This would give McCree a LOT more flexibility, allowing him to use his ult around corners and such.Faster firing rate during the triggering stage. It would make you far less noticable immediately and really help with survivability and punishing enemies that aren't paying attention.I'd really like to see McCree shoot every bullet at the same time, with a coll matrix-like animation on his bionic arm.This would remove the delay between targets and ensure kills even when genj'is is reflecting you and is the first target locked. McCree is my fave character, and my two main bits of advice for his ult are: either approach from a weird angle where you won't be spotted, or set it off while the enemy team (especially their snipers and Reinhardt) are distracted. McCree also tends to be a bit sassy, as heard in his dialogue during Retribution. If a target breaks LoS by getting behind a wall or something, the lock is broken and will start from scratch again if they show their face. McCree takes a few precious moments to aim; when he's ready to fire, he shoots every enemy in his line of sight. If you notice anyone see you, don't hang on too long to just get that tank included too or whatever, it's not worth it and you're risking being killed and the whole ultimate being a waste. McCree can use his Combat Roll to quickly get behind a wall to avoid's Self-Destruct, and can use her Defense Matrix ability to block McCree's ultimate Deadeye. Use in-depth search to find exactly what you are looking for. Having removed what military ordnance had already been loaded on the Deadlocks' hover dolly, he tied the unconscious gang members to it, separated You can start the channel in cover and walk out to avoid insta-snipes. Granted, you still have to channel LOS, but the few seconds between when you start (and the audio cue happens) and when you actually pop can change people's focus. It sounds more complicated written out like this than it actually is, it's just an odd (but really cool) mechanic that takes a bit of getting used to.McCree is my fave character, and my two main bits of advice for his ult are:either approach from a weird angle where you won't be spotted, or set it off while the enemy team (especially their snipers and Reinhardt) are distracted. And Reinhardt's shield (as well as Winston's, but it's less of an issue) will block all of your shots from Deadeye, so be aware that he could completely cockblock you if he's aware you're there.Don't be greedy. Wanting no part of the infighting, McCree set off alone and went underground.Moving on, McCree saved one of the train staff from being executed, as he didn't know a set of codes. McCree appreciated the flexibility afforded to the clandestine Blackwatch, unhindered by bureaucracy and red tape. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts I may just being doing to soon on the team fight possibly?In addition to the other comments, from my limited experience I'd recommend the following:The duration of the ultimate is actually fairly long. More often than not I see McCrees ulting at the back line of the enemy team to get rid of supports and it works most of the time because they have low hp. Maybe they could use a different, more subtle audio cue.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castSubreddit for all things Overwatch™, the team-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment.Press J to jump to the feed. The weaker his targets are, the faster he'll line up a killshot.Besides these abilities, McCree is able to jump, crouch, reload (only when his ammo is not full), and perform Around twelve or so years after joining Blackwatch, Jesse participated in an event that became known as "The Venice incident" in which he and fellow Blackwatch agents Also during his time in Blackwatch McCree found himself assigned to protect Dr.
This would give McCree a LOT more flexibility, allowing him to use his ult around corners and such.Faster firing rate during the triggering stage. It would make you far less noticable immediately and really help with survivability and punishing enemies that aren't paying attention.I'd really like to see McCree shoot every bullet at the same time, with a coll matrix-like animation on his bionic arm.This would remove the delay between targets and ensure kills even when genj'is is reflecting you and is the first target locked. McCree is my fave character, and my two main bits of advice for his ult are: either approach from a weird angle where you won't be spotted, or set it off while the enemy team (especially their snipers and Reinhardt) are distracted. McCree also tends to be a bit sassy, as heard in his dialogue during Retribution. If a target breaks LoS by getting behind a wall or something, the lock is broken and will start from scratch again if they show their face. McCree takes a few precious moments to aim; when he's ready to fire, he shoots every enemy in his line of sight. If you notice anyone see you, don't hang on too long to just get that tank included too or whatever, it's not worth it and you're risking being killed and the whole ultimate being a waste. McCree can use his Combat Roll to quickly get behind a wall to avoid's Self-Destruct, and can use her Defense Matrix ability to block McCree's ultimate Deadeye. Use in-depth search to find exactly what you are looking for. Having removed what military ordnance had already been loaded on the Deadlocks' hover dolly, he tied the unconscious gang members to it, separated You can start the channel in cover and walk out to avoid insta-snipes. Granted, you still have to channel LOS, but the few seconds between when you start (and the audio cue happens) and when you actually pop can change people's focus. It sounds more complicated written out like this than it actually is, it's just an odd (but really cool) mechanic that takes a bit of getting used to.McCree is my fave character, and my two main bits of advice for his ult are:either approach from a weird angle where you won't be spotted, or set it off while the enemy team (especially their snipers and Reinhardt) are distracted. And Reinhardt's shield (as well as Winston's, but it's less of an issue) will block all of your shots from Deadeye, so be aware that he could completely cockblock you if he's aware you're there.Don't be greedy. Wanting no part of the infighting, McCree set off alone and went underground.Moving on, McCree saved one of the train staff from being executed, as he didn't know a set of codes. McCree appreciated the flexibility afforded to the clandestine Blackwatch, unhindered by bureaucracy and red tape. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts I may just being doing to soon on the team fight possibly?In addition to the other comments, from my limited experience I'd recommend the following:The duration of the ultimate is actually fairly long. More often than not I see McCrees ulting at the back line of the enemy team to get rid of supports and it works most of the time because they have low hp. Maybe they could use a different, more subtle audio cue.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castSubreddit for all things Overwatch™, the team-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment.Press J to jump to the feed. The weaker his targets are, the faster he'll line up a killshot.Besides these abilities, McCree is able to jump, crouch, reload (only when his ammo is not full), and perform Around twelve or so years after joining Blackwatch, Jesse participated in an event that became known as "The Venice incident" in which he and fellow Blackwatch agents Also during his time in Blackwatch McCree found himself assigned to protect Dr.