However, she expresses great regret over what she has become, and gives Booker a coded note, which includes a sketch of a bird cage, to deliver to her younger self before sending him through a Tear to rescue her. Lancez des boules de feu explosives, envoyez des éclairs et libérez les « murders of crows », des pouvoirs surpuissants que vous pourrez utiliser contre tout ce qui vous oppose.

Initially suspicious of his motives, Elizabeth grows to trust him, although this trust is shaken several times, such as after seeing Booker kill for the first time, and later when she realizes his promise of taking her to Paris was a lie. With Troy Baker, Courtnee Draper, Kiff VandenHeuvel, Laura Bailey. Angriffe aus dem Hinterhalt sind einer offenen Konfrontation darum vorzuziehen. The illusion comes to an end as Elizabeth sees Sally as a Little Sister being burned alive - her regrets for harming Sally and leaving her to an uncertain fate in Rapture. The events of Another alternate Elizabeth, or rather an alternate Anna is seen in a flashback in One last alternate Elizabeth is mentioned in the Voxophone With at least one version of Elizabeth, Comstock succeeded in his plans, and Booker was unable to save her. Booker arbeitete in der Detektei Pinkerton und wurde nach Annas Geburt vom Beruf freigestellt.

She blames herself for their deaths, due to her initial faith in the Vox Populi and her opening of the Tear into this new reality. Elizabeth and Booker confront Comstock on his airship Following the destruction of the Siphon, a tremendous power surge unlocks the full extent of Elizabeth's powers—she is able to create, open, and see into an infinite number of Tears. Elizabeth is gifted with the ability to manipulate Tears, contingencies within the space-time continuum that show possible scenarios which, if tampered with, can enact themselves within Columbia or any universe in particular. Bookers Ehefrau, welche kurz nach der Geburt starb. Throughout the narrative, Elizabeth will flinch when Booker fires a weapon whilst standing next to her. Nach BioShock und BioShock 2 ist es der dritte Teil der BioShock-Serie und spielt erstmals nicht in der Unterwasserwelt Rapture, sondern in der fliegenden Stadt Columbia. The cameo will either depict a bird or a cage. The Luteces begrudgingly come to Elizabeth's aid and explain that when she died, she remained in existence because of her quantum-superposition, but she could not return to Rapture without collapsing her unique quantum state and becoming a normal person - a result of returning to the dimension in which she first died. Soothed by Elizabeth's words, Lady Comstock destroys the Comstock House gate, wishing Elizabeth and Booker well before vanishing. Elizabeth has been groomed in a controlled environment to take over the reins of the city once its current leader, Father Comstock, dies. März 2015.

Cohen is dissatisfied with their dancing and electrocutes them. Jeux assez plaisant, un scénario qui nous tiens en halène avec une fin improbable et surprenante que l'on ne voit pas venir (j'ai du aller sur des forum pour voir si j'avais bien compris, et plusieurs interprétations sont possibles), des images magnifiques, She is also very naive, once she sees the consequences of her actions, however, she matures and regrets her intervention in the Vox's revolution. Once Booker realizes the true results of his actions, she and other versions of her muster the courage to drown him, ending the existence of Zachary Comstock across time. Bioshock Infinite : retrouvez toutes les informations et actualités du jeu sur tous ses supports.