When you approach and stand next to any Ped or vehicle, you may open this menu by pressing "G" key or controller button "DPadLeft + A".With this menu, you can: Stop the ped, Ask the ped to go, Perform CPR,Search/frisk the dead ped body, Search the vehicle, Call Coroner (for dead ped), Call Animal Control,Call Tow service, Call Insurance Service, Slow down traffic, Stop trafficYou can tackle the ped in pursuit while you chasing them (default key="Backspace" button="B")You can run faster by using sprint boost feature so you won't be outrun by those criminals anymore! Basically, "Stop The Ped" is a plugin which contains so many essential replacements and additions for the policing functionality in vanilla LSPDFR. And so many more!To comfortably Stop the ped: Stop the nearest ped peacefully (only one ped at a time) or Stop the ped at gunpoint (while aiming your weapon at the ped)You may stop the next nearest ped by doing the same commandUsing menu, you may: Ask ped's ID, Issue warning, Question the Ped, Follow Me, Take the ped from behind (grab), Pat Down the ped, Conduct Breathalyzer test, Conduct drug swab test, Arrest the ped, Release the arrested ped, Ask ped to kneel down or get up, Request nearby Police Buddy (from Ultimate Backup) to watch the ped, Request escort vehicle for the ped (Taxi, Uber, Ambulance, or Police Transport)The stopped ped will have a yellow blip with "human" icon. Find out where they are headed, what plans they have, if they have been drinking, make sure they know the Covid regulations in the state of San Andreas. Of Course, I then found this and found my created questions to be mediocre at best. In Jeff's latest lspdfr vid you can see him using it.
can you make for lspdfr + like this custions to add on it? You need to be a member in order to leave a commentSign up for a new account in our community. It seems like maybe you have a conflicting Mod are you using Arrest manager too or lspfrd+.
The grammar issues are on purpose as some of the peds would talk proper. There's also an additional stop at gunpoint feature which have softer arrest gesture can you make for lspdfr + like this custions to add on it? This mod is pretty good I like it. I will have to proof read that part and update it tomorrow n drop it in. It stays up for a second or two for me, I'm pretty sure that is a limitation of STP itself. this will help with investigation. Those are required when suspect are suspicious of DUIs. A lock pick kit is not illegal unless they were in a stolen vehicle or suspected of burglary or theft. This Mod Definetly compliments Stop the Ped very well. I will download this. This will help you to manage the crime scene with comfort.
I just wish I could edit the xml to fix grammar related stuff, but I am sure you'll do that yourself.
This is really cool!
After further examination somehow I removed the whole DUI question sub menu.
You will no longer see a 63 years old chick (when checking her ID).
i have put your file in with the pluggins and then go to rage to enable them and i dont see them there You didn't add in consent for breathalyzer and sobriety test. You didn't add in consent for breathalyzer and sobriety test. - Duration: 25:46. Thank you I appreciate it. Leave a review if you haven't. (default key="Enter" button="Y"). I will have to proof read that part and update it tomorrow n drop it in. Makes ped interactions more personal and immersive!! Also, perhaps you can add in addition question like why do you have burnt meth pipe with you? yeah no sometimes it dosnt even show up and i havnt been able to read any of the txt they say back but i can use the system Thank you! Support and Contact All this plugins are for free. This is a small update adding a Holiday Weekend menu for the 4th of July. yeah no sometimes it dosnt even show up and i havnt been able to read any of the txt they say back but i can use the system Leave a review if you haven't. You can also set the boost duration (default 3 seconds) in the .ini file.Stop The Ped "Persistency" module will prevent the despawned of nearby dead bodies and empty vehicles by the game engine. After further examination somehow I removed the whole DUI question sub menu. I was just looking for that on my traffic stop, came back here and glad I saw this, lol.
When out of the car you can use the [DUI questions] and it has one for sobriety tests and breathalyzer. Makes ped interactions more personal and immersive!! Good Job on this Keep up the good work! how come ill ask a question and the txt pops up for a milliasecond [Pullover fix] Highway Patrol Slots, Have your own HP Slots!This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from The charge would be a drug paraphernalia charge too so it works.
Can you add an question regarding car keys fob and lockpick under after search questions? do i need to dowload a file called stoptheped if so i cant find it anywhere. Thanks for uploading such great file! Nice job.
I just wish I could edit the xml to fix grammar related stuff, but I am sure you'll do that yourself. I was doing this on my own recently and then I myself was going to upload custom questions. for some reason i am very conffused as to how to download this file . You may set the probability in the .ini fileNotify the player when the ped is intoxicated (alcohol or narcotics)When you walk close to any police car, the arrested ped who is following you or being grabbed, might be put into the vehicle using menuYou may ask the arrested ped to get out of the car and follow you using "E" keyThis plugin will also injects "Stop The Ped" menu into all peds who are arrested using LSPDFR vanilla gunpoint stop or ped stop (configurable in the .ini file)Compatible with Computer+.