His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Because of this, you can either uncover him while traversing the world at large, or pinpoint his location by defeating all the cultists in this group. AC Odyssey Legacy of First Blade Shipwreck Cove Cultist Clue Location Where to Find Order of the Storm Cultist Clue in Shipwreck Cove – Legacy of the First Blade. Pallas the Silencer is the fourth cultist of the Heroes of the Cult, and his clue is first revealed from the Once exposed, Pallas can be found on the main battleground in Deianeira is the fifth cultist of the Heroes of the Cult, and can be revealed by defeating other cultists.

It is in Shipwreck Cove, but that can be a tricky area to search through. Epiktetos. The gosunoob.com content may not be used, reproduced or copied without the prior express written consent of gosunoob.comA language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. If you need further help with the Shadow Heritage episode of the Legacy of the First Blade DLC, you can check out some of our other guides. That’s in the Mount Panachaikos region, in the northwest of Achaia. Nyx the Shadow is the Cultist Sage of the Eyes of Kosmos, and can only be revealed when all other cultists from this group are defeated.

Epiktetos the Forthcoming is the first cultist in The Silver Vein, but is killed during a story event in The Centaur is the second cultist in The Silver Vein, and is one of the cultists revealed after To uncover the Centaur, you can find him on the large island of The Chimera is the third cultist in The Silver Vein, and is one of the cultists revealed after Once revealed, you can find The Chimera on the island region of The Silver Griffin is the fourth cultist in The Silver Vein, and can only be revealed through the death of another cultist. This leader is so mysterious that only by defeating the various cult Sages will you learn anything about this leader. Among others, we have This article is of NO HELP AT ALL!!!! Just… look at the pictures.This is so not helpful. Once uncovered, you can find this cultist sailing around the waters of the region of Samos. Kallias is the fourth cultist of the Peloponnesian League, and unlike other cultists, wanders frequently once exposed. Once revealed, you will be able to find this cultist at the Port of Patrai in the region of Polemon the Wise if the Sage of the Silver Vein, and can only be revealed once all other cultists in this group have been eliminated. Midas is the fifth cultist in the Eyes of Kosmos, and is one of the cultists identified by completing the main story.

Sotera is the second cultist in the Eye of Kosmos, and is one of the cultists revealed after To find Sotera, travel to the Port of Nisaia on the Southeast side of The Master is the third cultist in the Eye of Kosmos, and can only be revealed by completing certain quests. I have literally looked at every single piece with a mast in this cove and there is nothing.It’s not actually on the mast, there’s a corpse on a chunk of ship in between two rocks out at sea that you have to interact withNot sure if they’ve changed the location since this was published but the clue is actually with a corpse on some rocks to the left of the shipwreckYou’re correct. Deimos can only be killed at the end of the main story, on Mount Taygetos in The Ghost of Kosmos is the faceless and enigmatic leader of the cult, even above Deimos, who leads from the shadows. Uncover his identity by killing Silanos. Once all of the Eyes of Kosmos cultists are dead, the way to Nyx will be shown. Shipwreck Cove is in the north of Scavenger’s Coast in Achaia. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Pallas the Silencer Kosmos Cultist Location – Heroes of The Cult Where to Find Pallas the Silencer Cult of Kosmos Member in AC Odyssey – Heroes of the Cult Branch. After this, Skylax will drop in level, and take to the streets of Chalkis to try and raise morale, leaving him isolated.