Shadow of the Colossus | Das Remake eines Meisterwerks

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Shadow of the Colossus - PSX 2017: Comparison Trailer | PS4

The first version of Shadow of the Colossus was released on the PlayStation 2 in 2005. Finally, the third version - completely remastered/remade for the PlayStation 4 released in 2018.


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So we know them rather well.”In addition to this, Yoshida confirmed that Shadow of the Colossus on PlayStation 4 will have optional new controls.“It’s the same, but player preferences for controls and such change over time, so we’re working on implementing a more modernized way to play,” Yoshida explained. Sony at E3 2017 announced Shadow of the Colossus for PlayStation 4.

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"Erfahre, wie viel dieses gewaltige Action-Adventure dem Team bedeutet, das in liebevoller Kleinarbeit dieses Remake geschaffen hatWirf einen seltenen Blick hinter die Kulissen des Studios, das für einige der besten Rebuilds und Remasters der Welt verantwortlich ist.Sieh dir die Evolution des Spiels von PS2 auf PS3 an und wie es dann für PS4 von Grund auf neu gestaltet wurde.Zieh dein Schwert und begib dich in diesem zeitlosen Klassiker auf eine unvergessliche ReiseLass dich von Kow Otanis klassischem Soundtrack zu diesem atemberaubenden Action-Adventure verzaubern Erkunde den vielseitigen neuen Fotomodus von Shadow of the Colossus Finde heraus, welche Entscheidungen die Entwickler bei Bluepoint Games beim Remake eines echten Klassikers treffen musstenWirf einen Blick hinter die Kulissen und werde Zeuge, wie die gigantischen Geschöpfe zum Leben erwachenMark Skelton, Marco Thrush und Peter Dalton von Bluepoint Games sprechen über die atemberaubende Eröffnungssequenz.

The new version of Shadow of the Colossus has gone though some changes to the UI and bars that you see on the screen.

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Shadow of the Colossus has been released three separate times and there are plenty of Version Differences between the three titles.

Subscribe To How The Shadow Of The Colossus Remake Is Different On The PS4 Updates Ellen Finally Addresses The Rumor That She Doesn't Allow Eye Contact On Set

“The game content is the same as the original version, but all the assets are being remade.

Just a teaser trailer for the game was showcased, and nothing was said about what exactly is going to be for PS4: remake or a remaster because the game has already been remastered for PS3 with 3D support?

Also, there is this interesting Shadow of the Colossus PS3 vs PS4 Pro Graphics Comparison showing how much graphics has improved in the PS4 version.

Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

PS4 Remake vs. PS2 Klassiker | PS4 Gameplay Shadow of the Colossus | Vergleichstrailer Sieh dir die Evolution des Spiels von PS2 auf PS3 an und wie es dann für PS4 von Grund auf neu gestaltet wurde.

And of course you can play with a feel of the original version, but what we're doing is showing how great the original work is, using today's technology.It's an interesting approach because we recently had Sony chief financial executive Jim Ryan sort of smack-talking backward compatibility saying that it wasn't a very used feature and that the old games One could interpret Ryan's comments that backward compatibility is less sought after by Sony because remaking or remastering games is a more lucrative option in the long run from a business standpoint.



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The game content is the same as the original version, but all the assets are being remade.This may have thrown some gamers for a loop because the trailer during the E3 presentation was mostly focused on the Colossus that gamers were completely familiar with from the original Typically when we see remastered games you get the exact same game just with higher anisotropic filtering, higher resolution for the games, and oftentimes smoother frame-rates.

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Wirf einen Blick auf den atemberaubenden neuen Eröffnungsfilm des SpielsErlebe die Magie dieses allseits beliebten Spiels in generalüberholter PS4-Version Eine Legende kehrt zurück ... neu erschaffen für die PS4-Generation