Helpful Glitch for War Machines - Tank 100% Sync Basically most people are having issues with the final section of this mission. I will eventually beat Brotherhood 100% and then probably never play it again after this.For news, discussion, and more about Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed franchise.Press J to jump to the feed. Cheats. You only need an overall Sync level of 75% on your save file to access all of the missions. Oh dear. You are going to lose it......the tank mission? Ezio doesn’t even flinch when it happens but it still counts and you have to start over.I've only played Origins and Odyssey and there are no missions like like that in thoseFor good reason, too. Or rather the games that I never played so they’ll be new to me.Also side note, did Ezio just forget the double jump that Rosa taught him? So basically, fuck whoever came up with this idea, and I desperately hope this isn’t a feature still in later games or I’m probably going to give up on Assassin’s Creed again.Just wait for the tank mission. I did one and was really looking forward to seeing the rest. I always read every post in a topic; every message. It's important to read everybody's opinion on a subject, as I would want them to do the same for me.If I'm not mistaken, there should be a restart option when you hit start.I always read every post in a topic; every message.

Mainly because the only way I could play 3 is the PS4 remaster version which I hear looks terrible, but I also remember just not really enjoying it and being bored the whole time when I played it originally on my PS3.

They were so frustrating and often pointless or ridiculous by design in the previous games.Full sync is quite easy in Unity and Syndicate, aside from a mission here or there with a particularly annoying requirementOnly if that's something you care about, and you don't have to.I’m aware, as I said in the post I can’t not complete a game 100%. For the Cheats you can unlock, you just have to get 100% in all the Main Story missions for a sequence. In my mind, I haven’t beaten it until I’ve done everything you can possibly do.I have the same problem playing AC3 remastered again.Yeah, I remember caring about it a lot at the beginning, but, eventually, when what gets too tough & you decide to skip it, it's like "who gives an eff about the rest of these? I always read every post in a topic; every message. And as long as that’s as far as it goes then I’ll get through it to see the new stuff. So, you could forget about getting 100% sync on all the Lairs and War Machine missions, and still be fine. As a kid I never cared about 100% completion of games, but now as an adult who has become more neurotic over time, I can’t not 100% complete them. So I haven’t played an Assassin’s Creed since Black Flag, and it’s been even longer since I played any that came before it. It's important to read everybody's opinion on a subject, as I would want them to do the same for me.There are only 9 main story sequences, but there are a lot more side-missions than AC2. Is it actually worth doing? This brings me to today where I’ve decided to play through the AC games and catch up since I’ve been out of the loop for 7+ years. Like he doesn’t need to relearn how to blend into a crowd or pick pockets, so why did he forget this? I’m now playing Brotherhood and wanting to smash my fucking PlayStation because if someone bumps into me a little too hard on a mission where I can’t lose any health, I have to start the mission over. Like Ezio tripped over his own dick and missed a jump, clipped his knee on the way down, didn’t even lose a full health square, but that one mistake now means you have to start over if you want full sync.

At the start of the game he loses all his equipment, which is a plot contrivance but I get it, however he doesn’t lose any of his other abilities. I read about an exploit where you can back up into the desync zone and they won’t shoot you but you can shoot them, so I guess I’ll just wait until I max out my armor and try again.I ran into this issue in AC3 where for 100% sync on a particular naval mission, you had to destroy two ships with the swivel cannons after "softening them up" with your main cannons.Well after you've upgraded your main cannons enough, just one hit is gonna sink the ships in question, so you never get the chance to use the swivel cannons at all. Reviews.

I remember in Revelations he has to use the hook thing to do it because he’s old and all fucked up from 30-40 years of doing Batman shit, but so far there doesn’t seem to be a reason why he can’t do it in Brotherhood.If i remember well i think he need some special gauntlet to do it, you can get it from Leonardo laterIt was badly implemented at first. And you can't "un-upgrade" your ship.So I'd have to start a whole new game and play it up to that point... eh, no thanks.Well, I’m not planning on playing 3, I’m gonna do Revelations next and then go straight to 4. There’s not really a point to this, Ezio just stubbed his toe trying to save Leonardo which forced me to start the mission over, losing a half hour of progress even though I was right at the end, so I wanted to come here and vent. I'm not getting that achievement anyways.."That’s how I used to be, but now if I don’t get every single trophy in a game, as far as I’m concerned I haven’t beaten it. That's just hardcore'' I beat AC2 in like a day and a half, got all the trophies, no problem. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Will it unlock anything that can answer some of the mysteries of the story line or these "repressed memories" of Ezio? Overall, even though the actual story is shorter, Brotherhood is about equal in length compared to AC2. It's proven really difficult to do but is it really Worth the effort? You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. ''Snake from Metal Gear 2 owns everybody.