RegardsContributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a If we're lucky, we might get to see two elder dragons squaring off! They say that Rathalos possess the rarest of gems, but I'm having a hard time obtaining one. That Tobi-Kadachi is sure getting in the way of progress! -- Field Team Leader A new challenger: Black Diablos, the Dark Destroyer, the Horn Express! Die insgesamt 115 optionalen Quests in Monster Hunter World sind wie die anderen Aufgaben in Schwierigkeitsgrade von 1-Stern bis 9-Sterne eingeteilt. Please do something! Think you can go toe-to-toe--er, toe-to-claw with this heavy hitter!? Help me get my story! Begin your investigation ASAP, but beware its blinding flash attacks! I've already gone through ten or so of them with no luck. We've gotta get to the bottom of this! Take it out before one of my researchers gets gobbled up! Bow down to the king of all wyverns! Sie halten ein lebendiges Pukei Pukei gefangen. any help is appreciatedHow do you fight a monster you have captured in a quest in arena. ...... Certain death awaits you in the depths, but so does the key to finding Zorah Magdaros. I wish they'd butt out of our research! Here at the Second Fleet, we've been working to develop new tools to help your hunts, but we need YOUR help gathering the materials. -- Eccentric Trio Now that you've worked both your upper and lower body, are you ready to put it to good use? Don't get the lady angry; she's poison! Wir verraten euch wie ihr das beste Ending bekommt. -- The Armory I'd like you to catch one for closer study. Those scrawny little monsters don't even stand a chance. It's nearly impossible for any of our researchers to study fossils in the Rotten Vale because they keep getting stuck to that blasted Radobaan rolling around down there... -- Chief Ecologist Think you can go toe to toe--er, toe-to-claw with this heavy hitter!? A Pukei-Pukei must have shown up because it's getting more and more difficult to gather scatternuts! We're counting on you to take this quest! A new challenger: Paolumu, the Punishing Puffball, the Fearigible!
Go flex on 'em while I get the goods! -- Field Team Leader -- The Commander Seems like it was kicked out of its territory. Run along now... -- Third Fleet Master Am i doing anything wrong?Is there any difference if I put the shock trap first and then I throw the tranq bombs or I should do it the other way around like tranq bombs and then shock traps?Looking to complete all the 3 star-5 star quest wondering when there could be a optional list comingIt would be nice if you could put the list of quests.Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a The days we spent going to the park, playing fetch. How could they not be? Catch one to help shed light on this mysterious creature. GOOD!
Are these lil' guys tryin' to flex on you?
Optional questThis guy is the MVP runner-up behind the Smithy for sure.You can now cultivate up to FOUR items thanks to Iceborne.
180 points if you only get young ones(30 points each, 2 per cycle with 3 cycles).Awe it's so hard to find, like, I've been farming AT Deviljho for 200 months and I still haven't gotten the Jewel, it is impossible to find, I hate RNG, I hate this gmae, and if you have more than a single "Insert Jewel Here" then I also hate you!Hello Adrian Aranda Here. Whatever it was it was HOT, painfully hot! The other morning one of my researchers woke to his camp having been pilfered by one of those thieving Kulu-Ya-Ku. A major change in the ecosystem is driving monsters from their natural habitats.
-- The Admiral He'll bite your leg to fetch the stick inside! You face two abnormally powerful Bazelgeuse. Teostra... Just saying the name makes my quill tip quiver. *Unlocks a new Canteen ingredient on first time completion. Now that they've discovered the location of a Bazelgeuse, they're off to study it! -- The Meowscular Chef -- Serious Handler 5) Open up the Quest Editor. Lose to this guy, and your name is mud!
Don't get the lady angry; she's poison! -- The Commander Don't touch me! The best remedy? Begin your investigation ASAP, but beware of its charging attacks! Those little monsters think you're playing with them! Be sure to prep yourself for its "fire active mode" before you depart. -- Impatient Biologist -- Chief Ecologist *Unlocks a new Canteen ingredient upon first time completion. I have an idea for something every hunter needs after a long day out in the field... Odogaron backscratchers! My paw-thritis is acting up again. -- Airship Engineer
We've gotten a disturbing report of an unusually powerful Pukei-Pukei appearing in the Ancient Forest. The Kulu-Ya-Ku uses its dexterous forearms to carry objects. I have pressed every button I can on my controller but it won't let me. -- The Admiral I want to know cause im a noobHow do I get layered weapons it won't let me but my friend who is a lower level can do itI'm trying to play this game and can't get it to let me accept the quest. A powerful Anjanath has been sighted! A list of the different quests and missions available in Monster Hunter World.
May the Sapphire Star light our way!