Does this review contain spoilers? The concept is completely wasted, brought down terribly by the amateur hour execution and that not enough is done with it. The story has many similarities to other myths. Schenkt euch den Film und schaut euch lieber Bauer sucht Frau an, oder lets Dance oder irgendwas anderes was einem das Gehirn weg brät. Why was he not cast as the lead?

9 out of 10 found this helpful. 1 out of 2 found this helpful.

Was this review helpful? 2 out of 2 found this helpful. I wonder whether people have seen so many blockbusters with multi million budgets that they simply expect too much. Was this review helpful? Not much really happens for the first hour or so. I can honestly say that you should avoid this trash and watch something much more fulfilling and worth using your remaining lifetime, like anything else ever made... I watched this movie hoping for an imaginative re-working of a legend which enthralled me as a kid . The costumes wouldn't even pass for fancy dress, even bargain bin quality clothes look better. If you watch this film you will laugh at the appallingly bad CGI wolf. In that sense, Owain is a true knight, like his father. Well acted, action was good, blood and such a little low rent but over all not to bad. Lifetime couldn't make a movie this bad....suffice to say....don't waste your time. Es wirkt als hätte RTL II versucht einen film zu drehen in dem man alle Laiendarsteller von RTL II zusammen getrieben hat.

Was this review helpful? I went in to this not expecting Endgame, Lets get a load of welsh drama students 2. Sorry but its a thumbs down for me guys.

This movie starts in the Iron Age, as Ovid would have called it, where even father and son are enemies.

There's no way that the ridiculously low scores some have given it are justified.

It felt like a very poor episode from a third rate TV series rather than a movie in its own right. Was this review helpful? Get a really bad director 4 Forget a producer 5 £30 on after effects for wolf 4 out of 6 found this helpful.

May contain spoilers - although I am unsure this movie can actually be spoiled any more than has been accomplished already by the Director and cast. I can deal with mediocre movies and still enjoy myself.

Was this review helpful? Ich schließe mich meinen Vorrednern gerne an.

Veröffentlicht am 5. Was this review helpful?

Februar 2019

0 out of 0 found this helpful. Although not novel. Lies die Kritik von Part of me was nervous though considering the less than favourable (putting that kindly) reception.

I read all of the user reviews and thought "Nah, this film cannot be as bad as they all make out", so I watched 15 minutes of it. I mean, Merlin was casted because he looks like Ian McKellen's about being desperate for viewers. This is a low budget film. Was this review helpful? 2 out of 9 found this helpful.

. This Movie is like Game of thrones but without the offensive language graphic violence and sex and nudity

Owain is the "once and future king". 1.

King Arthur has died and the sword has been returned to the Lady of the Lake by one of King Arthurs loyal knights. I was hoping with a 2017 production that this would be a gripping tale with good acting and great special effects.

0 out of 0 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? 7 out of 8 found this helpful.

There are plenty of movies out there, This will waste an hour and 40 Min's of your life, you have been warned.

27 out of 30 found this helpful.

I cringed and shook my head with embarrassment for those involved with this offering.

19 out of 23 found this helpful.

It had good acting and great special effects. 12 out of 15 found this helpful.

Following on from the death of King Arthur, the film lost it's way and fell off the wheels due to the struggling acting and bad sets.

Lies die Kritik

Didn't actually want to dislike 'King Arthur: Excalibur Rising' and didn't watch it with the deliberate intent to. As you know I'm a big fan of King Arthur stories and I've read books, watched movies and played video games about King Arthur. His scenes are perhaps my favourite in the whole film, his acting is one of the only redeeming and believable features of this film and really do earn him a place on the poster as well as on the big screen.

Avoid like the voice...awful from start to finish. 1 out of 2 found this helpful.