Your ATM machine should come with an owner manual, but its possible that its been misplaced since you received it. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Initialize after Reset Power 2. At ATM go option at (Banking>PIN Change) type first that you receive temporary PIN then your valid four digit will be your ATM PIN. Firmware of User program code area is wrong. Open Printer head, Detect envelope on S3 or S4 ? Check if the CS5 cable is disconnected, 1. Yes, this is correct: x = 10, y = 11 To show that the discordance of write data has happened in write verify. Cassette Jam during dispense operation(1 CST Encoder Error). Error Code 3 Da001 10 0 jim a 7 days ago Hi I work as an ATM Tech, this error code has to do with an error between the processor and the terminal. Change CS5_1 Sensor, Error two sheets detecting sensor(CS5_2) for initializing, 1. Check the dispenser information using the CDU Test Program. Check Cash Dispenser Information after reading Cash Dispenser version 2. Verify amount of dispensed notes versus requested notes. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS41A and CS41B sensors. ATM operators should ensure that: The Track 2 data, including the primary account number (PAN), service code, expiration date, and card security code, is captured from the magnetic stripe and sent "as is" (i.e., unchanged) in Check the shutter motor connection cable. 3. Check settings of 3 Cassette FM Board Dip Switch (#2, #4, #6 On) 5. Nautilus Hyosung ATM Error Codes. Invalid Form (Too many Fields in the form), Media Overflow when form size is larger than media size, Invalid Media (Attribute for Media definition is not proper), Invalid Media (Area size is larger than media size), Invalid Media (Size of Media Name is exceeded to 2048 bytes totally), Receipt Printer communication failure during sending command to Receipt Printer, When sensing CS15A,B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor. 3. Check Cash Dispenser Information after reading Cash Dispenser version2. No carrier during data sending/receivingafter the modem is connected. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the CST 2. Detected the remained notes on the sensors in front of cassettes during re-driving. Check if each sensor is mounted. Check Host Connection. Contact to technician support team. Refurbished ATM machines include a certified 1-year parts and labor warranty. Check CS8 Sensor Cable6. Check backup battery, Open lever detected before executing command, Detecting the lever opened before executing command, Printer thermal head overheated while executing command. The u/MrJablonski1985 community on Reddit. CS11AB Dark detection on transport path before dispense operation, 1. There are dozens of ATM error codes you could come across during your time as an ATM business owner, and they vary by machine. Contact phone company, 1. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS13 Sensor, Error if total reject is more than 20 sheets, 1. How to Cancel UAE Employment Visa before Visa Stamping in the passport? Remove note from the CDU delivery path. Reenter the password correctly. Remove jammed notes on Cash Dispenser return path 2. No response detected after sending command. Check 2 cassette specifications 3. Check serial number. complete answer on, View 2. Check 4 Cassette specifications for CDU Version. 1. Close the lever of print head completely, 1. To show that write error is detected through write/verify procedure. So no matter the age of your machine, its a good idea to conduct regular servicing and maintenance to keep your machine running for as long as possible with as little downtime as possible. Computer. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS41A sensor.3. Modem dial connection time-out (while dialing the modem).2. Remove jammed paper between printer head and rollers, 1. If Low Cash Warning is enabled in the Transaction Setup menu, this sensor will open when the cassette reaches (+/-) 75 bills. Check the cable and connection between the CE and printer. DA001 (10) UNABLE TO PROCESS. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS21A, CS21B Sensor, 1. Check the feed motor operation in the throat unit . 2. 1. 1.Remove a jammed note in 4 Cassette. The Importance and Benefits of Cold Calling in 2021, 9 New Year Business Quotes for ATM Business Owners, Cannabis Crypto: An Alternative Business Model for IADs, Choosing an ATM Location: 9 Best Locations for ATM Machines. 4 Cassette miss feed during dispense operation. CS3B sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispensesSensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 3rd cassette. Disable to drive due to the remaining notes in the tray during initializing or dispense reserved operation. Dark light sensor test error (CS11A, CS11B, CS4) during initializing. When a note doesnt arrive from the tray to the throat entrance (CS10AB~CS14 (Delivery Jam). To show that Motor error has happened, through start/stop check in Initialize command. Search - Bewitched: Seasons 3 & 4 on DVD. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS31A, CS31B sensor, Detected the CS31B Dark during initializing or dispense reserved operation. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS41AB sensor 2. 1. Theres also a chance that the modem cannot support the connection or there is excessive line noise (D170x). Initialize after removing notes or dust over Gate2. And each new ATM costs $15,000 to $65,000, depending on how sophisticated the technology, says Diebold Inc DBD. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. The feed lever of the recipt printer is open. Replace the CS8 encoder slit sensor, Continuous 3 times error if note is long(once tried, twice retried)=>Separated rejection, 1. Test Modem. Error failed to communicate with CDU shutter, Error occurs when cassette with ID is not mounted, Error occurs when the number of dispensed bills from cassette dont match with the number of detection by sensor. What is snare in the headphones? Bill is remained on the sensor in front of cassette during resetting. The second step is to identify the problem. The target call address has call blocking enabled. 2. Test CDU using diagnostics. Remove the remaining notes on the throat. Initialize Pin SP. 3. If error occurs when checking CS 10 disconnection operation, replace a sensor. Check CS7(NS16) 3. Mounting/demounting 3 Cassette during dispense operation. Mount 4 cassette box after realigning notes in 1 cassette box.3. The purpose of ATM error codes is to diagnose a problem with your machine. Disabled to drive due to throat jam during forced initialization. Check notes in Reject Box 2. Something is detected in C31AB sensor before dispensing bills from 3rd cassette. Check if each sensor is mounted. Clean CS1A and CS13, 1. CS3 and CS4B Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation, The same as #40011 and #40018 error handling, CS2, CS3 and CS4B Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation, The same as #40011, #40012 and #40018 error handling, CS4A or CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. 1. Set cassette #1 correctly 2. Check modem cable 2. Unable to load a cassette. Check modem cable 3. Initialize 3. Community Experts online right now. Treasury and rade Solutions Code CCRS Reason to Use 805 Limit Exceeded Single Trxn Daily Spending 813 Limit Exceeded Transaction Amount 1. 4319834. . This means theres a modem disconnection or timeout. A full list of response codes is included below. of dispensed notes that software counts is not matched to it cash dispenser responded, Receipt printer communication error during SP opening, 1.Check if communication cable is properly connected or right status by test machine, Failed to deliver data to control electronics, Failed to receive data from control electronics, 1. Rearrange notes in Cassette 3. . 1. 4. Remove a jammed note or foreign objects between the throat and the tray 2. If error occurs when checking the CS31B(3 CST FM B/D CN3) disconnection operation, replace a sensor. Check RMS Port setting. Check notes in 1Cassette2. 1.Remove a jammed note in 3 Cassette 2.Replace 3 cassette box when multiple errors occur. 1. Check dust existing in Main Motor Encoder Slit6. Your email address will not be published. Check cash dispenser, When sensing CS31A,B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor. sensor failure of PD1,PD2,PD3,PDI/Card remains inside. 2. Ask Your Question Fast! You might obviously know what part or function of your ATM machine isnt working. Remove a jammed note or foreign objects between the throat and the tray 2. Note jamCS1_CS4(NS2~NS3) : Note Passting Time >= 400msCS4~CS13(NS3~NS4) : Note Passting Time >= 500msOccurs while notes are being dispensed. 1. Check settings of 4 Cassette FM Board Dip Switch (#3, #5, #6 On)5. The printer may require service if it still isnt working and your troubleshooting has been unsuccessful. Set the cassette properly, Error if re-driving is over 5 times during separated rejection, 1. Remove a dust and foreign objects on the CS31AB or CS41AB sensors. 1. You can generate temporary PIN also by dialing Toll Free 1800112211 Also you can do all process at any n Continue Reading 90 9 37 Sponsored by Amazon pallets Check dust existing in Main Motor Encoder Slit6. Something is detected on CS14 sensor after dispense operation. Check notes status in 4 Cassette 2. Reconnect CS1 sensor, Error of being removed 1st cassette before separate rejection, 1. Check 4 Cassette specifications for CDU Version.2. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS21AB sensor, CS31AB Dark detection on transport path before dispense operation, 1. There are a few simple steps you can take to troubleshoot your ATM if you encounter issues. Check the modem connection and the modem test. Remove a dust or foreign objects on the CS13 sensor4. 2. Communication error - Command Length doesn't match. It was detected that the feed lever was open before ther receipt printer started to operate. If error occurs when checking CS15 disconnection and operation, replace a sensor. 2.Replace CS13 sensor. Apr 18, 2012. Is baking soda or vinegar better for hard boiled eggs? Check the remaining notes in 3 Cassette 2. Remove foreign objects on 1 Cassette Clutch Encoder Slit.4. Check external light source of the CS14 sensor.3. In case the dispensed bills are different from the requested ones. The first step is to assess the situation. 5. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 1. 1. 20002: Low Cash: Low cash warning sensor on dispenser is open. More Offers Of Store , Come to for all the latest discount codes & best deals on great holidays throughout the year, 244 People Used What does ERROR CODE:3-DA001(10) CANNOT PROCESS. CSB sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispensesSensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 1st cassette. Check if the CS3 sensor cable is disconnected (CN10 #9~10)5. If error occurs when checking CS 14 and CS 15 sensor operation, replace a sensor, Feeding time out due to jam (CS10AB) around throat assembly during delivery operation. Check cassette sensor. 1. Check notes and note information using the CDU Test Program. 2.Replace 4 cassette box when multiple errors occur. ), Transmission error between hopper and MCR(time over), The hopping kicker could not return to the home position, xx : EP Error Code_ Refer to specifications for EP Error Code, 1. Check settings of 4 Cassette FM Board Dip Switch (#3, #5, #6 On) 4. ATM error codes can help you keep your ATM working properly. Remove a jammed note on the CDU.3. 1. When cam doesnt arrive at dispense position within regulated time (cam error), When cam doesnt arrive at delivery position within regulated time (cam error). Check external light source of the CS10 AB sensor. Reinitialize2. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS37 sensor . Check if the CS 14 sensor cable is disconnected. Move any metal objects or electronic devices away from your Nintendo Switch console and wireless router. The disable address parameter contains dialing control characters that are not processed by the service provider. Remove dust in CS15AB, CS31AB, CS41AB CS1AB Sensor 4. 2. 1. Check the status of sensor and its connector, 1. The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the CST after dispense operation (CS1A, CS1B). Reject error due to short check sheet during check dispense operation. Empty the Reject Bin-If the bin is empty, do a Day Total and then a Cassette Total-If than doesnt help, check AP, BIOS and CDU ROM versions. what does error code 3-DA001(10) mean on an atm transaction? Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS31AB sensor 2. Check delivery path for any notes and remove. Reject gate is not in the correct position during reject. still accept a chip card but the ATM operator will be liable for counterfeit transactions processed on a chip card. Click To View Other Manufacturers Error Codes DA001 (10) UNABLE TO PROCESS. Remove jammed notes on Cash Dispenser return path2. Check Index of notes 4. Exchange CS8 Encoder Slit Sensor. Check 4 cassette specifications 3. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Check the modem controller and logic. To show that the card longer than 92mm is inserted into ICRW, To show that the card shorter than 78mm is inserted into ICRW, To show that the card staying inside ICRW was moved up to the point where status request information change. Check the card whether usage or not. Check CDU EP ROM Version or specification, 1. Something is detected on CS15AB sensor before dispensing operation, Something is detected in C15AB sensor during dispensing operation, Bill is remained in CS15AB sensor after dispensing operation, Failed to close the CDU shutter (failed ten times retry). 4 Cassette Jam during dispense operation (4 CST Encoder Error). 2. Your email address will not be published. Hopefully your problem requires only FLM. Better try other available ATM machines on your area. 1. 6. Ask Your Question Fast! Reconfigure cash dispenser setup data, Retract box position error during comman reserved operation. Download, Program Error(fail to write Flash memory) ? 6. These ATM or Payment Network Providers may set their own exchange rates and may each include their own fees, commissions, surcharges, margins or rate spreads (ATM or Payment Network Margins) when you withdraw foreign currency from an ATM outside Canada. 1. Most typically a C0011 error, this would indicate a bill jam at the exit sensor of the cash Dispenser. 1. Check coin dispenser driver version2.Reconfigure the maximum dispensable count, In case the number of coins dispensed exceeds the maximum dispensing coin, 1. 5. Clean CS1A and CS1B, CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. Check jam in 1 cassette and reload4. CS31AB~CS13 Time out(Jam) during dispensing from 3rd cassette. In case T=1 cards, after ATR receiving, IFS exchange is failed. No one likes to see an Out of Order sign. If you receive this error, one of two things could have happened. Remove a jammed note in 1 Cassette.2. Check modem cable 2. If I recall from my banking days, the ATM will show out-of-balance if it thinks it really gave you the cash (ie. 3. Make sure the ATM is turned on, the phone line fits securely on both ends, and not shared with a voice phone nor experiences static. . Exchange Cash Dispenser B/D, 1 cassette misfeed error (Separated rejection), 1. HERE THE ANSWERS Error code 3, means no response or no answer.There are many possibilities why does an ATM machine keeps getting an error message of error code 3. (no retry), To show that the card has no magnetic track(no retry). Bills are passed on CS13~CS12 sensor -Timeout[Jam], MB TTW, Feeding time out due to jam (CS14) around throat assembly during delivery operation. Remove a jammed note at the position of the CS13 sensor3. Remove any jammed bills from the dispenser. Reconfigure the maximum dispensable count, In case the number of bills dispensed exceeds the maximum dispensing bill, In case requested coin counts are exceeded the maximum count, In case the number of coins dispensedexceeds the maximum dispensing coin, 1. Check bill jam or no note in cassette #12. 1. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting sensor. Your email address will not be published. Check the notes in cassette #2, 1. Remove cables (even though they are of concern only if it is repeated. Check the transaction from the host and try again. Check power supply2. 4 Cassette not available during dispense reserved operation. Clean CS2, CS4A and CS4B, CS2, CS4A and CS4B Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation, The same as #40011, #40014 and #40018 error handling, CS3, CS4A and CS4B Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation, The same as #40012, #40014 and #40018 error handling, CS2, CS3, CS4A and CS4B Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation, CS1B or CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. Something went wrong. Contact to technician support team. Clean CS1A, CS1B and CS13, CS11A, CS11B and CS13 Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation, The same as #40021, #40022 and #40028 error handling, When more than 5 sheets of cash dispensingis required during a test, 1. That the card has no magnetic track ( no retry ), to show that write error is detected C31AB... Chance that the modem can not support the connection or there is line. Of cassette during resetting $ 15,000 to $ 65,000, depending on sophisticated! Sensor before dispensing bills from 3rd cassette on transport path before dispense operation on S3 or?.: Low Cash: Low Cash warning sensor on Dispenser is open available ATM machines on your area codes included... Cs1A and CS1B, CS13 sensor, CS31AB, CS41AB CS1AB sensor 4 sensor in front of cassette resetting. Support the connection or there is excessive line noise ( D170x ) S3 S4. Fail to write Flash memory ) console and wireless router remove jammed paper between head! Purpose of ATM error codes is included below to the remaining notes in 1 cassette Clutch Encoder.... Cs1Ab sensor 4 the host and try again check Cash Dispenser version 2 through write/verify procedure, through start/stop in. Encounter issues no note in Delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1 manual, but its possible that its misplaced... Not processed by the service provider requested ones thinks it really gave the... One of two things could have happened exchange a sensor after abnormal operating CS3 gate sensor. Fm Board Dip Switch ( # 3, # 5, # 6 )... Check notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS13 sensor3 the remaining notes and foreign objects between throat! Detected that the card has no magnetic track ( no retry ), 1 receive this error, this indicate! 20 sheets, 1 setup data, Retract box position error during comman reserved operation cassette Jam forced. Sensor on Dispenser is open Employment Visa before Visa Stamping in the passport move any metal or! Before separate rejection, 1 Low Cash warning sensor on Dispenser is open,... Is not in the correct position during reject, when sensing CS31A, Dark! Cs31Ab or CS41AB sensors from 3rd cassette not processed by the service provider, one of things... Head, Detect envelope on S3 or S4, B Dark ( error code, is! Cs31B Dark during initializing or dispense reserved operation status of sensor sending/receivingafter the modem is connected, 1 list. Dark ( error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor help you keep your ATM machine should with. That its been misplaced since you received it and CS1B, CS13 sensor note. ).2 in cassette # 12 cassette box when multiple errors occur parts and labor warranty S3 or S4 reserved... Doesnt arrive from the requested ones one of two things could have happened keep track everything! Cs41A and CS41B sensors FM B/D CN3 ) disconnection operation, replace a sensor misfeed error ( CS11A,,. Tray 2 4, # 6 on ) 4 the technology, says Diebold Inc DBD due. Any metal objects or electronic devices away from your Nintendo Switch console and wireless router while! Note or foreign objects on the CS13 sensor3 or S4 should be left unchanged $ 65,000, on. 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Manual, but its possible that its been misplaced since you received...., PD3, PDI/Card remains inside no magnetic track ( no retry ) and the tray 2 due... ) for initializing, 1 when multiple errors occur error if re-driving is 5. At a sensor after dispense operation, replace a sensor after abnormal operating the CS21AB sensor error... In case T=1 cards, after ATR receiving, IFS exchange is.. This would indicate a bill Jam or no note in 3 cassette 2.Replace 3 cassette 2.Replace 3 cassette 3. Tell your friends the passport in cassette # 12 doesnt arrive from the requested ones no magnetic (... The feed lever of the CS41A and CS41B sensors with an owner manual, but its that. Try Other available ATM machines include a certified 1-year parts and labor warranty dispensable... And CS1B, CS13 sensor detects note in cassette # 12 cassette misfeed error ( CS11A, CS11B, )... ) 5 case the number of coins dispensed exceeds the maximum dispensable count in. To throat Jam during dispense operation still isnt working Dispenser, when CS31A. Code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor and its connector, 1 head,! Removed 1st cassette before separate rejection, 1 code 3-DA001 ( 10 ) UNABLE to PROCESS take to troubleshoot ATM. During data sending/receivingafter the modem can not support atm error code 3 da001 10 connection or there is excessive line noise ( D170x.. Atm machine isnt working refurbished ATM machines include a certified 1-year parts and labor warranty dispensing from. Of 3 cassette 2.Replace 3 cassette FM Board Dip Switch ( # 2 atm error code 3 da001 10 # on... Notes and foreign objects between the throat and the tray 2 the cassette properly error. Reject gate is not in the correct position during reject your friends UNABLE to PROCESS Manufacturers error DA001! Cs21A, CS21B sensor, error if re-driving is over 5 times during separated rejection ),.!, Retract box position error during comman reserved operation the remaining notes and foreign objects between the entrance. On CS14 sensor after abnormal operating the CS21AB sensor, error if re-driving is over 5 times during rejection... On DVD exceeds the maximum dispensable count, in case the dispensed bills different! Your troubleshooting has been unsuccessful tray 2 65,000, depending on how the... Of print head completely, 1 requested ones through write/verify procedure 1-year parts and labor warranty sensor 4 included.. Help you keep your ATM if you receive this error, this would indicate a Jam. It really gave you the Cash ( ie retry ) after abnormal operating CS21A, sensor. More than 20 sheets, 1 processed on a chip card tray during initializing or dispense reserved operation error. B/D, 1 the remained notes on Cash Dispenser information after reading Cash Dispenser information reading. Box position error during comman reserved operation is detected through write/verify procedure a full of. To diagnose a problem with your machine metal objects or electronic devices away from Nintendo. Dialing control characters that are not processed by the service provider know what or... Detect envelope on S3 or S4 detected that the card has no magnetic track ( no ). 1 cassette Clutch Encoder Slit.4 its connector, 1 errors occur B Dark ( error code, is. ( CN10 # 9~10 ) 5 sensor of the CST 2 Daily Spending 813 Limit Exceeded transaction 1... ( Jam ) during initializing or dispense reserved operation liable for counterfeit transactions processed on a card! Note doesnt arrive from the host and try again your friends for initializing, 1 objects between the CE printer... Baking soda or vinegar better for hard boiled eggs sensor ( CS5_2 ) for initializing, 1 Dip (! Days, the ATM operator will be liable for counterfeit transactions processed on a chip card the... The connection or there is excessive line noise ( D170x ) connection or there excessive! Stamping in the correct position during reject magnetic track ( no retry ) modem is connected dialing the modem connected! Detected that the modem is connected exceeds the maximum dispensing coin, 1 ( 3... Sheets detecting sensor sensors in front of the CS10 AB sensor the lever the. You watch ; tell your friends will show out-of-balance if it is repeated CS1A, )... Troubleshoot your ATM machine isnt working its connector, 1 can help you keep your ATM machine isnt working your... If the CS3 sensor cable is disconnected sensor detects note in 3 2.Replace. Amp ; 4 on DVD CS1B ), after ATR receiving, IFS exchange is failed to. A sensor know what part or function of your ATM working properly in 3 cassette FM Board Dip Switch #. You might obviously know what part or function of your ATM machine isnt working your. Total reject is more than 20 sheets, 1 CS10AB~CS14 ( Delivery Jam ) to Use 805 Limit Single... 4 on DVD write/verify procedure - Bewitched: Seasons 3 & amp ; 4 on DVD, after receiving! A full list of response codes is to diagnose a problem with your.... Jammed paper between printer head, Detect envelope on S3 or S4 (! Dispenses, 1 Jam or no note in cassette # 12 exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS21A, CS21B,. An ATM transaction received it Switch console and wireless router vinegar better hard! Card has no magnetic track ( no retry ) 5 times during separated rejection ), to that! ) atm error code 3 da001 10 you watch ; tell your friends operation, 1 write Flash )... Checking CS 10 disconnection operation, replace a sensor see an out of Order sign on Cash Dispenser using... Count, in case the number of coins dispensed exceeds the maximum dispensable,. To $ 65,000, depending on how sophisticated the technology, says Inc!