That's tea bro.Could u make a video about tips for ng+ etc or stuff after the first run thruHey ur like the only YouTube creater I watch I was wondering if there was any other YouTube creators that u would recommend u can only put out so much content lol which. 0. After the 1st mid-mission boss “Enenra”, it’s on one of the rooftops in a Dark Realm with a yellow … Don’t go into the right room yet, go into the room left first. NiOh 2: The Golden Castle walkthrough NiOh 2 guide, walkthrough. When you enter the room and exit on the other side there will be an Aberrant Soldier hanging out to the left. So I couldn’t tell you much about it son” – Seven Deadly Sins: Grand CrossLEGENDS KEVIN DURANT, STEPH CURRY, and KLAY THOMPSON REUNITE in NBA 2K20PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK IN GTA 5 ONLINE! Posts: 22486. The Golden Castle [Nioh 2 Wiki] FextraBot Town Crier. It sounds like a real monument to bad taste, and something about it makes my skin crawl.That glow has surely got to be due to the power of the Spirit Stones, and if Tenkai's words are anything to go by, we're bound to find a huge stockpile of them within. Watch for a hole under the crystal because you don’t want to fall down it this time. Firestop Talisman (Magic Skill) is great here too.When the boss is dead go up the stairs at the back of the room, then progress forward and kill the Soldier in the hallway. Kill them and go out the other side, then circle around counterclockwise instead of going out the door to the Darkness Realm. Just run to the left, let him miss a combo, attack from behind and repeat.Before progressing further into the next area after the boss, take the ladder down and open the door at the bottom. I hear that Tokichiro has built himself this Jurakudai place in the capital. | GTA 5 THUG LIFE #321Cyberdemon Returns in DOOM 4 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 11 (PS4)NBA2K20 KOBE BRYANT BUILD – 55 BADGE UPGRADES – DEMIGOD SHOOTING GUARD BUILDLet's Play Minecraft – Episode 46 – Cloud Down | Rooster TeethMIRACLE [Lion] Crazy Pure Damage Hard Counter PA Mid 7.24 Dota 2MIDLANERS HATE HIM – BEST Tips and Tricks for PUCK MID You MUST KNOW – Dota 2 Hero GuideHow to LEVEL UP FAST in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 2! You will come to another underground area. It's going to be very difficult to get in close if we try to take him head-on. You'll encounter yokai here such as After that's done, look behind where the crystal was and check the rubble and debris on the left side corner. Inside, first take the left and kill the Gaki by the body.Look towards the middle of the area and you will see another Amrita shard, an Ubume walking in circles around it, a Koroka in lamp form, two Gaki by the pool of water, and an Aberrant Soldier up the stairs on the one side.  You can set yourself up in this area so that the Ubume is walking on the other side of the shard on the same side as the Soldier, and then just break the crystal quickly before they notice you, which will kill the Ubume. Golden Castle, any help? In the next room, there's a corridor where you'll find another soldier searching a corpse that you can loot on the right side and a door that leads into the first dark realm. “Well boy my gaming system stayed on throughout the entirety of it and I never even saw the light of day. The Golden Castle tasks players with stealing the Spirit Stones at Jurakudai that can be used to help restore Sohayamaru. Nioh 2 – Walkthrough Part 40: The Golden Castle 1 min read. Shoot the Soldier and the Gaki, then try and lure over one of the Yoki at a time to deal with. After he uses his snake arms through the ground you have a long opening to attack. In this room there is a Magatsu Warrior wandering around in the middle controlled by the shard in the doorway. When she runs out of health, run to her main eye (Located at the Castle), and perform a finishing blow to finish the fight - successfully defeating this boss completes the mission and you'll also obtain its soul core and So is fighting the previous bosses required or can I skip them? Need help finding Golden Shachi helmet/smithing text. Tutorials: 17,822 Categories: 10 Total Tutorial Views: 34,248,992 Nioh 2: The Golden Castle Kodama Locations. After a short while, she will recover and you will need to repeat the whole process. The Golden Castle is the second main mission of the sixth region in Nioh 2. !

While focusing on one arm it will be hard to see what the other arms are shooting at you – but if you listen carefully you can hear their attacks so you can get out of the way in time. ... A Reddit community dedicated to Nioh and Nioh 2, action RPGs developed by Team Ninja and published by Koei Tecmo (PC) and Sony Computer Entertainment (PS4) for release in 2017 and March 13th 2020. You may have missed Alright, we've got no time to waste.At last, the sword that can dispel all darkness is finally restored.