Read more at Your County requires you to have your Fictitious Business Name statement published in an legally adjudicated newspaper, approved in the county where you filed it. Valleywide Newspapers are legally adjudicated newspapers of general circulation for San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties. Winn Dixie 11092 Spring Hill Dr. 3413 Soledad Cyn. This name is considered fictitious because Susan doesn't identify herself as the owner and is doing business under the assumed name. Once you file your FBN statement with the clerk of the applicable county, you have 30 days to arrange for a newspaper of general circulation in that county to publish that statement once a week for four weeks. Cost was $15 for copies. Then you can begin the submission process, which includes a proof and cost estimate. You'll also need to ensure it's been run for the correct length of time. Then, you can use your BTRC number to file your taxes with the city. Each participant takes an active role in this powerful learning experience. Participants will receive a roadmap for success with a comprehensive, strategic, and tactical approach to inside wholesaling. When you get your filed form, take a picture of your form (make sure its clear!) "}; We file and publish legal notices. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. /*
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