ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, So, the easiest way to introduce this tense is to carry out actions. A What are you doing Keep walking around the classroom and ask a student to join you. Target Language: 45 minutes. We are walking. Prepare for a great year of engaging lessons even without a textbook. Great for El. (Write the correct answers students give on the Students can write down their answers in their notebooks in either individual practice or through group discussion.Enjoy Teaching! These activities can, however, be adapted to teach older beginner learners. The teacher would then ask the student at the front of the class, What are they doing? and the student will try to guess. Use a present continuous timeline to illustrate the fact that the present continuous is used to express what is happening at the moment. For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browsers help function. However, to get the whole package I encourage you to try out the Unlimited plan. Beare, Kenneth. [yes. By Jamie Keddie Videotelling activity; YouTube animals; A2; Teens; Adults; Present narrative tenses; Chickens crossing. Have students tell you what each person or group of people are doing. Finally, students might also have difficulties understanding that stative verbs may not be used with continuous forms. And here's a great one for pair work. Once all the students are finished ) What is ____ doing? Check clip art, speech therapy action pictures, crowd scenes, etc. Copyright 2012 englishisapieceofcake All Rights Reserved. Also, if you have an Android or iOS device, check out the TEFL Handbook app. Get free printable puzzles, vocabulary matching games, and inexpensive packets of games to practice irregular verbs. observe, then call time and collect and check the sentences. All sentences count if they have the correct (Yes, that is what is happening right now) You are watching a video. If you are going to do verb tense review lessons, this printable and editable resource is perfect for you. skills-- and more prepared for big tests & challenges. Although they may be impatient to learn more, and feel frustrated by their lack of vocabulary, they must take things one step at a time, and soon enough they'll be speaking English more confidently. Take our quiz and see Information for Teachers Present Continuous Tense is used for describing activities and for actions taking place at the time Read more, Lesson Plan of Tense (Present/Past/Future) Students` Learning Outcomes Illustrate the use of tenses, (Simple present and continuous, simple past and continuous and simple future tense) previously learnt in their speech and writing. This is a Flipped Classroom lesson plan. Having said, we might go in that direction one day. 17 comments. ESL ELL Activities, Bilingual English Verbs Pack - ESL Movers (A1), Verb Tense Practice: Past, Present or Future (EFL / ESL English), Ultimate ESL PowerPoint Bundle Part 2 . I think its highly unlikely at this point. You will be able to monitor which verbs they need more help with by accessing the progress tracking features. For example: Get student input on the differences between the two forms. * Watching a movie Students also do a role play where they interview each other. [The girls ARE studying or Sally & Patty ARE studying.] Partner should correct if the tense isnt 2. Call on a few of the students to read aloud some of their sentences. Help students understand as necessary. * after school Do this in pair work. about camping if you like. Explain what you want in the search box below. Students revise Present Simple and Present Continuous before class and speak in class. sentence is e.g. You can test the first few cards of each set by clicking on each individual preview files.Verb Tenses:Action Verbs - Present Continuous/ProgressivePast Simple - Regular and IrregularGuessing Games:AnimalsPeopleSeasonal Vocabulary:Spring, Summer, Fall, WinterParts of Spe, The ultimate Boom Card starter kit for ESL teachers. * going swimming Student B answers the question. Retrieved from 30-day money back guarantee. Teacher: Stepan Cristina School: ,, Arany Janos High School, Salonta Date: 27th of May 2016 Grade: 6th D Level: elementary Textbook: Enterprise coursebook Unit of learning: Come rain or shine! They will make oral & written statements like hes reading with few or no errors (excluding spelling). var sc_project=8132018;var sc_invisible=1;var sc_security="5af6f0db";var scJsHost=(("https:"==document.location.protocol)?"https://secure.":"http://www. ), Problem 2: There is not a lot of time in this lesson to teach the spelling rules for forming the present continuous tense. Pause the song after each action and ask students what he/she is doing. Solution:Convert the evaluation activity from a competition to a whole-class collaboration. Introduction (5 ] Whats the right way Pictures, B&W printable; including New Neighbors: theyre moving; the men Kenneth Beare is an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher and course developer with over three decades of teaching experience. Play the song and ask students to listen for all the words ending with ing. with a Decide which cookies you want to allow. The present continuous tense describes actions that are taking place at the time of speaking. Juan is listening to me. You can say, "Now, at (for example) 10:45, I am working ." Indicate the line on the board again, say "I am working now ." Have the class repeat out loud. Introduce the Present Continuous Interrogative forms. Say: I am writing. to be by adding ing to the end of the verb., 3. In a nutshell, it means that the first part of the lesson needs to be done by students at home. * tonight Depending on the level of your learners you may wish to elicit (or model) some of these informal phrases that lend themselves to making arrangements. You can elicit this by miming a telephone conversation. * In a couple of weeks (This Powerpoint is best, This is a collection of 20 beautifully presented PowerPoint lessons for children and teens that are suitable for students with an A1/A2 level of English. Great practice for grammar review and speaking! 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 hours, and gives practice with reading and writing, as well as At the end of the lesson, review the keywords from the lesson. They are desi, Teach Beginner ESL Complete Course Curriculum Bundle, Module 3, ESL/EFL Upper Beginner Bundle - The Present Continuous Tense - 2 Lesson Plans, ESL Activities: ESL Grammar: Present Progressive Verbs, ESL Boom Card Bundle | Verb Tenses, Parts of Speech and Vocabulary, ESL Boom Card Mega Bundle | Verbs, Parts of Speech, Grammar & Vocabulary, Action Verb BOOM CARDS | Present Continuous Sentence Building Activity, ESL EVERYTHING BUNDLE | 100 Engaging Games & Activities for English Teachers. , Ask comprehension Also, as there will be many students moving around the classroom, make sure to tell students not to run / push, etc. one of the best lessons Ive ever gotten from this website. 1. Present continuous tense is used for describing activities and for actions taking place at the time of speaking. ), You can use this letter dictionary with more vocabulary for the final competition., (If picture dictionaries are unavailable, Get your learners to ask both the question and answer. Grammar can be a difficult aspect of learning a different language. After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Solution: pre-teach needed vocabulary (before reading). Divide the flashcards equally 4/10/11. Teaching the present continuous usually takes place after the present, past, and future simple forms have been introduced. What a great lesson! This lesson To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This month weve started to publish A2 lesson plans. Your students will soon gain a basic understanding of the function of present continuous verbs. Planning ESL Lessons: what to consider while planning your units and individual lessons. Hi there! This lesson plan focuses on basic English questions. How to Teach the Present Continuous to ESL Students. * Cleaning Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. *Store Motto: For the cost of a cup of coffee, save hours of class, 64 bilingual conjugation tables (English and Spanish)The ultimate COMPLETE SCAFFOLDING PROGRAM for English Learners.The 64 conjugation tables include all the verbs within the Cambridge Assessment English 2018 Wordlists for Movers.However, it's upgraded for Flyers learners. This grammar lesson helps students learn about and practise Zero Conditional. You can change these settings at any time. questions should be in either the Present Simple or Present Continuous. Examples include eating, singing, reading, running, dancing, etc. Say: I am walking. To play, students should put their erasers where it says start and then play rock, scissors, paper. Present Continuous Lesson Plan for Adults, Easy Does It for Articulation a Phonological Approach Pdf, Best Site for Idaho Nursing Continuing Education Reviews. This complete grammar curriculum provides plenty of practice in using the appositive, negative, and interrogative forms of this English verb tense along with the correct use of the helping verb to be and contractions for each form.This unit also h, Are your students as addicted to BOOM cards as mine are? Try to choose a picture with limited new vocabulary besides what was in the reading. So, the easiest way to introduce this tense is to carry out actions. For example, one student will ask, What is he doing? and the other student will look at the picture and answer, He is eating.. ), >>> Highlights Hidden Thank you Justa very much, very useful plan! I appreciate your taking the time to comment! Show as many actions as necessary, and use illustrations, photos, even videos. Show students that the present continuous is formed with the present of the verb to be + the present participle of the main verb (verb in ing form). e.g. The present continuous tense (also known as the present progressive tense) is used to talk about actions that are happening now or are unfinished. Then the students at level 2 should act out eating and meet another level 2 friend and make a dialogue. guess, then take their turns at miming. * playing pachinko A2 / PreIntermediate | B1 / Intermediate, My dog ate my homework (Past Simple and Past Continuous), Ive lived here for ten years (Present Perfect + for/since), Whats in your calendar? I am every time hoping there will be sth for advanced or proficiency students but nothing in months:(((. up, talk, swim, fix, feel, sit. habits and regular events; thoughts, feelings and state of being. moment? This lesson plan is our take on a typical grammar consolidation worksheet. They ask one question, e.g. Whats he / she / it doing? He / she / its ______________., Elicit using prompts: [use flash cards] If you have time you could extend this dialogue to include where to meet and at what time. Take a pen or pencil and start writing on the board. The inclass worksheet is all about speaking. They might ask a question such as: What project are you working on now in your job? An essential bundle of communicative activities for ESL teachers of adults or teens, perfect for new teachers or veterans alike. Its Try to elicit the question and the answer from your learners. picture) without reading it., 5. their daily routine to the rest of the class, or alternatively they can make a In March, we also added 4 advanced lesson plans. class in full sentences). the content you have visited before. Elicit: Introduce the Present Continuous Negative forms. Present continuous: Be careful! Heidi has taught preschool all the way to university and has a masters in TESOL. 3-4 students: one picture dictionary. Once students recognizethis usage, you can extend it to other things you know are happening now. See how the magic magnifying glass works: Subscribe to unlock these and many other Printable & Digital lesson plans with the Unlimited plan, Why are so many classes for A level of late? Any chance for classes to begginers like A1? They also watch a video and discuss statistics on male and female sport. Pre-made digital activities. You can get your own editable copy of an e-lesson plan and make changes to it. This lesson employs an imaginary biography to get students asking questions and speaking about completed accomplishments (present perfect) and duration of activity (present perfect continuous). To start, all students must go to the level one corner and must do the action assigned to that corner. Are you leaving? That's 4,036 pages filled with thousands of practical activities and tips that you can start using today. Over 100 teaching hours of material, used in real ESL classrooms with outstanding results. Remember to elicit the dialogue structures first, drill and put the form on the board. You can change the currency you want to pay in at the Pricing page before selecting a subscription plan. ), return to Grammar Lessons from Present Simple or Present Continuous. (For example, cognates, past tense practice, or 'get along with.') Ask students to ask each other yes or no questions in present continuous, and have them practice replying with short answers. Our class used the New Oxford I was thinking about Answers might be: Instruct students to follow the present continuous formula: subject + 'to be' verb + base + ing. The present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are taking place at the time of speaking. For example: Ask students what they are doing. 1. (During demo point out that students should take turns making up the Picture Dictionary pg.90-91 (and sometimes pg.96-97 for verb names.) A great way to do with present continuous verbs is to act out some of the words and ask students to guess what you are doing. pairs read the story to each other. The present continuous tense is very common in . Sitemap About me Affiliate Disclosure Privacy Policy Contact. Continue with Recommended Cookies. About | Privacy Policy | Terms Of Service | Contact | Advertise On Games4esl, ESL Lesson Plans Complete With Fun Games And Activities, Present Continuous Tense A Complete ESL Lesson Plan, 5 Cool Ways To Use ChatGPT In The Classroom, Verbs of Perception | Useful List With Example Sentences, Fast Food Vocabulary | List With Pictures And Example Sentences, Breakfast Food Vocabulary | List With Pictures And Example Sentences, British vs American English Vocabulary | List Of Words, Phrasal Prepositions | Useful List And Example Sentences, Mixed Tenses Quiz | Grammar Quiz Plus Printable PDF Exercise, First Conditional Quiz And Printable PDF Exercise. scJsHost+ Problem 3: Some students do not like competition, due to either personality or culture.. I understand why you would want to do that but to me, such low-level pans are useless sadly. Your students must drag the words into the correct order to form a sentence.Both positive and negative sentences are included. I am walking. If students ask about the spelling changes, mention that sometimes theres a minor spelling change. In this lesson, students learn prepositions of time and get plenty of practice with this aspect of grammar. * Use action pictures a person doing something, playing a sport or some activity. You can always create a gap fill (cloze) by removing certain words so that they have a dialogue frame to work from at first. The greatest challenge with present continuous is understanding the difference between a routine action (present simple) and an activity occurring at the moment. Look it over, considering how much your students understand. 22, repeat steps 1-5 with the 2nd story. Say: I am reading. Rests of the tenses are discussed in separate lesson plans. Then give a class handout with the forms of the present continuous. You might teach the gerund forms: running, riding a bicycle, surfing, throwing, etc. Usually, it is difficult to find such good organized lesson plans for this level. At the end of this discussion, write up a few example sentences on the whiteboard. would you like to come? In each case, ask what he, she, or they are doing. set of stories with related pictures. Information for Teachers. 51 of which are speaking activities. The student should write the sentence given to them on the back of their worksheet. Present Continuous - I, Use these English grammar activities with your beginner and intermediate level English Language Learners or Newcomer EFL students. They also practise using the two tenses, watch a video and talk about active lives of elderly people. rule: We form the present continuous tense with the verb to be and an active Learn more about flipped classroom and how we implement it in these lesson plans in our post. Do you leave work at 6 pm every day? State verbs include: Once all the students are finished The objective of this exercise is to check whether students understand when we use each tense. 20 Lessons for A1/A2 Level Students, ESL Verb Tense Review - Games and Activities - Set 2. Just perfect!!! 6. thoughts, 90-91 to describe actions at the beach. First, model yes or no questions, then, questions with what, where, which, etc: - T: Are you listening to me?- S: Yes!- T: Ask me!- S: Are you listening to me?- T: What are you doing?- S: I'm looking at you.- T: Ask Juan!- S: What are you doing? When you drag the magnifying glass over the box, you will see the hidden verb. Thanks! board. The first student to make it all the way around the world is the winner. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Updated on July 08, 2018. Save hours of lesson preparation time with the Entire BusyTeacher Library. Follow them sequentially to introduce the Present Continuous tense to your A2 - Pre-Intermediate students.After completing these two lessons in order, your students will be able to speak freely using the present continuous tense!The lessons include:1. So, the best and easiest way to demonstrate this to students is to act out the present continuous verb as you are saying it. Im working / eating / shopping. The present continuous tense (sometimes referred to as the present progessive tense) is often used to talk about a continuing action, something happening now (or at the moment of speaking ). vocabulary for the pictures you will use later. After that, they get a few images and talk about people they can see by answering a few questions. Instead of reviewing dried grammar rules, students can learn, play, interact and have fun with each other. Sina, there will be more A2 lessons coming each month and naturally more of them will be available for Premium subscribers. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Check out the bottom of the page for additional games and activities to teach the present continuous (progressive) tense to beginners. Me too. In the Edit mode, you can use our magic magnifying glass and let your students uncover the verbs. | 1 Remember that this works in the Edit and not the Present mode. 19/4/16. However, many books and curricula choose to introduce the present continuous immediately after thepresent simple. they chose the verb work and had tails. Instruct the students to walk around the room finding five other students. Give more examples alternating between affirmative and negative statements: Sarah, you're looking at me. Students study two tables and find time expressions we use with Present Simple and Present Continuous. Pass the ball is a great classroom game to practice the present continuous tense. If all the activities are completed, a score out of 100 is easily generated. Through direct instruction and two activities, this lesson plan will explore the meaning of present continuous verb tense and how to use present continuous verb tense in every day language.. formed correctly as in the reading.. This colorful set of BOOM CARDS will help your students practice and review the Present Continuous and make forming simple sentences easier. feelings and state of being. Give a flash card or a card with a continuous verb written on it to a student but do it secretly. riding horses" (or walking, or building with sand.) Good to know u will continue with the higher-level plans so great.. Or you could make one yourself based on a picture you can Information for teachers In this lesson plan, only present and past continuous tenses are discussed. Once students have practiced the key expressions enough, its time for a fun game to practice some more. ");__ez.scxr.getDW(document).write("
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