This is a reference to For this easter egg you need to complete the side-mission In Kyle Crane's room in the Tower, there is an acoustic guitar.

Jumping under the brown blocks will destroy them, while jumping under the yellow blocks will place a consumable item on top of them.

Upon going in the basement for the 'Wizard' one will come across a weeping angel. Holding the pull button for a few moments will enable players the option to enter "World 1-1".

its still effective when its depleted. I threw mine at an enemy and I couldn't pick it back up again.

Beginners Strategy Guide + Review PC PS4 Max Settings 1080p - Duration: 34:38. Aug 27, 2016 @ 1:16am EXPCalibur damage is abysmal? This is a reference to the In the beginning of the game once you wake after the opening cut-scene if one were to look around the room one would see a poster of As the story progresses, the player can return to their room at the In the Slums, there is a bakery with the sign "Left 4 Bread" near a safe zone slightly north of the Tower. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Dying Light > General Discussions > Topic Details. I threw mine into one of the very large zombies. BladeRunnerBlues 714,735 views This weapon is a legendary sword, like the one King Arthur use to slay his enemy. Dying Light Exploding Teddy Easter Egg (Stasis Field Projector)This easter egg can be found while doing the side-mission In the school there is a zombie that seems to have been cut in half by a saw blade. Cut your way through the Infected with pleasure for a little while because the sword has low durability. At the Antenna station, there is a very unstable, rickety, decrepit bridge frame that the player may cross. Jumping upon the correct blocks will also reveal a hidden block, on top of which is the blueprint for the Along the rocky hillside of the slum, where the rocky outcroppings meet the water, the player can find a corpse floating in the water near some seaweed. If …

In this guide you'll find all the game's Weapon Blueprints, Throwing Weapon Blueprints, Utility Blueprints, and Secret Hidden Blueprints.

The HUD of this weapon reads "This EXPcalibur belongs to me.". The weapon only has two rounds in it, but it is a way to obtain a firearm early in the game. The zombies in the room will perform a rather pleasant dance number to the music for a few minutes, then will attack the player.

His pistol is on the floor beside him. This is a reference to the During the protection mission where you must protect the fisherman attempting to get to his fishing spot, once you have gotten him there he parts with the words "May the fish be with you." Dying Light - SECRET Sword EXPCalibur Location & Blueprint.

I love it though.. oh and the game IS SO FUCKING LEGIT!! This is good to know because to some this might be op.Be careful throwing it. 9. If the book is collected, the player can return to the Tower (or Erol's hideout), and then interact with the guitar again. Elspin. Grappling up the cliff above her corpse however shows a set of clothing meaning she may just have not checked how deep the water was before cliff-diving.

These notes say '1: Phase One 2: ??? Inside, are several chests of loot, and hordes of infected that will attack the player in waves. In the house, there is a dead man in a chair, who has shot himself in the head. !I got it and noticed that it has really low durability, but it doesn't break once the 7 charges are up.

Jan 22, 2016 @ 5:50pm Possible to get the GOLD EXPCalibur again?
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Dying Light. Just wondering how man people know about this orange sword on the small rock island to the south, it does 327 damage.Massive damage but it breaks too fast.. Chum.

Korek Machete. The sword does massive damage, but unfortunately can only take 7 hits before it breaks. One of the set of collectibles, a set of 30 Flags is a reference to the collectible flags retrieved by the Assassins in the After getting out of the Sewers while traveling to Sector 0 there are some offices upstairs. Dying Light. Slice through the Infected with EXPcalibur, that is until it breaks. Written by: Miroslav Popovic aka Lokesh. There's a wide range of craftables you need to survive in Dying Light, and finding the blueprints for them is part of the fun.. Unfortunately though I couldn't pry it from his carcass. He gave me the most shocked look as he realized it had impaled his heart. Killing all of them will cause another message to appear reading:
One of the homes has boxes of fruit and cases of water, with a sign reading "Take what u want won't be needing these anymore".