Artwork page for Spiral Theme, Naum Gabo, 1941 When Spiral Theme was shown in wartime London, it was greeted with popular acclaim. Gabo's engineering training was key to the development of his sculptural work that often used machined elements. He made the first of a series of small, three-dimensional models, using glass, metal and new plastics the following year but owing to the size and nature of the work, and the unstable nature of new plastics, he was unable to Gabo was offered the studio behind Peter Lanyon's red house whilst the younger artist was away fighting. In it, he sought to move past Cubism and Futurism, renouncing what he saw as the static, decorative use of color, line, volume and solid mass in favor of a new element he called "the kinetic rhythms () the basic forms of our perception of real time." (German) Naum Gabo, 1890-1977, Annely Juda Fine Art, London, 1990. Though he was to live in self-imposed exile in Europe and America for most of his adult life, he always lamented his distance from Russia, where he claimed his "consciousness was moulded". Lit: As the string nears the central core, it is wound with increasing density, creating a mesmeric gradation of depth. Moreover, in rejecting the notion of sculpture as weighty, monolithic and solid, and in emphasizing that space is no less tangible than solid matter, this delicate construction predicts a number of elementary paradigms in modern sculpture more generally. Vassar Miscellany News / He sometimes even used motors to move the sculpture. Gabo also began attending the art-history lectures of an influential tutor, Heinrich Wlfflin. Two years later, he defied his father's wishes by transferring to study maths, natural and applied sciences, engineering, and, finally, philosophy. Naum gabo artwork Rating: 4,3/10 1459 reviews. The auditoria would be hollow, curvilinear, shell-like forms, absorbing stress evenly across their entire surfaces. Expressing a new, intellectually scrupulous approach to the fascination with movement which characterized avant-garde art of this period, Gabo created a work which stands at the forefront of Kinetic Art. In Germany Gabo came into contact with the artists of the de Stijl and taught at the Bauhaus in 1928. Gabo died in Waterbury, Connecticut, in 1977. For the British artists, the string is an addition to the dominant sculptural form, and is widely spaced, adding distinct lines and texture which contrast with solid mass. He made his first geometrical constructions while living in Oslo in 1915. As a student of engineering and architecture, he emulated and demonstrated cutting-edge techniques from those fields in his sculptural constructions, and designed complex architectural plans himself. 24 July]1890 23 August 1977) (Hebrew: ), was an influential sculptor, theorist, and key figure in Russia's post-Revolution avant-garde and the subsequent development of twentieth-century sculpture. In breaking down the boundaries between sculpture and architecture, integrating engineering techniques and scientific concepts into his creative process, and using industrial materials, he made a vital contribution to the development of Constructivist aesthetics. He later recalled that though such works had a profound effect on him, they "were all dead", and "it was nature that impressed him, not art". With the onset of World War I, Gabo and his younger brother Alexei, also based in Germany, fled via Copenhagen to neutral Norway, partly to avoid serving in the Imperial Army, and partly because, as Russian nationals, they were suddenly pariahs in their new home. In a note on this work published in Read and Martin, op. This piece of sculpture by Naum Gabo is a model for a larger piece he completed in 1923 called Column. In this sense, the work represented Gabo's lingering commitment to Soviet utopian ideals, even this late into Russia's socialist experiment. He was also finally able to achieve a long-held ambition of creating large-scale, public works, receiving commissions from the Rockefeller Centre in New York in 1949, and the Baltimore Museum of Art in 1950 - though only the latter construction was realized, a hanging sculpture inspired by Alexander Calder (with whom Gabo would exhibit in 1953 at the Wadsworth Athaeneum) and Rodchenko. Constructed Head No. 2022-10-21. The various versions of Linear Construction in Space No. As news of the February 1917 Revolution broke, Naum and Antoine returned home to Russia, in time for the Bolshevik coup of October 1917. An elegant public artwork constructed from curved, stainless steel plates, designed for installation in a pool of water, Revolving Torsion represents the culmination of principles of Kinetic art first explored over 50 years earlier by Gabo's Kinetic Construction. Though his work was critically successful, and he became associated with the Abstraction-Cration group of Constructivist artists, Gabo sold very little, and suffered from anxiety, finding the French capital "complacent and superficial". Moscow was caught up in a tumultuous mix of revolutionary fervor and the strife of civil war. Naum Gabo Naum Neemia Pevsner Born: August 5, 1890; Bryansk, Russian Federation Died: August 23, 1977; Waterbury, Connecticut, United States Nationality: Russian, Jewish Art Movement: Constructivism, Kinetic art Painting School: Abstraction-Cration, St Ives School Genre: sculpture Field: painting, sculpture Gabo also devised plans for architectural forms, such as skyscrapers and car-parks, which were never realized. His use of empty space as a substantive element of sculpture is echoed in later works by British artists such as Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore. These also suggest some accessible resources for further research, especially ones that can be found and purchased via the internet. Linear Construction in Space, another work created during Gabo's time in St. Ives, is formed from nylon filament thread wound taut around a Perspex framework, creating an intricate web that encases a central void. He was part of the St Ives group in Cornwall, alongside Barbara Hepworth and Ben Nicholson. Hammer, Martin and Naum Gabo, Christina Lodder. About this artwork. In fact, the element of movement in Gabos sculpture is connected to a strong rhythm, more implicit and deeper than the chaotic patterns of life itself. Caroline Collier, an authority on Gabos work, said, "The real stuff of Gabos art is not his physical materials, but his perception of space, time and movement.
Gabo made preliminary designs for Column in 1921 with the idea of making it into a large public sculpture, towering over the hills near Moscow. The transparent planes build upon and reveal the sections below, suggesting emergence and growth. At the same time, he was moved by works that looked back to indigenous Russian artistic traditions, experimenting with romantic and expressive watercolors that drew heavily on the paintings of Mikhail Vrubel. As a student of medicine, natural science and engineering, his understanding of the order present in the natural world mystically links all creation in the universe. Norway was quiet and tranquil. [2][3] Two preoccupations, unique to Gabo, were his interest in representing negative space"released from any closed volume" or massand time. In 1920, Gabo exhibited in his first show, an outdoor exhibition in a bandstand on the Tverskoy Boulevard in central Moscow, with brother Antoine and Latvian artist and photographer Gustav Klutsis. Column is a representative piece of constructivist sculpture. Linear Construction in Space No. His scientific training would be put to good use in his later sculptural constructions, and it was in Munich that he became fascinated with Einstein and Bergson's radical theories of time. See the renowned permanent collection and special exhibitions. The exactness of form leads the viewer to imagine journeying into, through, over and around his sculptures. 'From the very beginning of the Constructive Movement it was clear to me that a constructed, , Tate Gallery and Sotheby Parke-Bernet, London 1981, pp.236-7, reproduced p.236, Model for Construction in Space Two Cones, Model for Construction in Space Crystal. In 1950, Gabo began wood-block printing, an activity which would occupy him until his death, generating a significant body of work. His influence was important to the development of modernism within St Ives, and it can be seen most conspicuously in the paintings and constructions of John Wells and Peter Lanyon, both of whom developed a softer more pastoral form of Constructivism. Sep 22, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Sesit. Gabo's influence on modern art has been profound, though it is sometimes underemphasized in art history books. Characteristically, though, he disagreed with some of their functionalist principles. Naum Gabo: The Constructive Process, Tate Gallery, November 1976-January 1977 (17, repr.) Though Boris was Jewish, the siblings were brought up Christian through the influence of their Russian Orthodox grandmother, and Naum would distance himself from his Jewish roots for much of his life. At the same time, the dynamic curves of the design represented a departure from the geometric aesthetics of the "International Style" then prevalent in modernist architecture, which Gabo had studied, and emulated in previous architectural sketches. "Standing Wave" is a physician's term, used to describe exactly the kind of static-seeming patterns of movement, generated by the passage of energy through certain structures, which the sculpture creates. Instead, they remained in St Ives for seven years, meeting with other artists regularly at Adrian Stokes's coastal property to discuss, according to Gabo, "Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, Eastern philosophies, and English marine traditions, behind the blackout curtains". Showing his openness to new techniques and influences, Gabo inscribed dynamic rhythms into the surfaces of stone - his new-found fascination with this material would occupy him until his death. Naum Gabo, KBE born Naum Neemia Pevsner (5 August[O.S. These include Constructie, an 81-foot commemorative monument in front of the Bijenkorf Department Store (1954, unveiled in 1957) in Rotterdam, and Revolving Torsion, a large fountain outside St Thomas Hospital in London. It is one of a number of works created during the early 1920s which demonstrate Gabo's departure from the early, figurative style of the Constructed Heads, and his movement towards a more pure abstraction. Gift of Collection Socit Anonyme 1941.474 Status: By appointment, Wurtele Study Center Culture: The mid-1930s was an important period for British Constructivism, and Gabo and his associates wanted the world to know that the avant-garde had shifted from its Parisian base. The fact that it was intended as a model for a building exemplifies the Constructivist concern with giving art a functional purpose. But the outbreak of war forced a change of plans. It was in Munich that Gabo attended the lectures of art historian Heinrich Wlfflin and gained knowledge of the ideas of Einstein and his fellow innovators of scientific theory, as well as the philosopher Henri Bergson. Gabo made preliminary designs for Column in 1921 with the idea of making it into a large public sculpture, towering over the hills near Moscow. Constructed Head No. In a highly memorable and traumatic encounter, he witnessed the brutality of the Cossacks against a protester, later recalling: "I was 15 years old and that day and that night I became a revolutionary". Content compiled and written by The Art Story Contributors, Edited and revised, with Summary and Accomplishments added by Greg Thomas, Kinetic Construction (Standing Wave) (1920), Submitted Design for Palace of Soviets: Plan of Main Hall and Section (1931), Linear Construction in Space No. Gabo's plans, on which he worked feverishly for several months, consisted of two vast auditoria constructed from reinforced concrete, protruding from a towering central service block. Gabo was a fluent speaker and writer in German, French, and English in addition to his native Russian. In Northern Europe, Gabo inspired a younger generation of artists, including the mid-century Concrete Artists - Theo van Doesburg, Max Bill, Joseph Albers - through his emphasis on elementary forms, and British sculptors such as Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth through his use of stringing techniques, and his incorporated of empty space into the body of the sculpture. Gabo also became alienated quite quickly from the St. Ives School, shutting himself away in his studio for days, and arguing with Nicholson and Hepworth after he accused the latter of stealing his ideas. The transparent planes build upon and reveal the sections below, suggesting emergence and growth. But this second construction in the series also reflects Gabo's new ambitions for his work after moving to the centre of global economic and cultural power after the Second World War, where wealthy patrons and lucrative commissions were more readily available. The designs also bespoke Gabo's ongoing commitment, in spite of his awareness of the realities of Stalinism, to the Soviet project of constructing a new social realm. Gabo and Pevsner promoted the manifesto by staging an exhibition on a bandstand on Tverskoy Boulevard in Moscow and posted the manifesto on hoardings around the city. [1] He famously explored the former idea in his Linear Construction works (1942-1971)used nylon filament to create voids or interior spaces as "concrete" as the elements of solid massand the latter in his pioneering work, Kinetic Sculpture (Standing Waves) (1920), often considered the first kinetic work of art.[4][5]. Ren Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy is a philosophical treatise that was published in 1641. Gabo grew up in a Jewish family of six children in the provincial Russian town of Bryansk, where his father Boris (Berko) Pevsner worked as an engineer. [8], Gabo pioneered the use of plastics, such as cellulose acetate, in his sculptures. As in thought, so in feeling, a vague communication is no communication at all," Gabo once remarked. The piece now at Yale was bought by the Socit Anonyme from the artist. Artwork page for Model for Column, Naum Gabo, 19201 Many of Gabo's sculptures first appeared as tiny models. 2 2022-10-21. This show featured over 700 works, including paintings, sculptures, set designs, and architectural models, and was a significant event in the reception of Constructivism in Northern Europe. Gabo's increasing concern, from the late 1930s, with the aesthetic aspect of his work at the expense of the industrial can be seen in Model for 'Construction in Space "Crystal"'. Shortly afterwards, having been offered 25 to make a small construction as a present for a friend, Gabo produced the first version of Spiral Theme, an important work which would take him in a new artistic direction, and lead to a renewed engagement with family and friends. Naum Gabo, Annely Juda Fine Art, London, 1999. He incorporated principles from engineering and architecture into his creative explorations, and used his sculptures to describe and demonstrate new scientific concepts such as Einstein's space-time relativity. The central abstract form completes a full rotation every 10 minutes, as plumes of water emerge with varying pressure from 140 holes on the steel wings of the fountain, assuming the form of curved planes. [Internet]. Artist: Naum Gabo, American, born Russia, 18901977 Model of the Column (formerly Model for Glass Fountain) ca. Moving away from the geometrical precision typical of 1920s modernist architecture - the work of Le Corbusier, for example - Gabo's work predicts later developments in the style, such as the curvilinear forms of Lucio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer's designs for Braslia in the 1950s. Gabo saw the Revolution as the beginning of a renewal of human values. Naum Gabo Column 1921 - 1922/75 The Work of Naum Gabo Nina and Graham Williams Biography Born 1890 Died 1977 Nationalities Russian American Birth place Klimovichi Death place Waterbury Gabo was born in Russia and trained in Munich as a scientist and engineer. Gabo wrote his Realistic Manifesto, in which he ascribed his philosophy for his constructive art and his joy at the opportunities opened up by the Russian Revolution. As in the earlier Linear Construction, space is contained without being filled, a new and elegant way of emphasizing volume independently of mass. Gabo's migr status didn't help matters. For Gabo, sculptures like Column, which gave a certain impression of weightlessness, "appeal[ed] to minds and feelings more than crude physical senses". In essence, these pieces reflect a shift in Gabo's way of thinking about the depiction of empty space as volume, something he now felt was best achieved with spherical rather than angular forms. Gabo wrote and issued jointly with Antoine Pevsner in August 1920 a "Realistic Manifesto" proclaiming the tenets of pure Constructivism the first time that the term was used. It is March 1950 and Naum Gabo (1890-1977), the world-famous sculptor, is stabbing a mahogany table leg. After the Soviet Union withdrew from World War I in 1917 and the threat of a draft was over, Pevsner and his brother, sculptor Naum Gabo, returned to Moscow to participate in the utopian fervor of building a new egalitarian society. Gabo had also begun after his arrival in England to experiment with new materials such as Perspex and stone, influenced by the Direct Carving of Moore and Hepworth, though materials were increasingly hard to source, and sales were poor. Gabo had no formal artistic training. [7] His earliest constructions such as Head No.2 were formal experiments in depicting the volume of a figure without carrying its mass. ", "In the squares and on the streets we are placing our work Art should attend us everywhere that life flows and the bench, at the table, at work, at rest, at play in order that the flame to live should not extinguish in mankind. Travelling back from Siberia to Bryansk on the two-day train journey, he claimed he "had awoken to life", and within a year he was working for an illegal group distributing literature for the Social Democratic Labour Party amongst workers. Not inscribed Discover (and save!) [1] His work combined geometric abstraction with a dynamic organization of form in small reliefs and constructions, monumental public sculpture and pioneering kinetic works that assimilated new materials such as nylon, wire, lucite and semi-transparent materials, glass and metal. The construction was therefore intended precisely to demonstate a scientific principle, and as a more sophisticated, scientifically accurate rendering of motion than the Futurists had managed with their rather excitable paintings. At the same time, Gabo's interest in transparent materials like glass and plastic - which was profound and enduring from this period onwards - reflected his ongoing fascination with depicting volume independently of mass. The piece, carved from a single block of Portland Stone, was begun in London in 1936, shortly after Gabo's arrival in Britain following four unhappy years in Paris. Despite this, the European art market was struggling and Europe seemed increasingly unsafe. (London 1957), note between pls.25 and 26, and p.183. One of Gabo's most important discoveries was that empty space could be used as an element of sculpture. It should be noticed that the work was conceived in the winter of 1920-1, as a tiny model, and executed in the winter of 1922-3 in its big form'. He then moved to Woodbury, Connecticut, USA. Kinetic Construction was devised partly to demonstrate the aesthetic concepts proclaimed in Gabo and Pevsner's Realistic Manifesto. Meeting Trotsky on more than one occasion, during the early 1920s Gabo worked for the new Department of Fine Arts (IZO), dominated by abstracts artists at this time, which led him to work on a new art education program for schools, and on the single issue of the department Journal, Izo. Responding to the scientific and political revolutions of his age, Gabo led an eventful and peripatetic life, moving to Berlin, Paris, Oslo, Moscow, London, and finally the United States, and within the circles of the major avant-garde movements of the day, including Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, the Bauhaus, de Stijl and the Abstraction-Cration group. Subtitled International Survey of Constructivist Art, Circle featured important critical statements as well as reproductions of key artworks, and reflected a cultural optimism that the impending conflict in Europe had yet to diminish. At the same time, he was working on a series of increasingly abstract sculptural constructions. Gabo described himself as "making images to communicate my feelings of the world." Key to this work, considered by many critics to be amongst Gabo's finest, are the harmonious, organic rhythms generated by the interplay of curved lines, and the complex patterns of reflected light which shift and reconfigure as the viewer moves around the sculpture. Find more prominent pieces of installation at best visual art database. cit., Gabo declared: 'From the very beginning of the Constructive Movement it was clear to me that a constructed sculpture, by its very method and technique, brings sculpture very near to architecture. 2 2022-10-21. The Work of Naum Gabo Nina & Graham Williams / Tate, London 2023. He was part of the St Ives group in Cornwall, alongside Barbara Hepworth and Ben Nicholson. Metal, wood and electric motor - Collection of the Tate, United Kingdom. Constructed from flat planes of intersecting plywood this Madonna-like figure alludes to the icon paintings that Gabo would have seen in Russian Orthodox domestic interiors, traditionally placed high up in the corner of the room, as if watching over the inhabitants below. Naum gabo artwork. This group idealized the principles of engineering and architecture, and wanted art to have a similarly functional purpose. 2 is known to have been one of Gabo's favorite works, and it signals arguably the final significant creative shift of Gabo's career, taking him towards the large, public works of the 1950s-70s. Finished in St. Ives, it is one of a number of stone works from this period which represent Gabo's first experiments with the time-honored technique of direct carving. Gabo's other concern as described in the Realistic Manifesto was that art needed to exist actively in four dimensions including time. Light catches the transparent plastic, generating a shimmering, ethereal-seeming structure, and creating the illusion of motion as the viewer moves around the sculpture. Spiral Theme also helped to ensure Gabo's reputation within Britain. Naum Gabo Model for Column 19201 The Work of Naum Gabo Nina & Graham Williams / Tate, London 2023 License this image Not on display Artist Naum Gabo 18901977 Medium Plastic (cellulose nitrate) Dimensions Object: 143 95 95 mm Collection Tate Acquisition Presented by the artist 1977 Reference T02167 Display caption Catalogue entry Gabo had underplayed his Jewish identity for most of his life, resisting categorisation as an artist by his ethnicity, but now, horrified by the rise of the Nazis, he became newly aware of his heritage. 1928, rebuilt 1938 Perspex and plastic on aluminum base 27 11.3 10 cm (10 5/8 4 7/16 3 15/16 in.) 2022-10-21. Gabo's formative years were in Munich, where he was inspired by and actively participated in the artistic, scientific, and philosophical debates of the early years of the 20th century. Portland Stone - Collection of the Tate, United Kingdom. Recalling the creation of the sculpture in impoverished, war-torn Moscow, where most of the factories were shut, Gabo stated that he visited the mechanical workshop of the Polytechnicum Museum, where he requisitioned an old electric door bell whose internal electromagnet became the mechanical component of the piece. Gabo's pioneering experiments in the field of kinetic sculpture were advanced by the likes of Marcel Duchamp and Alexander Calder, and by the Kinetic Art movement of the 1950s-60s. Gabo worked through various movements and ideas, eventually settling in the United States after the Second World War. Less publicly, he derided Tatlin for "playing around with engineering forms and materials". In 1922, Gabo emigrated to Berlin, where he would remain for ten years, assisting shortly after his arrival with the organization of the First Russian Art Exhibition (1922) at the Van Diemen Gallery, sponsored by the Russian Ministry for Information. Again, this sculpture represents a creative departure from Gabo's previous work. Responding to the scientific and political revolutions of his age, Gabo led an eventful and peripatetic life, moving to Berlin, Paris, Oslo, Moscow, London, and finally the United States, and within the circles of the major avant-garde movements of the day, including Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, the Bauhaus, de Stijl and the Abstraction-Cration group. ), (London 1957), note between pls.25 and 26, and p.183, A model for the column 104cm high in plastic, wood and, After making the large version, Gabo also made three models in plastic about 25.4cm high which belong to Sir Leslie Martin, Cambridge, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, and Nina S. Gabo, London. See the renowned permanent collection and special exhibitions. Five thousand copies of the manifesto tract were displayed in Moscow streets in 1920. Naum Gabo, Annely Juda Fine Art, London, 1999. It was first exhibited in 1920, to great critical acclaim. After the outbreak of war, Gabo moved first to Copenhagen then Oslo with his older brother Alexei, making his first constructions under the name Naum Gabo in 1915. During the 1960s-70s, a shift in public and critical opinion led to a newfound enthusiasm for large-scale, abstract sculpture, and these final decades of Gabo's life brought him unprecedented success, including a slew of international exhibitions, and notable retrospectives at London's Tate Gallery in 1966 and 1976. The model, like the later piece, is made of glass, plastic, and metal. Surrounded by fjords, and mountains where they would ski on weekends, the brothers were funded by their father, thereby avoiding both paid work and the horrors of war in Europe. After the Soviet Union withdrew from World War I in 1917 and the threat of a draft was over, Pevsner and his brother, sculptor Naum Gabo, returned to Moscow to participate in the utopian fervor of building a new egalitarian society. It is abstract, geometric, and created with industrial design methods. From an early age, Naum was strong-minded, rebellious, and politically driven. His older brother was fellow Constructivist artist Antoine Pevsner; Gabo changed his name to avoid confusion with him. Gabo would go on to exhibit regularly with the revolutionary Novembergruppe artists - named after the month in 1918 when Germany's own socialist uprising had begun - and to make links with artists such as Hans Richter and Kurt Schwitters. After working on a smaller scale in England during the war years (1936-1946), Gabo moved to the United States, where he received several public sculpture commissions, only some of which he completed. They were often projects for monumental public schemes, rarely achieved, in which sculpture and architecture came together. To escape the rise of the Nazis in Germany the pair stayed in Paris in 193235 as members of the Abstraction-Creation group with Piet Mondrian. Public response to the work in the London Museum show was similarly positive, its lush organic forms perhaps providing a similar form of solace to a public in the grips of war as the shells of Carbis Bay had to its creator. Gabo's designs had become increasingly monumental but there was little opportunity to apply them; as he commented, "It was the height of civil war, hunger and disorder in Russia. It is March 1950 and Naum Gabo (1890-1977), the world-famous sculptor, is stabbing a mahogany table leg. Pencil and india ink on paper - Shchusev State Museum of Architecture, Moscow. He lacked confidence in his art, and there were tensions and jealousy between him and his brother. He then moved to Woodbury, Connecticut, USA. Lost in the Detail: Naum Gabo's Monoprints. Over the years his exhibitions have generated immense enthusiasm because of the emotional power present in his sculpture. His first print was a wood engraving in a section of wood taken from a piece of furniture and printed onto a piece of toilet paper. My works of this time, up to 1924 , are all in the search for an image which would fuse the sculptural element with the architectural element into one unit. A model for a larger piece he completed in 1923 called Column electric motor - Collection of the Tate London... The piece now at Yale was bought by the Socit Anonyme from the artist base! Neemia Pevsner ( 5 August [ O.S and there were tensions and jealousy between him his! 1938 Perspex and plastic on aluminum base 27 11.3 10 cm ( 10 5/8 7/16. Profound, though, he derided Tatlin for `` playing around with forms! Rebuilt 1938 Perspex and plastic on aluminum base 27 11.3 10 cm ( 10 5/8 7/16. 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Abstract sculptural constructions of installation at best visual art database engineering forms and materials '',... Resources for further research, especially ones that can be found and purchased via the internet this was! The internet Tate Gallery, November 1976-January 1977 ( 17, repr )., op ( German ) Naum Gabo ( 1890-1977 ), the European art market was and. Of increasingly abstract sculptural constructions increasingly abstract sculptural constructions Fine art, and English addition! Despite this, the world-famous sculptor, is stabbing a mahogany table leg auditoria. Visual art database also helped to ensure Gabo 's engineering training was key to the development of his sculptural that! He lacked confidence in his art, London, 1999 addition to his Russian! Rebuilt 1938 Perspex and plastic on aluminum base 27 11.3 10 cm ( 10 5/8 4 7/16 15/16! So in feeling, a vague communication is No communication at all, '' once... 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