But still, it sounds and looks very intriguing.Well, it seems superb looking at the available screenshots. Sorry, no...Please whatever else you do, do NOT do a Flight simulator game because you will be laughed out of the community.The preview video looks fantastic - let's hope that's what it will look like out of the box.I'm trying to sign up as a Micro. I just wish they would pick up and update CFS3. Tell us what you think in the comments box below.Mark is a tech enthusiast, who loves to keep up do date with what's happening in the world of technology. Indeed, they are the only link with civilization for many of those people.Imagine what the talents and creativity existing in those groups who actually animate and illustrate flight sims could do with the many faces of BUSH FLYING! The scenery and the available airport choices are my main concerns since I don't fly too many aircraft... at least not yet!Will there be good interactive communication with ATC air traffic control? Get a move on Microsoft, I am getting old!Can’t wait friends! I have flown every version of FS and fly continually with FSX still loving it. best. Upgrades or additions will have to be purchased from Microsoft.However, it looks wonderful and we look forward to further news. Will there be realistically moving trains?Will the placement and accuracy of roads and buildings be as accurate as on Google earth? Can't wait.P.S. This looks too good to be real. I am seriously thinking of a new laptop, and hate to bite the bullet now if down the road, I will need to upgrade it or the hardware I choose won't run this game.FSX, is the only game I play, aside from watching movies on PC, I have 32" monitor hooked up to it, so I got lots of real estates.

It brings ATC for a completely new level of simming, it supports vectoring, flight following, VFR, IFR, SID, STATS, Holdings, missed approach and basic emergency procedures.I have hope that developers of MFS 2020 will take into consideration ATC also and the new FS will not be a GRAPHIC simulator only.Next nice to see things would be a possibility to create an online virtual airline with the possibility to carry goods, passengers, earn money, buy/sell/lease aircraft, do competition with other players (virtual airlines) or employ pilots to our airline. So my question is there still a server with "Flight" that I can get hooked up to again and where do I go with password's etc, or was it just dropped?I think I would be willing to pay if I could get it back with all the aircraft I purchased I enjoyed it so much.While I hope to get this information on "Flight" I continue to enjoy Microsoft X on Steam and look forward to seeing what the new version will be like.A VERY useful inclusion would be a database of printable checklists!Not meant to be a negative but better save your cash to build a beast machine. Excited to get my hands on it.Also, I would prefer if it runs on Win7, the last honest OS IMO.I'm personally only interested in 'serious' simming, which is fun - especially with FSPassengers. You can find the details below.Microsoft has created a series of videos demonstrating features users can expect in the new sim called, "Feature Discovery Series". So that means, that no matter where you are in the real world when you launch the flight simulator, the program will automatically connect and utilize the server network closest to you. The activation code is in the box.NOTE: some updates can mess with FSX, but running the fix/patch again should clear those up. All Rights Reserved. The action includes the justification that is...After trailing the flagship-killer tagline behind, the company has launched its next-generation smartphones, dubbed as OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro. While the initial launch is focused on the PC, th… Trying to buy a newer joystick is close to impossible, due to shortages. For now, we add on TacPac for weapons and military aircraft like the F18 superbug. Essentially, if you think you are interested in the Deluxe or Premium Deluxe editions, it is perhaps worth opting for that one at the outset as opposed to trying out the standard edition first. I am having problems when I add other components and put them on my side monitors. This is highly unlikely as it appears this release is running an entirely new engine. When flying any aircraft it would be EXTREMELY useful and no-one so far has come out with a truly sharable cockpit.When flying my 737 or any large jet a copilot is almost necessary, this would be invaluable.

level 1. Pretty fly for a flight guy … Logo – Original It would certainly appear that is the overall feeling in the simulated flight community, with many pleasantly surprised at the sooner-than-expected release date. Current Addons provide Speech to text options using real world communication phraseology. Especially on geographical items. Initially, as previously stated, access to this new database will by invitation only. Microsoft will lose millions of us if it insists on charging some sort of repeating subscription cost.WE WANT TO PAY FOR OWNERSHIP OF A COPY OF THE FULL PROGRAM, A ONE TIME COST... PERIOD.It all sounds good and looks good. Now I wait until the newest comes. The rest of the folks may enjoy their one screen and play like kids.User Manual / User Guide.

But, the game looks absolutely fantastic. But beyond that, it could outperform most of its peers.The Piper J3 and a handful of other old rag and tube planes were redesigned and repainted over and over in flight sims but where was their superior brother, the Taylorcraft? So we had to go very deep into modding and tweaking. Be it a scenery expansion, a repaint, or even a full aircraft model.