The Master Journal List is an invaluable tool to help you to find the right journal for your needs across multiple indices hosted on the Web of Science platform. The importance of interpreting and understanding these data correctly cannot be emphasized too strongly. The ISI also published the annual Journal Citation Reports which list an impact factor for each of the journals that it tracked. If we determine that self-citations are being used improperly, the journal’s impact factor will not be published and the journal may be considered for deselect from the Web. The facts must be taken into consideration if citation data are to be used correctly. This is especially true in the natural sciences.

Contains active journal titles from 4 main subject areas + multidisciplinary Ideally, authors reference the prior publications that are most relevant to their current results, independently of the source journal in which the work was published. However, this core is not static — scientific research continues to give rise to specialized fields of studies, and new journals emerge as published research on new topics achieves critical mass. Avoid duplication of article numberReferences to your electronic journal - instruct authors to include the following information when citing your e-journal: Journal title (uses one standard abbreviation for your journal; avoid acronyms that may be confused with other titles) Try our new Master Journal List site, by the Web of Science Group, a Clarivate company. Citation analysis takes place on at least two levels. LIST OF JOURNAL IN ISI WEB OF SCIENCE / SCOPUS In addition, arts and humanities journaljournals frequently reference nonjournal sources (e.g., books, musical compositions, works of art, and literature). Search for SCIE journals ( full list of SCIE journals here) Search for SSCI journals ( full list of SSCI journals here) Search for ISI journals .

A high volume of self-citation is not unusual or unwarranted in journals that are leaders in a field because of the consistently high quality of the papers they publish and/or because of the uniqueness or novelty of the subject matter. Note : Download Journal Citation Reports Online Tutorial journal titles from 4 main subject areas + multidisciplinaryThe newest list of scholarly and scientific journals indexed in Scopus was published in June, 2014. EI compendex website ( Note: to download the list of EI journals and proceedings in Excel format, (1) click on this link and then (2) click on "Compendex source list" )

(ultimul numar indexat: Volume 12, Issue 4, oct-dec 2014)(ultimul numar indexat: Volume 9, Issue 6, Dec 2013)(ultimul numar indexat: Volume 108, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013) ISI Impact Factor (IIF) is an international, specialized platform for promoting scientific achievements, as well as supporting national and international collaboration between scientists, publishers of scientific journals and scientific entities The ISI Impact Factor (IIF) server provides indexing of major international journals and proceedings. Journals now covered are monitored to ensure that they are maintaining high standards and a clear relevance to the archives in which they are covered. × Item request cannot be made. ISI Journal Search TCI หมายเหตุ: ค่าดัชนีผลกระทบ(Journal Impact Factor, JIF) ยึดตามฐานข้อมูล ISI ปี ค.ศ. However, going forward, it is clear that the journals most important to the international research community will publish full text in English. Standards, content, international diversity, and citation data are all considered. These conventions include informative journal titles, fully descriptive journal titles and abstracts, complete bibliographic information for all cited references, and full address information for every author. Following is a set of guidelines for electronic journal formats. The list also includes more than 2930 of open access journals. We also examine the citation record of the contributing authors, which is a useful study in evaluating new journals where a citation history at the journal level does not yet exist. Updated on a monthly basis, the Master Journal List allows researchers, publishers and librarians to keep track of the publication landscape. In some areas, particularly in the arts and humanities, it may take a relatively long time for anjournal to attract a meaningful number of citations. The ISI server provides indexing of major international journals and proceedings. Author can get information about international journal impact factor, proceedings (research papers) and information on upcoming events... Self-citation rates are also taken into consideration. Here is the latest Impact Factor List of 2019 provided by the Journal Citation Report (JCR). Ensure that it is easy to identify the following elements: Each article must be assigned a unique page number or article number (whichever numbering scheme is being used) within any one given issue. However, it’s worth keeping in mind that not all open access List of Journal in Malaysia Indexed by SCOPUS & ISI Web of Science All social science journals undergo the same thorough evaluation as journals in the natural sciences. Following these guidelines helps ensure correct citation of articles and reduces the possibility of ambiguity in citation of articles. Citations patterns in the arts and humanities, however, do not necessarily follow the same predictable pattern as citations to social sciences and natural sciences journals. No one factor is considered in isolation, but by combine and interrelate the data, the editor is able to determine the journal's overall strengths and weaknesses.