In an effort to reestablish their position, they decided to make a scapegoat of Hamilcar Barca. Hannibal Barca was probably a black Carthaginian military commander; he became famous for his crossing of the Alps, his strategic brilliance before taking on major campaigns, his tactical genius on the battlefield, and his operational prowess during combat. Hamilcar Barca was a daring, intelligent young man. Newest results. Hamilcar had three sons, Hannibal, Hasdrubal and Mago, who were all to have distinguished military careers. "Death Date: 229. Hamilcar & the Barcid line would dominate the Carthaginian political & military arenas for the next 35 years. Buy History Of Ancient Carthage - Hamilcar Barca - Punic War Tank Top: Shop top fashion brands Tanks & Camis at FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases History Of Ancient Carthage - Hamilcar Barca - Punic War Tank Top : Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry Rebels opposing this were stoned and Gisco and his fellow prisoners were tortured to death. He is responsible for designing and . The town, called Helike, is commonly identified with Elche, but given that it is situated close to Hamilcar's base at Akra Leuke from which he could readily draw reinforcement, it cannot be the place where the following events unfolded. Hamilcar Barca. There was no other city like it. The rebel loss was 8,000 dead with 4,000 captured. 2 Although before his arrival the Carthaginians were faring badly by land, and sea, wherever he was present in person he never yielded . Hannibal's father, Hamilcar Barca, general of the Carthaginian mercenaries, was infuriated about the western Mediterranean losses of Sicily and Sardinia. Finally, when the Carthaginian Senate was unable to decide between Hamilcar and Hanno, the people's assembly left it to the army to decide on their Commander in Chief, and Hamilcar Barca was elected to sole command. Whatever direct territorial control Carthage had had in the past in Iberia,[98] this had been mostly lost by this time as Hamilcar was "re-establishing Carthaginian authority in Iberia". Thus, in 241, the First Punic War drew to a close with the establishment of a new imperial power in the West. He replaced Carthalo, who had not been altogether unsuccessful, as the commander of the Carthaginian fleet. Boston Harbor. Hamilcar's victory opened communication with Utica, and gave Hamilcar the chance to bring nearby towns under Carthaginian control by force or negotiations. 68, 69, Punica Barcino, Goldsworthy, Adrian, The Fall of Carthage, pp95,, Carthaginian commanders of the First Punic War, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2018, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Articles with German-language sources (de), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Carthage at this time was feeling the strain of the prolonged conflict. Then the enterprising Hamilcar Barca came to the fore. This page was last edited on 26 October 2022, at 21:30. Hamilcar probably landed at Gades in the summer of 237 BC. [69] The Punic generals pursued Matho's army and won several small-scale engagements. [90] Several modern historians have interpreted this as Hannibal swearing to be a lifelong enemy of Rome bent on revenge,[91][92][93][94] while others hold that this interpretation is a distortion.[95][96][97]. [62] Hamilcar occupied the bridge, then established control over the surrounding region. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Hannibal Barca was probably a black Carthaginian military commander; he became famous for his crossing of the Alps, his strategic brilliance before taking on major campaigns, his tactical genius on the battlefield, and his operational prowess during combat. Hamilcar's immediate objective was to secure access to the gold and silver mines of Sierra Morena, either by direct and indirect control. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. [19] Hamilcar was in command of a mercenary army composed of multiple nationalities and his ability to successfully lead this force demonstrates his skill as field commander. was a great Carthaginian general and statesman in the First Punic War who firmly established Carthaginian rule in Spain. Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! It was probably some distance from Carthage because, while Hamilcar blockaded the valley exits and waited for the rebels to starve, Matho's army at Tunis did not intervene although the trapped rebels held out awaiting his arrival. Hamilcar Barca (c. 285 - c. 228 av. He was also fatherinlaw to Hasdrubal the Fair. [8] The Romans had occupied most of Sicily by 249 BC and they besieged the last two Carthaginian strongholds in the extreme west. i. p. 391; Auson. The Carthaginian leadership probably thought Rome had been defeated and invested little manpower in Sicily. Through brilliant maneuvering, Hamilcar inflicted a heavy defeat on the rebel forces, leading to the killing of 8,000 mercenaries and the capturing of 2,000 men. Prior to his departure from Carthage, Hamilcar made sacrifices to obtain favorable omens and Hannibal swore never to be a "Friend of Rome" and "Never to show goodwill to the Romans". The traditional historiography up to the 80's interpreted the Carthaginian policy on the Iberian Peninsula at the end of the VI century BC as basically one of imperial domination directed at replacing the Phoenician presence by direct Carthaginian control. [67] The rebel army was slaughtered, with the elephants trampling most to death. Hamilcar Barca: The Life and Legacy of the Legendary Carthaginian General Kindle Edition by Charles River Editors (Author) Format: Kindle Edition 5 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $0.00 Read with Kindle Unlimited to also enjoy access to over 3 million more titles $3.99 to buy Paperback $8.99 1 Used from $10.20 4 New from $8.99 Because of his place in military history, people often question his origin and black African ethnicity. Hamilcar had at least three daughters and at least three sons. He was the father of Hannibal Barca who continued his father's tactics and won major land battles in Italy during the Second Punic War. Hamilcar ( Punic: , MLK) [1] was a general who succeeded to the command of the Carthaginians in the First Punic War. Legend tells that he founded the port of Barcino (deriving its name from the Barca family), which was later adopted and used by the Roman Empire and is, today, the city of Barcelona. Hamilcar Barca, Barca also spelled Barcas, (died winter 229/228 bce ), general who assumed command of the Carthaginian forces in Sicily during the last years of the First Punic War with Rome (264-241 bce ). According to Appian, Hamilcar was thrown from his horse and drowned in a river,[116] but Polybius says he fell in battle in an unknown corner of Iberia against an unnamed tribe. When this was done in an ancient-history classroom at the University of Pennsylvania, Prof. William C. McDermott responded: "Yes, Hannibal was as black as King David." The great Carthaginian was. This act would have an incredibly psychological impact on the surrounding Roman population in those days. [44] They added some conditions and amended some of the ones given by Lutatius:[45]. After weeks of maneuvering, Hamilcar finally managed to trap about 40,000 rebels in a valley surrounded on three sides by mountains.[66]. This position allowed Hamilcar to hold a mountain base and harass the rear of the Roman forces who were besieging Drepana and Lilybaeum, which were Carthage's last remaining strongholds on Sicily. It is also possible that he had hoped to establish a future war chest with Spanish silver. Hamilcar spent nine years in Spain. Certainly, tribute in money, if not men, was extracted from local cities and new silver mines were worked. [121] Without Punic records to cross reference, these remain mere supposition. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. 50 Carthaginian ships were sunk, 70 captured and 10,000 prisoners taken. He fought a series of successful battles until he reached (but did not destroy) the city of Rome. After the siege of Helice and betrayed by local allies, Hamilcar retreated and drowned while crossing a river in the winter of 229/228 BCE. Foi pai de Anbal, Asdrbal, Adonibal e Mago, [2] bem como o construtor dos famosos jardins de Amlcar, que se encontravam em Mgara, na periferia de Cartago.. Comandou as foras de Cartago na ltima parte da primeira guerra pnica e foi o . Hamilcar Barca or Barcas (Punic: , omilqart Baraq; c.275228BC) was a Carthaginian general and statesman, leader of the Barcid family, and father of Hannibal, Hasdrubal and Mago. Hercte west of Panormus. He may have been responsible for creating the strategy which his son Hannibal implemented in the Second Punic War to bring the Roman Republic close to defeat. vol. If evidence in the urban structure of Castelo Branco and the city walls with their arches confirms its Carthaginian . After mustering their forces, a decisive battle was fought probably near the town of Leptis Minor. Hamilcar Barca or Barcas (c. 275 - 228 BC) was a Carthaginian general and statesman, leader of the Barcid family, and father of Hannibal, Hasdrubal and Mago. Hanno the Great was aligned with them and they espoused peaceful relations with Rome, even at the cost of abandoning overseas territories. Hamilcar next moved to confront the army of Matho at Tunis. Since the coins male image is shown in the way Apollo, the Roman and Greek sun god, was depicted, indicates that he wasnt a common warrior riding a war elephant, but he was a high ranking military commander. Neither side would seek to recruit soldiers, levy tribute or build public buildings on the other power's territories. An unnamed fourth son is often referred to, but details are lacking. Rome, which had dealt with Carthage with all due honor and courtesy during the crisis, going as far as to release all Punic prisoners without ransom and refuse to accept offers from Utica and Rebels mercenaries based in Sardinia to incorporate these territories into the Roman domain, seized Sardinia and Corsica and forced Carthage to pay 1,200 talents for her initial refusal to renounce her claim over the islands. (The origins of Carthage go back to the city of Tabarka, present-day Tunisia). Geiger Richrd - grg npek Hamilkr karthgi kirly az oltrnl megli magt.jpg 690 1,027; 177 KB. Nothing had come of these supposed episodes and some scholars doubt their authenticity. Cartwright, M. (2016, June 01). Commercial Artist, Barber, Sign Language Interpreter, Blind Mobility Aide. Hasdrubal defeated the rebels, killing 8,000 and taking 2,000 prisoners before returning to Iberia. Hamilcar Barca was blamed by the Carthaginian Leaders for causing the Mercenary War by making unrealistic promises to his soldiers, especially the Celts, during his command in Sicily. Hamilcar's other two sons were Hasdrubal Barca and Hasdrubal Gisco, both of whom commanded during the Second Punic War. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. They chose Hamilcar. [121] Hamilcar is thought to be the best commander of the First Punic War and as a man, Cato placed Hamilcar a cut above most leaders, including most Romans. Hamilcar retired to Carthage after the peace treaty in 241BC, following the defeat of Carthage. J.-C. avant de retourner l'tranger, o il russit tendre les intrts carthaginois dans le sud de l'Espagne. Hannibal Barca was one of the great generals of ancient times. The Punic Wars were a series of conflicts fought between Carthage Hannibal (also known as Hannibal Barca, l. 247-183 BCE) was a Carthaginian Carthaginian warfare has been overshadowed by defeat to Rome in Punic Wars by Bagnall, Nigel [Hardcover ], Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Education. Hamilcar, after subduing Turdetania[107] next moved east from Gades towards Cape Nao. Like ancient Carthage, Akre Leuca was not only a military center but also a culturally-advanced city in its time. Retrieved from Hippacra and Utica were both besieged, and Hanno was unable to free them. Still, without a significant force at his disposal (fewer than 20,000 men) and despite Polybius' praise that he was the best Carthaginian general of the war, Hamilcar's effect on the conflict was ultimately a limited one. Hamilcar's first priority, probably, was to ensure that the war indemnity was paid regularly so the Romans had no excuse to interfere in Carthaginian affairs. [111] The Romans withdrew and did not bother the Carthaginians in Spain until 226 BC. Hamilcar's move away from the traditional naval power of Carthage to a land force was reaping fantastic rewards. In expanding his power to the European continent, Hamilcar reinvigorated the Carthaginian empire, regained needed resources, and prepared a base for renewing war against Rome, which his son Hannibal would famously do in the Second Punic War. [51] The rebels divided their forces: detachments were sent to besiege Utica and Hippo, while others cut Carthage off from the mainland, probably in the winter of 241 BC or spring of 240 BC. America's Black dilemma [Barca, Hamilcar] on He divided his army: Hannibal took half of the soldiers and camped to the north of Tunis, while Hamilcar camped to the south, thus hemming in Matho's army in Tunis. Browse 50 hamilcar barca stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Hannibal Barca was a renowned general and statesman. European archaeologists have found eight coins portraying Hannibals Carthaginian features. They managed to take over all Punic territories in Sardinia. Apr 3, 2011. [113], Orissus, chieftain of the Oretani tribe, came to the assistance of the besieged town. The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total. Submitted by Mark Cartwright, published on 01 June 2016. Themes. After the trapped rebels ran out of food, pack animals and cavalry horses and finally resorted to cannibalism, Spendius, Autaritus and Zarzas, accompanied by seven others, went to Hamilcar's camp to seek terms. [59] The modern historian Dexter Hoyos stresses that "[s]uch manoeuvres were about the simplest that any army could learn, once it mastered the absolute basics of marching in formation". Omissions? Whatever the case, Hamilcar enjoyed uninterrupted command in Iberia during his stay there. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. First, Hamilcar broke the rebel siege of Carthage and then defeated an army led by Spendius near the Bagradas River. Hannibal Barca was probably a black Carthaginian military commander; he became famous for his crossing of the Alps, his strategic brilliance before taking on major campaigns, his tactical genius on the battlefield, and his operational prowess during combat. (Barca meaning Thunderbolt) Who was Hannibal's father? World History Encyclopedia. Carthage often hauled defeated generals and admirals before the Tribunal of 100 and had them crucified, so Hamilcar probably distanced himself from the possibility of prosecution if the Roman terms turned out to be harsh enough for Carthaginian authorities to seek a scapegoat. While he may appear to be an old man, he is one of the most powerful of the Twelve Zoalords, the co-founder of Cronos and its leading scientist. The wily commander told them he was merely securing wealth for Carthage so that they could meet their reparation obligations to Rome. Hamilcar crucified Spendius and other rebel hostages outside Tunis to terrorize Matho, but this backfired when the rebels were able to surprise and defeat Hannibal's army due to their lax discipline. Several office buildings, overlooking the harbor waters. Shouting encouragement to each other they broke into a run to pursue. Corn Fleuron T083009-22.png 1,086 649; 65 KB. The exact location of this valley has never been conclusively identified. This is the second and most important cause of the. Monolito Amilcar Elche Sierra.jpg 640 480; 43 KB. Hannibal was inclined to the god, Apollo. Carthage will ransom all Punic prisoners, while all Roman prisoners would be freed without payment of ransom. First Punic War. The success of Hamilcar and his family in Spain, which rebuilt Carthaginian finances and created a standing army, giving Carthage the means to resist Rome. Hamilcar retired to Carthage after the peace treaty in 241 BC, following the defeat of Carthage. A History of Hamilcar: Akre Leuca, Dream City of Hamilcar Barca- Part II. Hasdrubal the Fair then took over command of the Carthaginian army. Hamirukaru Barukasu) (also: Hamical Balcus, Hamilcar Valkus) known as Barcas 'The Elder' (, Barukasu ), he is one of the main antagonists of Guyver: Bioboosted Armour and the co-founder of Chronos, the third eldest member of theCouncil of Twelve, as well as Chronos's most brilliant scientist. Deprived of leadership, and unaware of the pact, the mercenaries suspected treachery; the Libyans were the first to attack Hamilcar's positions. Their choice to minimize the Sicilian operations while Hamilcar was in command, reduce the navy and support Hanno the Great's conquests in Africa, all of which were causes for the ultimate defeat of Carthage in the First Punic War. When his troops rushed towards the retreating Carthaginians, Spendius was either unable to control them or believed that the Carthaginians were fleeing and encouraged his forces' pursuit. This article was most recently revised and updated by, Carthage was a mixture of indigenous black Africans, Berber tribesmen, Semitic Arabs, white Celtic Germanic warriors, Greek sojourners, and white Libyan tribesmen that existed when many Phoenician cities and colonies decorated North Africa. Fourth son is often referred to, but details are lacking of Rome firmly established Carthaginian rule in.. 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