That plus Active Skill Damage on all your armor means that you can get Cherry Blossom and base Melee Damage tremendously boosted as well as Moon Shadow, which is fantastic for human enemies.A Reddit community dedicated to Nioh and Nioh 2, action RPGs developed by Team Ninja and published by Koei Tecmo (PC) and Sony Computer Entertainment (PS4) for release in 2017 and March 13th 2020Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. They won’t know what hit them.Finally, to make the most out of your Dual Swords build, you’re going to want to pick up some samurai skills.

Nioh; Dual swords vs single sword; User Info: Ritalinfiend. Leveling up Body to equip Light Armor, and Heart for extra Ki capacity is also important.The Dual Swords have a fast attack speed in exchange for damage per hit. Kusarigama was pretty powerful but didn't seem quite as strong as dual swords. I'm currently looking to improve my dual sword build. Get a few hits in while they’re distracted, and get out.

In the beginning, the Lighting Bird Ame-no-Mitori is a solid pick as it provides you movement speed as well as several . One good Dual Swords skill you can get right away is Cherry Blossom. level 2. Dual Swords are also notably more useful against Humans than against Yokai. Alternatively, Ninjutsu can also work wonders if you pour enough time into it. Simply put, level this up, and you’ll deal a lot more damage to enemies.Heart is also incredibly important with Dual Swords as you’ll most likely spend the majority of your time in High stance. Dual Swords are compatible with Light Armors, therefore leveling up Body is also effective.The status increase between level 5 to level 10 is large compared to other levels for all stats. Which is unfortunate, because Yokai form the largest of the two groups. That looks like a cool pair of swords...Shichisei and Heishishorin (Purity) drops from William.Tarobo Kanemitsu & Rapier are dual swords dropped by one of the 7 Spears during Cherry Blossom in DaigoAnyone know if it is possible to get wooden dual swords prior to hitting 180k proficiency and doing the dojo dual sword duel?Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a March 19, 2020 Taku Bou Nioh 2 1. Compared to the Sword, Axe, and Spear, they can feel pretty weak. Recommended Articles "Discover Nioh 2's Best Weapon Types through our Tier List!" Recommended Articles "Discover Nioh 2's Best Weapon Types through our Tier List!" This bird can be used till the end of your progress to Dream of the Samurai. Yesterday i craft dual swords wooden (with Wind effect), and defetead but the achievement don't take, i don't use it magic, etc..... #14 Showing 1 - 14 of 14 comments Home Nioh 2 Best Build and Skills for Dual Swords Nioh 2 - Best Build and Skills for Dual Swords. However, you will also keep a Kusarigama as a secondary weapon. I didn't care for axes. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Looking for a decent pair of swords to focus the rerolling and the fusing on. The increased health pools for enemies in NG++ means you likely wont be able to burst them down like in NG+. "Recommended Skills and Stat Builds for each Weapon Type Now Available!" While leveling up Heart to raise your Ki meter isn’t quite as important as leveling up Skill, this is something that you’ll definitely want to look into if you plan on stringing together long combos to stagger your enemies with.Dexterity and Ninjutsu don’t do a whole lot for your damage output with Dual Swords, but they can be useful if you take advantage of the other tools that Nioh has to offer. We are focusing on Skill for this Nioh 2 build so the best weapon to be used with this Build is the Dual Swords. You can find infromation on the best Dual Swords build and skills as well as how to use the Dual Sword.This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Therefore, it’s better to balance out your stats rather than focusing on just one stat in the early game.Focus on Skill as it scales the most with Dual Swords. However, you will also keep a Kusarigama as a secondary weapon. Sword vs. Dual Sword I'm running an onmyo shot build and I'm using the dual swords that get the onmyo magic damage bonus, because they do actually seem to increase the power of my shots.