Da Quiet nicht von Anfang an spielbar ist, müsst ihr einige Sachen erledigen, um sie als Buddy in eurem Team zu wissen.

Side ops . Auf seinen Missionen in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain kann Snake einen von insgesamt vier Begleitern mitnehmen, die man teilweise aber erst finden oder freischalten muss. Am Wochenende präsentierte Comic-Gigant DC dutzende neue Projekte, darunter auch die beiden neuen Spiele (...) Extract the highly-skilled soldier from among the enemy ranks. The were sent to the area by a medical NGO, but subsequently went missing. Recover the U.S. military's new weapon, code-named Honey Bee, hidden at Smasei Fort. Eradicate the remaining forces hiding out in remote regions of the country and ensure the election is a success.Unlock requirements: Complete Mission 1: Phantom Limbs Investigate the Laboratory, where a new vocal cord parasite outbreak has occurred, and find out how to identify who is infected. Use this opportunity the eliminate all of them at once. The cartel's massive wealth has provided it with armament on par with a national army. Extract the highly-skilled soldier from among the enemy ranks. "Confidential assignment from a Western nation. Insertion and mission success will be severely hampered by the ongoing state of battle.Unlock requirements: Complete Mission 31: Sahelanthropus Habt ihr das letzte Foto gezeigt, findet ihr Foto Nummer 11 außerhalb ihres Raumes an der Wand. Extract a soldier with the Kikongo language interpretation skill. A Soviet soldier who had been collaborating with the CIA has gone missing. Extract both the child soldiers' commander and the XO. An aircraft engaged in peacekeeping activities in a Southeast Asian civil war nation has been shot down by local forces, and the crew have been taken hostage. "Confidential assignment from a Western nation. "Unofficial assignment from the UN.

Extract the highly-skilled soldier from among the enemy ranks. Wenn ihr einen weniger tödlichen Weg beschreitet, könnt ihr Quiet auftragen, Betäubungsmunition statt scharfer Munition zu verwenden.Außerdem könnt ihr Kostüme für Quiet freischalten. He is suspected of having a close connection with the group that attacked Mother Base 9 years ago. OE is using its oil-rights-based funding to deploy state-of-the-art weaponry and a sizable force. Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain. Extract a soldier with the Afrikaans language interpretation skill. Eure Spielweise in den jeweils letzten drei Missionen entscheidet über euren Codenamen in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. Eliminate all the Walker Gears deployed to Ditadi Abandoned Village. Make contact with and extract Code Talker, the old man who knows how to treat the pathogen affecting Mother Base. Stand at the starting point and press the Action Button ( Destroy all the shooting targets on the platform within the time limit. Plans for food relief are being blocked by the government in the north, which has sealed the nation's main highway. The Skulls must be eliminated before it will clear. Zeigt ihr Paz das 11. The Intel Team suspects they are being backed by Cipher, as a means to maintain a grip on the world's energy distribution. If nothing is done, they are in danger of being slaughtered. Möchtest du diese Seite als Startseite festlegen? Extract the Intel Team member being held captive by the enemy.Head to Afghanistan Central Base Camp and extract the AI pod.Locate and extract the children who escaped from Mother Base. Eliminate the CFA official stationed at Nova Braga Airport.

Fight off the Skulls' assault, and return to base with Code Talker. 1 - Extract Interpreter (Russian) Extract a soldier with the Russian language interpretation skill. Eliminate the OE unit and retake the mine.Unlock requirements: Complete Mission 1: Phantom Limbs Extract the cargo a PF convoy is believed to be transporting as payment to Cipher. Eliminate the colonel who has been reassigned from Sakhra Ee Village to Smasei Fort, and prevent the tanks from redeploying to Smasei Fort. Extract the highly-skilled soldier from among the enemy ranks. Extract this CIA mole.