If you want a more complete answer about memorisation: read How to remember French words. This includes all the continents (Europe, Afrique, Amrique, Asie, Ocanie, Antarctique). Remember that you need to use a definite article (the "the," such asle orla)for countries. OH ok I just needed help with indefinite and definite articles.are you in French? Easy answer : when you are learning French vocabulary, you learn nouns with the gender. In French, nouns are either masculine or feminine, which determines the spelling and interaction with words around them as well. What about prepositions? The system makes boys effeminate and girls masculine. when asked why it's this way by some of my classmates, my french teacher replied,"they just decided it to be that way when they were creating the french language!" When evoking the namesof countries in French, you will usually use a definite French masculine, feminine or plural article (le / la / les)to go with it. Learning French with Duolingo app : How long does it take ? Une part and une partie: whats the difference? Welcome to Fast French Learning! Such is the case of island countries and city-states. In all cases, we always use the preposition de. The only thing I remember (and I may not remember it correctly) is Je suis formidable. (I am great). They apply everywhere. : The class is over. For feminine singular nouns, we use une. English has only two indefinite articles: a and an. Just try to remember which of the most frequent names of countries in French are masculine or feminine. "No fair!". Actually, this will be my next blog article, so watch out for it! We wont cover that here but will probably do in the future. This brand with masculine-feminine accents focuses uniquely on the suit and the feminine smoking jacket. All other countries are masculine: le Nigria, le Brsil, le Canada, le Japon, le Danemark, le Maroc, le Liban, le Pakistan , le Prou. The diminutive in question serves as an affectionate nickname - "math" in English - for the feminine plural noun mathmatiques("mathematics"). Remember theyre the contractions of le and de le, respectively. What gender is Australia? Elles viennent du Prou. Soy hija nica; ______ a. no tengo, she is a good professor and I (feminine) am your good student thank you, musee cinema stade what are some other irregular nouns? 7 French Learning Books The Old-School Way. is monaco feminine or masculine in frenchtrees that grow well in clay soil texas. The French Calendar: Speaking of Days, Weeks, Months and Seasons, Prepositions: Small and Mighty Words That Drive French Sentences, Learn to Use the French Word 'Tout' and Its Variations, Learn French Prepositions with Geographical Names, French Demonstrative Adjectives: Adjectifs Dmonstratifs. Il est all en Australie. But as a French teacher I should give you some patterns in word endings that tend to indicate masculine nouns, while other endings favor feminine nouns. Team, ThoughtCo. We think that we can eat lunch at twelve oclock. From masculine to feminine, the Miss Dior bottle rewrote all the rules of aesthetics and inspired a fantasy world of creative design. Ok, now what does feminine and masculine in French matter? Is the word person feminine or masculine in French? Your email address will not be published. In here (http://econrad.net/latin/), go into the first and second declension sections. Some regions or countries take their name after a, le Royaume Uni, is masculine because the noun royaume (kingdom) is, For example, Madagascar is not used with an article but is feminine even if it does not end in, As I said, Madagascar is not used with an article. 7. (le livre = the book) la = before a feminine singular noun beginning with a consonant. In this article you are going to learn how to make the difference between the feminine and the masculine country names, By loading the video, you agree to YouTube's privacy policy.Learn more, When the name of a country ends with the letter -e, it is feminine and we put the article in front of this name, La Belgique La Bulgarie La France La Grce La Slovaquie La Suisse La Syrie La Thailande La Tunisie, Here are 6 exceptions: these are masculine country names that end with the letter -e and in front of which we use the article le, Le BlizeLe CambodgeLe MexiqueLe MozambiqueLe SurinameLe Zimbabwe, When the name of a country ends with the letter -e, it is feminine and we put the article l' in front of this name, LAlgrieLAllemagneLAngleterreLArgentineLEspagneLIndeL'ItalieLIndonsieLIrlandeLIslande, Thank you for entering your email, I sent you an email, check your email box now ! document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Learn Real French with an Experienced Native French Teacher. What Colours in French are feminine? Old English used to have grammatical genders, but they fell out of use. Most places ending in -e are feminine. is Monaco masculine or feminine? Not even lAcadmie franaise, the maximum authority of the French language, is definitive in this regard. Animal names are also either masculine or feminine in French when you refer to the generic gender of the species. Good. masculine. Your email address will not be published. Please check your Promotions Tab and/or Spam Folder. Thanks for this educative piece of information. Speakers of these languages must take care to mark gender with definite articles and pronouns. This gets complicated for people whose native languages dont have genders or where they are rarely used. The man walked in the fields slowly. I hope this helps , Many thanks Yolaine. But dont fret just yet. However as there are so many exceptions, these gender patterns are not fool-proof, but they can help you to guess the gender of many French nouns. because I have another research project on it. You asked what I thought? Learning spoken French at home or everywhere ? The whole adjective is, a. Then translate it to spanish. Please check. For cars, it highly depends. Some would argue its masculine, but others would say its feminine because it refers to une ville (a city), which is a feminine noun. Allons-y! For example, we also say La Cte dAzur, la cte mditerranenne etc. SUBJECT PRONOUNS Singular je (j') = I tu = you (familiar) il = he, it elle = she, it on = one, "we," you, they, people Plural nous = we vous = you (can be formal singular as well as familiar plural) ils = they, masculine elles = they. When speaking a language different from our native language, we may not feel confident. = I like to play with my Playstation (console). I appreciate your attention to the idea of learning to speak French. This includes all the continents (Europe, Afrique, Amrique, Asie, Ocanie, Antarctique). When visiting with those who speaking English well it is always a bit intimidating for me as I realize I could do some improving. If you are reading this blog post, you have probably already learnt the names of a few countries. When learning French, you usually learn the name of a number of countries fairly early and then build up on your first list of countries as time goes on. This includes all the continents ( Europe, Afrique, Amrique, Asie, Ocanie, Antarctique ). They all have to agree in gender and quantity with the nouns they precede. Nationalities also have genders in French. Vous venez du Royame-Uni. No matter the gender, we always use the article les with them when talking about general statements. It means that when speaking about a specific country, lets take France and Germany for example, you will need to say lAllemagne but not Allemagne and la France and not just France. However, if it is necessary to make the agreement of an adjective or a participle, it will masculine. Thats one of the learning and communication strategies, by the way. etc. All French adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the nouns they describe. adj masculin (e) masculine characteristics like a deep voice and facial hair. You will find it here, Your email address will not be published. For example, in English, we just use the for everything whether its masculine/feminine or singular/plural. tiene Ud. Thats why we put together this guide to help you better understand this subject. If you come upon a word you don't know, if you are lucky the article will be right there next to it to help you along. + A few sentences to use everyday, 10 books to get more knowledge of French grammar, Download PDF French verbs in several tenses to learn (the 3 groups of verbs). 7 French Learning Books The Old-School Way. When taking French grammar lessons, the easiest way to know if a word is masculine or feminine is quite simply by learning it with its article (or looking it up in the dictionary). There is only one noun in this sentence. However, if it is necessary to make the agreement of an adjective or a participle, it will masculine. Gender matters in French. I may be biased here since Im a native Spanish speaker, but I think most of those who speak a Romance language agree French and Romanian are the hardest ones to learn. any foot covering, as a shoe or boot; footwear. Well, in most cases, we can know the gender of a word by its ending. Note that in French , countries , continents, regions and states are either feminine , masculine or plural. Rules always come after. Helped me a lot! You can find me on Youtube, or here, on this blog. Une boulangre : a baker (female baker, and feminine noun), Un agriculteur : a farmer (masculine noun), Une agricultrice : a farmer (female farmer and feminine noun), Generally, only the words ending change. Well, for starters, it doesnt mean that these countries are neutral. You will have to practice a lot, but its not impossible to master them. I need to know how to say the science part..is it plural, like math, and is it masculine or feminine? In Arabic, soup and the calendar year are feminine. Thanks. Au revoir, les amis! You see, grammar, rules, there are always lots of them. We will also cover cities since there seems to be some confusion about them. The . Several are named after rivers, and the names of the African rivers having been masculine in French , the names of countries have remained: it is the case of Senegal and Congo for example. For example, instead of saying Les vins de France et dItalie,you will just say les vins franais et italiens. Not only do countries have genders in French, but they also can be singular or plural. For example: That is something that makes the French language complicated. Thats why I decided to open this blog. French people will still understand you if you use the wrong gender. But as a French teacher I should give you some patterns in word endings that tend to indicate masculine nouns, while other endings favor feminine nouns. Its a great resource for people interested in learning languages online. You now know what gender are countries of the world in French. People were always taught to dress and behave according to, 1.le chteau du roi Son le chteau 2) L'appartement d'Annick Sa appartment 3)Son cousin est la fille de son oncle Son cousin est sa fille. Generally, the feminine form is simply the masculine form of the adjective, with an -e at the end. The best app to be able to speak in French conversations with a good pronunciation, The best app for iOS to learn French offline Memrise, A French learning app with games : Fun French, Best computer software (and app) to learn French for downloading for PC and Mac, Download PDF Learning French grammar, make it easy, Download PDF A list of French adjectives and how to position them in a sentence, Download PDF 4 grammar and conjugation points, The French accents : aigu-grave-circonflexe Podcasts, Do you want to know the basics of French grammar ? If you'd like to say What is your name ? in French , you generally have two options. Oddly enough, the colours themselves are masculine nouns in French. Thank you for your comment Erwan. Anna says that they(masculine) have dinner at seven oclock. 3 You (singular familiar form) can drink a glass of milk. As you can see, all countries have genders in French. But we do it anyway. Note that in French, countries, continents, regions and states are either feminine, masculine or plural. Everything has a gender, so its important to understand the differences. Jerrica Woodhams Pundit The rest are masculine. Were full of insecurities and dont want to make any mistakes. In most you will eiter automatically deduce whether you should or shoulnt use the artilce, or try to express the thing in such a way thatyou are certain is correct. Country is neither a masculine or feminine word. A big fat lie that grammar purists like to throw around. Of course, there are a few exceptions. To help you with this, keep in mind that words that are often thought of as 'gender neutral' take on the masculine form. Required fields are marked *. Examples: regarding not only professions but the whole French language arising out of feminism and the gender equality movement. I come from Belgium. I took one semester of French in college. Morocco is a Northern African country, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, between Algeria and the annexed Western Sahara. Is Meursault French The Stranger? b. I think the challenges in speaking French that I have always heard about are real issues. I have also attempted to learn Spanish, American Sign Language and even music as a language. [easytable] They do, however, have genders, but you will have to memorize them. Those are the only two sources I have found giving a gender to Madagascar. Elle est rouge. Examples: une fille (a girl), une voiture (a car), une fentre (a window), etc. Cual es su problemas? Just keep learning and practicing. 10 books and card games to study French at home, The best mobile app to study French in the car, Download PDF The Accelerated Learning French System, Download a French language learning pack + Intermediate phrases to be better at speaking French, Download Free Ebooks PDF Several ways to learning French. Why is it called The Stranger? Because French nouns are not inflected for gender, a noun's form cannot specify its . You can check out this article for more ideas. Hello Zamrah, the article will be online very soon. The only exceptions apply when talking about cities with articles. In reality, its the contraction of the articles le and la, but we switch them to l when they precede a noun starting with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u). Spanish is my native language, and even though we have grammatical genders, we still get confused when studying genders in French. Best of luck! How do you know if an adjective is masculine or feminine in French? You can unsubscribe at any time. Feel free to come back anytime for more tips. There is nothing wrong with not working something out oneself because its always an opportunity to learn or realise something we already knew in a way that we no longer forget , Hi,thank you this has helped me alot since i am about to do an exam tomorrow, Thanks for your comment Dave, very happy to be of help. It was truly comprehensive, insightful, and everything. Jhabite Madagascar. I know it has, need help to find base meter, scheme, stanza forms if any, and the metrical peculiarities such as end-stopped lines, run-on lines, elision, pause, feminine ending, masculine, http://www.spanishdict.com/ =) Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. : Du masculin au fminin, le flacon Miss Dior bouleverse les codes de l'esthtisme et inspire toutes les fantaisies les plus cratrices. Masculine nouns use the pronouns le and un while feminine nouns use la and une. French gives us precious few rgles (rules), and one of them is that words that end in 'e' are generally feminine. : The movie was good. Unfortunately (or should I say, fortunately? Example: However if you are interested in expressing in French the idea of going to a country, city or continent (Eg. Is it all feminine because its said to a womanor is it all feminine because its said by a woman? Examples: la France la Belgique l'Espagne l'Argentine la Colombie la Russie la Chine l'Australie There are six exceptions where the countries ending in -e are not feminine: le Mexique le Mozambique le Belize The definite article "THE" has four forms: le = before a masculine singular noun beginning with a consonant. Elle is the feminine pronoun. Languages can be confusing, especially when there are so many differences and exceptions. Unlike English, however, all French nouns also have a gender: masculine or feminine. Je suis Marie and I'm on a mission to make learning French simple. Do countries have genders in your native language? The easiest way to figure out the gender of a country is by its ending. Thats the $64,000 question, right? Thats not the case in French. We use de l for both masculine and feminine singular nouns. that was about 30 years ago. Some words are either masculine or feminine regardless of their ending. To control physiological processes in the body B. Oui, Im including pronouns in articles, sue me. Look at this beautiful chart Ive made for you!! Coming soon . They need to agree on some level. Articles are those little words in front of nouns. He comes from the Netherlands. They are both third-person forms of the verb "estar," and one is singular and the other plural. Hopefully when I make enough mistake I can progress in time. Learning the French names for countries is relatively easy if you are already familiar with the name in English. Plural,les,des Homme (man), garon (boy), and serveur (waiter) are masculine, and femme (woman), fille (girl), and serveuse (waitress) are feminine. Learn how your comment data is processed. When evoking the names of countries in French, you will usually use a definite French masculine, feminine or plural article (le / la / les) to go with it. un lion (a lion) and un cheval (a horse) are masculine nouns, because they refer to male animals. Question: When I put un, "A blue piece of paper" I know a piece of paper is "une feuille de papier". Note: They are sometimes called determiner. French has a lot of exceptions that we need to memorize. PPPS: And check out these article, youll find plenty of words to use there! As a general rule, those countries ending in -e are feminine, and the rest are masculine. "Ce" replaces "il. I may have to study your site a bit longer! Nearly all countries that end in -e are feminine, and the rest are masculine. But please dont worry too much about genders when speaking French. "The colours" translates to les couleurs. We dont spam! As a general rule, the countries ending in -e are feminine. Monaco que j'ai visit l'an dernier. We use le for masculine singular nouns. Before you start pulling out your hair, I will teach you a simple rule. Well there are actually quite a few words you can use. Learn more in the Cambridge English-French Dictionary. French, What other people think is often surprising. As is the case for Australia, a lot of countries that end in A in English end in E in French. Top sentences to know for your first 24 hours in France. This form can be masculine or feminine. Rules can be learned, but the exceptions drive me crazy. if the country name is plural, such as the USA or the Netherlands, then use the plural form of au, which is aux. Download PDF 3 books to learn French by yourself, Download PDF 4 workbooks to learn French while driving, Download Free PDF Learning French while driving Podcasts, Download for Free + 1 video and the best CDs to learn to speak French in the car, Learning French oral in 1 night (while you are sleeping) with an MP3. EXCEPT, 1 noun doesnt equal to one definition. First of all, if, FORMS: Singular: Masculine = petit riche gris heureux actif cher Feminine = petite riche grise heureuse active chre Plural: Masculine = petits riches gris heureux riches gris Feminine = petites riches grises heureuses actives, Directions: Describe your favorite outfit, including each item of clothing and its color. In one of my French conversation classes, I was recently asked to explain the difference between the words part and Avoir faire and avoir affaire are two different ways to spell a French phrase that sounds exactly the same when you Im not sure Madagascar is feminine. Some aremasculine and some are feminine. First, we use it, then we try to make it fit into little boxes. Do my native language (Latvian) also has that as Ive never thought of it way? Paris est beau or Paris est belle? ), gender is not quite clear regarding cities. The word plage. We just say Paris, New York, Mexico (Mexico City), Beijing, Tokyo, Sydney, etc. By the way, what language do you speak if you dont mind my asking? La voiture est rouge. Examples: de la viande (some meat), de la patience (some patience), de la glace (some ice cream), etc. Required fields are marked *. : In 1640, John Benson published a second edition of the sonnets in which he changed most of the pronouns from masculine to . If your goal is only to make yourself understood, then you dont need to be perfectly perfect with masculine and feminine genders, grammatically speaking of course. 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