Full list of synonyms for In my opinion is here. Copyright © 2016 by HarperCollins Publishers. What are other ways to say "In my opinion" or "I think"?
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But thanks for the replies! share | improve this answer | follow | edited Mar 21 '14 at 15:13. answered Mar 21 '14 at 15:06. It goes without saying that…. It only takes a minute to sign up.What phrase should I use to prevent the redundancy of saying "Oftentimes, I always say this phrase whenever my teacher asks for my opinion about certain subject or topic and it sounds a little redundant and annoying. Top synonyms for in my opinion (other words for in my opinion) are i think, in my view and from my perspective. It not clear to me if it's possibile to use "to me" as "in my opinion": nouns. Synonyms for opinion at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Another way to say in my opinion.
used for emphasizing that you are giving someone your honest advice/opinion, perhaps without being asked for it. if you want my advice/opinion phrase. Also sounds pretty sophisticated ;)As anotherdave said, don't say it unless it needs to be said.
Learn more about Stack Overflow the company What are another words for In my opinion? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top
What I mean is…. In My Opinion synonyms.
as I see it, in my view, to my mind, to my way of thinking, according to my way of thinking, from my standpoint, personally, in my estimation, in my judgement, in my book, for my money, if you ask me Word of the day an Eastern Mediterranean , Middle Eastern, or Indian sweetmeat made of honey and containing sesame seeds, nuts , rose-water , saffron , etc In my view, to my mind, in my book. Log in. “In my opinion, + [your sentence]” In my opinion, a good education is more important than a good car. Until now I have found such phrases: "In my opinion", "to be of the opinion that...", "to reckon that" and I can't think of anything else at the moment. Find descriptive alternatives for opinion. I had never heard of it before this thread and doing a quick search on it I found two sources that say it is archaic. In my opinion, Star Wars is better than Star Trek. I am looking for as many synonyms as possible. Featured on Meta
Full list of synonyms for In my opinion is here. idioms. similar meaning - 613 Lists. 'Methinks' is often used, colloquially and often to some humorous effect, but I don't think that 'meseems' is used at all. Read our series of blogs to find out more. I think, in my estimation, according to me, to my way of thinking, what I say is, my thought is, in my esteemed (or not so esteemed) opinion, after much deliberation (or at least for the last 2 seconds) I have concluded that...After having consulted with Athena [goddess of wisdom] we have concluded..., Anyone who knows anything will agree that..."I feel", "I believe", "it was handed down to me from on high that ...".If someone asks you for your opinion, you don't need to start with a modal pragmatic marker echoing their request.
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It seems to put the onus of truth on the statement (on the thing making you think that) rather than yourself. If someone has asked for your opinion then beginning with "In For those times when it is appropriate then I suggest: This takes a little longer to say than "I think that" or "I reckon that" so give a little more thinking time. to my mind phrase . Parts of speech. In My Opinion synonyms. examples. A noteable exception is Churchill saying Actually, in the US "I reckon" would likely be considered a rural dialect thing. Synonyms for in my opinion include personally, for my money, from my standpoint, IMHO, IMO, in my book, in my estimation, in my view, to my mind and as I see it.
As far as I’m concerned…. Anybody can ask a question Find descriptive alternatives for opinion. I use that a lot. “I believe that + [your sentence]” opinion. I share your position. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE contentYou're not making a very good job of it, in my opinion.It will take a few weeks before the fracture starts to synonyms. I am looking for as many synonyms as possible. US English, Palestinian Arabic bilingual
in my humble opinion phrase. phrases. 29 In my opinion synonyms. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. From my view point….
It is generally accepted that…. "It seems to me" comes across as far more matter-of-fact but really means the same thing - just with more confidence. It not clear to me if it's possibile to use "to me" as "in my opinion": In my view, to my mind, in my book.
The times to use "in my opinion" are (in my opinion) when your personal view could be misunderstood as something other than a personal standpoint.
But thanks for the replies!
site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under definitions. : My position is the same as yours. Here are some more conversational ways to say "I share your opinion".