You now know the creative processes and techniques used to generate world-class ideas. It's by creating an atmosphere that breaks people out of their traditional mindset. For Occasionally the jokes are clever winners, but more often than not, the jokes are groaners. WebKeep in mind that brainstorming ideas for content marketing is about more than just coming up with a list of topics. On the next run-through of the game, the responses should be Yes, and and give out a reason why the last persons item would be great and then follow it with what theyre going to bring. These ideas can be used to shape your marketing teams content marketing editorial calendar, as well as your business development teams prospecting strategy. The stepladder technique encourages team building while ensuring everyone has a chance in the spotlight. hbspt.cta.load(722788, 'f2320b4b-aba5-4d60-a5da-d328d315d01d', {});
. This campaign gave customers a peek into the brands journey while beautifully connecting to the product. If your customers love your products or services, encourage them to tell people about them. This was successful because it tied into an important social issue and created a stir within the athletic community. The game can end after a few revolutions around the room or the story seems to find a natural ending. These videos showcase how real users enjoy the experience and the product itself. A Google Doc or a Slack channel can work well in this process. Informa UK Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 1072954 whose registered office is 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG. should also allot time to any brainstorming techniques youd like to A marketing campaign is a multi-channel promotion centered around a theme, event, or specific content.Marketing campaign ideas are the published content, or events, that bring your message to your audience. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); By clicking submit you are agreeing to our privacy policy and terms of use. Dont set a numerical goal for your ideas. For more information on how you can help the @TrevorProject, visit Word games can be powerful ways to help remove you from the traditional mindset that tends to produce generic, unoriginal ideas. doesnt have to be this way. Then, promote it in your emails, social media, and print ads. that you can stick to this time limit, it may be necessary to enforce house with day-to-day. Start With Stories. Start out brainstorming sessions by spending 10 minutes coming up with a bunch of bad ideas first. Collaborative brainwriting is similar to brainwriting, but the idea generation may happen asynchronously. Start with a problematic outcome. To start, close your eyes and describe what you want to create. Try thinking about the function of that word, its aesthetics, how it's used, metaphors that can be associated with it, and so on. Then a handful of smaller pieces of this larger theme are defined, such as PR, Media, Emerging martech, etc. Whats Included In A Marketing Campaign? Combining imagery, color, and visual-spatial arrangements can help surface emotions and feelings that will spark fresh, new ideas. Coca-Cola launched the Share A Coke campaign to create a personal relationship with consumers. Wondering what questions to ask? Also known as online brainstorming, this technique works well for remote teams. You can rotate papers several times, and start a discussion based off the new ideas that emerge. listen back when its convenient.,,,,,, 5 Group Brainstorming Activities, Techniques and Exercises to Inspire Creativity at Your Next Sales & Marketing Kick-Off Meetings, 5 Reasons Why an SEO Audit is Worth The Money in 2023, Top 7 Alternative Career Paths For Journalists, How to Create Free Landing Pages for Schools (With Checklist), The Ultimate Guide to Core Web Vitals For A Healthy Website, Importance of Having a Facebook Ads Conversion Funnel. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Having regular intervals of ideation helps to disrupt the workflow to motivate and engage the team. When brainstorming is too structured, it inhibits the creative process and disrupts the flow of ideas, which is the antithesis of the concept. Here are some popular options: You now know how to do your research, brainstorm ideas, and develop campaign concepts. What problem are you trying to solve? Assign a Consider a change of scenery. But some members on your team might be worried they'll sound stupid or uninformed if they pitch ideas that aren't well thought-out. Darren has an MBA in Internet Marketing and is the Co-Founder of Ecommerce CEO. By the end of the year, we want to reach 20,000 units of our bestselling product.. The push for inclusivity in sports has become increasingly important, and the NFLcreated this campaign to broadcast their stance. Then, leverage them to promote your products and services. One way to loosen people up and get the ideas flowing? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". 1. Luckily, theyre highlighted by a set of basic rules. Did you know that doodling can help spur creative insight, increase attention span, and free up short- and long-term memory? Theyre made up of bubbles and arrows connecting different words and thoughts to a central concept. Content Marketing World is part of the Informa Connect Division of Informa PLC. Too few, and you might find yourself in the idea doldrums, too many and the number of ideas also starts to plateau. See how Infinite Red's Lead Designer, Justin Huskey, solved the challenges of brainstorming remotely. But, with the right preparation, it's rewarding and fun. Events can take all different types of shapes. A calendar that helps you see, schedule, and share yourmarketing. 1. WebBrainstorming revolves around the minds behind design and ideation, as it is the gateway to great ideas. This exercise gets its name from the following fictional scenario: You are in an elevator with a big-name investor, buyer, or someone else that can bring your business to new heights, and you only have until they get off of the elevator to make your pitch. The epic collaboration exploded amongst fans. Build an emotional connection with your customers by sharing it. GoPro encourages their customers to record themselves using their cameras. They printed the most popular names on bottles of Coke, and customers were encouraged to share them with the people who had that name. A good campaign name should: Not all campaigns may be appropriate across all your social channels. you) should follow up with a summary of the groups favorite ideas, and outline next steps. User-generated content carries additional weight because it comes from an actual customer. Figure out which metrics and KPIs youll track and measure ahead of time. This comes easy to some and more difficult for others, but just like Osborns commandos, you cant just jump into battle without preparation. solutions to flesh the original idea out into a conceivable project. Ask each player to write on an index card an idea about how to handle the situation. However, before we go through a good brainstorm warm-up, we need to know that were warming up the right things. "Take two unrelated things, like elephants and ice cream, and draw them in their atomized parts,". 10+ Tools to Spark Content Creation. Just say it. Let the ideas flow naturally, and don't over think it -- this is meant to be a creative exercise. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute. generator technique is when members of the team fill in a complete grid with David Keley, founder of IDEO, delivers a really amazing talk about creative confidence. It also keeps one or two people from dominating the conversation. brainstorming session. Have the team note them below and provide some additional details. In improv, the term yes and is king, and shutting down or editing another participants ideas leads to certain death. Although I find the Welcome everybody. This game is all about teamwork and staying on your toes. Mind mapping tools are ideal for brainstorming and Mindmeister is one such web-based software. By drawing a picture of the relationships between ideas, you and your fellow team members can develop more creative ideas. When challenged to create, rejuvenate, or rethink what your team does, its time to connect for a good brainstorming session. Holding a FAQ campaign allows you to talk to your customers and let them know that you hear their concerns. At the end of the session, you can organize all the thoughts to develop your vision and action plan. However, pair the video with hashtags, blog posts, and emails, and they come together to form a marketing campaign. Why should someone choose your product over the one they already have? What would they not care about? Markman suggests giving people time to think by themselves prior to the Wont that kill the creativity? Not so. Annual kickoff meetings are a common activity for most sales and marketing teams, but they rarely result in successful collaboration that leads to an increase in team performancewhich is of course the goal of any manager setting the agenda. The first thing to remember when thinking about an engaging brainstorm is the original rules laid out by the father of brainstorming, Alex F. Osborn: Create a safe space. Expect these warm-ups to take a bit of time with a new group, but each successive time it will go more quickly and your team will be rocketing out of the gate. Yes, And. Then, identify the positive things that may drive the person to seek out your company: What does he want to gain? Your content creators arent feeling creative. can voice left-field ideas, you may need to intervene should things stray too Repeat unto you have used all 5 sticky notes. Receive valuable, in-depth and strategic advice. Lets say you were trying to come up with a list of blog topic ideas for a healthcare client. Cookie Policy, Things to Prepare Before a Brainstorming Session, Typography Rules Picking Font Sizes, Styles and Formats to Work on Your Website. Consider the following brainstorming methods and tools to generate and qualify ideas. Once things have wrapped up, the facilitator of the brainstorm (i.e. Heres how to structure a brainstorm with heads-down time: Start with a quick 3-5 minute icebreaker. MacKenzie Wutzke is a Content Specialist who loves using her creativity to generate new ideas for CoSchedules blog and social media platforms. hoping to attain multiple ideas from the session. When hes not managing accounts, hes either on a soccer field, on ice skates, or screenwriting. Consider building a campaign intended to increase your email subscribers. This is a great way to get some creative ideas from team members who are shy or otherwise uninterested. The Five Whys. Influencers can reach new audiences for you, and their endorsement can drive your sales. A senior You can loop them back in when it feels right, but for now theyre on a need-to-know basis. incorporate (more on this later). further refine and develop the idea until youve exhausted its possibilities. That means where you conduct your brainstorming sessions could have an affect on the ideas your team comes up with. Brainstorming focuses on idea generation. But, as many of you probably know by experience, some brainstorming sessions are more productive than others. Record the idea. Viral marketing happens when your audience generates the message of your product instead of your team. Now, we've all probably crushed a pizza on our own before, but generally speaking, two pizzas could comfortably feed between six and 10 people -- but more than that, and people will be hungry -- not to mention, unproductive. A common goal for annual sales and marketing team meetings is to set the go-to-market strategy for the year, and to develop detailed sales and marketing plans. Encourage participation from everyone No interruptions from outside. In this game, you get the group to shout out two nouns that are to be combined into a new product. to voice. The campaign garnered worldwide attention and helped Apple promote their new product with customer testimony. By starting your brainstorm with quiet, solo ideation time, it not only gives more introverted personalities time to work, but will prevent people from falling into groupthink right off the bat. Applelaunched the #ShotOnIphone campaign to show users how the tech giant had updated the camera on the latest version of the iPhone. Build on ideas. For each of these, more narrow topics are formed, and these become a list of topics for the content. our team of experts instil creativity into all our client campaign work, using Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The sweet spot for the ideal number of participants? Give the team structure with goals for the brainstorm. limitations of the campaign, so note budget or time constraints that will steer Alex Osborn said, "It is easier to tone down a wild idea than to think up a new one." brainstorming efforts garner the results youre looking for. Keeping a relaxed and informal environment matters. When those two are considered separately, only then can you visualize a unique combination of needs that this ball-hat would solve. Bubbles is Try another search, and we'll give it our best shot. Build engagement through a high-quality, interactive contentcampaign. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Prepare the necessary hardware (syncing to a projector, There is a traditional joke structure that goes like this: 185 (blanks) walk into a bar and the bartender says Sorry, we dont serve (blanks) here. So the (blanks) say (punchline). As a moderator, its really hard to get everyone comfortable with the creative brainstorming mentality in the first few minutes. Asking good questions is one of the hardest skills to master but you can, using these 5 types of brainstorming questions. Creating original research is a great marketing tactic. This will help you set a much more open and playful tone than a formal atmosphere would. However, when positive reactions occur, the picnic seems like it will be a lot more fun. Im listing this one first, because its a great ice breaker and it gets everyone on their feet and their blood pumping. They would even help melt the ice if enough users commented on the video, which increased engagement. 1) Come up with an initial Consider these creative contest campaigns instead: For example, Wix encouraged users to enter their super bowl contest for a chance to win $50,000. Brainstorming Technique #2: Mind Mapping. The sheriff will call out random even numbers, to which each dueler will take a step. Have each team member contribute ideas to the system on their own time. 1. to your next session. Think of related issues. By the end of the exercise, your team will have developed a certain degree of empathy for the individual in question, allowing them to identify the persons motivations. Often, You can record the word storm on a piece of paper or a whiteboard or by using this online word storm tool to create a visual map -- which you can save, export, and send to the team after the meeting. The #KnowYourLemons campaign by Worldwide Breast Canceris a viral campaign that helped walk women through screenings for breast cancer. Like with mind mapping, the visual components of the mood board can be anything branching off that central topic. Break and build ideas. See how Portent can help you own your piece of the web. Take an object and visually break it down into its tiniest parts. Entertaining and motivating original stories to help move your visions forward. A family of agile marketing products to coordinate your team, projects, andprocess. Why did you create your business? A daily dose of irreverent and informative takes on business & tech news, Turn marketing strategies into step-by-step processes designed for success, Explore what it takes to be a creative business owner or side-hustler, Listen to the world's most downloaded B2B sales podcast, Get productivity tips and business hacks to design your dream career, Free ebooks, tools, and templates to help you grow, Learn the latest business trends from leading experts with HubSpot Academy, All of HubSpot's marketing, sales CRM, customer service, CMS, and operations software on one platform. Nothing gets the creative juices flowing like a little improvisation. Copyright 2023 Informa PLC Provided For example, if youre about to start the Tour de France, you better stretch your legs out before you hop on a bike. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. You might throw one out yourself first to show them what you mean. The campaign used lemons to simulate irregularities that women can check for in-between their regular mammogram screenings. We find brainwriting Give me your best ideas right now! approach amusing, it wont work. Share a list of goals to start the ball rolling and save Once the papers have made a full journey around the room, the participants share and discuss the ideas. Unfortunately, we learn to quiet our creative minds down as we get older because we fear being made fun of or getting rejected. They then build out and develop, introducing their own ideas and How can this person benefit from our product? When it comes to sales and marketing teams, knowing what this tradeoff looks like for potential customers can help inform their selling and marketing strategies. fresh perspectives, knowledge and experience helping to create a more This exercise should take between 30 and 45 minutes. Its time to put this all together into a cohesive campaign proposal. Ever been to one where you left feeling like your team didn't really come away with anything useful? Here is a list of five great activities that will help spark the right kind of thinking for your brainstorm: Everyone stands in a circle except for the moderator, who in this game acts as the sheriff. To start, have someone write a question or problem on a large piece of paper or a whiteboard displayed in a public place. September 06, 2017, Coming up with fresh, new ideas isn't easy. You can begin the meeting with an activity and then transition into others over the course of the event to get ideas flowing and help break the ice, showing participants that its okay to throw out ideas and suggestions regardless of whether it is well-thought through, big, or small. everything ready to make full use of the session. We want to start with blank canvases. If you want The company launched a campaign to get some additional use out of old commercials cleverly. Be directly related to the topic of your campaign. The average person is exposed to between 6,000 and 10,000ads each day. The moderator doesnt want to fill in any more information than is needed just enough to get it started. Check out this blog post by HubSpot on how to ensure a seamless product launch. The moderator would start by throwing out a simple prompt. Start by drawing up a grid whose rows and columns equal the number So, basically, the wilder the better. What challenges did you encounter? You can never predict virality, but there are ways to increase the chances of your campaign going viral: Your story is an effective marketing tool. More is better. Most customer needs arent one dimensional generally there are a few needs that need to be met. One great way to kick off this exercise is to create Buyer Personasa semi-fictional representation of your ideal customers. For instance, We missed our sales target for the third month in a row. Then, ask, Why did this happen?. becoming distracted, burying their nose in their laptop or notebook rather than Then they add on to the picture as a direction is given: Picture the e-book with the clients brand on it. See the features or topics it should cover.. Out of Ideas? Finally, another word game you could try is coming up with what Creative Bloq calls "essence words": Words that capture the spirit, personality, and message you're trying to put across -- even if they seem crazy. On the first run-through of the game, the next person should respond with Yes, but and give out a reason why the last persons item wouldnt be that great and then follow it with what theyre going to bring. If I asked you to explain what a hat was and why it was valuable, youd probably easily be able to do it. Brainstorming #ContentMarketing ideas? Why not answer the questions on everyones minds? Customers may be Ask your team to explain what the persons experience is, from that persons perspective. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You now know how to do your research, brainstorm ideas, and develop campaign concepts. Interactive content encourages consumers to actively participate with your business, consume information faster, and achieve results quicker. This experiment really demonstrates to the group how important the yes and mentality is for a successful creative brainstorm. 9 templates to help you brainstorm a business name, develop your business plan, and pitch your idea to investors. By using Content Marketing Institute. If you can't change the room itself, try changing something about the room to stimulate the brain, such as rearranging the chairs or putting pictures on the walls. The Lip Bar brilliantly used its CEOs negative experience on the show Shark Tankto launch a 2022 campaign built around a story of perseverance and resilience. Heres how to do it: Write down your goal, challenge, or content idea. time at the start of the session. How to Find and Fill a Content Gap for SEO and UX. Continue asking team members to share ideas throughout the brainstorm session. direction by addressing unfeasible ideas. They must each stand with their backs to each other. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has a rule when it comes to meetings that applies to brainstorms too: Don't invite more people than could be fed by two pizzas. Looking to generate ideas remotely? This could include a multi-pronged approach: Lots of companies run campaigns around obvious holidays. feasible beyond the boardroom. June 27, 2022, Published: However, the brainstorming technique has limitations because it is so unstructured. It does not store any personal data. In 2019, while Popeyes created arguably the best chicken sandwich, Megan The Stallion became the hottest rapper in the music industry. Its definitely a difficult game and puts participants on the spot, but youll be amazed at how each participant will be able to come up with something creative. Theres no need to stop and evaluate or expand on ideas until the end of the session. Think: tech, design, architecture, art, typography, photography; writing you like, branding you like, competitors who are solving problems in interesting ways, etc. Since the inception of the term in 1948, brainstorming has been the most powerful tool for creative problem solving for designers and marketers. Gap-filling brainstorming might produce ideas like: With brainwriting (also called slip writing), each participant gets a piece of paper or an index card to use to write down ideas. If you work with other companies or use products from third-party vendors, consider reaching out and doing some co-marketing. Were used to programmed thinking in which criticism and logical processes lead to results. One way to turn a few ideas into many is by breaking Collect visuals. You might be asking yourself, wait a second, why are there rules for a brainstorm? Informa UK Limited is part of Informa PLC. This campaign showed that taking a stand and making the message count can revive a brand. To play, first identify a topic that you need to generate ideas about (for example, increasing audience engagement). Try brainstorming #content ideas round-robin style (everyone submits idea) to prevent one or two people from dominating the conversation, says @DarrenDeMatas via @CMIContent. opportunity to feedback on ideas some people may have been too self-conscious That aha moment is a wonderful marketing tool when a customer realizes a product or services worth. This tactic can also help you grow your customer base and help you stand out against your competition. From there, you can discuss all the good ideas as a team and decide what to move forward with. Free and premium plans, Customer service software. Although this was a controversial commercial, the campaign gained a ton of traction for The Trevor Project. In fact, brainstorms work best when every attendee is at about the same level, so next time, leave the boss out of it. Sign up to receive our posts via email! distraction, and try to discourage any chat which isnt related to the session Develop this by adding ideas and solutions to the other eight It's draining -- and it can feel like a waste of you and your team's time. This game warms up listening skills and considers the previous contributions before opening your mouth. not be a free-for-all. This brainstorming activity is designed to help your team uncover the root causes behind the problems that they are facing. . One way to turn a few ideas into many is by breaking them down or building them up. Football is for all. 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