Er scheint sie zu beherrschen", sagt Calley. Wenn Kim Jong-un noch am Leben sei, dann käme es jetzt innerhalb der Geschwister zu einem "Machtkampf. North Korea's foreign ministry dismissed comments made by “The relations between the top leaders of [North Korea] and the U.S. are not an issue to be taken up just for diversion nor it should be misused for meeting selfish purposes," the Times reported North Korea's foreign ministry as saying.“There was no letter addressed recently to the U.S. president by the supreme leadership," the foreign ministry added. Kim added that the communist country “faced unexpected and inevitable challenges in various aspects,” according to the report.The North Korean regime’s admission of a worsening economic crisis comes as little surprise, as the severely isolated country battles economic sanctions imposed to deter its hostile nuclear activity, summer flooding, and a devastating coronavirus outbreak that, although officially denied by authorities, forced the nation to Hours after Kim’s remarks on the economy, South Korea’s spy agency said it had determined that Kim recently delegated some responsibility for relations with Seoul and Washington to his younger sister, Kim Yo-jong, South Korean lawmakers told journalists Thursday.“[South Korea] Intelligence committee member Ha Tae-keung, who was among National Assembly lawmakers briefed by the spy agency Thursday, said the move didn’t indicate that Kim was adopting a ‘collective leadership’ system similar to China’s Communist Party,” Bloomberg According to Ha, officials from South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) insisted that Kim’s rule over North Korea remains absolute, Sky News Allerdings war Kim Jong Un, der das Land als Nachfolger seines Vaters Kim Jong Il (1942-2011) regiert, bereits 2014 für einen Monat aus der Öffentlichkeit verschwunden. It was a nice note. Donald Trump ist happy. North Korea's foreign ministry dismissed comments made by President Trump after Trump claimed that According to Ha, officials from South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) insisted that Kim’s rule over North Korea remains absolute, Sky News reported on Friday. Bereits zuvor waren Berichte publik geworden, wonach Kim Jong Un nach Einschätzung des südkoreanischen Geheimdienstes einen Teil seiner Machtbefugnisse an seine Schwester Kim Yo Jong und andere enge Vertraute abgetreten hätte. "Sie hat in letzter Zeit weit mehr Entscheidungen getroffen, als ihr Ansehen es zulässt, und es ist fast wie bei einem 'guter Bulle, böser Bulle'-Szenario, bei dem er der Gute ist. Nachdem der umstrittene Diktator zuletzt zwei Hellseherinnen öffentlich hinrichten ließ, sollKim Jong-un jetzt eine ganz neue Art der Exekution bevorzugen.. Kim Jong-un verfüttert General an seine Piranhas Bei einem nicht öffentlichen Informationsgespräch im südkoreanischen Parlament habe der staatliche Aufklärungsdienst Kim Yo Jong als „De-facto-Führerin … "“We are about to look into the matter to see if the U.S. leadership seeks anything in feeding the ungrounded story into the media,” North Korean officials concluded.The statement comes after Trump told reporters at a press conference earlier Sunday seemingly about the coronavirus outbreak that he had recently received a "nice note" from the North Korean leader and claimed that the two countries would be at war should he have lost the 2016 presidential election to “I received a nice note from him recently. “The absolute power of Kim Jong-un is being shared under the current leadership style of North Korea,” Ha said. "He could have referred to the personal letters that had been exchanged in the past, we are not sure. Seine Schwester soll bereits Aufgaben übernommen haben. Die Berichte über die Gesundheit von Kim Jong Un waren widersprüchlich - nun gibt es eine Wende: Das Staatsoberhaupt Nordkoreas ist gut gelaunt zu sehen. In the photographs - from the country's official Central News Agency (KCNA) - Kim Jong-un observes a unit of women conducting a multiple-rocket launching drill. North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has warned that the country’s already dire economic crisis faces additional challenges, amid reports Thursday that he has relinquished some of his power to his sister.“Planned attainment of the goals for improving the national economy have been seriously delayed and the people’s living standard has not been improved remarkably,” Kim told members of North Korea’s Central Committee recently, the official Korean Central News Agency reported on Thursday.