my seth thomas mantel clock has a balance wheel and is running fast it picks up about 30 minutes over night. var year = today.getFullYear() Sorry for the late reply. much since it will drip in the case. (I wound it two days ago and it is fast by about 40 minutes now, for example.) If your glass is still in good condition, though, you can consider yourself lucky! Clocks that have three winding holes are known as chiming clocks, and each hole powers a different function of the clock. These clocks have a balance wheel like a mechanical watch does. The snail cam rotates once every twelve hours. Thank you. Beautiful Seth Thomas mantle clock in great working condition, chimes on the hour 1:00 one chime, 2:00 two chimes and so on, and chimes once on the half hour, nice crisp sound. . . With a dead-beat escapement, the sharp tooth of the last wheel in the gear train, lands on a curved surface of the pallets that push the pendulum back and forth. . If you want to hear all these sounds, simply wind the holes until the key will not wind any further. ), Seth Thomas clocks are not being made anymore. Fix by: Anonymous It sounds like something is lose inside when you turn it upside down. Thomas had quite a few creative ways to brand his clocks, so you will need to check different spots for different elements. I appreciate that you mentioned that it can be a little bit more complicated to fix an anniversary clock than a pendulum clock. Adjust the timing on the clock according to the results of the timing test. There are a couple of possibilities that I can think of. Thank you. Im not a clock guy. In their version of an atomic clock, Seth Thomas uses an internal chip to offer the same autosetting features of true, radio-controlled atomic clocks. If the first explanation is true, then your clock is running properly; if the second explanation is true, you probably need to take you clock in to be serviced. Measurements: 6"L x 10"W x 14"T English carriage clocks are high quality, but very big. If you have any other questions or remarks, feel free to comment below! Yes. It strikes 3 minutes late on the half hour and hour. The snail is a weirdly shaped cam that looks a lot like a snail shell. It also has many of its original elements, including the original glass, signed dial, and a clean label. Sometimes . Thanks for the tips on how to adjust the time keeping on a clock that is running too fast or too slow. Some clocks have what is called a passing strike. How do I adjust the time keeping? Hi, I've taken the clock apart (not the movement itself) and checked that things were straight and not rubbing in any way. Thank you! I've tried setting it to the extreme + and - and it still runs fast. The letter are R & A with A being on the right, when you say turn towards the letters, is that CW and Anti CW? The tang of a small file works well. Hamilton West Mister Chime 8 day Wall Clock and its running to slow. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Thanks in advance for any help given! Traditionally, Seth Thomas clocks are set from the front by using the key that originally came with the clock. James Stoudenmire. $150.00 0 bids $86.14 shipping 1d 10h or Buy It Now The result is a shallow swing of the pendulum. I am having the same problem, and no luck in moving the lever to the left. Now known as one of the pioneers in the mass production of clocks, Seth Thomas started by working in a completely different field. . Antique Seth Thomas Sonora Chime 4 bell Chime set complete . It's interesting that sliding the bob on a cuckoo clock actually speeds up and slows the time. If the plates are good quality brass (2 mm or more thick) with a nice balance wheel platform on top it is likely French. If you happen to be the owner of one of his early clocks, you know youve got a valuable piece of history on your hands. Then I fit the bushing onto the tang and turn the hand until it is adjusted properly. What are the Three Holes on a Seth Thomas Clock? If you cannot adjust the timekeeping of the clock slow enough, that likely means that the clock needs some TLC. (NOTE: The clock is level, as I have a small level and it shows that the clock is perfectly level). To understand the date stamp, you need to be aware that the four numbers it starts with are simply the reverse date the year the clock was made, but backward. . Insert the key into the left hole and wind to set the chimes to sound on the hour. A new movement is usually the cure for a problem with a battery or electric movement. The antique Seth Thomas clock movements never had this design pattern on them. Either the pendulum is too short or it isn't getting enough swing. Clearly, Seth Thomas was a truly outstanding American clock manufacturer, who left behind a rather impressive legacy. help? With a tweezers, move the pointer towards the "-" to slow it down. Perhaps you or your family still have such an old clock from past generations. I have a mantle clock that runs slow and I need a key to turn it to fast. A mantel clock with a Westminster chime I was told' the sound of which I hadn't heard since my pre-teen years! The second most expensive Seth Thomas clock ($17,250) was a shelf violin clock. Best regards, I'm hopeful that I will be able to get the right balance now! Seth Thomas Collectible Desk, Mantel & Shelf Clocks 1920-1949, Seth Thomas Collectible Vintage Alarm Clocks & Clock Radios 1920-1949 Time Period Manufactured, With your thumb, stop the balance wheel from turning. The main problem with it is that it runs too slow. Best regards, I have recently stripped, cleaned and lightly oiled a 1940/50s Smiths mantle clock. If the hour hand does get moved, however, just move the minute hand clockwise again (stopping at each quarter hour to allow the clock to chime), until you get to the hour. I have a Seth Thomas Tambour mantel clock with 124 mechanism and Westminster chime. The clock works and maintains fairly good time and chimes on the hour. As is the case with most antiques; the better its condition, the more valuable it tends to be considered. I completely repaired the clock case and purchased a new clock movement with chime box, assembling everything together. A repair would be the only option. Place the key in the center hole to adjust the time on the clock face. 1. First of all, you should know that the Seth Thomas company used different types of wood in different time periods. I had it oiled a while back, and It runs fine, but the problem is that even with the F-S adjustment at full F it still loses about a minute or two a day. Move the lever towards the "+" to make the clock run faster and move it towards the "-" to make it run slower. I have an old french mantel clock with a tiny shaft at the top of the dial but cannot Sometimes oil can decrease the friction, but usually the wear must be corrected to return the clock to proper time keeping. It's great that you mentioned that to adjust a Grandfather Clock's speed with a time adjustment nut, I should loosen the nut to slow it down and tighten it to speed it up. I guess I need to know more. Trouble shooting is always a challenge. Dial signed "Seth Thomas" 14-1/4"h x 8"w x 6-3/4"d. Skip to Main Content Toggle navigation. Ingraham often had a small thumb wheel located between the 12 and center of the dial. Turn the key counterclockwise, while looking at the front of the clock to set the time. Seth Thomas used different materials at different times in the clock maker's history. If you didn't know the power had gone out, you wouldn't know that your clock was inaccurate! I don't know of any new rotors being produced. A man with two clocks is never sure. They also tend to have an English type lever escapement with sharply pointed escape wheel teeth. I am sure it can. My friend said her brother mentioned a way to stop it the clock gaining time and I found my way to your site. Move pendulum to the left or right until the escape wheel escapes from one pallet to the other. The first step in identifying your clock is to look for the Seth Thomas label. Note that those adjusters have a very limited range of adjustment, so if your clock is losing/gaining more than a couple minutes per day, you probably have other issues to deal with. The seller claimed the clock chimed perfectly and kept accurate time. If not, there are many great clock repair technicians out there. Note the small crack on one of the lions. It is beautiful and means a lot to me but was running fast, I found your advice to adjust the pendulum and hope that I can adjust the speed Thank You. Well, while you should not expect any of your clocks to be worth 20 million dollars, you might still be able to make a nice sum off of selling one, if youre so inclined. Specifically, this clock had a walnut case, burl walnut accents, and a pagoda top, which are reminiscent of the older clocks. Your key should slide easily onto the arbor, but not so loose that either the key or the corners of the winding arbor can be damaged when you turn the key. Hermle stamps the number of beats per minute on the back of the clock movement right under the pendulum length (the number followed by cm). New . I replaced the AA Energizer Batteries in the Clock Movement and still the hands haven't moved. Refer to the View A and View B in the illustration above and follow the steps below to put the clock in beat. Not enough power is getting to the pendulum to make it swing as far as it should. I have let it run out each time before I wind it and adjust the speed. Thats why you stopped the clock. Finally, you are likely interested in finding out the age of your mantel clock. Description: This lot includes a mantle clock made by Seth Thomas, featuring a 1/4 hour striking Westminster chime movement. You probably will have to do a little filing to get the hook to properly fit the pendulum leader. Sorry, I think I mise this. It all runs nicely after reassembling it but its losing a couple of minutes per day. Is there anything else l can do to length the pendulum besides taking it to a repair shop. Thank you for any advice. If you cant find one, you might also be able to tell from the paper label or construction. . Can you please give some advice? Take a look at your clock and think about what it is made from. (Price Guide), Antique Teapots Value (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Coffee Grinders Value (Identification & Price Guides), Funko Pops Value (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Pie Safe Value (Identification & Price Guides), Limoges China Marks (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Madame Alexander Dolls Value (Identification & Price Guides), Benrus Watch Value (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Blue Willow China Value (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Car Blue Book (Car Value & Identificatiron), Old Buttons Value (Identification & Price Guides), Skeleton Key Value (Identification & Price Guides). It was in excellent condition. belonged to my gradfather, but net time. . My clock has two issues: It runs slow and it displays improperly. How can I get it to run correctly? 3 Listen for a sound like a spring unwinding. The Seth Thomas Clock Company was organized as a corporation on May 3, 1853 in Plymouth Hollow, Connecticut (later to become Thomaston) to succeed the earlier clock-making operation of the founder. What next I can do ? To adjust it without simply changing the time on the clock, loosen the hand nut holding the minute hand in place. .tick . Designed to sit on a shelf or mantel, they not only tell the time but also offer a glimpse at the art of clock-making and the work of a master. If it really is that old and has a battery, it probably has a balance wheel like a wind up watch. Can you help me and if so please advise your cost for this service. . If it doesn't work, I guess we'll just have to call a clock repair service. I have a couple that I think you should check out: 1) Check that the clock is "in beat." She has also managed an online antiques community. However, one that shows signs of rough use is not nearly as good of a sign. Show more Show more 2:20 Seth Thomas Antique Westminster. My clock is running fast/slow. To sum up, you can think of the clocks overall condition as the average of its score in these 4 categories: function, wood condition, clock face condition, and glass condition. Your clock runs fast so you want to turn the top of the key towards the R to slow it down. Last night I was adjusting the adjustment nut on the bottom of the pendulum lob and it fell out! There are a multitude of sites dedicated to Seth Thomas and I encourage you to visit them; however, for the purposes of this post it is our first important piece of information. Have you ever heard of Seth Thomas? My clock is so slow that it is1-2 minutes after the hour by the time it gets done bonging! I have removed the hands multiple times and still no success. The earliest models used exclusively wood movements, which were completely replaced by brass ones as early as 1842. It is running about 3 hours slow. I have a 6 column mantel clock with the name Seth Thomas on the face between the 12 and the center of the face where the hour and minute hands connect. If you have any problems, it might be a good idea to find a clock repair services that have experience with the kind you have, such as the pendulum or balance wheel ones. tHERE IS A SMALL ROUND PLATE WITH LOOKS LIKE TEETH ON TOP OF THE BALANCE WHEEL, BUT THAT CAN'T BE WHERE YOU SET THE SLOW OR FAST. The letter represents the month with "A" standing for January and "L" standing for December. Use these tips to get an estimate of what an antique Seth Thomas mantel clock is worth. Free shipping for many products! After the function of the clock, you need to look at the condition of the wood. Author. I can send pictures and try to answer any questions you may have. Where do I find a small key to be able to do this. Mike, Hi, Mike. Key Differences Between Grandfather and Grandmother Clocks, If you grew up visiting your grandparents' house, you're probably intimately familiar with the iconic bing-bongs that their old grandfather clocks made every hour on the hour. It's been leveled so that it has a good tick tock, although every once in awhile a tick sounds like a tock, though it's still an even beat. Thank you sir. It does not strike the hours. If you feel it move a little bit, that may correct the problem. Most modern clock hands are mounted on a brass bushing. Do you set the slow or fast on the round piece with teeth on the top of the balance wheel II've tried to move the piece on top of the balance wheel to the left buit that doesn't seem to wor it is still running to fast over night it gains 45 minutes. The beginning of the week it is fast and by the end of the week slow. The other possibility is that it might have had both. A thiner spring will allow the pendulum to turn more and run slower. Can you install a Hermle floating balance movement into a clock that has a pendulum? Which way would I turn it to make the clock slow down. I have been told it can't be repaired due to lack of clock motors . Sometimes this bushing is too lose and allows the minute hand to move without moving the hour hand. Once the hand is removed you will need to rotate the hand in relation to the brass bushing in its center. However I have to say it's so exciting to have it running again and to hear the lovely chime.. is there any other way to slow down a pendulum clock I have the nut all the way down. Hello there, I have just bought a Rhythm 1960's-70's Japanese Space age pedestal clock in lovely condition but it's gained about 2 minutes in the last 3 hours now. The first is that there is nothing wrong and the clock is doing just what it is supposed to do. Vintage Valentines That Celebrate Old-Fashioned Love. What else can I do? Kevin. Most clocks from this era did not use an electric motor; they used a rotor. Thanks! When the gear train becomes worn, friction reduces the push on the pendulum, and more force is also expended pushing the train backwards during the over-swing, the arc of the pendulum becomes much smaller and takes less time to complete, so the clock speeds up. Pack your clock securely 2. Can i add some type of weight to the bottom of the nut to correct this? Antique Original Seth Thomas no. Remember to grasp the hand as close to the minute arbor as possible. You probably have a clock with a "floating balance". Setup Balance Wheel Mantel Clock: This type of clock usually starts by itself upon winding. All Rights Reserved. . This would be the counter-clockwise direction. I have a gorgeous 1880's Ansonia clock which runs well and chimes well. Those adjustments on the front are to wind the springs. 9 "Empire". One turn of the nut will regulate time keeping approximately two minutes a day. Clock face is classic white with black numerals and is 6" diameter. Vtg Elpa Alcobaca Hand Painted Porcelain Bunny & Cat W/blue glass eyes set; Portfolio; My Dress-Up Darling - Marin Kitagawa Enamel Pin Collectibles Kevin . It usually indicates a problem in the movement causing the power from the spring to be too weak by the time it gets to the balance. Check to see if there is a threaded rod projecting from the pendulum or if there is a pendulum nut in the bottom of the case.If this is the case, your clock needs some professional help. Would this be repairable by anyone in this country (am willing to ship it). It can also happen if one or more escape wheel teeth are bent or broken. My favorite part of this article is that balance wheels could be an alternative to pendulums, they handle the time of clock. Get seth thomas clock repair manual PDF file for free from our online library. 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. Turn over the clock carefully and look for a metal plate that identifies the clock as a Seth Thomas clock. How to date a Seth Thomas mantel clock? I work in an antique shop and one of our best pieces, an old clock, stopped working yesterday. Reply. Ive improved the accuracy by shifting the small lever on the escapement to F but I cant shift it any further now and the clock is still losing about a minute per day. Some mantle clocks use a mechanism, which allows for adjustment from the front dial of the clock, using a small square keyed shaft located either just below the center of the dial (Seth Thomas) or at the 12:00 position on the dial. Some people do not have a repair shop within a reasonable distance from them. Or does my clock need to be serviced? Identifying Seth Thomas antique mantel clocks requires familiarity with these charming time pieces. ANTIQUE SETH THOMAS MANTEL SHELF CLOCK DIAL BEZEL PARTS REPAIR $13.00 5 bids $7.50 shipping 3d 22h Original Seth Thomas No.2 Weight Driven Wall Clock Dial Needs Repaint $9.99 0 bids $10.00 shipping 3d 15h or Best Offer Antique Seth Thomas Clock Movement For Parts or Repair $19.99 0 bids $15.00 shipping 2d 11h or Best Offer SPONSORED I assume that the clock has a pendulum. Usually you turn the thumb wheel to the Left to make the clock run faster and to the Right to make the clock go slower. The very earliest purely electric clocks from the late twenties/early thirties all had to be manually started. I was able to (very gently) daub some of the dripping oil and pick out the cotton fibers. Unfortunately there is not an easy fix. Hi Mike, Recommendations for a clock movement stand. Any time you are messing with hairsprings, a lot can go wrong. I am passionate about restoring and repairing antique clocks. Can you tell me what I have? Fortunately, once you know the trick, you'll find it's quite simple. My recently purchased grandfather clock is delaying even after I did rotate the pendulum nut to the maximum. . I'd rather not make that long trip again just to it adjusted. Another possibility is that the clock is supposed to count the hours, but something is wrong. . Possible reasons for poor swing include the following: Worn pivot holes that allow gears to move out of alignment and increase friction in the train; Congealed oil in the train or on the mainsprings (this shouldent be a problem in a freshly cleaned clock); The movement being out of beat (unequal times between the tick - tock and the tock - tick. Has it been cracked, crazed, or just poorly restored and damaged in the process? I am trying to slow down a smith clock with balance wheel. First synchronize your clock with an accurate time source - like a digital clock. Contact Us Drop us a line or give us a call. Is this just because it's a little older? Hamilton was a major American producer of high end watches. $20.00 . The rack has at least 12 teeth and usually a few more. tick . Antique Seth Thomas Rosewood Mantle clock. Thus as the movement becomes worn, the push the gear train gives to the pendulum is decreased, but the drag on the pendulum during locking is also decreased, so the arc of the pendulum can actually increase and the clock can slow down. Out the age of your mantel clock into a clock that runs and... Lack of clock Smiths mantle clock up and slows the time take a at... And each hole powers a different function of the wood tips on how to adjust it without simply changing time! Is made from will need to check different spots for different elements repair service still. Antique mantel clocks requires familiarity with these charming time pieces Thomas mantel clock high end watches Drop us call... Beginning of the pendulum to the maximum and View B in the clock chimed perfectly and kept accurate time -. 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