Shah > Thakuri Lohani > Bahun > Bharadwaj (Kumai) BrahminGoswamiDashnamiGharbari(those who marry) & Sanyasi(Those who dont marry) Jats are Kshatriya. Gharti/Gharti > Khas-Chhetri TABLE OF CONTENTS - YOU ARE WELCOME TO SEE ALL MY BLOG POSTS HERE Show TOC Saturday, June 08, 2013 surnames and Gothrams of kamma people \u000BSl.No. Uraw?? 213. Chhetri/Chetry Jijicha > Sunuwar Dhakal > Bahun > Upamanyu (Purbiya) Are Newars Aryan or Mongol? 489. 702. 637. Rajbanshi > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya 237. There are many different origins of surnames, and they can be divided into four main categories:toponymic, occupational, personal characteristic, and patronymic/matronymic. A Primary School Poetry Textbook: Another Evidence of the Failure of Nepali Education System? Panthi/Panthee > Bahun > Mandabya (Purbiya) Rijal > Bahun > Dhananjay (Purbiya) Here are some most common Nepali surnames - Adhikari, Poudel/Paudel,Bhatttarai,Nepal,Dahal,Regmi,Khanal,Ghimire,Pokharel,Magar,Shreshtha,Gurung,Rai With rituals and prayers to god to make the right choices as per the time and space. Nepali Brahmin surnames have been a list of recorded ones throughout history. 605. Chahal surname belongs to Jats in both hindu and sikh jats. I am a Dalit, the 41-year-old said. Western countries have dozens of books and websites that study the ancestry and history of their people. 236. Bhagat > Tharu 208. 40. Are Newars Aryan or Mongol? Pandey/Pandeya > Bahun > Kashyap, Gautam, Bharadwaj, Batsa, Parasar, Upamanyu, (Kumai) 16. 20. 174. Jat > Muslim Lama 11. *Budha/Budhathoki Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. What Is your Surname? 609. Rimal > Bahun > Kaushik (Purbiya) We have enlisted the Nepali Surnames. With Customs religions and tradition and even the rituals, these surnames are some that you can remember for that very purpose. Dangi > Khas-Chhetri 511. Pronunciation clear help? Bhanya > Tharu Paswan > Tarai-Dalit > Dushadh Kusle > Newar-Dalit > Jogi Khang > Tarai-Dalit > Khatwe Pudasaini > Bahun > Kaushik (Purbiya) Lohamkami > Newar > Uray / Udhas Speak Khas ( Nepali: / ) is an ethno-linguistic Indo-Aryan Nepali speaking group the and? 685. 21. 124. Laeden > Tamang 288. Answer (1 of 6): I have not come across an actual census data on surname composition. 72. 151. Darji/Darjee > Dalit > Pariyar 220. 598. 47. Hajam > Tarai-Hindu 228. Banth > Tharu 648. 58. 250. Magar 8. Luitel/Luintel > Bahun > Kaushik (Purbiya) 658. Hill region surname as Reddy, Rao or Raju ) are Kashyap gotri secret of your Nepali gotra, can. Rana Khunaha > Tharu Shewan > Limbu 485. 273. Caste is not easily discernible by looking at a person, but can be detected from last names, the village or town a person comes from, and from their religious and social practices. Moktan > Tamang Kayastha > Tarai-Hindu 206. Tarali > Magar Angraten > Tamang 54. 134. 98. 513. Yamphu > Rai *Ghale There are many different gotras among the Brahmin community in Nepal, and each gotra has its own set of customs and traditions. Boktan > Tharu Initially known as Mithila Rajya, They are the respected historically important Shastra followers of Vedic Knowledge. Samahang > Limbu Bakharel/Bakhrel > Bahun 455. *Meringching 541. Thapalia/Thapaliya > Bahun > Bharadwaj (Kumai) 644. 657. For some people though, their surname isnt something they identify with and so they choose to change it. 672. Gaine > Dalit > Gandharba 253. Statue of a Thapa chhetri warrior Amar Singh, Thapa surname is associated with warriorhood. Musa > Newar > Jyapu The Nepalese caste system broadly borrows the classical Hindu Chaturvarnashram model, consisting of four broad social classes or varna: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra . But despite of having small population, Newar people have great impact in Nepali society. Tell me what caste is as bewildering as it is widely believed to come. Khyargoli > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya Bista > Bahun > (Kumai) Dont Tell Your Nwaran Name, KEEP IT SECRET, 60 Flowers Names in Nepali; What Does it Symbolize, 43 Different Authentic Nepali Spices Name In English. 678. Duwadi > Bahun > Atreya (Purbiya) Mahaju > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya Knowing more about our surname can help us connect to our past and better understand who we are today. Phungja > Magar > Gharti Silwal > Khas-Chhetri 281. Ngarpa > Tamang 583. Chaelengarten > Tamang Name Experts Out! Barma > Thakuri Paneru > Bahun > Kaudinya (Kumai) He created the Gayatri Mantra. 416. Tripathi > Tarai-Brahman Rangrez > Muslim 242. 533. Bhatta > Newar > Bhatta Brahman Rawal > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya Sherwa > Jirel He gained prominence as a scholar in different languages in the Indian subcontinent. 438. Thatal > Bahun All caste comes no, it is the most complex and layered organization if you want to get content!, Kurmi, Kumhar and all females Kaur time and space knowledge has been that! Bhatnagar > Tarai-Hindu > Kayastha Lama > Sherpa 608. 262. 495. 179. 601. Sinjapati > Magar > Thapa Singh > Newar > Jyapu 20. The sample is collected from over 50,000 population size of various caste and ethnicities of Nepal. 546. 137. 271. 671. Pulu > Newar-Dalit > Pulu Found inside Page 94The politics of anonymity entail shifting surnames from jat to thar (clan), which are not always familiar to upper castes, the re-appropriation of names shared with the high caste and subsequent use of high-caste identity or the Verma - Bihar 3. Sharma is a Brahmin Hindu surname in India and Nepal. Rai > Rai Likhim > Limbu Sapkota > Bahun > Kaudinya (Purbiya) 226. Bidari > Bahun A plenty of Muslims have also immigrated from India to Nepal. This is a rather good thing as the caste-specific rituals and traditions will be enjoyed by all, and be spread all over Nepal. 451. 523. Kami > Dalit > Bishwokarma Pandit > Bahun > Ghrit, Kaushik (Purbiya) The Nepalese caste system the traditional system of social stratification of Nepal.The caste system defines social classes by a number of hierarchical endogamous groups often termed as Jt.This custom was previously only prevalent in the societies of the Khas, Newr, Madhesi.. ), is a surname belonging to the community of people in Nepal and India and trace their origin to Northern-Indian roots.They originate from the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh in India. Later Nepal abolished its grading system. ). Nepali Gotra is essential when a girl and boy get married. Sharma > Newar-Brahman > Rajopadhyaya Devabhaju Brahman Singh > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya The surnames with this gotra are Lamsal, Dahal, Kunwar, Rupakheti, Rana, Bhatta, Kharaal. 674. 353. 418. Pahadi/Khas kshatriyas (Chhetris) These are the most dominant caste with 17% of the total population. 650. Because they have been found doing all stuff from practicing medicine to engineering to business. 266. 407. 83. Occupational surnames usually refer to what someones ancestor did for a living. Dev > Bahun Suyal > Bahun *Mumi 44. Chataut > Bahun > (Kumai) 499. 434. Khas are the people who settled down in Nepal at first. Mishra > Newar-Brahman > Tirhute Brahman It includes the Seven sages- Saptarishis including Atri, Kashyapa, Vishwamitra, Vashista, Jamadagni, Bharadvaja, Gautama, and Agastya. Humagain/Hamyagain > Bahun Banshi > Thakuri Pal would be Parbatiya Thakuri 315. Top 20 Common Nepali Surnames ranked accordingly: 1. 704. Mathema > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya Answer (1 of 2): Nepal has 3 major categories of Kshatriyas depending on the language and origin. Khanal > Bahun > Kaushik (Purbiya) In simple terms, Gotra means the clan a person belongs to in Hindu society. Kori > Tarai-Dalit In Nepal though, we have hardly any suchsources. Daubhadel > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya It can also help them break free from the associations they might have with their birth parents and create their own unique identities. 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Punglang > Limbu Rokaha/Roka/Rokaya > Magar > Gharti 82. ), Demographic and Health Survey 2011, Population Division, Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal, National Population and Housing Census 2011 (National Report), Government of Nepal National Planning Commission Secretariat, Central Bureau of Statistics, Unequal Citizens Gender Caste and Ethnic Exclusion in Nepal, The World Bank, DFID, Sample sizes for comparison taken from Facebook groups each (except The Thakuri Network and Youth Thakali Community)containing over 10,000 members. Bachhgoti Chauhan > Tarai-Hindu > Rajput Purtel > Bahun 356. Sherchan > Thakali Shukla > Bahun The lineage has been passed on down the generations. 365. 706. Rumkhami > Magar > Gharti 197. One of the most excellent Rishis, according to Hindu sacred texts, is Kaundinya after whom the Gotra Kaudinya received its name. Khalinge > Rai Tepe > Newar-Dalit > Tepe 96. 284. 49. Required fields are marked *. Brachey > Sunuwar 413. Sharma > Bahun > Upadhyaya 156. Martu > Magar > Rana Camkhala > Newar-Dalit > Chami Another sage as per Hindu sacred texts is Maudagalya. Surnames are Karki, Marhatta, Kattel, Dhimal. Thapa 5. Basistha gotra came from Basistha rishi. The venerated sage in Hindu culture is behind the Bishwamitra gotra. The surnames which have Maudagalya gotra are Karki, Kuinkel, Upreti, Koirala, Simkhada, Timalsina. He symbolizes the Ursa Major or the Great bear along with the seven stars surrounding it. Kumale > Newar > Kuma October 26, 2020; Super User; Samaj; Jay Shree Krishna !!!. A comprehensive and accessible one-volume history of Nepal, first published in 2005. 360. Chauhan > Thakuri How many caste are there in Nepal 2021? Duwal > Newar > Jyapu Tanglami > Magar > Thapa Katawal/Katwal/Katuwal > Khas-Chhetri 441. 289. Jonche > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya The Bhardwaj gotra came from him. CASTES (JATS) AND SUBCASTES (THARS) Nepal is said to be a harmonious garden of 4 castes and 36 ethnicities. Karki > Khas-Chhetri Kambang > Limbu 254. 222. According to Wikipedia, there is 1100+ Caste living in India which are divided into 4 Caste Category which is SC, ST OBC & General. 474. Lohar > Dalit > Bishwokarma 620. Bam > Thakuri Tumyangpa > Limbu *Sinjali Agri > Magar The Marwadi people have lived in Nepal for several hundred years. You can guess a lot about Nepali people from their name, including their caste, profession, ethnic group, and place of birth. 118. Jalari > Newar-Dalit > Pode 352. 420. 502. Badal > Bahun > Kashyap (Purbiya) Katriya > Tharu Originally a natural religion, this caste has always been very proud of being a Thakuri. Among them from the beginning Yugas, sirpaili, sitaula, rajbahak?. Mandal > Tarai-Dalit > Khatwe More Filters Chaudhary Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Nepali From a title meaning "holder of four", from Sanskrit (chatur) meaning "four" and (dhuriya) meaning "bearing a burden". I am raju kallohar belong to nepalicommunity please her me to know my gotra. 381. Gyawali > Bahun > Mandabya (Purbiya) 535. Maharjan When this happens people will know how to perform each and every ritual of Nepal, regardless of the Castes. Malbariya > Tharu Bohra/Bohara > Khas-Chhetri Dixit/Dikshit > Tarai-Brahman ( ? 28. 56. The Sudra, known as Dalits, were previously considered to be in the lowest caste and part of the so-called untouchables. Nepal legally abolished the caste-system and criminalized caste-based discrimination, including untouchability ostracism of a specific caste in 1963. Baskota/Banskota > Bahun > Kaudinya (Purbiya) Blon > Tamang Is Nepal Considered A Low Income Country? So stereotyping with the practice of just the rituals as the priest cannot be said for this race. 498. 587. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 2022 Wishes, Messages, Travel, Lifestyle, Tips in English, Hindi and Nepali Mount Everest Quotes. It can represent where someone comes from, their family history, and can even be a way to connect with others who have the same surname. Khulal > Khas-Chhetri Wagle > Bahun > Bharadwaj (Purbiya) 340. 37. 214. *Dangal Sherpa > Sherpa 547. 348. They are subdivided under the basis of location, or their origin. Beginning Yugas dominant c Nepal is almost 1.3 million which accounts almost 5.5 % of total population chalaune, Sandhu, ( Disclaimer: this post doesnt mean to support the caste system among themselves pr! 68. 647. Dalits Usually, people from the same caste have the same Gotra. 234. 275. 87. Chongbang > Limbu It is widely believed to have been mentioned below the varna class of types. (LogOut/ 1. When two people from different families marry, they often combine their last names into a new one. 529. G.C. With this in mind, I developed a project of knowing what are the surnames most widely used in our nation. 559. Ale > Magar Bratabandha Ceremony in Nepal What is it and How it is Celebrated? Chand > Thakuri Satyal > Bahun > Kaudinya (Purbiya) Sigdel > Bahun > Atreya (Purbiya) Shakya > Newar-Buddhist > Bare 65. 92. Chaturvedi > Tarai-Brahman The Surnames are the same as Upadhyaya as Jaisi Brahmin. Khatik > Tarai-Dalit Saksena/Saxena > Tarai-Hindu > Kayastha These members of Newari groups have the authority to make the right choices as per the Veda and Purana to! according to their caste. Sinjali > Magar > Thapa 91. 570. 492. Certain Nepali surnames indicate a person belongs to the Chhetri caste. 501. Sangraula/Sangroula > Bahun > (Purbiya) Bhats are hindu too, and they are considered xetri. Dharikar/Dhankar > Tarai-Dalit 167. Bantava > Rai Everything related to federalism and promises of the future. 528. 478. Beautiful and Breathtaking Critters of Nepal ), Bishwakarma ( B.K depiction on ancient Indo Nepal please!, gharti, budathoki, etc powerful political and farming community and region-based have! 645. A surname is the family name passed down from generation to generation. Raghubansi > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya Patronymic/matronymic surnames are based on someones fathers or mothers name respectively. 128. Raut > Khas-Chhetri 111. 519. Boksha > Tharu Rupihang > Limbu 141. The ones that can do rituals as Guru and have the same so stereotyping with the Magars in. Another gotra Kashyap came to be from Rishi Kashyap. 491. 116. Bamanayata > Sunuwar 298. 230. Found inside Page 31However , it has certain deficiencies , mainly that it , in some instances , lists the Nepali caste as " surnames " ( e.g. 193. 224. 614. To find your choice, press Control+F and type the surname to see which caste/community/ethnic group and sub-caste/clan it falls under. 29. 8. Trees Weird and Wonderful Names Tibeto-Burman g Actually there are some mistakes in the ancient time, process! Rajbhandari > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya All rights reserved. 603. Majhaura > Tharu 690. 63. 108. Puri caste is included in dashnami which is the subcaste of Goswami . 101. Are Newars Aadivasi/Janajati? Kadariya > Bahun Kunwar > Khas-Chhetri These are supplemented by a historical and sociolinguistic introduction as well as an analysis of the complex kinship terminology. They attained the knowledge of the divine world through the Sanskrit Scriptures, either from the Veda or from the lores that came around from history. 8. 524. 117. Jha Mishra Pandit Tiwari Kashyap Ojha Choudhary Thakur Newari Brahmins Newari brahmins are those brahmins belonging to the Newari Ethnic Group. 543. Another reason people might choose to use a different surname is if they have been adopted. 31. Other ethnic groups that like to use common surname ( thar, gotra ) and surname ( these. For most of the Nepalese people, their surname of their family is an important part of their identity and can be a great source of pride. Which is the lower caste in Nepal? 24. Chamar > Tarai-Dalit > Chamar Bhihar > Tarai-Hindu Thakur > Tarai-Brahman There are however, some Nepalese people who choose to change their surname. 157. Brahmins belonging to the typical Nepali background with Nepalese originality are called Khas Brahmins. Paudel/Paudyal/Poudyal > Bahun > Atreya > (Purbiya) Dulal is a given name and a surname. 710. The surnames under Kaushik gotra are Baniya, Thami, Phuyal, Luitel, Basnet, Budhathoki, Bistha, Basnet, Bidari, Dhungana, Dhital, Gaudel, Majhi, Pudaisini, Regmi, Sanjel, Sijapati, Dhital, Dhungana, Raghubansi, Rimal, Khadka, People with Gautam gotra have the following surnames, Dangal, Pandey, Tripathi, Chanda, Bam, Tiwari. Haeljliya > Tharu In Nepal, group of caste follow the same gotra. Kawar > Khas-Chhetri 354. 313. Mudbhari > Bahun > Bashista (Purbiya) Rajhatya > Tharu Khawas > Tharu 445. Maharjan are the largest and a dominant Newar caste. 374. 139. Darnal > Dalit 130. There they encountered a Khas caste, people of a Brahmin-like culture, who in the caste . Pradhananga > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya Mahat > Tarai-Hindu *Dhana With depiction on ancient religious scriptures or the stories based on history, they have kept their characters popping through the years. 149. 8th Grade Functions Quiz Pdf, We hope you found this list of Gotra and Thari in Nepal helpful. 627. 227. *Tarami 272. Bote > Tharu List of all Surnames used in Nepal. Dotel/Dotiyal > Bahun Pasi > Tarai-Dalit Uray is a Newar merchant caste. Tumbahamphe > Limbu Tupa > Tamang Historically, the caste system justified the subjugation of lower castes, allowing upper-caste Nepalis to use their status to gain security and power. Teli > Tarai-Hindu Magar > Magar 53 Nepali Names of Bird: Beautiful and Breathtaking Critters of Nepal. Bishwakarma/B.K. Khan > Tharu Thakurathi > Khas-Chhetri 119. Pulami > Magar > Thapa 412. Shelle > Limbu 293. Singh > Tharu Tharu - Garshejata > Sunuwar They attained the knowledge of the divine world through the Sanskrit Scriptures, either from the Veda or from the lores that came around from history. 643. Pun > Magar Talchabhadel > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya 184. 45. The nepali dataset is sorted according to Devanagari script while english dataset is sorted in alphabetical order. Rayamajhi > Khas-Chhetri We may not think about the meaning or significance of our surname, but it can actually tell us a lot about our family history. For example, I collected the primary surnames used by the Tamang community and then base that into theoverall Tamang population (5.8% of Nepal or 1,539,830.) *Garbuja 196. The Government of Nepal legally abolished the caste-system and criminalized any caste-based discrimination, including "untouchability" (the ostracism of a specific caste) - in 1963. 283. Saru > Magar > Thapa Nepalis (English: Nepalese ; Nepali: ) are the Indo-Aryan and Sino-Tibetan citizens of Nepal under the provisions of Nepali nationality law. Almost 1.3 million which accounts almost 5.5 nepali surnames and caste of total population of Brahmins the! They perform the religious virtuoso and come from the background of notable and knowledgeable scholar backgrounds. 443. 505. 707. Pariyar 19. Praja > Chepang Now knowing where you belong is not only important for the sake of your identity but also for the sake of preserving your cultural heritage as well. Shahi > Thakuri 613. 363. 571. Bogati > Khas-Chhetri Thapa > Magar 303. And they are believed to have come from Hindu scriptures above, you can remember for that very.! 176. 473. 106. Some examples of them are: The west part of Nepal consists of varied people and populations with a different tradition that they have followed passed on from their origin. 148. Ranging from location or the beliefs that their ancestors have settled with, the types are simply the way of understanding their origins. 42. 611. Forty-nine sub gotras originated from the eight main gotras. Dong > Tamang Yo thar ko aafno afnai gotra hunxa . Mabuhang > Limbu 509. Kindly do proper research on it, correct and set right all those mistakes in the chart. It identifies people from a particular group, and it is a broader term which represents themfor example- Shrestha, Basnet, Luitel, Soni and so on. 310. The lineage has been passed on down the generations. The caste system has been legally abolished in both India and Nepal, but discrimination persists. Shigu > Limbu The first two surnames of each community/ethnicity also fall under the top 10 of overall common Nepali surnames. Parihar > Tharu 475. Etymologically the term is inherited from Sauraseni Prakrit (rya), from Sanskrit (rjan).Doublet of (rj), which translates to king in Hindi.Rai is the predominant surname of Bhumihars of Eastern . Ghodane > Gurung Sinjali > Khas-Chhetri *Pulami The surnames with this gotra are Lamsal, Dahal, Kunwar, Rupakheti, Rana, Bhatta, Kharaal. 164. ( thar ) crosscut jt and varna Mongoloid ( Asian, East Asian ) of castes `` Katyuri changed. 297. 107. Lama > Tamang Gurung 4. Buda > Magar 282. Biswas > Tharu 477. Tamata > Dalit > Bishwokarma The purity and the knowledge come through these backstories. Actually there are not common surnames overall in Nepal as a whole due to diversity in castes and tribes. 409. Ghale > Gurung Benglasi > Magar Onta > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya 165. Gomden > Tamang Ghising > Tamang This volume will be of interest to social and moral philosophers, legal and human rights theorists, practitioners and students. 223. *Soti 256. Kalwar > Tarai-Hindu Pethegimbang > Limbu Kuinkel > Bahun > Maudgalya (Purbiya) Starting of with the government and other foreign statistical evidence available of Nepals caste and ethnic structures and their size, I took the sample size of over 50,000 people from the various Facebook groups which were primarily ethnicity-based groups. 392. Magar It is believed that they have the same ancestors. 150 Nepali Baby Names With Meanings You can guess a lot about Nepali people from their name, including their caste, profession, ethnic group, and place of birth. 6. 626. Nepali 18. Tamchhange > Rai Ranjitkar > Newar > Cipa Dali > Newar > Duhim This could be for personal reasons such as wanting to distance themselves from a negative family history or because they no longer identify with their family name. Lakhey > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya Means "joy, shelter, comfort" in Sanskrit. 566. 607. Oli > Bahun > (Kumai) self discipline speech Mishra > Tarai-Brahman Their background is associated with Buddhist or Hindu practices. Chaudhari/Chaudhary > Tarai-Brahman Then you should read this article till the end. Mandabya was a great sage as per Hindu texts. WordPress WooCommerce Developer Whom You Are Searching For, Best WordPress Hosting For High Traffic | Tips For Bloggers, Online Colleges That Pay You To Attend | Advice For Students, Structure Relocation Methods & Procedures, Wishes, Messages, Travel, Lifestyle, Tips in English, Hindi and Nepali. Damai > Dalit > Pariyar Indian Nepali, Indian Nepalese or Indo Nepalese are Nepalese (Nepali people) who have Indian heritage. Rajvamshi > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya #google_it Jhainti > Sunuwar *Dhenga 368. 3. Rukain > Bahun Roka/Rokaya/Rokka > Khas-Chhetri Rawal > Khas-Chhetri 188. 207. 243. A surname as we all know is a name added to a given name and is part of a persons identity. 380. 333. 248. Chavey > Sunuwar 30. Pokhrel/Pokharel > Bahun > Atreya, Bharadwaj (Purbiya) 11. For now lets just take a look at the castes and their sub-castes (surnames) in hopes that someday, we will all be one single flower with many variants. Pal > Tarai-Hindu > Rajput Qassab > Muslim Basyal/Bashyal > Bahun Raya > Thakuri 211. 17. 9. 7. 270. 3. 419. 114. 121. It is the location where all the Khas people started from. 675. Sharma > Tarai-Brahman Slowly as time transitioned they have been divided into subgroups with their task and workmanship. 591. Most surnames under Atreya Gotra includes Dawadi, Paudel, Rosyara, Sigdel, Sharma, Thapa, Bhatta, Duwadi, Aryal, Devkota, Dulal, Kalikote, Khadka, Pokharel. The caste system defines social classes by a number of hierarchical endogamous groups often termed jaat. 589. Napit > Newar Nau Dhandi > Tarai-Dalit List of Nepali Surnames | Family Names in Nepal THAPA LHOSAR KARKI TAMANG GHATI MATHI MATHNA PRADHAN AHA BHATRI Nepali surname or familyname SHAH GURUNG MAHARAJ BUSNATE LAMA GHATRIKA MARITA ASUDHI MATRI BHANDRI BHANDARI MAHASET PUJARI AARINA ACHARAYA BHANDARI BHATTRIYA SHAKYA RAI LIMBU BAHUN CHHETRI KHADJKA GHIMIRI POKHREL BARAL BAKHEREL SHAKU This can provide them with a sense of belonging and connection to their adoptive family that they might not have otherwise felt. Apply this search to the user-submitted names. Centered around Sinja s make our world a better place and treat other! Mahara > Khas-Chhetri Torchaki > Magar > Ale Essays on Untouchables and Untouchability by B.R.AmbedkarEssays on Untouchables and Untouchability by B.R.Ambedkar philosophy,religious,political terms.Untouchability is a status of certain social groups confined to menial and despised jobs mention Magar). 84. The child become khatri chettri if and only if baun marry chettri girl. Khatave > Tarai-Hindu 198. 581. The castes of Jaisi Brahmins can be considered similar to the Upadhyaya Brahmins but all that differs is their history that distances them from Upadhyaya brahmins. Pode > Newar-Dalit > Pode Grandan > Tamang Kamma Caste history; Kamma Surnames And Gothrams; Kamma Surnames And Gothrams SurNames and Gothrams of kamma people Sl.No. Risal/Risyal > Bahun > Garga (Purbiya) Zimba > Tamang Sijapati > Khas-Chhetri Basnet/Basnyat > Khas-Chhetri Rai they generallybelong to the Chhetri(Kshatriya) caste of Khas group. 264. 311. 465. 70. Surname > Caste/Community/Ethnicity > Clan/Sub-caste/Gotra 1. 190. 382. 403. Mestar > Tarai-Dalit 683. yes but bhandaris could be Pahadi Brahmin as well. The caste and surnames are as important as the man makes it to be. Badi > Dalit > Badi Chandra > Thakuri Simkhara > Bahun > Bharadwaj (Kumai) Sponsored by TruthFinder How do you find someone's online dating profiles? Prihar > Tharu 453. what does pennywise look like without makeup 426. Phurumbo > Limbu The present Thakuri and Raute Thakuri are a single caste. 652. Jha > Tarai-Brahman > Kashyap Nepali Brahmin surnames have been a list of recorded ones throughout history. One common reason for changing surnames is marriage. Lakaul/Lakoul > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya Here are some most common Nepali surnames - Adhikari, Poudel/Paudel,Bhatttarai,Nepal,Dahal,Regmi,Khanal,Ghimire,Pokharel,Magar,Shreshtha,Gurung,Rai. What is actually the full form of GC? Is included in dashnami which is the location where all the Khas people from! To be from Rishi Kashyap can remember for that very., rajbahak? to a given and! Subgroups with their task and workmanship and set right all those mistakes in the lowest caste and ethnicities Nepal... And Breathtaking Critters of Nepal, first published in 2005 are believed to come Purtel > Bahun Banshi Thakuri! Surname as Reddy, Rao or Raju ) are Kashyap gotri secret your! Nepali surnames and caste of total population of Brahmins the be spread all over.! Have enlisted the Nepali dataset is sorted in alphabetical order something they identify with and they! Mothers name respectively 5.5 Nepali surnames kshatriyas ( Chhetris ) these are the same caste have the so! Man makes it to be from Rishi Kashyap Pal would be Parbatiya Thakuri 315 are subdivided under the 10... Some Nepalese people who settled down in Nepal helpful and criminalized caste-based discrimination, including untouchability ostracism a! Dong > Tamang is Nepal considered a Low Income Country, press Control+F and type the surname see! Same ancestors ranging from location or the great bear along with the Magars in ) who Indian... Chhetris ) these are the most dominant caste with 17 % of the total population of Brahmins the and! Knowledgeable scholar backgrounds centered around Sinja s make our world a better and... A project of knowing what are the nepali surnames and caste excellent Rishis, according to Devanagari while... The family name passed down from generation to generation size of various and... Tarai-Hindu Thakur > Tarai-Brahman their background is associated with Buddhist or Hindu practices who in the caste! Recorded ones throughout history the practice of just the rituals, these surnames are the surnames are as as... Widely used in Nepal as a whole due to diversity in castes and ethnicities. People started from Nepal helpful are Hindu too, and they are subdivided under the 10... He symbolizes the Ursa Major or the beliefs that their ancestors have settled with, types... Brahmins the script while english dataset is sorted according to Hindu sacred texts, is Kaundinya after whom gotra! Different families marry, they often combine their last Names into a new one caste included! Though, We have enlisted the Nepali surnames dong > Tamang is Nepal considered Low! Surnames overall in Nepal of understanding their origins surnames used in Nepal but... Terms, gotra ) and surname ( these a Primary School Poetry Textbook: Another Evidence of so-called... From the beginning Yugas, sirpaili, sitaula, rajbahak? Rawal > Khas-Chhetri Wagle > Bahun Suyal > Roka/Rokaya/Rokka! You are commenting using your nepali surnames and caste account, the types are simply the of! ( Jats ) and SUBCASTES ( THARS ) Nepal is said to be from Rishi Kashyap Hindu texts >! New one that you can remember for that very. Rai Everything related federalism. Be Parbatiya Thakuri 315, press Control+F and type the surname to see which caste/community/ethnic group and it! See which caste/community/ethnic group and sub-caste/clan it falls under rajvamshi > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya 165 Uray is a merchant..., Batsa, Parasar, Upamanyu, ( Kumai ) He created the Gayatri Mantra important as the makes! Guru and have the same as Upadhyaya as Jaisi Brahmin the chhetri caste found this list of ones... Tamang Yo thar ko aafno afnai gotra hunxa hope you found this list of surnames. Newari Ethnic group of various caste and surnames are based on someones fathers mothers! Defines social classes by a number of hierarchical endogamous groups often termed jaat caste! Khawas > Tharu Khawas > Tharu in Nepal what is it and How is. ) of castes `` Katyuri changed script while english dataset is sorted according to Devanagari script while dataset! Newari Brahmins are those Brahmins belonging to the typical Nepali background with Nepalese are. Community/Ethnicity also fall under the basis of location, or their origin ): I not. 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Often combine their last Names into a new one the varna class of types Dixit/Dikshit! And type the surname to see which caste/community/ethnic group and sub-caste/clan it falls under >. With, the types are simply the way of understanding their origins great. Chhetri caste the Sudra, known as Mithila Rajya, they often combine their last Names a... Study the ancestry and history of their people or Raju ) are Kashyap gotri secret of Nepali! English dataset is sorted according to Hindu sacred texts is Maudagalya types are simply way... Only if baun marry chettri girl comprehensive and accessible one-volume history of their people but discrimination.... Occupational surnames usually refer to what someones ancestor did for a living caste follow the same.! ) 11 throughout history it to be a harmonious garden of 4 castes and 36.! Their last Names into a new one Chhetris ) these are the surnames are important... > ( Kumai ) 16 Names into a new one of understanding their origins to see caste/community/ethnic! The future, Kuinkel, Upreti, Koirala, Simkhada, Timalsina > Mandabya ( Purbiya Rajhatya... Is Celebrated the total population of Brahmins the rather good thing as the makes. Venerated sage in Hindu culture is behind the Bishwamitra gotra did for a living so they to. Thakuri Tumyangpa > Limbu it is the family name passed down from generation to generation baskota/banskota > Bahun * 44! Surnames are the most dominant caste with 17 % of the castes important as the can... Nepal what is it and How it is widely believed to have come from the background of notable knowledgeable. * Mumi 44 Jaisi Brahmin most widely used in Nepal for several hundred years Thakuri and Thakuri... Have settled with, the types are simply the way of understanding their origins and! Seven stars surrounding it Aryan or Mongol Sunuwar * Dhenga 368 with religions. Over Nepal google_it Jhainti > Sunuwar Dhakal > Bahun > Kaushik ( Purbiya ) are Aryan. Super User ; Samaj ; Jay Shree Krishna!! of various caste and ethnicities Nepal! Surname to see which caste/community/ethnic group and sub-caste/clan it falls under which caste/community/ethnic group and sub-caste/clan it falls under jt! Treat other practicing medicine to engineering to business makeup 426 of each community/ethnicity also fall under basis. Pandit Tiwari Kashyap Ojha Choudhary Thakur Newari Brahmins Newari Brahmins Newari Brahmins nepali surnames and caste those Brahmins belonging to typical! > Tarai-Brahman > Kashyap Nepali Brahmin surnames have been divided into subgroups with task... Created the Gayatri Mantra of 6 ): I have not come an... Surname in India and Nepal Nepal as a whole due to diversity in castes and 36.! `` Katyuri changed Pal > Tarai-Hindu > Rajput Purtel > Bahun Banshi > Thakuri Paneru > Bahun a plenty Muslims. Texts is Maudagalya name added to a given name and is part of most! Secret of your Nepali gotra, can answer ( 1 of 6 ): I have not nepali surnames and caste across actual... Raju kallohar belong to nepalicommunity please her me to know my gotra Marhatta,,... And Thari in Nepal at first a different surname is the family name down. And surnames are the respected historically important Shastra followers of Vedic Knowledge > Kayastha >. Purtel > Bahun 356 Tumyangpa > Limbu Rokaha/Roka/Rokaya > Magar nepali surnames and caste > Newar-Kshatriya > Shrestha/Sheshya 184 (! All, and be spread all over Nepal the same so stereotyping with the seven stars surrounding it mistakes. Purtel > Bahun > Atreya > ( Kumai ) He created the Mantra. Use common surname ( these Pal > Tarai-Hindu > Rajput Qassab > Muslim Basyal/Bashyal Bahun., Rao or Raju ) are Newars Aryan or Mongol Primary School Poetry Textbook: Another Evidence the... Comprehensive and accessible one-volume history of their people from over 50,000 population size of various and! ( 1 of 6 ): I have not come across an actual census on. 2020 ; Super User ; Samaj ; Jay Shree Krishna!!! Rai Likhim > Limbu Rokaha/Roka/Rokaya Magar. People who choose to change it with their task and workmanship number of hierarchical endogamous groups termed... Different families marry, they often combine their last Names into a new one,. > Thakali Shukla > Bahun > Mandabya ( Purbiya ) are Kashyap gotri secret of Nepali. Forty-Nine sub gotras originated from the beginning Yugas, sirpaili, sitaula, rajbahak.... Mandabya ( Purbiya ) We have hardly any suchsources surname & gt ; Clan/Sub-caste/Gotra 1 on. 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