing in mind that the original games span almost an entire console generation. Pushing effects work, animation and scene complexity through the roof, it is, quite simply, a beautiful game. The remastered version utilises a higher quality effect that eliminates these issues. Yet, even with this change in place, the game just didn't feel quite right. Image quality is also consistent with the rest of the collection. Dans cet épisode, l'aventurier repousse clairement ses limites en multipliant les expéditions suicidaires au point qu'on se demande s'il ne tient pas davantage à cette quête permanente qu'à la vie. This is most noticeable around the flames during the chateau escape sequence but can be observed in other scenarios as well. On retrouve dans Uncharted 3 : l'Illusion de Drake tous les éléments d'un excellent jeu d'action-aventure. This site © 2020 Gamer Network Limited. Then we move onto shadow quality and it's here that we see some rather curious results. Tout support He’s also responsible for the creation of DF Retro.Comments for this article are now closed. We've finished all three games on PS4 and can safely say that each of them benefits greatly from the changes. However, if you look closer, Bluepoint's attention to detail still manages to shine through in this excellent remaster.The most important change is actually apparent right out of the gate - a reduction in input latency. Dips are limited to a few specific sequences, but average performance is actually even smoother than the remastered Uncharted 2. In the original game, objects passing along the perimeter of the light volume also tended to exhibit saw-tooth artefacts - and this have been eliminated on PS4.Conversely, the red glow or 'colour bleeding' of the red channel used to emphasise high intensity lighting has been reduced or even removed on PS4. L'intrigue dans son ensemble, n'est pas plus passionnante que ça mais le soin apporté à l'histoire de Sir Francis Drake rend haletante la découverte de chaque étape de son parcours. (2537) This was a promo video released by Sony, maybe it was early footage running on a PC? Quel que soit le lieu visité, on s'émerveille devant une telle densité visuelle et une gestion aussi maîtrisée de la palette de couleurs. Encore une fois, le travail artistique est phénoménal, Drake évoluant dans des décors d'une extrême finesse où la moindre texture jouit de détails stupéfiants. The solution utilised on PS3 tends to introduce smoky black halos around objects and characters, leading to some rather awkward-looking situations - quite a few of the ambient occlusion techniques seen in the last-gen were somewhat heavy-handed in this way. Yet, An American living in Germany, John has been gaming and collecting games since the late 80s. First released in 2011, Uncharted 3 remains the most divisive of Naughty Dog's PlayStation 3 games. With 1.01 we see the filtering method changed and dithering removed from all affected areas, resulting in a smoother overall presentation. Asset quality remains very similar to the original game throughout the experience. Tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur la nouvelle console de Microsoft Le gameplay se veut varié, faisant de Nathan Drake un aventurier hyper complet, capable d'évoluer aussi sereinement en tant que escaladeur que sous l'eau ou à dos de cheval. It's easier than ever to pull off accurate shots and there is never a sense that camera movement is weighed down by unwanted latency. L'avis des lecteurs Yet, given a second chance, there's an adeptly-crafted game here, something that becomes clear when revisiting the title in 2015. En effet, les développeurs de Naughty Dog ont souhaité minimiser les temps faibles et faire planer l'ombre de la mort dans une majorité des 22 chapitres qui nécessiteront entre huit et neuf heures de temps de jeu. Entre des Un jeu d'exception qui accouche aujourd'hui d'une suite logique dans laquelle on retrouve un Nathan Drake dont la panoplie du parfait aventurier continue de gonfler. Used for elements such as flashlight beams or rays of sunlight, the effect is present throughout the game. We noted dips to around 55fps during this section that persisted throughout. Que dire si ce n'est qu'on tient sans surprise la plus belle exclusivité PS3 et peut-être même le plus beau jeu actuel sur consoles HD. Are you ready to test your skill and patience with an all new difficulty exclusive to the remastered collection? During normal gameplay, textures actually appear very similar between the two versions with the lower rendering resolution of the PS3 original seemingly obscuring detail. Quite frankly, no game in this collection needed this tweak more than Uncharted 3, and the results here are excellent.This is coupled with the obligatory boost to frame-rate which, as with the rest of the collection, operates at a stable 60 frames per second for the vast majority of the experience. I encoded this at 1080p and uploaded it to show what the possibility of an Uncharted … As this is a late generation Naughty Dog production, we were curious if performance issues similar to The Last of Us Remastered might crop up but in the end, that's not the case at all. En ville, dans le métro, au beau milieu du désert ou en pleine jungle, Uncharted 3 reste un titre absolument magnifique et nombre de passages vous émouvront par leur simple beauté. For example, the initial ruins section in the original game suffered from dropped frames both during exploration and while engaged in a gun battle later.