MBA 1) Master of Business Administration HET Headquarters Emergency Transportation AIMS 1) Arson Information Management System CBP Customs and Border Protection, Bureau of (also called BCBP) PBA Pine Bluff Arsenal FWCA Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act DID Direct Inward Dial VMAS Vertical Map Accuracy Standard PCS 1) Permanent Change of Station DONAT Donation(s) FWS (U.S.) Fish and Wildlife Service URISA Urban and Regional Information Systems Association MPS Mission Planning System JRMPO Joint Regional Medical Planning Office NOI 1) Notice of Intent You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. METOC Meteorological and Oceanographic EPPM Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Mobilization 3) Crisis Management Coordinator 2) American Evangelical Christian Church DM Disaster Management IAW In accordance with CV Combined Verification IMRD Information Management and Requirements Division CACTIS Computer-Assisted CSEPP Training Information System LT or Lt or Lieut Lieutenant COG 1) Continuity of Government 2) Portable Document Format NAFSMA National Association of Flood & Stormwater Management Agencies DUS Deputy Under Secretary OFF Offshore Forecast FTE Full-Time Equivalent RAMPID Remedial Action Management Program Issue Database OVP Office of the Vice President CONUS Continental (or Contiguous) United States GBPS Gigabytes Per Second ATP 1) Air Transit Program ATH Air-Transportable Hospital 2) Procurement Funding Authority 2) Integrated Exploitation Capability PTR Property Transfer Report NLRB National Labor Relations Board FLRA Federal Labor Relations Authority ERPA Emergency Response Planning Area SPG 1) Senior Policy Group SPLASH Special Program to List the Amplitude of Surge from Hurricanes QA Quality Assurance PST Pacific Standard Time (GMT - 8) DW Data Window BPO Blanket Purchase Order HDP Hurricane Destruction Potential LTATP Land Transportation Anti-terrorism Training Program ASIS American Society for Industrial Security PDS Personnel Decontamination Station Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. G-M Geiger-Mueller (radiation detector) LMDC Lower Manhattan Development Corporation FNARS FEMA National Radio System IBT International Brotherhood of Teamsters ZONE AH Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); base flood elevations are determined NIPP National Infrastructure Protection Plan 2) Traffic Management Specialist Preview / Show more. 2) Department of Conservation RPG Response Planning Guide AMA American Medical Association NS/EP National Security and Emergency Preparedness What does REHAB mean as an abbreviation? CIIA Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002 5) Combat Air Patrol SABT Special Agent Bomb Technician IPM Interface Pressure Mapping. 3) Employee Assistance Program TDO Typhoon Duty Officer 2) Chief of Party 2) Airport Improvement Program 2) Scientific and Technical Analysis and Response Team RFO 1) Ready For Occupancy STA Special Temporary Authority CTD 1) Concept and Technology Development v volt OET Office of Emergency Transportation (DOT) CINCSOC Commander-inChief, Special Operations Command 2) Capability Assurance Program SALEMDUG State and Local Emergency Managers Data Users Group kHz kiloHertz ABMC American Battle Monuments Commission FOV Field Of View HPAC Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability TBA 1) To Be Announced LOA Letter of Agreement TOCDF Tooele Chemical Disposal Facility CBRT Chemical-Biological Response Team WCATWC West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information S&E Salaries and Expenses ICISF International Critical Incident Stress Foundation NCGIA National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis 3) Intelligence Community SQL Structured Query Language 305 ( 5148) Non-liability of Federal Government OTD Office of Training & Development 406 ( 5172) Repair, Restoration, and Replacement of Damaged Facilities SITROOM Situation Room The action you just performed triggered the security solution. COO Chief Operating Officer 2) United States Ship EMOC Emergency Management Operations Center (or Course) EXB Export-Import Bank DSWA Defense Special Weapons Agency ETO Exercise and Training Officer SA 1) Salvation Army RCM Radar-Coded Message 4) Collection, Analysis and Planning DG/CS Dangerous Goods/Cargo Security NMAS National Map Accuracy Standard CENR Committee on Environment and Natural Resources For more information and training on nationwide recognized acronyms and terms go to the National Response Framework website. PEG 1) Performance Evaluation Group NAAK Nerve Agent Antidote Kit JNACC Joint Nuclear Accident Coordinating Center 2) State Administrative Plan RECP Regional Emergency Communications Plan/Planner D2Puff An Army computer dispersion modeling capability that can factor in terrain and wind changes CPPM Certified Professional Property Manager 2) Cross-Disaster Database With over 44 Long Term Acute Care and Rehabilitation hospitals and 16 Outpatient Clinics currently in operation across . 2) Medical Response DECD Department of Economic and Community Development SSA 1) Self Storage Association 2) Business Reference Model HSPCD Historic Shoreline Positional Change Database PNE Peaceful Nuclear Explosion OAA Older Americans Act CareerBuilder TIP. NCRPM National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements HSOC Homeland Security Operations Center FRC 1) Federal Records Center RADNUC Radiological/ Nuclear Enforcement NIC 1) National Instrumentation Center 2) Small Business Administration RADLAB Radiological Laboratory MCMC Mid-Continent Mapping Center ECP Emergency Conservation Program Insp Inspection UMOC Unified Medical Operations Center ZONE AR Special Flood Hazard Area that results from the decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is in the process of being restored to provide a 100-year or greater level of flood protection OPHS Office of Public Health and Science FBR Fast Breeder Reactor 102 ( 5122) Definitions CRWG Crisis Response Working Group U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA Acronyms Abbreviations and Terms The FAAT List is not designed to be an authoritative source, merely SCI Sensitive Compartmented Information List of Acronyms SLG 101: Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning (9/96) page ACR-3 OSC OSHA PA PAZ PBA On-Scene Coordinator U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration public address Protective Action Zone HADT Hawaiian Daylight Time (GMT - 9) XDA Existing Data Study ST ISAC Surface Transportation Information Sharing and Analysis Center HSLD Historic Shoreline Location Database ATA 1) Actual Time of Arrival REHAB is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary PPR Prior Permission Required ICITAP International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program 3) Insurance CSM Chemical Surety Material NAWAS/BCC National Warning System Bridge and Conference Controller PHILIS Portable High-Throughput Integrated Laboratory Identification System R.I.C.E. 2) After action Review MERS Mobile Emergency Response Support/System CSDGM Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata SLUDGEM Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastric Distress, Emesis and Miosis ERF Emergency Response Facility FD 1) Fire Department IR Infrared ANRC American National Red Cross Download Free PDF View PDF. CISM Critical Incident Stress Management LZ Landing Zone These words not only form an acronym for C.A.R.E., they are our guiding principles and create the framework for all our relationships with customers, team members and community at large . FY Fiscal Year 2) Air Combat Command ABO Agents of Biological Origin 3) Customer Satisfaction Unit ROB Regional Office Building TLC Territory Logistics Centers CZM Coastal Zone Management NVDC National Vessel Documentation Center SERC State Emergency Response Commission SCS Soil and Conservation Service NFPCA National Fire Prevention and Control Administration HSARPA Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency CISD Critical Incident Stress Debriefing USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers (ESF 3) ChE Cholinesterase 311 ( 5154) Insurance EA 1) Eastern Area MACC 1) Multi-Agency Coordination Center SELS Severe Local Storms PAT Process Action Team ECS 1) Electronic Certification System 4) Public Affairs NSSFC National Severe Storms Forecast Center NMRS National Medical Response System DISUM 1) Daily Intelligence Summary LOI 1) Letter of Intent CMCAC Crisis Management Center Augmentation Cadre LOMR Letter of Map Revision 2) Fire Corps (Citizen Corps Program Partner administered by USFA) BLESTP Basic Law Enforcement Supervisor Training Program APSP Automated Passenger Screening Profile HMAC Hazardous Materials Advisory Council AAER Average Annual Erosion Rate HVA Hazard Vulnerability Analysis LEU Low-Enriched Uranium RTI Regional Technology Integration WAWTAP Wind And Water Technical Assistance Program ATWC Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (obsolete; see WCATWC) AWIPS Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System 2) Hazardous Materials OCN Optimal Climate Normals 2) Light Enforcement Aircraft mRem millirem IPT 1) Integrated Process Team 2) Preferred Risk Policy GSE Government-Sponsored Enterprise Performance & security by Cloudflare. MD 1) Management Directive MBO Management by Objectives PUBLIC ASSISTANCE SAT 1) Satellite HES Hurricane Evacuation Study ARWO Aerial Reconnaissance Weather Office 3) Disaster Response Unit UBC Uniform Building Code ADP Automated Data Processing CBRNE-CM Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High-Yield Explosive - Consequence Management EMA Emergency Management Agency 2) Automatic Identification System SED Shippers Export Declaration Fema Abbreviations 1. 324 ( 5165b) Management Costs RAPTAD Random Particle Transport And Diffusion FLAR Forward Looking Airborne Radar EWAC Emergency Worker and Assistance Center ADO Airport District Office BM Bench Mark 5) Multiple award contract 2) Crisis Management Center AIG Address Indicating Group XEDO Xedar Heat Detection Unit MST 1) Management Support Team 3) Forward Staging Areas SITSTAT Situation Status 3) American Chemistry Council 3) Regional Disaster Office PDASH Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health DIFAX Digital Facsimile CSIL Commercial Satellite Imagery Library BIDS Biological Integrated Detection System CATEX 1) Catastrophic Exercise RAM 1) Radiological/Radioactive Material CINCLANT Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet FRERP Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan IHMT Interagency Hazard Mitigation Team PCERT Preliminary Computer Evidence Recovery Training RP Real Property 3) Cluster Bomb PCIIMS PCII Management System 2) Citizen Corps Program (Department of Homeland Security grass-roots program involving citizens; based in OSLGC&P) AP 1) Aerial Port TOC 1) Table of Contents DRAT District Response Advisory Team SUPREPS Supplemental Reports Created by OIC NTRO National Terrorism Response Objective 6) Internal Affairs RRIS Rapid Response Information System 2) Letter of Instruction ASLB Atomic Safety and Licensing Board IRPMR Information Resources Procurement and Management Review PUBLIC ASSISTANCE EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone DPIG Disaster Preparedness Improvement Grant 615 ( 5196d) Use of Funds to Prepare for and Respond to Hazards ESA Endangered Species Act SCEC Southern California Earthquake Center ACCS Accounting Classification Code Structure OTAR Over-The-Air Rekeying 3) Post Office USCS United States Customs Service BMC Bomb Management Center SGTS Standard Gas Treatment System NMAB National Materials Advisory Board EO 1) Electro-Optical ACDA [US] Arms Control and Disarmament Agency EEO Equal Employment Opportunity TSAC Towing Safety Advisory Committee 4) Approval Authority NEPPC National Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Council 2) Federal Operations Support 4) Transit Security Program DEM 1) Department of Environmental Management DRG 1) Digital Raster Graphic CONOPS Concept of Operations 2) Flood Mitigation Assistance Program EWC Emergency Worker Center CANDU Canadian-Deuterium Uranium (Reactor) TISP The Infrastructure Security Partnership BBRS Board of Building Regulations and Standards CLO Congressional Liaison Officer HF/SSB High Frequency / Single Side Band 3) National Iranian American Council 419 ( 5186) Emergency Public Transportation 2) Electronic Technician ROWPU Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit 6) Area Contingency Plan SSP Species Survival Plan PSAPs Public Safety Answering Points CPE Contingency Planning Exchange GCF Ground Concentration Factor E-Gov E-Gov is the use by the government of web-based Internet applications and other information technologies, combined with processes that implement these technologies. REHAB Meaning Abbreviations Common. FMSIS Flood Map Status Information Service FEFFLA Federal Employees Family Friendly Leave Act 5) Mission Control Center IEMC Integrated Emergency Management Course RET Regional Emergency Transportation AIP 1) Agreement In Principle CEE Consolidated Enforcement Environment CAIRA Chemical Accident/Incident Response and Assistance NCIC National Crime Information Center FESHE Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education OPLAN Operations Plan SF 1) Special Facility CIDCON Civil Defense Condition ITI International to International BN Battalion MSL Mean Sea Level IIPLR Insurance Institute for Property Loss Reduction DFAS Defense Financial Accounting Service REM Roentgen equivalent man/mammal CJIS Criminal Justice Information System D/A Departments and Agencies SAA State Administrative Agency ISEMA Indiana State Emergency Management Agency 2) Low Frequency EJ Environmental Justice OCZM Office of Coastal Zone Management HALE High Altitude Long Endurance (see also MALE) PIPS Pre-Incident Planning System 2) Department of Veteran's Affairs ATSA Aviation and Transportation Security Act OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy MEP Management Engineering Plan CONPLAN 1) Concept of Operations Plan CCL Contamination Control Line CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HE High Explosive MEAG Major Emergency Action Guide MPH Miles Per Hour CARD Collaborative Agencies for Responding to Disasters CEPA Canadian Emergency Preparedness Association HSAC Homeland Security Advisory Council FBO Fixed Base Operator EPLO Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer 2 hours ago Web Abbreviations For Charting Symbols or Abbrevia-tions Meaning # number > Greater than @ at + Positive, plus, present < Less than, minus, negative, absent - approximately . NOGA Notice of Grant Award PSO Private Sector (Liaison) Office OEMP Office of Emergency Medical Preparedness FEMA - Definition by AcronymFinder What does FEMA stand for? IMSR Incident Management Situation Report PSI 1) Pounds (of pressure) per Square Inch MHE Materiel Handling Equipment CAO 1) Caribbean Area Office C2 Command and Control ACBIRC Advanced Chemical/Biological Integrated Response Course Cu Cubic CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center ABF Automatic Broadcast Feed GAAS Generally Accepted Auditing Standards DARCOM Development And Readiness Command 2) Community Rating System ARL 1) Activities Result List NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service LFFE Lowest Finished Flood Elevation OFMA Oklahoma Floodplain Management Association 2) Over-water Fetch (Line) DAP Disaster Assistance Program(s) AFMLS Asset Forfeiture & Money Laundering Section VOLAG Voluntary Agency EMD 1) Electronic Monitoring Device MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet RSU Response Support Unit APHL Association of Public Health Laboratories BWC Biological Weapons Convention FSR Financial Status Report 2) Federal Center Plaza CDR 1) Christian Disaster Response OES Office of Emergency Services 3) Member of Congress DOI Department of the Interior Previous 1-2 years Emergency Room Technician/EMT or equivalent experience preferred Knowledge of medical terminology, abbreviations and hospital procedures preferred Knowledge/Skills/Abilities FMC 1) Federal Management Circular CSI 1) Container Security Initiative NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency (see NGA) HRMS Human Resources Management System TSCM 1) Technical Security Countermeasure LEC Local Exchange Carrier FOF Field Operating Facility CITO Central Imagery Tasking Office CD-ROM Compact Disc - Read-Only Memory GCO Grant Coordinating Officer 317 ( 5160) Recovery of Assistance ZONE AO Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; with flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on the sloping terrain); average depths are determined. 2) Cost, Insurance, and Freight DRTF Disaster Relief Task Force CW 1) Chemical Warfare/Weapons CORE 1) Cadre of Response Employees JMFU Joint METOC Forecast Unit MERRT Medical Emergency Radiological Response Team HSTF Homeland Security Task Force 2) Safety Communique FF Firefighter JI Johnston Island 2) Staff Assistance Visit 3) Operational Planning System POD 1) Point of Departure ZONE VE Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; coastal floods with velocity hazards (wave action); base flood elevations are determined JIT 1) Job Instruction Training NDMC National Drought Mitigation Center ILS Integrated Logistics Support FAA 1) Federal Aviation Administration NETAC National Environmental Technology Application Center AARP = American Association of Retired People [Snelling . 3) Monitoring and Analysis Coordinator NRIS National Resource Information System GPO Government Printing Office RSPA Research and Special Programs Administration QFR Questions for the Record (affiliated with OLA) AWD Available Without Declaration LeeTran Lee County Transit Authority (Florida) RAPS Refugees, Asylum and Parole System (DHS program, affiliated with CIS) RESTAT Resources Status CCND Consultative Committee on Natural Disasters DSEA Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 AGE Aerospace Ground Equipment FAO 1) Federal Approving Officer (or Official) NFIRS National Fire Incident Reporting System CNU Crisis Negotiations Unit (FBI) COAP Center for Ocean Analysis and Prediction 2) Non-Disclosure Agreement DIA Defense Intelligence Agency PDC 1) Pacific Disaster Center LPOC Last Port of Call GPL 1) General Population Level mb Millibar ICE 1) Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Bureau of (also called BICE) ABCO Automated Billing & Collection Offsets DTMS Disaster Transportation Management System COLA Cost-of-Living Allowance III Interstate Identification Index ZFP Zone Forecast Product 2) Control Point 2) Near Real-Time 4) [United States] Nuclear Regulatory Commission LPR Lawful Permanent Resident ADOS Automated Document Ordering System EIPT Exercise Integrated Process Team TIER Treasury Information Executive Repository 2) National Teleregistration Center NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology 2) Executive Associate Director EP Electric Power ADR American Disaster Reserve IG 1) Inspector General (see also OIG) HURCON Hurricane Condition B/C Benefit/Cost TLC-C Territory Logistics Center- Central CD 1) Civil Defense TCO Territorial Coordinating Officer MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report CCR Central Contractor Registration ( FAMS Federal Air Marshal Service RPO Regional Project Officer OFM Office of Financial Management 3) Approved Course of Instruction PUCD Pueblo Chemical Depot FAEST Forward Area Emergency Support Trailers VHA Veterans Health Administration LRIP Low Rate Initial Production DLG Digital Line Graph 4) Regional Duty Officer 2) Force Module FERC 1) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission SCD Service Computation Date FECC Federal Emergency Communications Coordinator ALTRETCO Alternate Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator CMTB Countermeasures Test Bed DPA 1) Deepwater Ports Act APO Accountable Property Officer BT Buying Team CAT 1) Catastrophic EEI Essential Elements of Information Sort. RLTG Repetitive Loss Target Group 3) Public Assistance Coordinator BEEF Big Explosive Experimental Facility ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration PMCS Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services ZONE X If unshaded: Area determined to be outside the 500-year floodplain NMSS Nuclear Materials Safeguards and Security RO 1) Radiological Officer SCRR Special Conversion Recommendation Report BAER Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (Team) TVA Tennessee Valley Authority OPC Organizational Program Coordinators yd yard ESF 02 Communications PIC 1) Pilot In Charge RSS Remote Storage Site SSE Safe Shutdown Earthquake NDIC National Drug Intelligence Center A/N Alert/Notification MIEP Mass Immigration Emergency Plan ODRO Office of Detention and Removal Operations ROC Regional Operations Center (replaced by RRCC; affiliated with EPR) QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan New FEMA report summarizes state of national preparedness The report summarizes the state of national preparedness to help support U.S. emergency managers and whole-community partners in decisionmaking about program priorities, resource allocations and community actions. ANL Argonne National Laboratory TMT 1) Traffic Management Team See Also: Medical Show details. HWL High Water Line JTWC Joint Typhoon Warning Center 2) Chemical Agent I-STAFF DHS Headquarters Operational Integration Staff TSIS Transportation Security Intelligence Service LEADERS Lightweight Epidemiology Advanced Detection and Emergency Response System MIRV Multiple Independent Re-Entry Vehicle FYI For Your Information 2) hydrogen fluoride ERT-N National Emergency Response Team QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control OREMS Oak Ridge Evacuation Modeling System 2) Protective Security Division AGS Aviation Group Supervisor GSAAR General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation 3) Disaster Assessment and Recovery (or Response) Team BPAT Building Performance Assessment Team NWP Neighborhood Watch Program (see NW) This list gives you the acronym and meaning about words and terms found throughout documents on this site. AAMS Automated Acquisition Management System (ProTrac / ProDoc) DODRDB DoD Resources Data Base Most common REHAB abbreviation full forms updated in December 2022. 2) Infectious Disease EIA Electronic Industries Alliance CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design BBS Bulletin Board System ILEA International Law Enforcement Academy 3) Remote Sensing Team 3) Community Relations Service PADC Patch Authentication and Dissemination Capability. AEMA Alabama Emergency Management Agency AEOD Analysis and Evaluation of Operation Data AEP Airport Emergency Plan AERT Alaska Emergency Response Team AES 1) Advanced Encryption Standard . ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations WRDA Water Resources Development Act NESEC Northeast States Emergency Consortium CEPAP Cost Estimating for the Public Assistance Program, Expert Panel on ENR Environmental and Natural Resources NNOB National Network Operations Branch 2) Counterterrorism Security Group EMPG Emergency Management Performance Grants NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Services JRT Joint Response Team SHARES Shared Resources (NCS high frequency radio network) APWA American Public Works Association DWI 1) Disaster Welfare Information (or Inquiry) EIRS Emergency Information Retrieval System 2) Pressurized Ion Chamber SNS Strategic National Stockpile For example, the Physical Therapy abbreviation SBA (stand by assist) or CGA (contact guard assist) are common PT medical abbreviations. ESC Executive Steering Committee FSDO Flight Service District Office 2) Cost of Living SCC Secretary's Command Center RADID Radar Information Display IRAC Interagency Radiological Assistance Committee DMHT Disaster Mental Health Team PS Program Support DALO Disaster Area Liaison Officer ETRMS Emergency Transportation Resource Management System 2) Port Security Assessment 2) Upper Air NAPA National Academy of Public Administration NDAC Network Design and Analysis Center ANI 1) American Nuclear Insurers DELO Deputy Environmental Liaison Officer LRFD Load and Resistance Factor Design Works beyond normal working hours and on weekends and holidays when necessary. NFR Notice of Finding and Recommendation CS 1) Chief of Staff CINCTRANS Commander-in-Chief, Transportation Command MATRIX Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange TAFT Test, Analyze, Fix and Test LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory PI Project Inspector EWMDS Emergency Worker Monitoring and Decontamination Station 2) [United States] Forest Service [ESF-4] ECC Emergency Communications Center 2) Personal Communications Service DMORT Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team VAL Voluntary Agency Liaison 403 ( 5170b) Essential Assistance 2) American Automobile Association 3) Investment Review Process CMAA Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement (affiliated with BTS/CBP) BCMC Board for the Coordination of Model Codes JSCP Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan IMINT Imagery Intelligence MWS Marine Weather Statement NOAEL No Observed Adverse Effects Level CPPS Certified Professional Property Specialist 2) Disaster Summary 2) Map Service Center . BENT SPEAR Nuclear Incident (codeword) CPO 1) Central Processing Office ERM 1) Elevation Reference Mark FEMA NATIONAL US&R RESPONSE SYSTEM STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE TECHNICIAN 02-00 MODULE 1b - SAFETY SM 1B 4 SAFETY PLANNING The multi-hazard safety plan is a guide to the basic elements of safety for a variety of incidents. CHG Change USGS-DLG United States Geological Survey Digital Line Graph (Format) PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FEMA Publications PMR 1) Patient Movement Request MICS Monitoring Information on Contracted Studies (System) Sort. HLT Hurricane Liaison Team DASHO Designated Agency Safety and Health Official VIP 1) Very Important Person EPS Encapsulated PostScript NG National Guard OFAC Office of Foreign Assets Control Click to reveal ROD Record of Decision mR/h milliRoentgen per hour IRI Industrial Research Institute 2) Main Operating Base DESCOM Depot System Command ISDR International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Fema Abbreviations. RCS 1) Reports Control System FTP File Transfer Protocol NCSLLET National Center for State & Local Law Enforcement Training, Advisory Committee to the VEI Volcanic Explosivity Index 2) Citizens' Band NPFC National Pollution Funds Center SME Subject-Matter Expert 423 ( 5189a) Appeals of Assistance Decisions