This gives Sirius A  luminosity that is easily 25 times that of our Sun, as well as a surface temperature of around 10,000 degrees Celsius (or 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit). Some of us have expanded our consciousness sufficiently to enable us to travel through more than one major Stargate, obtaining a comfortable sense of being at home in several Stargates. Solara writes:-“As we arrived here from what we shall term, Beyond the Beyond, we chose an individual entry point or midway station which indicated our preferred mode of expression.

Sirius is a binary star system. Many of them are familiar to us as Sirius, Arcturus, Orion, Antares, Pleiades, Andromeda, Aldebaron, Polaris etc. Stream radio online or in your car w/ SiriusXM. Through vigorous research, cross-disciplinary analysis, and traditional practices our community is creating the most progressive conversation on planet earth.Reference the Sirius star fills prehistory and mythology. This familiarity with more than one major Stargate, helps free us from a primary identification with just one Stargate. The annual rising of the star Sirius brought the inundation of the River Nile, which, in turn, brought fertility, and therefore wealth, to the land of Egypt. . One doesn’t even need to use a telescope just to see Sirius.rius A), the system also features a smaller companion star (Sirius B). However, in 1995, a pair of astronomers published a paper that reported that there may actually be a third star — which they aptly named Sirius C — in th, a third “tiny star” in the Sirius star system was observed almost two dozen times over the course of a decade, from 1920 to 1930. Chambers found within the pyramid are strategically positioned in reference and deference to Sirius. Yes, we also have these three races on our world who represent the Sirians. In fact, one can look at Orion’s Belt and draw a line through it to spot this star. Sign up for a Free Streaming Trial considered especially useful for applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world.People who seek fame and wealth, as well as lawyers, politicians, and military personnel, look to Sirius for guidance and inspiration, as it is believed to give the dead a lasting legacy. A second goal is the "humanization of space" which involves the settlement of the solar system and beyond. This configuration causes Xylanthia to have no night. Sirius is the brightest star in our sky and is a multi-star system, i.e. ne cubic inch of material at that density would weigh over two tons at the surface of the Earth.Meanwhile, Sirius B travels around Sirius A following a highly elliptical orbit.

You shall feel the love of Sirius through the waters of your body and through your emotions. Meanwhile, the name Sirius could be found in other myths as well: it was the name of the dog of Orion (called Indian mythology also had a place for Sirius. . We have developed the ability to tune into different frequencies of energy and express them whenever we choose. It is the all-encompassing Mother; it is the birth canal, if you choose, of your universe, of your soul’s experience into this earthly realm. In the beginning, we were One Star. The dolphins, who embody the essence of joy and playfulness, help us to reconnect to joy. It is the time of the grandest transmutation, the grandest transformation and yes, of the grandest transcendence that has ever occurred. And when that day comes, it certainly won’t be a dog day for humanity.Do you think it’s possible that the Sirius star system is in fact a triple binary?