Look for the black plant life growing near a set of electric lights. If you haven't unlocked the shield yet, complete the There are four of these living fungus in total. You'll also be rewarded with:Lottie Lynn is Eurogamer's guides writer. Type D is underneath them.In the middle of the main room is where you'll find the final sample, by a desk at the bottom.Head into the enormous pit with the purple glow and use Levitate to stop yourself from falling to your death again. The 10 most popular stories of the day, delivered at 5pm UK time. Head to the staircase directly opposite the plateau you're standing on.Go up these stairs and through a doorway to find the Control Point.Cleanse it and you'll have a fast travel point down into the Pit whenever you want it.In the room with the Control Point, head behind the pillar and you'll find a small room containing Type A.On the far-left hand side corner of the main Pit chamber you'll see an opening with a toilet sign next to it.Head through this opening and you'll find yourself in what used to be a bathroom. If you go to the right-hand side - to the point where you can attack Mold-1, but still be partly hidden by the block - Mold-1 will not attack you. All Rights Reserved. Control walkthrough: A step-by-step guide to help you complete Control. This will lead to a small office area where you can levitate up onto the ledge to find the chest.Heading left will take you further into the pit.
Can be painfully long if you don't know what you are doing. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. Get ready for another boss fight, because this time you're up against Mold-1. Each one looks like a thinner version of the fungus infected people.Once you've made The Pit semi-safe. You'll find this Mold up there.Keep following the path past the toilets and you'll eventually reach a small room with some televisions in, and this sample of Mold.You know the stairs you went up to find the Control Point and Type A? Head to the staircase directly opposite the plateau you're standing on. Never miss a thing. When you enter Mold-1's room, you'll land behind a large cuboid. New games | Panels | Let's Plays | Industry Insight | Esports tournaments | Livestreams Tabletop gaming | Exclusive merch | More! At the very back of the room is another smaller, lighter room with this Mold sample in.In the top right corner from where you enter this area is a large entrance, with a sign for the restrooms next to it. NY 10036. In the left-hand corner you'll find all the toilets clumped together.Climb up this toilet-mold-block and you'll find yourself looking at Type B growing out of a toilet.After collecting Type B, head further down the corridor from the former bathroom.Keep going past a desk and up a set of stairs till you find a doorway labelled 'Lab 05. This quest indeed can be soloed (without any hirelings). It's the massive hole in the floor with purple smoke coming out of it.Kill the two fungus hosts you come across. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Reach the end of the game and beat all the side missions with our complete Control walkthroughSpeak with Emily in the Board Room to get this side mission.Fast travel to Central Research and look for the elevator shaft on the ground floor, at the end of an overgrown corridor with a yellow light at the end.
Launch can be a great secondary attack if your weapon is reloading too. Mold-1 will lunge at you with any of it's three eyes, along with sending out homing missiles made of Mold to take you out if you're behind cover.With that said, this fight isn't too difficult. Looks like the Hiss has competition when it comes to invading the Bureau of Control.Need more help in your quest through the Oldest House? You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. Journey into the Pit and wipe out the troglodytes infesting its depths. This will re-activate the lift, allowing you easy access in and out of The Pit.Once you've done that head through the door into the next room.You can find a chest on the small outcrop to the right of you.Head through the Clearance Level 4 door and talk to Dr. Underhill.Dr. Apparently she has been studying the mold growing throughout the Oldest House.To find her you need to head to Central Research either by taking the Sector Elevator or by fasting travelling via the Control Points.Either way head to the lowest floor of Central Research. There is also a chest and a collectable in this room.Use the Control Point to fast travel back to Central Research and then head back to Dr. Underhill the same way you found her.Talk to Dr. Underhill and she'll be less than happy that you killed Mold-1.Completing Old Growth will begin the side mission Mold Removal. Thanks for taking part! If you can't find it, it's surprisingly well hidden, just run around the edge of the room.Go through this doorway and cleanse the Control Point you find. Emily Pope will ask you to find her college Dr. Underhill, who is studying the mold growing beneath Central Research. Aim for the middle, largest, head of Mold-1 to deal the most damage.
1. This site © 2020 Gamer Network Limited. The youngest member of the GamesRadar team, I have an unhealthy addiction to Football Manager, shouting at the TV as Manchester United slowly descend from greatness, and playing Pokemon Go on the bus to and from the office.Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more!Thank you for signing up to GamesRadar+. These will spit poison at you, leaving you dead after four or five shots depending on your health.The best way to kill them is to shoot them with the Service Weapon and pulling up your shield when you see the purple poison coming your way. One of the resident guide writers around these parts, give me a game and I will write every "how to" I possibly can or die trying. Then check out our You can begin Old Growth by talk to Emily Pope in the Board Room in Central Executive after you've started Before tackling this mission, make sure you have unlocked the Emily Pope will ask you to find her friend, Dr. Underhill.