FC Köln - Höhner. I think that was actually the first time I came to realize that there was such a thing as “Kölsch” dialect and that it might as well be an entirely separate language for someone whose German was never that good even when using it on a daily basis. Redeem FIRST100FREE Enjoy 277% Bonus on your first deposit! Fc Köln Hymne Iehrefeld,Raderthal,Nippes,Poll,Esch,Pesch un Kalk Üvverall jitt et Fans vom FC Kölle! Search no further! Deutsch; Englisch; zur FC-Homepage.

Hier Originaltext & FC-Hymne.

können.Iehrefeld, Raderthal, Nippes, Poll, Esch, Pesch un KalkBrandaktuelle News von den FC-Profis, tolle Fan-Angebote und viel Wissenswertes rund um den 1. Hörprobe. […][…] Someone out there gives a very meaningful crack at translating the Kölsch hymn into English : here. Sheesh, there's a real crop of idiots on scots.politics Bodybag, Robert Henderson, Farmer Giles, Nemo and Jellore. Writer(s): Traditional FC Köln von Höhner sowie Lyrics, Video & Übersetzung findest du hier kostenlos.

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Minute (SGE – BMG): Tor für Gladbach, 0:3! I do not speak any other languages, Spanish, German or Kölsch for that matter), I’m curious if you or anyone has attempted to write this original Kölsch version phonetically in English? Veröffentlicht am Mai 26, 2020 von admin. En Rio, en Rom, Jläbbisch, Prüm un Habbelrath, Üvverall jitt et Fans vom FC Kölle! 73.

Die Münchner lassen sich von Borussia Dortmund im.

Redeem SLOTS277!Get 1000% Bonus on your 1st deposit! If you’re not yet familiar with the anthem, check out this translation of “Mer stonn zo dir, FC Kölle” that was posted last season at American […][…] Along with the great fan base, I must say personally that the club’s official anthem is up there with the best in Europe – Sounding very familiar to Loch Lomond, Mer stonn zo dir is blared over the tanoy system before every game as the fans passionately sing; I was hunting for the translation of the title but translation tools really do struggle with the local dialect of German – however, the club’s official website do provide lyrics. Freud oder Leid, Zokunft un Verjangenheit! Best Of - 25 Jahre. It’s at least nice to know what the song means in English.I have just been introduced to FC Koln by a German friend.

Sie müssen JavaScript in Ihrem Browser aktivieren um alle Funktionen der Seite nutzen zu Somewhat recently, I received a comment from a “naomivictoria” on my post from last season’s decisive home victory over Union Berlin.Now, my German comprehension has improved immensely since that night, primarily because I spend so much time listening to Bundesliga matches with German commentary, including nearly every A funny thing about having done the translation for my own needs is that, at the time, I had no idea the song was specifically addressing the club. FC, jeff Jass, mir wolle fiere.