It has awesome platforming and if you don’t like it don’t worry, it’s not excessive. Cut scenes provide a sense of just how badass the Doom Slayer is, oh and a little bit of story.

Register now and join the largest F2P gaming community! All in all though, the story kept me playing and interested.

What is DOOM ETERNAL? Schnell wird klar: Pierce ist verrückt geworden und öffnet Höllentore, um eine Invasion der Dämonen zu ermöglichen.Aber wie ist der Held überhaupt in seinem Gefängnis gelandet?

I like to break down my review or point out major aspects of the game into sections to make it flow but not for this. Why?

You owe it to yourself to play through Doom Eternal.

I completed Doom 2016. I mean I can't tell you how many times I exclaimed "Holy Sh%t!!"

But it felt so good to be done. Doom became another victim of Bethesda that all their games are now doing with focusing on children's audience. I preordered the collectors edition of this game the first day it was available! DOOM Eternal takes the combat system from DOOM 2016 and injects pure adrenaline into it. Der Plan von Olivia Pierce und Robotergestalt Dr. Samuel Hayden, die Argent-Energie anzuzapfen, geht bekanntlich gehörig schief: Dämonen machen alles kaputt, der Slayer macht die Dämonen kaputt und besiegt Pierce am Ende in ihrer Gestalt als Spider Mastermind. And repeat.This game has an awesome campaign. utterly thrilling way to paint the Bethesda actually done some good except for that god awful online system requiring an account on Ps4 and is just utterly shoddy and the story is utterly pointless and disjointed. Gameplay is fluid, all the guns are balanced and worthwhile, the increased verticality allows for some crazy movement and attacking. The level design is in a range of absolutely fantastic to what the **** is this.

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F*** THE MARAUDER. Обалденная графика на ps4 pro.Arguably the best FPS of the decade. Brain-dead game for brain-dead people.

A free Anime MMORPG Game from Aeria Games. Its just too much repetitive fighting for me that ultimately killed the enjoyment of this game for me. It just doesn't feel like Doom to me. Doom eternal is been a difficult game to learn but rewarding to master.

The thrill of acrobatic violent combat is brilliantly choreographed by if Software’s masterpiece game. Every combat arena with challenge you, if you’re playing at the right difficulty but can be overwhelming if you’re too confident.Extremely fun single player with layer experience. Phenomenally addictive and challenging gameplay.

No reason to even BE online.It's good. I got it for free, thankfully... Because I wouldn't pay forDoom in name only.

Instant classic!It's an improvement of Doom 2016 there are some things that are a bit weird like how when you run out of ammo you have to use your chainsaw but this is easily bypassed by aiming properly.I wanted to love this game I really did.

I really tried to enjoy playing this game and played the first 4 levels to 100 percent completion which felt really satisfying to complete.

DOOM 2016 was badass, this one is trash.Positives - Music, sound, graphics, mostly smooth gameplay from an 'engine' point of view. On PS4 the game is way too frantic, even on the easy setting.