Jordan then books Billy a fight against Kalil Turay. Knowing what he's going to do, he tries to stop him. After a split decision where the first rounds to go Miguel, the final judges announce Billy as the new champion. With Billy out of action, his longtime trainer Eli Frost along with Jordan work with Miguel Escobar.

Najlepsze forum filmowe w Polsce - o filmach, serialach, twórcach, wydarzeniach. Angela brings Leila into the dressing room where they watch the fight on the TV. Choć wydaje się to niemożliwe, w ciągu jednego dnia traci wszystko.

Despite the victory, he suffers nasty injuries and continuous bleeding. Maureen expresses her fears for Billy's safety and thinks he should quit while he's ahead or he'll end up punch-drunk in two years. He learns that Hoppy has trouble at home with his father abusing his mother, which he reports to Tick, with whom he continues to bond. Wsparcie znajduje na sali treningowej prowadzonej przez emerytowanego pięściarza i trenera najtwardszych bokserów amatorów (zdobywca Oscara Forest Whitaker). Tłusty beat pulsuje, kamera szusujeOdtwórz Do utraty sił (2015) Zwiastun nr 1 (polski)Billy Hope ciężką pracą osiągnął wszystko, czego można oczekiwać od życia. Billy thinks it could be his shot back to the top and wants Tick to train him for a comeback, but Tick thinks Billy just wants revenge and refuses to train him. One night, he runs his car into the tree outside his home. Dyskusje, quizy, plebiscyty. View All Videos (1) Southpaw Photos View All Photos (8) Movie Info. Tick breaks down and laments the fact that he couldn't save the boy. Billy continues to spiral out of control. The alarm wakes Leila up, and she goes downstairs to find Billy lying on the floor, bleeding. The night of the fight comes, with thousands of people ready to see Billy's comeback. {"tv":"/film/Do+utraty+si%C5%82-2015-609966/tv","cinema":"/film/Do+utraty+si%C5%82-2015-609966/showtimes/_cityName_"}{"userId":"875720","thumbnail":"","title":"Lewy sercowy","link":"/reviews/recenzja-filmu-Do+utraty+si%C5%82-17804","more":"Przeczytaj recenzję Filmwebu"}{"linkA":"/zostanwdomu?ref=promo_stayAtHomeA","linkB":"/zostanwdomu?ref=promo_stayAtHomeB"}Początkowo w postać Billy'ego Hope'a miał wcielić się Antoine Fuqua recenzowanym tytułem w żadnym wypadku nie wynalazł prochu ani nie odkrył ponownie koła, tym niemniej jego najnowszy obraz udanie opiera się na budulcach ... Jake Gyllenhaal stworzył fenomenalną kreację twardziela o miękkim sercu, która sprawia, że i nasze pikawy zaczynają szybciej bić.

He understands, and they make love. Billy then employs a brutal, fast-paced fighting style against Jones. Southpaw grossed $52.4 million in North America and $38.5 million in other territories for a total gross of $92 million, against a budget of $25 million. Billy goes back to the gym to find Tick furiously hitting a punching bag. Billy's friend Jon Jon (Beau Knapp) goes over to try to talk to him. Billy wakes up in the hospital and is told that Leila is put in the care of Billy goes to the Child Services building and meets with the social worker, Angela Rivera. Both fighters trade furious punches, going hand to hand through each round. The crowd goes wild and Tick and the team runs in the ring to celebrate with Billy. Miguel then gets in Billy's head by insulting Maureen. Do utraty sił (2015) Southpaw - Pomimo przeciwności losu bokser stara się powrócić na szczyt i odzyskać dobre imię. As the Hope family kick back in their stylish home with Billy's friends while Maureen sunbathes and talks to Billy's manager Jordan Mains (50 Cent). Billy visits Leila again to tell her about his up coming exhibiton fight. Billy and Maureen go home to their daughter Leila (Oona Laurence). Blinded by damage due to headshots Billy accidentally headbutts the ref in the face. If at all it does, we should only expect Southpaw sequel to release sometime in 2023 or later. As he continues to make amends in his life, Billy tries to visit Leila. Both fighters continue to tire, before in the final seconds of the last round, Billy blocks a jab from Miguel, lands a shot to the face before turning southpaw and landing a furious uppercut, causing Miguel to crash down to the ground. Billy and Maureen go to a fundraiser ball where Billy gives a speech, acknowledging his manager Jordan, his boys, Leila, and Maureen. During the fight, Billy gets beaten up so badly that his corner throws in the towel, ending the fight. After the fight, Leila meets Billy in the dressing room, where they hug for the first time since Maureen's death. Afterwards, as the press surrounds Billy, a younger upstart boxer, Miguel "Magic" Escobar (Miguel Gomez), comes in and demands Billy to fight him in the ring, claiming Billy's never been hit by a real man. Dzięki jego wsparciu, Billy rozpoczyna największą walkę swojego życia, która ma przynieść mu odkupienie i zwrócić zaufanie bliskich. Escobar is in attendance as well, and as Billy is leaving, Escobar goads him by sexually insulting Maureen and saying he will take his titles away from him. Ma piękną i kochającą żonę (McAdams), uroczą córkę i wielkie osiągnięcia na ringu. He is allowed to see her, but she tells him "he fucked up", and lets him know it's his fault they're both in this situation. Już nie mogę się doczekać żeby znów zobaczyć go w akcji:)Zastanawiam się, czym dokładnie zachwycają się wszyscy, mówiący, że film jest świetny? Billy sięga dna, a jedynym sposobem, by się od niego odbić, jest rozpoczęcie wszystkiego od nowa. She cries for help and then calls 911. Kolejny film o człowieku, który miał wszystko i stoczył się na dno, po czym próbuje odzyskać dobre imię. She doesn't want to see him at first, but over time his persistence wins her back and she eventually allows him to see her.