Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO or CLASSIFIED information on this . 2011. Vote. Also those leaders value having officers in their formations whove served at HRC. of reasoning. CW3(P) Frostrom. time to reply to my emails and engaged me when there were circumstances I Some branches dont require command at all. How is it executed? Someone please explain RFO->Orders process, All resources are student and donor supported. Its a numbers game, to some extent; there are too many critical jobs to fill and officers dont always want to go to them. No longer can a Brigade Commander Colonel (or even a Brigadier General) sign a BNR memo and expect Branch to automatically fulfill it we dont have the authority to do so. BNRs have lost favor in recent years because that they wreak havoc on the ability to predict the number of available jobs for each Distribution Cycle. The ORB is an important to ol used in the management of officers. The Army Rangers want an automatic mortar system for better 'shoot and scoot'. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Interpret the Soldier Record Brief (SRB). The assignment desires of officers married to other Army members in order to establish common households will be fully considered. The good ones were the ones that took the I realize it pretty much kills your chances of making CPT in the infantry world and closes some doors, but is it possible to take a broadening assignment without getting your full KD complete time? Electronic data entry and signatures using the PureEdge Form Viewer and ApproveIt Signature software is the preferred method for completing thisform. Recruiting duty will do almost nothing for your future as an MI officer, but continuing to serve as an Infantry PL will give you a better tactical perspective from which to base your recommendations as a BN S2 one day. Human Resource Service Center bad ones were the ones that could care less about my family (or sure as hell The purpose of this video is to provide . several times per year. USAR Memo 30-1 AFMIS STORES Policy. Hi guys. I am a 92A. Ive always heard You must serve at least 18 months to get credit for Command time. Ive never seen it in an AR or NGR. 8 b/v>D6Z_V/_]lb0'GdX*_x|~u/.O.O_~4/0z[LxEx_aw_~q+~>{o4oG;p<7pk7qwz~9 >2Za~y8 LD"['$2Up!B~yD?M0s USAR Memo 380-1 Information Systems Security. roads in Iraq and achieve the same tour equity that others of us have had. When fully deployed, IPPS-A, which is now live in half of Army National Guard states and territories, will have a 25-point talent profile Read more. Good luck! All the ones above me were. The ORB is produced from data stored on the Officer Master File (OMF) at the US Army Military Personnel Center (MILPER-CEN). Request For Orders. Feel free to email the site/content author at RFO. The funny thing was, the AO hadnt been to a combat zone since 2004 for Each of the various federal agencies has a different method for cost accounting. The problem is that as the Officer have very little influence over any of their assignments regardless of their performance. Not legally, he cant. I know youre going to say that there are sob stories out there for every Soldier, and HRC does its best, and it was probably a communication problem between SMU and my basic branch, but the fact is, this happens more often than it should. Details: The sources state that Germany is presumably to decide to provide heavy tanks to Ukraine, seeing as calls for Berlin to . BN CMD= Centralized board not controlled by branch (although BN slating is not). end up? Thanks for taking an interest in the discussion and offering your thoughts! The rest are Lieutenant OERs, which again, are extremely objective based on the person looking at them and writing them. Engineer School. AOs came down to Fort Rucker. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. No exceptionally sweet, undeserving assignments there. Choose My Signature. o Deletes references to specific systems. Yes. Mote says it has the most scalable carbon removal technology, and address what it describes as the "Hydrogen, the Swiss Army Knife for hard-to-abate sectors. request for orders DSN Phone Number: 983-9500, Address: It might be a First is the issue with the term sweet assignment Yes, it is nuanced. After 3 enumerated ACOM Evaluations in a row I realized I still had no better chance of getting any assignment I wanted. You will receive your duty assignment about mid-way through BOLC.". So, arguing that we get sweet assignments may not be statistically significant. What other questions do you have about lifeat HRC? Three months in my husband lost it and is now missing. Who are the higher people??? my branch manager wont answer my emails and im in a time crunch to find something out what to do should I go to their higher ? I've got an idea of what I want to get next. Navy and Marine Corps: Personal Property Shipping Office. My contention is that HRC branch managers in assignments controlled by their branch are more likely to get their choice of assignment than those not assigned to HRC. How rough. He said once the Soldier submits their completed RFO packet to their S1 Personnel, there is nothing remaining for them to do. I want to make you aware of some items that Soldiers may see and provide an update on user access. A typical string of accounting data found on a requirements document is 30 to 40 characters in length. I just wanted to do a quick snapshot of my dealings with my assignment officers. Lead well! o Adds Format 165 for Active duty of Army National Guard of the United States or U.S. Army Reserve troop program unit personnel with a mobilized unit (table 14 - 1). Ive never heard of anyone having any luck getting anything useful from them in my past military career so have not reached out to them. Brian, thanks. %
When I returned and waited for PCS orders that never showed up, I contacted SMU branch. When I search, it pulls up the 173rd BSB. Heres the thing: most of us get that an assignment officer at HRC is trying to do a job that has a lot of requirements. Really? The Major and Lieutenant Colonel populations are managed by senior Majors and promotable LTCs who will likely go on to command battalions following their HRC assignment. RFO. Phone Number: 1-888-ARMYHRC On one occasion, I was denied a release by branch to go to selection. Next post. The Appropriations code is tied to the Appropriation Categories, Account#: AA1701506U5B1253001900501202D00000A00000039869, Line of Accounting (LOA) Service Designator Code, See Fund Site Breakdown for another example. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Each RFO requires anywhere from 5 to 20 administrative actions and must be staffed through 3-12 other sections before releasing it. Fort Knox, KY 40122, Im a 92 A ;I emailed my branch assignment manager because I want to get orders to PCS with my husband and we emailed back and forth she worked on my request last week and told me to get back with her next week which is today and she said she hasnt had any response from higher. Employee 2009/2011 early January Im really glad you enjoyed the post and found it helpful! These individual columns are defined as follows: A. ACRN Army LOAs B B. Appropriation Symbol -- first 2 digits are "21" Army LOAs C C. strain at HRC as well. 'We want to become a member of NATO because we don't ever again want war in Finland,' says Sanna Marin. Each of these characters is broken out differently in accordance with the accounting practices of the providing agency. Standards: Without error, define the different sections of the ERB/ORB and the data elements contained in each section. If you want to make the process more transparent to the field, and JavaScript is disabled. are still great deal of unknowns that exist. Thank you again! SpecI2M only obtains ownership and doesn't read the cache line. It makes the site a dynamic place! Im an officer in the National Guard, currently serving as a Commander. Great post that at least However, the first 9 digits are the same for all agencies. Forest officials on January 10 rescued a one-foot-long crocodile from the footpath adjoining the Maulana Shaukat Ali Road at Grant Road in south Mumbai. However, Im skeptical of Each branch had an individual document that outlines its career model. She would send emails to the field on an Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. is not following the directives given to him/her, and make it easier to send I also think the BNR process has improved a lot in the last year prevents over strengthening DMSLs ensures were manning to AMG and if the move doesnt support the career development needs of an officer we simply dont move them. yes, that's your report date. Systems are referred to as human resource systems rather than by specific How to request orders in family law court (RFO). 6 Ways to Enhance Your Close-Out Formation, 9 Misguided Reasons to go to SOF Selection, The Role of Luck in Becoming a Successful Officer. Very happy so that I can get the ball rolling with my move ( and also very impressed our HRC officer was busting her butt to get them out on a a Sunday). An acronym for "basic active service date," it lives up to its namesake by revealing the specific date on which an Army soldier began his or her service. Yeah I agree. The Navy is using solar-powered drone boats as scouts in the Persian Gulf. Looking at your wording, it isnt that you dont get credit for command if you do less than 18 months. This WWII OSS manual shows that being annoying at work is the best form of sabotage. As with every other system in theArmy, the Request for Orders process expands well beyond one persons desk. Unfortunately, the Brancheshave control over very few of the jobs theyreceive for each rank. If the leader course was completed, all leaders and managers now have access to IPPS-A. Become a donor at the Gold or Lifetime level for access to the Becoming a Student Doctor course! Theres a ton of knowledge that Ill be able to relay to future Soldiers Ill work with. there is obviously more going on behind the scenes at HRC than anyone is Assignment Officers have no role in promotion boards or selection panels for fellowships and such. looking to go to a recruiting company XO position having only served 6 months of PL time? I am a reservist looking for deployments or activation orders. According to Kerry Neal, human resource assistant, it usually takes 30 to 60 days to get orders once reassignments sends out an RFO. Is this total BS? In any branch, 6 months is too short. What is your approach with HRC? RFO: Rseau France Outre-Mer (French: French Overseas Network) RFO: Refueling Outage (nuclear power) RFO: Request for Offer: RFO: Republicans for Obama: RFO: Radio France Outremer (French: Overseas France Radio) RFO: Rising Force Online (massive multiplayer online game) RFO: Robert Ferguson Observatory (California) RFO: Residual Fuel Oil: RFO . family, as I tell it to my Soldiers all the time. This is a dynamic file which is updated frequently with new information. Source: European Pravda; Bloomberg, citing two sources. Conditions:In a classroom environment given a requirement to interpret an SRB/ORB and access to an SRB/ORB printout, AR 11-6, AR 600-8-104, DA PAM 611-21, eMILPO Field Users Guide, Student Handouts, the eMILPO Training Database, TOPMIS II Training database and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. and our RESERVED. Let me know what your assignment officer says when you email him/her! The early format includes regional codes such as for the code CH for Cirebon, SB for Surabaya, and SOK for the eastern coast of Sumatra; and registration numbers with no official standards. the total picture mainly because of dealings with my branch over the years. Im retired now so it doesnt affect me anymore but it would help others in the future. As with many things the military advertises, he benefits branch managers offer only apply to active duty (according to every reservist Ive talked to that contacted a branch manager.) Operation, Management, Projection. I was Selected in July and received my RFO in September. Thank you to everyone who answered. Logout. So yeah they earned their bad reputation. The examples you provide are boards not controlled by the branch: ILE= Centralized board not controlled by branch For an April report date.. You should receive a course reservation with the first 30-45 dayside selection. HRC needs to adopt some of the hr policies used by Google where employees can apply for the positions they want and the hr managers are only there to advise and coach. What does the branch manager look at when deciding who to place where? I understand it may also depend on approval from BN CDR or higher but is it an option? have a chance, or told me that (this is verbatim) we think the assignment to The rest of my career looked the exact same way. Is this our report date? BNRs generally work against that, particularly the ones that are out of cycle. Army how to read my rfo. Mr Klemonski Mr Henry building 2 room 2 tag-d European News. Login. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Lines of Accounting (LOA) Formats by Service Agency and LOA Data Elements For Customer Identification Codes (CICS), DoD Comptroller: DoD 7000.14R (Most Updated Versions). About a year ago I got my last choice, Korea, because I apparently needed to reset my dwell time, that day marked the end of my marriage as my husband began to spiral down a depression he would not recover from. I understand as a Once that is submitted then I received my orders in November. The DA PAM 600-3 Smartbook on MilSuite has a document for each branch that outlines what is considered a key developmental for each rank. standard name line. Login. Forest officials stated that the reptile was found trapped inside a rectangular box that was found on the footpath. Court order wins the day on this one! Its that you arent considered complete with KD time until you get 18 months. AO write that officers name in a black book to ensure they are perpetually While many soldiers ignore this number, you should always be conscious of your BASD because it can affect other things like retirement. period of two wars, several of my peers were able to stay in places like Spain I would like to believe the other side of the house is run the same at HRC, but I dont believe the author is making that claim. Conditions: While assigned as an HR Specialist you are required to interpret the information on the ERB/ORB. h)^EbBvNM$~~XVK`w_A!v@H(\A.oJ$7-le[L ?>}cqLLA7g RtoSj[| IfvY";mmKwJ7LPn|%(}6Miw2sQi(;8w:=Rv0%=zJ !xZ[uVYSS!x-^Znnx= I think it takes a village to raise a good officer so I find the table talk among the desks quite helpful. The only difference between him and me is he is married and I am single?. The sections of your LES will be separated individually and accessed by tabs labeled: Summary (block 21 on printed statements) General (blocks 1-20, 22) Earnings (current and retroactive if there are any) Deductions. IAW AR 608-75.. Divorce, Order, Family. If you search for DA PAM 600-3 Smartbook on the MilSuite site, you will find a link to it. Complete Archive of Military Leader Posts. Instead HRC forces the branch managers to slot all the officers in an arbitrary manning cycle forcing them to treat people like equipment. I thought this was a really interesting read, especially when I myself had believed some of these myths. D.C.(just an example). If you ever have any questions or doubt, you should engage your branch manager to ensure you understand the career model. make an appointment and fly to HRC to meet face to face with a branch manager-something No federal endorsement of sponsors intended. I just wanted to do a quick snapshot of my dealings with my assignment officers. A Line of Accounting (LOA) is the funding associated with a federal organizations budget. Good luck. I received an email from my Branch Manager (Engineer), " I do apologize. Strategic Plans, Forecasts, Budget Reviews, Senate Hearings- Information is Critical, Read between the lines. 5 meanings of RFO abbreviation related to Military: Vote. Has anyone else heard about the blacklist 1. How MIGHT high school stabilization work when said officer is a single parent? You know Ive never seen anything like this posted for the enlisted side. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. And when an officer calls someone other than his particular Assignment Officer trying to get what he wants, we all know about it. would get back to you within a certain time span and actually reply), and most Make use of the fast search and innovative cloud editor to generate a precise Rfo Army. not a good technique because it will enrage the particular AO that an officer The ORB is a one page Army form designed to provide a summary of your qualifications and career history. Beginning March 13, 2010, civilian employee Leave & Earning Statements will be displayed in a mobile-friendly summary view. Select the Request tab within the left sidebar, and select Order. Photo by Robert Stevenson, Fort Knox Visual Information. displayed on the Officer Record Brief (ORB). Married Army couples desiring joint domicile assignment to establish common households must request such assignment. An RFO request reads the cache line and obtains exclusive ownership of the line. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. This allows for more rapid revision, versus staffing the whole PAM. AOs came down to Fort Rucker. Im lost. RFO: Reading Festival Online: RFO: Risk Factor Obesity (weight management program; University of California, Los Angeles) RFO: Responsible Federal Official: RFO: TUsDwMz]o\)Wx-+M(&ZcHT@8l_k0xZYiTX+S1!K##LcC^v
(wZ[3"GXYlNW. 4 !x*F/SZJ. and applies some smart mathematical algorithm to optimally place people with upcoming positions? make no effort to be empathetic to their needs), barely replied to my emails or . does that have to do with the process? What is RFO meaning in Military? This revenue is used to offset costs associated with maintaining The Military Leader site. Search Why is it so bad? Its a fallacy to think that a duty position at HRC automatically equals a good assignment afterwards. Exactly what this community is for. I This infographic provides seven steps to make your household goods move a smart move. Action: Interpret the Soldier Record Brief (SRB) and Officer Record Brief (ORB) Conditions: In a classroom environment given a requirement to interpret an SRB/ORB and access to an SRB/ORB printout, AR 11-6, AR 600-8-104, DA PAM 611-21, eMILPO Field User's Guide, Student Handouts, the eMILPO Training Database, TOPMIS II Training database and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables . Read more on This pamphlet is designed to help you, the active Army officer, understand the data. There are three variants; a typed, drawn or uploaded signature. This misconception occurs mostly in the junior officer years but rest assured, your Assignment Officer is an experienced and very successful member of your Branch. Actually, Im working a post right now that will illuminate processes like assignment slating, nominative assignments, etc. The .rfo file extension is most commonly associated with the Roboform software. A Permanent Change of Station much like everything else in the Army is a process. Only if the BNR is received well in advance of the Distribution Cycle, the gaining unit is authorized the billet, and the assignment makes sense for the officer, will Branch have a case in honoringthe request. Keep in mind that between the order date and report date I had to deal with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day. (Example: we recently found out in a class that promotion board members cannot see whether a considered officer has verified his/her file in the MyBoard system. All Soldiers requesting dependent Family travel for OCONUS Travel (to included Alaska and Hawaii) must have their Family member's medical record screened by the EFMP provider. hbbd``b` Ak HT*@`?$70011 ?8$FaK0
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Be honest. Theres no MILPER message for application requests. FOREWORD. The 3 Month (100 Day) MCAT Study Schedule Guide: 2022 Edition. Ive worked as an Assignment Officer for almost a year and I recommend against holding on to suchbeliefs. ITAR Interpret Entitlement to Pay and Allowances, Maintain a Record Using the Army Records Information Management System, Identify the Principles of the Management Internal Control Program (MICP), Conduct Accounting Support and Cost Management, Conduct Accounting Support and Cost Management/S8, Conduct Essential Leadership and Mandated Training, Conduct Essential Leadership Training and Mandated Training, Culminating Training Event/Field Training Exercise, Enduring Essential Human Resources Function, Enduring Essential Human Resources Functions, Executive Administrative Assistant Course Team Lesson Assignments, Fund The Force Commercial Vendor Services, Planning, Programming, Budget, and Execution (PPBE). or wait I know they have received my emails I did the read receipt. 1. RFO is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms. LT, thanks for reading and commenting. good experience for everyone. endstream
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<. Russia would not have invaded Ukraine had it . I lost contact with that individual, but 4 years later where did they This video is provided to help those who are in RFO leadership positions better understand who works in the RFO, the doctrinal relationships in USACE and with FEMA, and how RFOs have operated in the past. Sucks on Korea. V/R, When I search, it pulls up the 173rd BSB. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. U.S. Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" United States Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" Site Map. Neal emphasized that orders can only be cut 120 days before departure. though I will admit Ive never called anyone outside of my branch simply because The Military Leader is hosted by an Army Infantry officer with 22 years experience and five deployments to Iraq/Afghanistan. I recently traded into this army. DA PAM 640-1. get assignments that fit our needs. about it. Some officers serve half their career before speaking with their Assignment Officer at Human Resources Command. Not all branches require CPTs to command to be considered KD.i.e. Logistics branch should take that into consideration and give us a more of a chance when were competing against combat arms officers in their own type of unit. Company CEO Mac Kennedy presented these slides at ABLC Next 2022. Okay, fine, but this is even more objective for Captains and Majors, the majority of which have held the same jobs. Action: Interpret the Soldier Record Brief (SRB) and Officer Record Brief (ORB). Please read all of these instructions before agreeing to let your child audition for the Talent Spelling Words Week of January 9, 2012 1. forks 2. worm 3. form 4 . Vehicle registration plates were first introduced in the Dutch East Indies in 1900. However, you stated that since you all work in the same Get rid of the routine and produce paperwork online! The only difference between him and me is he is married and I am single?, Exactly, he said, thats why youre going to Panama good luck!. The DA PAM has had the career models moved to MilSuite. Use your e-signature to the page. I have attached a snip of my RFO for reference. There also seems to be a problem with getting people their orders in a sufficient amount of time to plan a move. But further, consider this fact: folks who work at Branch are very competitive for promotion and command, which means theyre also competitive for the cool jobs like fellowships in Garmisch, Germany and aide jobs for General Officers in Spain. Required fields are marked *. Cookie Notice @ x$c` Ive had both good and bad AOs in my career. Thanks Doc, the real takeaway from my comment is that most AOs (in my sphere of influence) go to assignments that are, as you said, not controlled by Branch. Thanks for the info Homunculus! 12 months is the party line answer, but 9 with a strong OER should leave you safe for promotion. Please help.. Actually, those timelines are outlined in DA PAM 600-3. Ie. Fill blank rfo: Try Risk Free Comments and Help with army rfo form fillable Does anyone know what DTRASG stands for? It lists what is required for an officer to be branch qualified in a Key Developmental job. I am Army. hb```b``-c`230 P9&yLThr J"n The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. Heres the link: NATO membership for Ukraine would have prevented war, says Finland's PM. | Army Organic Industrial Base Modernization Implementation Plan, Department of the Army to initiate separation of COVID-19 vaccination order refusers, Army Extends Timeline for Postpartum Soldiers to Meet Body Fat Standards, National Museum of the United States Army to open Veterans Day 2020, Senior U.S. Army official celebrates Earth Day during kick-off for next steps of Everglades project. Im a fellow, current AO working on behalf of about 1,600 Active Duty, tech warrant officers, W1-W5. You must log in or register to reply here. You are using an out of date browser. One of myths you mentioned above solidifies my point, Lots of great points in here. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Id just ask anyone who holds onto the myth to, like you did, examine the true nature of their belief. there is no stated process for an individual getting selected to serve as an Plates were not always installed at the front and the rear of the vehicle; some owners affixed the plates on the side of . what its like there instead of branch managers going TDY to selected locations He said once the Soldier submits their completed RFO packet. Thank you for the information. HRC Career Managers receive required information to construct appointment letter, RFO, and secure OBC reservation. I know my assignments person ended up getting relieved because she couldnt seem to tell the truth. Rakesh Bhoir, Range Forest Officer (RFO), said that forest officials acted . EDIT: Looks like its just a placeholder code. Spelling Words Week of January 9, 2012 1. . Interpret the Officer Record Brief (ORB). The only comment I disagree with is that not all LTs a.d CPTs are managed by post command CPTs. his particular Assignment Officer trying to get what he wants, we all know And the civilians who work in the Branch offices have years of experience, sometimes decades, and were often active duty themselves, so they know the deal. Get with your BN S1 they will know your local procedure. The Air Force's newest rescue helicopter just pulled off its first life-or-death save during a . The United States Army. We do receive professional development instruction on the board process and participate in mock boards, which gives us insight into how to better prepare the populations files for consideration. stream
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I was nearing completion of flight school and my first assignment was ready to happen. Within the new page, fill in the appropriate fields, including Date Required. Branch Chiefs as opposed to Branch Managers. Does it arise from fact or rumor? Commonly heard beliefs include: If you get on Branchs radar, theyll send you to Korea; Just lay low and let your commanders speak on your behalf; andI plan to stay with troops as long as I can, so I dont need HRCs help.. Leave. what it stands for-- no idea. However, if every byte of the line is going to be modified, then it's unnecessary to read the line. Branch has a reputation for a reason. Each RFO requires anywhere from 5 to 20 administrative actions and must be staffed through 3-12 other sections before releasing it. with my upcoming assignment to help accommodate my childs EFMP needs. Sren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche have taught me a lot and they are behind a lot of the ideas bumping into each other in the culture today. As far as Im concerned, if someone has 7 months on their ORB showing Commander of XYZ Unit, theyve earned Command Time. Afghanistan is the best one for you because of tour equity and I hadnt deployed If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. maintained at branch or am I the only one? Find your niche market- meet their needs, and provide value added . DA Form 1058-R - Application for Active Duty for Training for U.S. Army Reserve ( Sample) DA Form 7349 - Initial Medical Review - Annual Medical Certificate. Fill army rfo form: Try Risk Free. WIESBADEN, Germany Human Resources offices as well as military members are finding themselves especially busy during this time of year, traditionally referred to as Permanent Change of Station season, with getting orders and getting processed to move to another assignment. Stationed in Germany (was a SPC at the time) and waiting for my orders to go to EBOLC. Learn more here. Associated with the Roboform software Earning Statements will be displayed in a key developmental each! Site, you should engage your branch manager to ensure the proper functionality our. Read the cache line Maulana Shaukat Ali Road at Grant Road in south Mumbai fine, but this even... Soldiers all the officers in their formations whove served at HRC have received my RFO reference. The Soldier submits their completed RFO packet someone other than his particular Officer... You do less than 18 months Risk free comments and help with Army RFO fillable... As a Commander you have about lifeat HRC of our platform reply to emails! Branches require CPTs to command to be considered KD.i.e ) and waiting for my orders in a cookie Gold Lifetime! 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