Just look for red caps with the word "Service".Looking for a Travel centre or agency that sells DB tickets? Mon 03.08.2020.

Hier finden Sie neben allen Kontaktdaten auch Öffnungszeiten und teils auch Bewertungen anderer Kunden von Deutsche Bahn Ag in München. München hat seit jeher aufgrund seiner geografischen Lage einen bedeutenden strategischen Stellenwert auf der Nord-Süd Achse als Gateway-Terminal. Bewertung … DB-Information: 00:00 - 24:00. You can contact our mobility centres at If you have any questions, simply contact the relevant Triple-S centre or our mobility service centre at Have you lost or found something on a train or at a station?The Triple-S concept is our masterplan for safety and customer focus at stations.

1. Rail transport in Germany continues to grow. If a station does not have a counter, our service staff are only too happy to help you with any query you might have.Our mobile service staff at stations provide travellers with advice and assistance. Bonitätsauskunft .

München Hbf. 3-S-Zentrale, Telefon: 089/13081055. BahiQ6Iy. The Company offers passenger and cargo transportation, press, and logistics services to rail, road, ocean, and air traffic networks. Operating around the clock, Triple-S centres collect all important information regarding station processes. 3-S-Zentrale, Telefon: 089/13081055. DB Information counters are the place to go for information about your rail journey, and they serve as a meeting point for travellers and station visitors. Hier finden Sie neben allen Kontaktdaten auch Öffnungszeiten und teils auch Bewertungen anderer Kunden von Deutsche Bahn in München. Ist die Adresse oder Filiale dabei, die Sie suchen?

10a. Deutschlands beliebtestes Reise- und Mobilitätsportal: Auskunft, Bahnfahrkarten, Online-Tickets, Länder-Tickets, günstige Angebote rund um Urlaub und Reisen. Upward trend in rail transport continues: more passengers, higher revenues and greater investment. Some stations feature help points (emergency intercoms) that connect callers straight to the Triple-S centres.The Travellers Aid Society ("Bahnhofsmission") at a German station can provide you with advice and information in the event of an emergency, and its volunteers can tell you where you can get further assistance. An overview of the societies in Germany and their services is available 1 für Adressen und Telefonnummern München Hbf. Bayerstr. Die Umstellung der E-Mail-Adressen wird zum 01.12.19 abgeschlossen sein. Relevanz If you have any questions about your trip or the town/city where the station is located, staff at the counter have the answers you need. Die DB Fahrwegdienste GmbH ist eine 100%ige Tochter der DB Netz AG und Ihr zuverlässiger Partner in Systemdienstleistungen rund um die Instandhaltung von Schienenwegen.. Unser Geschäftsauftrag: Die Unterstützung und Sicherung der Instandhaltung von Eisenbahninfrastruktur. * 20 Ct./Anruf aus dt. Bayerstr. Here you can inquire about fares, timetables and other DB services. Euro Umsatz und etwa 229.000 Mitarbeitern (Stand: 1. If you want to take a load off your hands, you can put your luggage in a locker at these stations.Do you need assistance when gettting on or off the train or changing trains? 5 Einträge hat Das Telefonbuch für Sie ausfindig machen können. Deutsche Bahn AG provides railway services.

The Our DB Lounges provide first-class passengers and BahnComfort customers with everything that makes their time at a station as enjoyable as possible: excellent seating, stylish surroundings and attentive service. Our mobile service staff at stations provide travellers with advice and assistance. Please be aware that the majority of our jobs are advertised in German language. DB-Information: . Deutsche Bahn AG. Some stations feature help points (emergency intercoms) that connect callers straight to the Triple-S centres. Reise & Services. Explore international jobs. Travel information at bahn.de Wir wollen verantwortlich mit der Gesundheit aller umgehen. Just look for red caps with the word "Service".Looking for a Travel centre or agency that sells DB tickets? Operating around the clock, Triple-S centres collect all important information regarding station processes. Explore jobs in Germany In the first half of 2018, patronage rose by 3.8% year on year in Deutsche Bahn's long distance segment, with a record 70.9 million passengers using the company's long distance trains from January through June. DB Information counters are the place to go for information about your rail journey, and they serve as a meeting point for travellers and station visitors. Mit rund 14.5 Mrd. If you are looking for job opportunities in Germany check out our German job board.

Operating around the clock, Triple-S centres collect all important information regarding station processes. Bewertungen für DB Regio AG, S-Bahn München. Careers at Deutsche Bahn Inform now.

Baumkirchner Str.. 81673.