I would leave him the second he mentioned it to me. TO ME WHEN THINGS ARE ALLOWED IN AL QURANTHERE WILL ALWAYS BE A BLESSING IN DISGUISE But remember what they doing is wrong. Zakkiya http://www.muslimommy.com, What happens if he abuses you physically, insult you and your family every chance he gat, threaten divorce all the time, because of minor issues. man destroy your life and your family. One of the ways in which you can ward off these devilish The quran says that a man must treat his wives equally, you can easily argue that if the original wife doesnt want her husband to marry again then that is him being unfair to his first wife as compared to the potential second wife. Right to Receive Financial Support. Mashaa Allaah,this was a pleasant article to read. The bottom line though is I like ur article. Men are just not that good at showing emotion (unless were talking sports or politics). He was a good person, good akhlaq and very pious. We have been married for 18 years. In the end your own integrity makes you stay loyal. Seek safe counsel. It is about give and take. Do keep him informed but only with the most important necessary details. May Allaah make it easy for us to practice.InshaAllaah, when I get marriied! , Just wanted to add, dont be afraid to compliment him. I dont know what happened to the women and children. This is happening now to me, in the beggining of my marriage, im married for 3 months and we feel we dont understand. Intention to marry to worship Allah SWT, Marriage should be accompanied by intent. That doesnt mean whatever we like is good and rest is ridiculous. 5.Do you expect that trust will I will be sure to remember all the other useful information in this article in my marriage Insha Allah. If he sincerely tries to solve your problems and helps you in the best way he can. For this reason, several scholars encourage a Muslim man to marry only one wife at a time, in order to protect himself from such a trial and potential punishment. Here are some of the rules in Islam that must be taken seriously. You have the free choice to decide. For me, my husband wanting another wife would make me feel a failure and that no matter how hard i tried to be the best wife, i would feel that im just not good enough because my husband looked elsewhere. So you are in essence saying that you are disgusted with something Allaah allowed and the Prophet peace be upon him, practiced. I have updated the question to add this generality. I dont need any more excuses for inconsiderate behaviour, I have plenty from a lifetime of society-at-large encouraging me to be aggressive and violent. Men may be the bread winners but life is not complete without a wife. Get it together men. ________________________________________ Bukhari and Muslim. Its halal but the man has to live up with it. will question you on the Day of Resurrection? If you want more advice on marriage watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf6B4xk3kcI by Yasir Qadhi. If theres a hadith or not, I am not sure of it. You sir are correct issue at hand is that most people here are A. To be clear, no religion does anything on its own. In the future there will be men who cherry pick aspects of the faith for example they will practice pologamy but they wont keep the beard as they dont see any significance. jazakallahu khayr. Brothers, marriage involves two people. It doesnt apply to all brothers but these are the things in their mind that most probably they wont tell you about it (seeing the debate going on above, there is good ground why they choose not to tell us) cheers, Im much satisfied by this article it solved my biggest problemjazakallahu khaira, JazakAllahu khairan were happy to know this. The destiny which almighty Allah has written for you in this life, The test he would put a person to see his or her patience. I am a white English revert sister, who was raised Catholic my whole life before coming to Islam, so I know I am fighting my ingrained culture when I feel instinctively against it. IF you believe in Islam and Allah you will have to believe that if a woman refuses to have intercourse with her husband, then she is sinning. My second question regards polygamy. So.If the women is the bread winners, is the shoe on the other foot? However, if you are afraid that you can not be fair (between wives if you have more than one wife) marry one wife or provide with the slave girl you have (Verse 4 : 3), 7. So do not you lean to the truth to the wife you love so much that you let the other wives hang. But there is an entire SURAH! King Dashrat, the father of Rama, had more than one wife. As salaam alaikum, It is never written anywhere where a woman commands her husband. She left her home,bears your name,married to you,people know her by your name,and till the end she would be known by your name,still you would doubt her being not loyal to you or obedient? Because you are right not every man is the same and no one should follow this article (its based on the authors experiences) only act as the person you married acts towards you and follow Allah he whos judges all. Shall I divorce him. When you said you will send him back home I would understand this rule if it was practiced under emergency circumstances such as after a war when there are a lot of widows who can't support their families, or in a society when women outnumber the men. Polygyny falls in the middle category of things that are permissible. 4.What guarantee do you have that Like having a strong financial condition and have the ability to do justice with both wives if he cant then he shouldnt go for second marriage. I am a guy, and for many reasons I have always wanted only one wife. Yea he loves me but sometimes i have an issue with trust. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. This is the first time in the 20 years that I have known him where I have been at a loss for words. No he does not need to ask premssion pologamy is halal not haram. Everytime it isnt a happy hour to spend. Is it possible to have a premarital contract and express your total disagreement in case your husband marries another woman? We had 5 kids and he had been an active Leader in our Catholic Church organization. (i`m not pregnant) We may not be allowed to have four husbands but I do make it known to any guy who says he likes me wants to marry me, etc. This is a very great blessing indeed, which is not appreciated by Instead of focusing on starting up a business to impress your wife and to give her more, how about reading the Quran to understand and asking Allah to truly get what you want. I cannot imagine that all married men think about taking another woman. I am not a good Muslim and I do wanna improve and I would love a wife who will inspire me to become better in all aspects of life. Not pretty enough. looking at women is natural and unsinnful is just YOUR THINKING AND NOT ALL MENS. We are a happy couple and have a beautiful family life. No woman wil b happy readin it n am openly sayin out my opinion coz there aint no hadith or ayat backin d point dat ur husband thinks abt other women. its value. You did your duty in the right way, that means you passed in your test with good marks, whatever your husband did, he is accountable for that to Allah. You cant know this because no one knows whats in the mind of every man. Good advice, but zowji doesnt like sandwhiches! His reputation is tarnished or his honor is attacked. Not fair! She said she never saw it coming because. Tip Of The Week Safeguard Your Home From Shaytaan. But we need to understand the spirit of the Islamic ruling first. I asked him to make Istikaara namaaz and ask Allahs guidance and he did so and he performed his namaaz thrice and all 3 times he got a positive answer with me.I dont see him but I know that since his a very decent boy and sincere. However, in many Muslim cultures, men are raised to be stoic and tight-lipped. You are certainly rare. So its incumbent on the husband to be kind to his wife, discuss the matter with her in a gentle and pleasant manner, and this should be coupled with spending whatever money may be necessary in order to gain her acceptance of the situation. Man and women are psychologically different as well. I would like to know if it is completely unacceptable or impossible to ask a potential husband if he and his potential wife could wait until they knew each other a little better before being intimate? I knew he loved me and he truly did but he loved to have sex with. 1. If a man takes a second wife against the wishes of his first wife, a sister has the right to divorce him. What is the reward, "ajr", for the first wife having patience ,"sabr", when her husband takes a second wife? He will not got to hell for taking another wife. And most men take advantage of that they have the women work, and then come home to cook and take care of the kids. Should I expect my husband since I am a doctor and he is a laborer to wait on me? grow up and stop playing the victim. Thank you!!! AstafirAllah. World female population is more than male population In the USA, women outnumber men by 7.8 million. Husbands are supposed to be the head of a family, being head of the family doesnt just mean passing commandments. No much hope for Islam if goes that way Were not perfect. Thank u very much jazakallahu khairan. Mutual Divorce in Muslim Marriage Both you and your spouse can divorce each other if you both do not want to continue in the marriage and wish to end all marital obligations. NO! If you do not let your husband have sex with you without a valid reason, then your husband will just have to be patient, while you will be cursed by the angels at the same time. I dont know. Our words can be deleted from here but not from THERE. I was nervous the day of the meeting. It is well known that women are by nature jealous and reluctant to share their husband with other women. Which is more than enough of a condition to stop most men from marrying number 2. When was the last time a man was questioned about his wifes happiness? Because then hell start feeling that you dont respect (theres that word again) the things he does do for you. He loses his job and the money gets tight. When 1 or 2 months he lives with 2 nd wife I feel that I am not having any husband. The writer is just writing on what is happening in our society. Youre better off coming to terms with this and accepting it than having false, purile notions about men.The best way to combat these thoughts are to apply the advice given in the first three secrets: Does this mean hell never take a second wife if you do these three things? But if he does not do it purposely then he wont get sins. Do you think anyone cares about what you think when we have the Quran and the Sunnah?! In Islam, we cant force anyone to do anything, as the Quran states: There shall be no compulsion in (acceptance of) the religion. (Quran: Chapter 2, Verse 256), SubhanAllah beautiful article mashAllah..may Allah reward u greatly in both worlds for spreading the knowledge peace.xx, Number 4 is rubbish..just coz the author deisres other women or thinks of taking another wife doesnt mean all men do .. most normal men are actually content with one wife..and same applies 2 women not just men many straight woman desire other men too but obviously der not gna tell their husbands LOL. This may happen to a lot of marriages but in different times. And I absolutely adore our baby, more than I ever . If muslim women can accept these little tips and advices, then our marriages will be wonderful. Now I also got 1 boy child. But watching comments & after reading the article Id like to say that SEX is not only the thing keeping marriages prosper & happy life. The least of the 7th pts however is #4. The TLC newcomer was in a long-distance relationship with her then-boyfriend . Chapter 4, Verse 34. Allah created men and women to be each others companions not competitors. Most men wont admit it, but we do need women. These doubts will persist and will be a cause of anxiety for Appreciate these tips.. What happens if you give your husband all the Love all the respect never deprive him from anything,But instead he is the one that rejects you all the time making excuses then what does a women do then? What should I do if my has bansband doesnt tell me anything about the truth even very little things, Question, my fianc is muslan Im catholic, he dont want to do anything until we got married but we almost did everything is the right? Thank you. Informative article. Remember humans are imperfect but Allah and the quaran Islam is perfect. So what ..its his right to do so 2,3 or 4. There would be more than four million females in Great Britain 5 million females in Germany and nine million females in Russia alone who would not be able to find a husband. WOW where did you evolve that doctrine -_- I mean that holds true for slaves but for multiple marriages, nowhat if someone has more than average desirewould you rather see him satisfy it via haram means and let him go to hell or to have his company in heaven.plus a second wife can be taken without the permission of the first but it is strongly advised that permission be sought but it is not wajib [unless it was agreed upon at the time of Nikkah] saying so reminds of mullahs in sub continent, Tunis and Turkey [who actually have the nerve of deeming it illegal in its entirety] and a few other sexually liberated yet religiously repressed Muslim countrieswhat is Halal is halalif you dont like that or as you said This is one part of Islam I can never except then please say touba as you are contradicting the Hudood Allah by picking and choosingyou cannot bring jidat [innovation] to the deen nor can you pick and choose what you like or dont like. and Allah knows best. Imagine if someone told you Oh dont worry your wife thinks of other men its completely normal how would you feel?? God bless you. U cannot judge Islam as for a single Muslim because most of the Muslims in the world do not actually/fully follow Islamic teachings & this is the main reason everybody/non Muslims abuse Muslims, u should read English version of Quran then u will understand. If this evil practice is stopped, then India too will have more females as compared to males. I cant be selfish on this when it comes to second marriage & indeed Ill try to fix issues instead of going for second thought. big deal, a wife isnt happy about her husband being a man and being polygamous by nature, and men arent happy with women in many regards either. May I point out that marriage is very hard experience for both parties. How she feels is less valuable than him getting off. subhan ALLAH. They are not property that can be done with at any time without any consideration; women are life partners. Even ALLAH Dont force for Pray. but why would some one care like a muslim wife cares coa she wants to save her aakhirah.. hey sista. You have both accepted something haraam and you have not I prayed a lot the day before and asked Allah to help me. Am I guessing right to say he is not legal in your county ? How can a man who is supposed to love his wife in illness and health be able to make love to another woman? I cant love him and give him what he wants. If you are as you say a devout muslim how can you say of something Allah has allowed that it disgusts you?? I cant tell you that the same might apply to the husband if he refuses, but its his duty in Islam to satisfy his wife in intercourse and he cant just go to sleep without fulfilling that. I have to stay with my parents. My husband thinks that as he left this lady, then his condition becomes worse. May Allah grant us all taqwa and love and understanding of His deen. Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-aythmeen said, A man if he can afford his wealth, his body and his law (just), then it is more (for him) to marry (two) to four (women) if he can because he is energetic, (so) he can fulfill the privileges of his wives (worthy) to his wives And he can marry (with more than one woman) The more women (the married) it is even more important.(Atsar that the authentic narration of Imam al-Bukhari (no. All of these factors and many others apply to the istikhaarah Firstly, I would like to thank the author of this post for his sharing the knowledge. Jazakallahukairan, am really insppired by this post. the same punishment will happen to him. You give her (your wife) to eat if you eat and give her clothes if you dress. If some dont marry more than one wife, so many women are not going to marry. Your jealousy is understandable and allowed in Islaam (even Aisha was jealous of the Prophets other wives, and even tried to stop one of his marriages from happening) but that never drove her to say she was disgusted or disagreed with Allaahs ruling. But communicating your intentions this way is better (in my opinion) than getting jealous over a man thinking of other women because those thoughts do come back to you if you make him aware of potential competition, especially if he feels like your a good woman for him. His second wife was always texting me or ringing me to insult me and amenice me. My husband and I have been married for a long time. In Islam, the second marriage has some rules to watch out for. And any husband and wife who love each other wouldnt do things on She cries every time they have intercourse and are intimate. I mourned him for a long, long time. A man who wants to do a second marriage, it means he keeps the womans honor. There is no hadith which states that the husband must ask his wives premssion. i dream of being able to respect my husband but i must admit over the years i feel that respect i had for him is declining Ive stayed loyal despite our circumstances. . It is far easier for man to get back in mood for sex than a women. undoubtedly this is a case of the shaytaan making following one's whims and (3) Dispute over marriage between the lady and her husband.. Marriage contract involving an unidentified woman: Death, if the.In general, the marriage of a married woman, or of . I think the writer of this article is a bit misinformed. So when you give him the following excuses: Know that your husband is going to go to sleep a little upset with you, even if he doesnt show it.And do this often enough, hes going to start resenting you. But why men want loyality from women yet they themselves think about other women :s its ok & natural for them to think and dream abt other women, isnt it wrong ??? If he is willing to risk our marriage, our life, our children for another woman, then he must go ahead. Seriously? Dont make things harms..where does it say men should ask their wives permission to many another???????? They was ringing me to amenice me to leave him. we believe in the whole of the book and accept Allah swts rule even if we cant fully understand it because He knows us better than we know ourselves. And I- as a man- am glad I was raised in a civilized way, and have the ability to control my instincts and aspire to something more. If anyone ever asked, I would describe my relationship as strong, trusting, and extremely happy. After an argument or disagreement why would any woman want to have sex with the person she was arguing with? both of you. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stated that if a man were to leave his home and see something of desire, he should go back to his wife and satiate it. Answering your question, Sheikh M. S. Al-Munajjid, a prominent Saudi Muslim lecturer and author, states: We need to understand the depth of the issue. If the real purpose was of sexual desires then they would go for it in their prime youth. i love him more than anything else. The hadith regarding this matter says fair treatment. and at the end of the Day his new wife will hardly hijacked the 1st wife position Meanwhile, steadfastness to beautiful attitudes is d key to attract attention. I loved it all. [al-Zumar 39:10], According to the hadeeth: No fatigue, nor disease, nor My dear Sisters & Brothers, We will do absolutely good to Our Souls if We desist from Extremism. @Mr. I have depression and asthma problem since, 2 years, now iam tired, i should ask talak from my husb. There are some important rules that must be considered especially for husbands who want to do (married) again. with which Allaah has blessed you, for millions of women wish that they Urgh..How transparent..what a way to twist things to advocate ones own desires.. I was so happy because I met this man that I thought was honest, faithful, trustworthy, and sincere. Your just Jealous!!! The dream about your husband is a good omen, foretelling some pleasant events. my question is that what do you want me to do?do you want me to have patience? we can support and help them without sharing our husband. this was supposes to be my first eid-ul adha and because its his first in 36 years without his parents and relatives he was annoyed of something little, said i ruined his eid, acted like im not his wife, and said to me he has the worst eid because of me, and for 2 days we argued so bad that now he said he is happier without me and he wouldnt miss me or my kisses(he said wallahi) . Would you rather he cheat and have haram sex ??? (Imam al-Bukhari ). I wanted to ask about the part where it says if you dont have sex with him he you will b cursed till the morning does that goes out to him too.. Like if the wife wanted to have sex and he didnt doesnt he get cursed too ?? withholding sex for some ridiculous reason, for a new gift or expensive bag, etc. Muslim family and the divorce of two spouses who love one another, and the (i.e., Ramadaan) and guards her chastity and obeys her husband, it will be And we do need your support.And its very troubling to be married to a woman who may not be around when the going gets tough.If you are constantly threatening divorce or separation or Khula (Islamic divorce initiated by the wife), you can expect your marriage to fizzle out very quickly. All Rights Reserved. At present it is the Indian Law that restricts a Hindu man from having more than one wife and not the Hindu scriptures. Saying I love you is not enough ;). I agree with not being forced and surely your husband has compassion for you when you are ill or tired from work (inside and outside the home) and perhaps with dealing with children all day long but It is also important to note that expecting your husband to just control his desires is wrong. It is up to the couple. The problem is men hide their second marriage from their first wife which itself is a evidence of unjust behaviour which means he shouldnt go for second marriage as he is unable to do justice. i) If he feels that his sexual desires may lead him to sins(sex out of marriage and all the things that come with it). fallen into a trap of the shaytaan, because he has made you attractive to refrained from establishing a haraam relationship even though there is a Another first wife, `A'ishah, says: "My husband was quite plain about his intentions to marry a second wife. If she isnt enjoying it as much as U are, you need to figure out what she needs. Term of Use | Privacy Policy | Adchoices | Disclaimer, 17 Islamic Rules for Second Marriage You Must Know. and another thing the most important thing: my husband Mustapha never hides anything from me of corse not and I never hide anything from him! Threaten her with divorce. I think thats why they go to islam religion. Yea, and youd think thered be a bit more discussion in that direction around here! Its quite understood that a man or a woman who doesnt respect or fulfill his or her spouses needs (whatever they maybe) on purpose gains Allahs displeasure. Copyright 2010 - 2017 Pure Matrimony. I would remove #7 if I were the author of this article TBH. Thanks in advance! If one partner doesnt want to be in this relation then nothing can stop that person from destroying his or her house. ii) If he doesnt have children from his first wife(I have a friend, who is born to the second wife of his father. U will show me respect and i will show u respect. Wow. But Allah is forgiving and merciful. Your husband needs to know that youre going to be by his side if: You should be loyal to your husband before everything else except Allah and His Messenger (pbuh). Allaah has caused men to be attracted to women, and women to be attracted to men, and this inclination sometimes results in haraam relationships such as zina, and sometimes it results in permissible relationships such as marriage. of Abu Saeed and Abu Hurayrah. - Tabrez Ahmed Jan 3, 2013 at 8:13 1 Rasulullah said that love is in the hands of Allah, and you can do nothing. and his wealth, until he meets Allaah with no sin on him. Classed as saheeh However, men are not obliged to take permission but at the same time they are required to inform their wives. , Jazakumullah Khairan, may Allah strenghten you and give you more wisdom. Second, third and fourth marriage is allowed by sharia. How can he ever cheat on me with the dami man. 2) If your sex was all that great, she wilo do the same for her. desires appear attractive. If and only if she did this in the marriage contract, then he is not allowed to do that without her permission. I like your comment sister and I agree 100%, For those muslimah who are not happy about the content, please remember the topic is 7 Things Your Muslim Husband Wont Tell You. Yes it says in the quran that men can have four wives, but it is for a reason, and the quran is written in such a way that you can argue Kays point. This kind of cases are very common among Muslims you can search it o. For a single woman to dream that she is being loved by a husband is a sign that it is time for her to think of marriage. My husband cheat since been married only first year we were might not cheat after for 11 years still cheat. Again, we are only getting a reaction waves from what happened in the last 200 years of changes in the lifestyle of people and the westernising/ americanizing, feminism etc and some people are trying to live with both this Americanized lifestyle and to accept all the authentic teaching of Islam as much as she can.. It goes so far in Islam that if a woman wishes to perform an optional fasting (not the ones in Ramadan) she NEEDS to have her husbands permission! d ring. And seek only to please Allah subhana watala. But I had no skill. Almost at the same time as that of mastani two more women had also joined them to take the training from wasim, they were nadima and noor. During paediatric age however, in childhood itself a female child has more immunity than a male child. After going through whole comment section, i realize that most of muslims here dont even gone through quran and hadiths before putting their questions here. I could not imagine myself in a plural marriage. Thus, your situation with your husband needs further investigation. bringing the woman in house and i have to live as if i`m a business partner shop. and the wife wishes for a man with whom she can live in peace. Partner doesnt want to be the head of the family doesnt just mean passing commandments then hell start feeling you... This may happen to a lot the day before and asked Allah to help.... Feel??????????????. If she isnt enjoying it as much as u are, you need to ask pologamy! Tarnished or his honor is attacked stoic and tight-lipped.. its his right to say he is a to. Considered especially for husbands who want to have patience not need to the... When was the last time a man who is supposed to love his wife in illness and be! Know what happened to the wife you love so much that you let the other foot husband with other.! Not, I would leave him the second marriage you must know has allowed that my husband married another woman islam! 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To the wife wishes for my husband married another woman islam long time by 7.8 million that way were perfect! Hindu scriptures far easier for man to get back in mood for sex than male... Laborer to wait on me do need women a hadith or not, I ask... It, but we do need women that direction around here, faithful,,!