Rock Paper Shotgun and RPS are registered trade marks of ReedPop Limited. Storm Front for melting shields or one of the fire grenades for melting flesh. The idea is to maximise damage output and fire rate, while ensuring your pet is powerful enough to take care of any enemies that invade your personal space. It’s literally a flamethrower can still crit enemies as it’s melting them, I love it. Turn Tail And Run is also handy as it’ll give you a huge survivability boost when moving, and also buff your weapon damage and fire rate when standing still. But all that choice can also make things difficult as you try to decide how best to build him. Check how that went in our review.He is essentially an evolution of Zero from Borderlands 2 and as the man himself says – they even went to the same assassin school. These are the best solo and co-op builds for Borderlands 3's Zane: the Operative. Together these should be keeping your health and ammo in a healthy place while you’re dishing out damage.Splash damage is the other core pillar of this build and between Fire in the Skag Den and Means of Destruction you should find yourself drowning in spare bullets and dealing a little extra damage, too.
This gives us access to the drone who, thanks to perks above, can deal damage to foes while helping our teammates in the process. Earn 10 Golden Keys and ~20,000 VIP Points for free with these Shift Codes & VIP Codes! Zane build by VD Mach 1 updated 1 month ago. Habt Ihr Euch für Zane entschieden, findet Ihr hier einen Build für viel Schaden. Create new build ... Zane build by PSG Build Catalogue updated 1 month ago. A maxed out Furious Attack gives you a damage increase after each shot and Overclocked helps that along by slightly increasing FL4K’s fire rate.Moving onto the Hunter tree, you want to start by maxing out Interplanetary Stalker and Leave No Trace and put a couple of points into Second Intention to increase your reload speed.
Alright, that’s probably a good place to stop for the time being with our Borderlands 3 Zane build guide. It is genuinely the most fun I’ve had playing Zane, even if he’s not “broken” like some of the other classes. This is a great class build for dealing with hordes of squishy enemies, though you’ll likely want to think twice about going toe-to-toe with one of the game’s bosses. The build centres mainly on the Hunter skill tree but also dips into the Master and Stalker trees for some welcome additions. Another augment to look out for is Deliverance, as it will add a heap of homing elemental projectiles that will apply status effects – this feeds back into Violent Tapestry so your Rush stacks regain rapidly.The next crucial skill to pick up is Remnant, as it creates a ricochet effect where every kill is feeding more kills and helping you chain Rush stacks and action skill uses. Cryo is a powerful element in Borderlands 3 as it universally affects all enemies unless otherwise stated to be immune. This is less about powering up your drone in any way, and more about giving you as much power as possible. Hopefully you’ve found a build or two that suits the way you want to play the Operative – and if not, why not go build your own using one of the above builds as a template? My go to lvl 53 zane build. Oh, and his job. I personally find Zane to be good with guns with high magazines and fire rates, aka Vladof guns, though right now my favorite is this SMG flamethrower that is just stupidly strong, the Firesale Long Musket from Tediore. Also in tier one, you want a couple of points in Ferocity to increase your pet’s damage too. Support RPS and get an ad-free site, extra articles, and free stuff! Because you can’t just hide behind your shield all day and expect your drone to do all the work, you need some firepower, even if just a tiny bit.You could call this a tank build as it gives you heavy fortification due to all the Undercover abilities which augment your barrier.And your Hitman abilities will make you a pretty hard target to hit; you’ll most likely be the one person on the battlefield not getting hit even once!Because the build is more so about defenses and kills skills, there’s not a lot of choices for guns that suit it.If I had to pick, I’d say that you should go for the Hyperion, giving you even more protection while simultaneously increasing accuracy so you’ll always be able to shoot your targets from behind your proverbial wall.
I choose fire because I have two characters already using Storm Front.And then just…kill a ton of stuff.
Don’t think Zane has been left in the lurch, though, as talents like Violent Speed and Violent Momentum allow Zane to move faster and deal more damage as he goes.Rush is the core of this Borderlands 3 build, so you want to max out the Do Harm skill in the Mystical Assault tree is the first stop as it actually gives you Rush… every kill gives you a Rush stack, and this effect will increase your action skill damage, and more stats as we build around it. You want skills that let your clone throw grenade, and that have you shoot grenades, plus later on you get even more movement speed from action skills. To compensate, it gives you more health and damage reduction. It also ensures your pet Skag is strong enough to help you out when you’re in trouble. By Editorial Team Sep 13, 2019 Sep 18, 2019 Share. Ratical Zane. Enjoy.I write about video games, television, movies and the internet.Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.News and opinion about video games, television, movies and the internet. VOTES : 1. You then want to get Mutated Defenses and Barbaric Yawp to increase your Skag’s effectiveness and survivability. Even if you've been playing Borderlands 3 since it launched, you may be in the mood to shake things up with a new build.
Lastly, Pack Tactics and Shared Spirit will stack with the previous two skills to further enhance your pet’s usefulness.This build is superb for solo players as it’s geared around constantly topping up health and ammo for yourself and feeds off dealing damage.You’ll need some full-auto weapons to make this build sing, as the full-auto weapons will constantly regenerate ammo so long as you’re hitting something. Copy. And while you’re working on buffing your grenades consider popping some points into Vampyr so you’re gaining health from those ‘nades.This build is incredibly simple, sure, but it won’t let you down. Build overview.