At the end of the game, the hero kills Diablo's mortal form.Condor started development while pitching the game to publishers. There are three classifications of armor: light, medium and heavy. Despite her dislike for the little "beastie," she reluctantly has Diaval care for the princess since the pixies are incapable, as they struggle to adapt in their human forms. watch 02:57. All Rights Reserved A class build is a generalized way of describing the way a character will fight. Diablo III is a hack-and-slash action role-playing game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment as the third installment in the Diablo franchise. There are three characters in Diablo, the Rogue, Sorcerer, and Warrior, and three more were added in the Hellfire expansion pack, the Monk, Bard, and Barbarian. Diablo, whom eventually fully possessed Aidan and use the moniker as the Unfortunately, Diablo was defeated by the new band of heroes and his soulstone destroyed. This time, however, he had obsorbed the power of the Black Soulstone given by Adria, the artifact used to imprison the Lords of Hell, effectively becoming the Prime Evil. The player moves and interacts with the environment primarily by way of a mouse. Of course you can collaborate with friends! It's a wiki, and we're all in it, there's no "you" to talk to to prevent it. Demon Hunter 6. To add an article to this category, put [[Category:Characters]] in that article. Characters in the Diablo series. Other values, especially damage, can be quite misleading. A staff's spell can only be cast a certain number of times before it requires a recharge.

Edit source History Talk (4) Share. Though, he had become fully influenced by the power of Diablo because horrified that his brother was used as Diablo's vessel. However, he plays a larger role in the storyline and is in almost every scene that Maleficent appears in. The player can acquire items, learn spells, defeat enemies, and interact with non-player characters (NPCs) throughout the game.

If a player says: "My Barbarian character", they really mean: "My character of the Bar… If you see edits classed as "vandalism" on your class, fix the issue and report the offending user to Easy, just type in the name you want to call it in your browser, like this: When King Stefan and his men capture Maleficent, she turns Diaval into a dragon, and he fights off the guards while she battles King Stefan. Then Diablo immediately orders Lazarus to painfully brainwash the king that went insane by what Diablo done, which also made him vulnerable. All five character classes playable in Diablo IIIhave so far been announced. When Leah was possessed, the form was more feminine, as per her own fears, combining with Diablo's new form as the Prime Evil than merely the Lord of Terror as in this form, he had his brother Mephisto's additional pair of arms' and crest-like horns, his back spikes taking different appearance, and slimmer physique of Andariel's It seems that in his Prime Evil form, Diablo combines the iconic traits of all other Evils. By spreading terror into the surrounding countryside. It is said that of the Three, Diablo is the most creative and farsighted of them, perhaps of all the Great Evils. He's also second-in-command, having control over her goons, along with her. With no king, no law, and no army left to defend them, many villagers fled.Late in the game, the hero must defeat Archbishop Lazarus, and eventually Diablo himself.

Anything not listed on this wiki is (most likely) unchanged from the original game.

The Loop (Games) Do you like this video? This page provides basic information about the characters. This category is reserved mainly for human characters. Barbarian 2. Normally in a wiki, you can edit anything anywhere, but since these articles are works by individuals, you should ask them for permission to edit. Wizard 4. After brainwashed the king, Lazarus then turn him into the Skeleton King that obey his commands. Register. There is also the option to choose between male & female. In the end, Diablo was destroyed and consumed by the Black Soulstone, and both the stone and his corpse were tossed off of the High Heavens. In the last scene, he witnesses Maleficent crowning Aurora the new queen of both the human and fairy kingdoms and flies happily alongside the reformed fairy, Maleficent.