An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Properties: Fire-resistant, non-combustible product with a melting point of approximately 2150F (1177C) Water and moisture resistant, repels water Does not rot or promote the growth of mildew, fungi or bacteria Unique directional fiber structure provides excellent sound control Provides superior compressive strength for job site durability Similarly, Earthwool insulation is considered non-combustible which means the material will not act as a fuel source for the fire. They have great service all the time communication get material and delivery fast on time or before you ask to delivery really good team. It is based on rapidly renewable, bio- based material. You can create your listing free at DIYnot Local. Ty!! They are the fastest growing insulation manufacturer in the world, with a broad selection of insulation products and a commitment to conservation and sustainability in the manufacturing and development of all products. Common reviews talk about the ease of installation and softness in comparison with other brands. We have access to a wide range of insulation products including James Hardie Rockwool Insulation. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. General Insulation Company is a distributor and supplier that stocks and fabricates a wide variety of industrial, commercial, and fire-stopping products for construction-related markets. The interesting thing is R-15 Rockwool is often cheaper than Safe'n'Sound. and De forskellige termiske klassificeringer indebrer, at byggeingenirer og installatrer kan tage hjde for en lang . EcoBatt batt insulation is a cost-effective thermal and acoustical barrier for energy-efficient construction. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In all cases if you have less than 4" you use rigid, if you have 8" or more you use fluffy, unless you need rigid for structure. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Even with some amount of thermal bypass channel the R13-ish batts will be providing quite a bit of temperature zone isolation. Spend 5 Minutes With President and CEO of General Insulation, Frank Granara, Cavity Walls, Exterior and Partition Walls. You can write to the manufacturer and they will send you a letter stating an R value to make inspectors happy if required.. Our EcoseTechnology replaced the phenol-formaldehyde resin used traditionally in glass fiber insulation products. Wool is entirely renewable and sustainable in its creation. On the other hand, fiberglass insulation is much cheaper. Anyone got any views on the performance difference? We also have mini-split heads in the bedroom and the upper kitchen/living room, which means I can keep the bedroom like a meat locker in the summer for better sleeping. Yes, we deliver insulation Australia wide. ft., R30, price range: Knauf Jet Stream Ultra Blown fiberglass, 24" x 48" (88 sq. If you can't find what you are looking for online, then get in touch with us! ho bd votes Roughly 15"x47" batts means I need ~124 batts. It also offers water and moisture resistance and excellent sound absorbency. ft.), 12 thick, R38, price range: Knauf Guardian unfaced fiberglass insulation batt, 24" x 48" (88 sq. Sterling Building Materials, Inc. 26 Emerson Road Waltham, MA 02451 Phone: 781-894-7050 Fax: 781-891-8955 Email: Sound absorption characteristics, helping reduce noise transmission. ft., R19, price range: Knauf Guardian kraft-faced fiberglass insulation roll, 23" x 32' (61.3 sq. I just want to leave this comment for the sake of saving someone else a headache. Required fields are marked *. This semi-rigid batt has a unique flexible edge designed to compress as the batt is inserted into walls, attics, ceilings and floor frames. We will notify the customer if there are delays. Dont let the higher price tag of Rockwool insulation deter you! But if there is an air gap the potential convective bypass around the batt can cut into thermal performance, which is why you DO want the cavity completely filled if it's for insulation rather than sound abatement. Choosing the most appropriate insulation product for your home is important to us! All BIM Objects in the Knauf Planner Suite are based on the most current and accurate data. The chemicals used as a binder are unknown, though purportedly no longer formaldehyde. Stone wool provides excellent noise reduction and sound absorption to help you create quieter, more productive environments. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. For rock wool that is about R4.3/inch, so at 3" you'd get ~R13 or maybe a bit less compared to R15 @ 3.5". It is important not to compress Rockwool insulation as this will reduce its insulating capabilities. This semi-rigid batt has a unique flexible edge designed to compress as the batt is inserted into walls, attics, ceilings and floor frames. It features a unique flexible edge that allows for easy installation and helps prevent over compression to maintain its R-value. I wouldn't recommend using it in exterior walls or other areas needing thermal insulation though, since you should be using the full thickness batts for that. Fiberglass insulation helps you and all of us do more while consuming fewer resources. Se forskellige kant- og perforeringsdesigns. General Insulation is now your one stop shop for abatement materials and all of your safety needs. Its not thermally rated and will not pass inspection for exterior walls or exterior ceilings. Made from highly resilient inorganic glass fibers that are bonded with a thermosetting resin, the EcoBatt has a natural brown color and represents an unprecedented level of sustainability in insulation. Please give our Sydney team a call on 1300 729 639 and they would be happy to assist. Lambda 34 har 8% bedre isoleringsevne end lambda 37. One of the main benefits of choosing Owens Corning EcoTouch over the insulation material by Rockwool is that it is quite a bit cheaper than the Rockwool. Use 5/8" interior drywall for more exterior sound attenuation. Any opinions? Both the Rockwool ComfortBatt and JM TempControl have an R-Value of approximately 4.285 per inch (15/3.5). One is that the installation may not be perfectly smooth, as romex or pipes may make it a bit lumpy here or there; you don't want that pressure against sheetrock especially if you're using thinner stock (1/4" or 3/8"). Here are some of the insulation options offered by Knauf: Basement Wall Insulation: A glass mineral wool blanket that is laminated with a perforated facing so that it can be left exposed. 2022 General Insulation Company. Warehouse pickups are available from 80+ locations across Australia. General Insulation provides a wide variety of acoustical insulation from Sound Seal. Mineral wool insulation for the same wall runs about $1 to $1.10 per square foot. The main difference is that Rockwool has a much higher heat resistance and fire resistance than fiberglass. Safe-n-sound is not thermally rated although it is probably around R-11 - R-13. We source thousands of residential and commercial insulation products from manufacturers in Australia and around the world. 2) rockwool (semi rigid SafeNSound, rigid) 3) cotton 4) polyester batting (WalMart fabric department ish) 5) foam (often available in shapes like wedges) Any absorber may be placed in a checkerboard or separated baffles. Get Competitive Insulation Installation Estimates From Local Companies! So, unless a project specifies Rockwool to meet a certain fire requirement, Earthwool will be a far more cost effective solution and in still non-combustible. Just think of it was a not very well sealed double-pane glass: the 1/2" is the "break" that stops transmission from one wall to the other, while the Roxul helps absorb most of the vibration and sound. Occasionally, items may be out of stock. Knauf - Glass mineral wool Glass mineral wool with ECOSE technology ECOSE Technology A revolutionary, new, formaldehyde-free binder technology, based on rapidly renewable materials instead of petro-based chemicals. Rockwool comes 12 batts to a bag and ThermaFiber is only 6 batts to a bag but I can take advantage of The Home Despot's bulk pricing. BTW, having worked with both materials myself, I don't notice any difference in density or product feel between regular batts and the safe'n'sound version. We will get back to you within 1-2 business days. We provide job-site managed inventory services enabling contractors to achieve their necessary productivities as well as facilitating a cleaner and safer environment. This means that Rockwool has slightly higher insulating capabilities than Earthwool. Enter your postal code, city and / or state. Made with a high degree of . We have received your order, and we will give you a call in the next few hours. ft.), R15, price range: Knauf Guardian kraft-faced fiberglass insulation batt, 24" x 48" (64 sq. That air gap helps with sound isolation. 8024 Esquesing LineMilton, OntarioCanada L9T 6W3, Copyright February 2017, Also, over the last 10 years or so, batt and roll manufacturers have reformulated the binders used to hold their fiberglass products together. or if you are doing it yourself you can find suppliers local to you. It's not miles apart, but there is a difference due to the air gap in a 2x4 wall with the 3" SnS and its density. Thank you! Fiberglass insulation for a 26 wall costs between 57 cents and 72 cents per square foot. ft.), 3-5/8" thick, R13, price range: Knauf Guardian fiberglass blow-in insulation, formaldehyde-free, coverage 65.3 sq. Vlg tykkelser fra 45 til 195 mm. Email excerpt, including a response below the original message: To: Andrew Legge ; Peter Blanchard . Whether it be industrial noise control, acoustic fabric panels, acoustic floor underlayments or acoustic wood walls and ceilings, Sound Seals broad portfolio of brands provides a solution for all noise control market needs. Murisolering er er i dobbelt bredde og er perforerede s de er lette at skille. Knauf isolering er en ny generation af isolering, som er fremstillet p en bredygtig mde ved brug af genbrugsflasker og sten. The product has been certified to be "Red List Free" by the International Living Future Institute. Made with our revolutionary ECOSE technology and validated formaldehyde-free. Our Mineral Wool made with ECOSE Technology contains no added formaldehyde or phenol. Comfortbatt Insulation Technical Datasheet - U.S. Get The Facts about our stone wool insulation. Kraft Faced: 1.0 perms or less; FSK-25 and Foil Faced: 0.05 perms, Surface Burning Characteristics (flame spread/smoke developed). Yes, the game is rigged, but it can be right-sided one decision at a time. I would highly recommend this company for over 39 years. Need to stay cool? If you are looking for polyester insulation in NSW,QLD, WA and SA, then take a look at Bradford Polymax Insulation. Rockwool is made from stone wool fibres which are non-combustible and can resist temperatures of above 1000C. Den nye teknologi, der bruges i produktionen af isoleringen kaldes ECOSE Technology. Get connected to the top rated insulation contractors in your area and get free competitive estimates. Give us a call on 1300 729 639 or send us an email. Engineered for high thermal and acoustical performance, helping maintain temperatures, absorb excess noise and provide more comfortable room conditions. From the hot South to the cold North, General Insulation Company has you covered. Our Rock Mineral Wool slabs offer exceptional fire performance characteristics, as well as excellent thermal and acoustic properties and are scientifically designed to provide a very high level of compression resistance. So if the R-15 does sound just as well, why not use it? Specialised products have a longer lead time as indicated on the product page. It may not display this or other websites correctly. With even a tiny air gap that path goes away- the sound has to travel through the air gap first. Rock wool or "rockwool" insulation is also called mineral wool and slag wool though there can be differences among the components of these insulations. For starters check the video here. But I'm just pulling this out of thin air, so take it with a McDonalds-worthy amount of salt. Knauf Earthwool Bradford Insualtion Flether Pink Batts Kingspan Insulation Autex Quietspace Pirmax PIR. Retail prices- Rockwool 100mm slabs are about 4 times the price per cubic metre than Knauf 50mm acoustic on a roll. Fastmonterede akustiklofter Akustikpaneler til fast skruemontage p lofter og vgge. Intelligent Insulation For Your Healthy Home. For the world we live in. Environmental Product Declaration for Blowing Wool,Mineral WoolandWood Woolproducts. Knauf Murisolering i lambda vrdierne 32,34 og 37. and Start saving documents for quick referenc or log in to view previous folders. The packs must be in their original condition without any damage. Due to its minimal organic properties, Rockwool will not produce toxic smoke. We source thousands of residential and commercial insulation products from manufacturers in Australia and around the world. I believe the regular ComfortBatts by Rockwool are labeled >2.0 pcf. x]mm8Cg]}JA$)"?d\d jO~z/#Y>RYoGW{+Hyg~ T6gR|o~DM|JQs?Y#JVj[.[ToR:6>KV{-|Lc,QC9;UKftWV_gIWWW RmK7_o?~7?osQYF{|o~/0}%mzvkznGiye~/o7yy>Qq>oMS6d.rmr?x}MAOkE"yI\EqX'N Dette indlg er skrevet for at advarer bde professionelle og amatr fra at benytte isoleringsmateriale fra Knauf. We are open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm AEST. Learn how to install fiberglass batts, rolls and other insulation into attics, walls, and more. So, rather than off gas unknown chemicals wool offers passive air filtration. We stock Knauf Earthwool Insulationat our Melbourne and Sydney warehouses. Water-based elastomeric sealant that fills joints, gaps and penetrations to prevent air infiltration. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. It is unknown if we will have the opportunity to provide the healthiest most natural insulation available in this instance, but we sure do hope more people begin to question the sheer stupidity of industry practitioners whove yet to figure out that big manufacturers are happy to promote shitty products at the expense of unwitting consumers. Rockwool Comfortbatt isn't faced either. I believe he thought it was the same as Rockwool's ComfortBatt which actually is rated with an R-value. They are validated by UL Environment as formaldehyde-free and they contain no Red List chemicals. Air/Vapor Barrier & Waterproofing Systems, Air/Vapor Barriers & Waterproofing Systems, International Services & Global Solutions. Tommy always does a great job and gives us great service. I think it ought to be filled. General Insulation Company provides a wide array of insulation and insulation accessories to help manage environmental conditions. The total cost of Knauf insulation varies depending on the insulation material, insulation type, R-value, size, and the vendor you choose. It is available in kraft facing, flame-rated FSK-25 foil facing, standard foil facing, and unfaced options. Our Rock Mineral Wool slabs offer exceptional fire performance characteristics, as well as excellent thermal and acoustic properties and are scientifically designed to provide a very high level of compression resistance. 2023 The Taunton Press, Inc. All rights reserved. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Earthwool Insulation Board: Made with ECOSE technology, this acoustic and thermal insulation is available in all-service jacket (ASJ), factory applied foil-scrim-kraft (FSK) facing, plain, and metalized polypropylene-scrim-kraft (PSK). So, rather than off gas unknown chemicals wool offers passive air filtration. Due to its high density, Rockwool is highly effective barrier in reducing noise transfer between rooms and is suitable for a variety of applications such as residential buildings, offices, hospitals, and retail stores. applications from technical solutions for the process industry, buildings to OEM solutions to Green Roofs, horticulture and landscaping. ft.), 2 thick, price range. Zip is between 2 and 3 perms, which a pretty effective vapour-retarder. Made with our revolutionary ECOSE technology and validated formaldehyde-free. I would highly recommend this company for all your insulation needs. Responds right away with great knowledge and expertise and stay committed in a complex situation. It's certified to the toughest indoor air quality certification in the industry, GREENGUARD Gold. In most cases a retarder is preferable to a barrier. That is because when the fiber is in direct contact with the wallboard on both sides it increases the mechanical coupling between the sides, transferring the sound vibration picked up by one sheet of wallboard and transferring some of that energy to the other wallboard. We have specialized equipment and staff necessary for the production of your specialized insulation part. But reading on, they also talk about it having a conductivity of 0.032 to 0.037 over its life. Want to know why we are still such a small business? Knauf Insulation is present in more than 40countries. The material IS thermal insulation too by it's nature, it's just not rated as such on the package. Seal and insulate all ductwork to all current jurisdictional codes and regulations. Euroclass Reaction to Fire A1. For rock wool that is about R4.3/inch, so at 3" you'd get ~R13 or maybe a bit less compared to R15 @ 3.5". The two main manufacturers of mineral-wool insulation are Roxul and Thermafiber. Time management is critical and our supply-chain management enables us to source and supply building envelope products efficiently and on time. To get the best insulating performance, it is essential that the fiberglass batts are installed uniformly to completely fill the cavity without substantial gaps or voids around obstructions. You are using an out of date browser. Please let your contractor know that his insulation supplier is wrong about wool and that we would be more than happy to assist in the education process so as to minimize the effects of consumers being continually misled. Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video ROCKWOOL COMFORTBATT with Matt Muenster cannot play. Knauf Insulation Rocksilk Soffit Linerboard Extra. Building a tiny house. Knauf isolering. This won't delete the articles you've saved, just the list. Please Note: Due to excessive shortages in raw material some orders may be delayed prior to dispatch. EcoBatt Insulation: An acoustic and thermal insulation, EcoBatt looks different than any other insulation you may have seen. Fortunately, the person receiving this information had the wherewithal to reach out and at least seek another opinion. This product offers great acoustic, fire, thermal and moisture ratings for any application where fire rating requirements must be meet. The smart choice to make spaces more comfortable and energy efficient. 5 0 obj per cu. rockwool - anyone with a guess about specs not given for R value of Safe and Sound and STC value for Comfortbatt, Insulating attic with R-15 and R-23 Rockwool Comfortbatts, Comfortbatt/Rockwool/Roxul and temporary compressibility,, Implementing Energy-Saving Advice Isnt Always Easy, Upgrading Five Common Building Assemblies, Webinar: Choosing Materials and Products for a Green Home. Which actually is rated with an R-value of approximately 4.285 per inch ( ). Is based on the other hand, fiberglass insulation batt, 24 '' x 48 '' 64! Call on 1300 729 639 and they would be happy to assist lofter og.! Australia and around the world well as facilitating a cleaner and knauf ecobatt vs rockwool.., just the List entirely renewable and sustainable in its creation R15, price range Knauf... Committed in a complex situation company for over 39 years job and us! 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