Author Daffomaniac [a] 738. C G What about all the times you said you had the answers? ... dass er nur 3 Akkorde …
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope G# For a ... whats in my head and I, I am feeling a little peculiar. I'll be ready Em C I don't want control, I want to let go G Are you ready? What's up - 4 Non Blondes - Gitarre lernen - Teil 2 - Schlagmuster im 16ten Feel Hey Leute, Herzlich willkommen zum zweiten Teil des What's up Tutorials … [Outro] G Twenty-five years and my life is still Am Trying to get up that C great big hill of hope A new cool and easy song every week. For whatever that G means. Um dir z.B. whats … [Chorus] G And I said Heyeyeyeyey Am Heyeyey C G I said Hey Whats going on? Whats Up ukulele chords by 4 Non Blondes. We have an official Whats Up tab made by UG professional guitarists. For a desti G nation. Intro: A Bm D A (2X) A 25 years of my life and still, Bm D A Tryin' to to get up that great big hill of hope, for a destination.A I realized quickly when I knew I should , Bm D That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man, A For whatever that means.A And so I cry sometimes, when I'm lying in bed Bm Just to get it all out, what's in my head, then I, D A I am feeling, a little peculiar. Spiele Lieder während dem Gitarre spielen lernen. kein Abo 100% kostenlos In diesem Gitarren Tutorial lernst du den Original Rhythmus zum Song "What's Up" von den "4 Non Blondes" auf Gitarre spielen. Em What about us? 25,933 views, added to favorites 5,501 times. Ein neues einfaches Lied: Einmal wöchentlich. G I realized quickly when I knew that I should. [Chorus] Em What about us?

Ein neues einfaches Lied: Einmal wöchentlich. G And So I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed.

Just to Am get it all out.
G# So I wake in the morning and I step outside A#m ... Spiele Lieder während dem Gitarre spielen lernen. Videos von YouTube oder Tonaufnahmen von SoundCloud direkt auf unserer Seite präsentieren zu können, benötigen wir deine Einwilligung zu unserer Datenschutzerklärung. I'll be ready Em C 'Cause now it's time to let them know G We are ready, what about us? Tuning: G C E A. Play songs while learning to play guitar. That the w Am orld was made of this brotherhood of C man. G And I said Heyeyeyeyey Am Heyeyey C G I said Hey Whats going on? G WHATS GOIN ON? Difficulty: novice. Datenschutz ist ein brandaktuelles Thema und auch wir tun unser bestes! Am Trying to get up that great big hill of C hope.

Em C It's the start of us, waking up come on G Are you ready? What's up - Ein Akkordkreislied von 4 non blondes. View official tab. 3 contributors total, last edit on Oct 20, 2017.