". I'm playing with my brother (a gunzerker) and he's complained about me just rampaging and killing all the mobs before he has a chance to really contribute.

Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. It's also an incredibly large game, with plenty of side quests, challenges and achievements to …

Example: Melee zer0 has many skills that give him massive boosts to melee damge, at no expense to his own health, such as Backstab, Death Mark, and Counter-Strike. Anyone have any good progression or leveling builds? The voice also seeks to control Krieg's lust for murder by limiting his victims to those deserving punishment. they would see it and ban your account it happened a lot as people downloaded krieg/mechromancer save files :) dont try it its your best Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Atomic Khan. The voice also seeks to control Krieg's lust for mur…

I do plan on taking him all they way to 72, as far as OP I dunno because I have never attempted them (61 was the max level when I quit). He encounters Unlike any other character, Krieg has a unique melee damage bonus: © Valve Corporation. i also bought the PC version after kreig was released. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jan 18, 2017 @ 5:19pm Krieg is very complex …

Till then you're mainly going off gear and/or your personal skill at this game. Borderlands 2. how do i play the krieg class without the dlc? Krieg is basically a melee focused character so why not take it a step further by maxing the Mania tree and increasing his damage to insane levels. It's really not till he hits around his mid-twenties that his skills start to synergize and actually become beneficial. The issue at hand appears to be that OP8 was not designed with Krieg's style of play in mind. © Valve Corporation. Okay so I picked Krieg a while back to have some fun within BL2, but now I have hit a snag with this character, he dies a lot!, Allow me to explain. This allows us to fire our guns pretty much endlessly, dramatically increasing the DPS of Krieg. I have spec'd him in Mania for health regen and damage, he is only level 25/26 and I play him rather aggressively, I use BXR as much as I can for the regen, I also use explosive weaponry.

Bought the GotY version and picked the game back up today trying out Krieg. This means that Krieg gains more melee damage per level than other characters, but up until level 12 Krieg actually does A weapon's melee damage bonus overrides Krieg's unique modifier, so Krieg will do the same melee damage as other characters when holding a bladed weapon. where MeleeDMG is the melee damage other characters do at that level. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I love meleeing like crazy (Brick was awesome in BL1), but high risk/high reward gameplay doesn't suit me at all. Blood Filled Guns (5/5): 2.5% Mag size per stack of our bloodlust is really nice. Played BL2 on the PS3 back in the spring, right before they added Krieg. Is this any good, and any ways to improve on it? You're better off saving the point for something else. Borderlands 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. This is established by a fractured remnant of his psyche, manifesting itself as an \"inner voice\" in his mind. Though it is uncertain what caused Krieg's transformation into a psychotic killer, the game provides evidence hinting at an antithetical personality in the past. Anthony Burch has described Krieg's psychosis, comparing Krieg to a man driving an out-of-control truck: he cannot stop the truck, but he can try to steer it away from as many innocents as possible.Players are introduced to Krieg as he wanders through Pandora's wasteland, eliminating bandits with his buzz axe.

It reveals that Krieg had previously engaged in vault hunter-esque activities, such as aiding the needy and getting paid with loot. Thanks for all the help. All rights reserved. i havent clicked any of these link but my prefered and go to build for kreig is the Mania tree. you're gonna be playing safe until mid-20's to 30's. This is established by a fractured remnant of his psyche, manifesting itself as an "inner voice" in his mind. So.. All rights reserved. Borderlands 2 is a tough game. just dont pick light the fuse I do plan on taking him all they way to 72, as far as OP I dunno because I have never attempted them (61 was the max level when I quit).

Build #1 – Click the link to open the skill tree. Light the Fuse does lose utility during mid to late UVHM (but it's buffed when you first go into it so can still be very effective for a while).

Played BL2 on the PS3 back in the spring, right before they added Krieg. This build essentially means that players must receive damage from enemies, after which they can tear them to bits. If you're just starting Krieg it can be a good / fun one to spec, it's worked quite a few times for me. It reveals that Krieg had previously engaged in vault hunter-esque activities, such as aiding the needy, and getting paid with loot. Krieg seems to be pretty awesome, but very risky.

Through asking others, I have narrowed down (at least I think) the two best suited for a solo playstyle with lots of laughs/added psychotic fun.

Borderlands 2. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Krieg is horrid until you hit level 31. Check the Guides section, there are some excellent guide posts there. © Valve Corporation. Yes, at level 72 there's no point using Pull the Pin as the XP chance is really the best thing about that. Jan 18, 2017 @ 5:08pm Krieg or Salvador I'm looking for a fun character to play solo. I recently got Krieg, and my friend sent me a build to use.