As for the length of the game, it really depends on how often you die. Remember that simply tapping the dodge button doesn’t mean you can avoid damage entirely - you’ll just move in a direction quickly. Level 15; Unlock by completing Isle of Demons Rewards: Demon's Horn x2, Magatama, Iron Spirit Chunk (x4), 2640 Amrita, 14400 Gold Among these new roofs, dodge the breakable roof and keep moving as you get towards the sound of music. To get to him you need to climb up the slopes to the Manor and deal with a patrolling Fiend and a Giant Skeleton lying in wait. Drop off the hill onto the roof and take him out, the gravesites won't automatically spawn Revenants anymore. Close. Hey Everyone, Curious if anybody knows the names of the 8 twilight missions and recommended level for each?
Missions in Nioh 2 are the game's quests and progression levels. Here you can find a full Nioh 2 Walkthrough with a Missions List. Defeating it will let you open it - only to reveal a Mujina! There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Thanks in advance! Two of these missions are available each day and they are on a rotation. Another of the Biwa Boku-boku plays his instrument inside the house with the ladder inside - drop attack to shut him up quickly. Note that if he’s busy throwing balls at you from across the room, you can dodge them and follow up with a shot from your ranged weapons to stun him at a distance. He deals incredible damage if you aren’t guarding, and his hits will likely drain all of your Ki - which means evasion is going to be your best tactic. You can also check the small hut off to the side of the Manor for a body holding Warlord Armor Kote, and a large chest full of items like Kayaku-dama, Travel Amulet, Spirit Iron Fragment, and a Small Spirit Stone.
Inside loot the bodies for a Spirit Stone, Medicine Case, and Minoden Dual Tachi. That Musician is a Biwa Boku-boku, and he's is bad news - he summons Revenants from grave sites, whether you want them or not. Make sure to return and take out the Oni-bi, and look behind the nearby tree on the right for a corpse holding a Small Spirit Stone. Your reward is a large chest brimming with items like an Earth Amulet, Scout Armor Hizayoroi, Archer Garb Hat, and Hakujin Kusarigama. Another Outlaw is checking a corpse off to the left holding a Whetstone, and heading right down the path to the next Shrine, you can hop onto the roofs to locate a corpse holding a Small Spirit Stone and 3 Salt. He'll also regularly spawn more Oni-bi as you get close to him. The system can be hard to wrap your head around, if you’re not used to this kind of thing.
Twilight Missions are specialized and dangerous missions that appear once a day in a random order, and can be very difficult to beat - but offer great rewards.
Be warned as you cross into the next area where a Yokai Realm waits, as the Fiend emerges, a Skeleton Warrior off behind him will start taking shots at you with his bow - quickly snipe him back or lead the fight away first. Watch for the patrolling Wheelmonk as you get out onto the street.
Be that as it may, they’re a nice pastime, something that allows you to take a break from pursuing the campaign. To get around the ranged ambush in the forest, you can take a left going down the path that leads down to the ladder you can drop to make a shortcut to the shrine. Back on the beach, it's time to open that Shrine shortcut. Inside the manor's grounds, you can take out the archer on the right from behind, as well as the Fiend one by one, and clear out the patrolling Skeleton Warrior before heading inside. Welcome to IGN's Guide of Nioh's Twilight Mission: The Blessed Village.
He’ll change from simple one or two hit slams to dragging both chains around to swing the balls around, so be ready to give him some space and wait until the chains stop moving to attack. The Onryoki is pretty much the same fight as it is from Mission 2: Isle of Demons, only he has a LOT more health and Ki, and probably won't go into his first phase the first time you drain his Ki. Now to get around the fire, go in through the open house opposite the ladder and take out the Dweller inside who's feasting on a corpse holding a Fire Amulet. Each day, another couple of twilight missions will become active.