A campy horror film? 19. This is why its considered to be an ultimate break up film. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In big cities, you don't even know your neighbors. Midsommar's glaring flaws can't be saved by an unremarkable group of onenote friends. Best 30 minutes I've ever reclaimed.Only a profoundly stupid person could think or say they liked this or have any acclaim for this director.
Yea he was super high but he wasn’t forced into it. The Swede cult people are always together, and when the women see Dani is grieving, they take her grief and make it their own and show her that she's not alone. Saw it last night and I don't even like Hereditary so this one I got up 30 minutes before the end and just said NOPE. Hereditary was 10/10 though.This movie was so up it's own arse. If anything, they don't get much time in the story at all. Unanswered questions and far too long. We never see the characters enjoying themselves we only see them bickering over the research stuff or trying to get laid. But anyways, once she gets to the bathroom, we get a quick horrifying image behind her of her dead sister with the gas tube stuck in her mouth. We never see her laughing or talking we only ever see her look stern and pensive (and really why would she want to talk with her equally unsympathetic joyless boyfriend and his bro friends). log in sign up. She also decided to give into peer pressure and take the shrooms even though she didn’t want to, just because she didn’t want Christian to look bad in front of his friends. Press J to jump to the feed. And I agree with the criticism, movie sucked. Where she can now let go of her abandonment anxiety and past traumas and finally embrace herself in a small foreign community that she can now rely on for support. Saying things like "The film could have started with..." shows me that you're comparing the movie to the one you would have made in your head. Dani's sister was this exact burden. Her arc is she takes a lot of drugs, joins in on the ceremonial fun and gets anointed the May Queen, then realizes that, hey, maybe this cult is for her at all.... which is how almost every cult horror movie progresses. He had the choice to not drink it. While some may see this as a good thing, many people believe that humans have a need for religion, for belief, for meaning in life that cannot be found through simple hedonistic pleasures. goes back to very primitive, early human societies which were much more communal and less isolated the way we were today, which is shown through Dani being alone in her apartment/house/room/whatever. I liked Hereditary. Not to mention she can also pursue the genuine romantic connection that has developed with Pelle. After she found out he was planning to go to Sweden without her without even telling her, She still just wanted to have a conversation about it and keep the relationship together when she could’ve easily read the obvious sign of him wanting to a long distance away from her regardless of all the Trauma shes been going through. Is this in your mind a accurate depiction of a happy community that is free from mainstream society? I think Ari Aster has talent as a visual filmmaker but lacks any insight into the depth and kind of stories he wants to tell.It's another cliche pagan horror film people exaggerate the uniqueness and depth of simply because of mid-budget cinema's death in current American film culture. Midsommar was a mess. Just because she feels like nobody else would be willing to put up with her baggage and mental issues; Especially now more than ever because she literally has no family to rely on after her sisters suicide/homicide if they were to break up.It’s only until she has her important conversation with Christians friend Pelle after witnessing the shocking cult elder suicides, is when the theme of family really kicks into gear. This is why her nightmare shows her intentionally being left alone while the rest of her group escapes. Still, it's disappointing to see posts/comments on this sub exhalting films like this one as "modern masterpieces" so often.But then again, look at the sad state this sub is in nowadays: The saturation of beaten to death topics, ubiquitous information, extremely superficial takes, an overwhelming recency bias, and a general favor for more commercial cinema. Her parents and sister were dead. The abandonment anxiety can also be read into the image due to the death of her sister representing the total loss of her family fabric. There are surprisingly already a bunch of explained analysis videos on youtube that discuss Midsommar in greater detail, but in this video, I wanted to dive into the character themes driving Danis character played by Florence Pugh. r/TrueFilm: An in-depth discussion of film. I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here. Unfortunately, knowing the way Trauma works, she naturally dragged all of that traumatic baggage with her to Sweden and it manifests itself in different ways throughout the duration of her stay. I read that as her being independent enough to let go of people, and not bowing to the pressure to choose her toxic boyfriend over a welcoming stranger.Will some one dissect why I should like this movie if I don’t even like the characters? I haven’t really seen a post saying what’s good about it as opposed to posts condemning its criticisms. The way they view death, while strange, works for them. They get down on all fours and participate in her grief with her.Dani recognizes that she's found a new family and a brand new look out on life. Critiques are for shining light on the art piece and seeing what reflects and what dulls, not for sharing your own worldview --- if you have something important to say then make your own movie.I SUPER disagree with this mentality. The next scene that really made me understand that Abandonment was a prominent theme in the film, was Danis nightmarish dream sequence. So hes never felt alone and abandoned despite not having his own blood-line family.
We never see people having a good time.

His movies are tonally all over the place. Literally the only times where we see any kind of humanizing normalcy of this community is when they invite Dani into the kitchen, a scene that lasts for like thirty seconds. spoiler . So this is why after this point, she is much more willing to go along with the festivities and stick around because she realizes that this community might be the only sense of security she has.