Oh, the Joker is dead, it's unclear why, and Batman is too much of an idiot to welcome this as something he should himself have done a long time ago.
He came to prominence with 100 Bullets, published by DC Comics' mature-audience imprint Vertigo. Gone are the days of hokey daytime crime fighting and PG puzzle solving. Yep, I was stoked (and still love, regardless of the controversy) that we finally saw a man with no clothes on in the Batman universe. Batman: Damned is a visceral thrill-ride and supernatural horror story told by two of comics' greatest modern creators, Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo.
EH? The knob that launched a thousand editorial notes.
Well...just about what I expect from Azzarello on anything other than Wonder Woman. Session Time Out by DC Black Label Whodunit? If you see this on the shelf pass it by. Or something that forever changes our perspective. This book felt like it was written by an angsty teenager who thinks his edgy poetry is groundbreaking (and hey, I used to be that teenager, too — I really hope I won't be when I'm 56 like Brian Azzarello, though). Oh, and Batman's dick. September 10th 2019 He and Argentine artist Eduardo Risso, with whom Azzarello first worked on Jonny Double, won the 2001 Eisner Award for Best Serialized Story for 100 Bullets #15–18: "Hang Up on the Hang Low". And for this we lost Vertigo?Nice art, but story doesn't work. It seemed more like an excuse to show Bermejo's redesigns for DC's magic characters more than anything else. Lot of inner dialogues and psychological bull*hit...This was bad. Then there's a resolution which, in so far as I could make out at all what was going on, was just Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader? So what did I think of this book? BATMAN: DAMNED is a bimonthly super-natural horror story told by two of comics’ greatest modern creators—a visceral thrill-ride that proudly puts the “black” in BLACK LABEL. Some features of this site require Javascript to be enabled. Big deal, he's not a eunuch (oh wow bet I offended a Comicsgate person there). In fact all the stars I give this series are for sexy, gritty art. Sean Murphy’s Batman: White Knight was brought under the Black Label umbrella after it debuted, but Batman: Damned is the first new title to come out of the imprint, reuniting two creators who already created their own distinct interpretation of Batman’s world in the pages of … Awesome art work and a good concept but that is about it. Oh boy, what a mess. Without a doubt the most interesting part of Batman: Damned 3-part over sized comic series is the 'Batwang' seen in Book 1. Also, maybe Bruce Wayne's parents didn't actually get on that well! Or an entire genre. some should not be shown in public, in our view, and its nothing to be ashamed of. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. We’d love your help. Or "graphic novel" as some call these collections.
Every once in a while you get to read something groundbreaking. Azzarello's writing is pretentious, the story is nearly incomprehensible, trying to pass for being deep and meaningful yet not really saying anything profound or interesting about Batman or his world. They're surrounded by lightly reworked versions of various other spooky DC mainstays, from Deadman (quite nicely done) to Etrigan (reimagined as the sort of modern rapper I only hear of once they die, and yet somehow even worse than that sounds). in a Slipknot mask. Like This thing was incomprehensible. Please enable javascript in your browser Well...just about what I expect from Azzarello on anything other than Wonder Woman.
Batman wakes up in in an back of a ambulance the the whole story goes to Wonderland from there. Or did he… ? Batman: Damned is one of those incredibly frustrating books that is all flash with no substance. Complete and utter pretentious drivel...Brian Azzarello (born in Cleveland, Ohio) is an American comic book writer. There are certainly similarities with the "Joker" story, but this may have been a case of trying to hard.Having recently finished Azzarello's excellent "Joker" comic, I heard that this was the sequel to that story. Batman: Damned is a 3 book limited run that kicks off the DC Black Label.
Let's get nothing wrong about … Big deal, he's not a eunuch (oh wow bet I offended a Comicsgate person there). Magic shows take a different form in Janella Angeles’ debut young adult novel, The art is eye-catching, but story is a mess of wouldn't-it-be-cool scenes and annoying-as-hell voiceover narration.Admission: this is the first comic I have ever read. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Batman. Gone are the days of hokey daytime crime fighting and PG puzzle solving.
I look forward to more of this. Without a doubt the most interesting part of Batman: Damned 3-part over sized comic series is the 'Batwang' seen in Book 1. Batman: Damned contains examples of:. Flat-rate shipping on your order. Want to experience it again for the millionth time, only this time it's the worst version and it spits on the Wayne family? I suppose Bermejo makes it all look suitably shiny and solid and dark, though as artists go he increasingly feels like a one-trick pony. No merit at all. Parsing out the story from the narration, and multiple characters was rewarding. The Batman book that almost crippled DC Black Label, sent Vertigo to its death, all over a guys p****! Batman Damned offers a gritty, street-level darkness and supernat1ural horror that is even rarely seen nowadays in any Caped Crusader series. So what did I think of this book? Welcome back. Published Please enter an order quantity. Even Harley, whose brief appearance should in theory tick a number of my boxes, falls flat. Batman: Damned is a very clumsy attempt at creating an 'adult' Batman comic, and I'm not just talking about the whole Batwang controversy, or the fact that it daringly uses words like 'shit' and 'fuck'. Batman. And boy is he yummy.