document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. LeemeIf you dont leeme alone, ima gonna take the long hair on your head, and tie it to the short hair on your ass, and lasso you to a fence post. Collaboration is one thing. I Feel Like I've been shot at and missed, shit at and hit. That man is talking with his tongue out of his shoe. If they really kick it up a notch, they might be pitchin a hissy fit, but theres some gender politics included in using hissy that you might not be comfortable with. 4. Things in the South aren't "broken"they're "tore . I'll knock you into the middle of next week looking both ways for Sunday! This is one of the Southern sayings used to correct a child's behavior. To be fair, it could also be referring to dreaming. So dumb he couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. 49. And while madder than a wet hen may be the most well-known example of the genre, it is a versatile little construction. 8. (This goes back to the days of wealthy cotton plantations. Dangnabbit. For example, here is an expression I've never ever heard above the Mason-Dixon line: "That possum's on the stump!" If his brains were dynamite, he couldnt blow his nose. (The tongue is in reference to the part of the zipper you grab hold of to pull it up and down. "dry as a chip" "all over it like stink on a monkey" "as dirty as a frenchman" "so tight you shit diamonds" "Fair bump play on" "Sticks out like dogs balls on a canary" . I am busier than the beard of an auctioneer. As a dead pigs body lies out in the sunshine, see, its lips begin to pull back from its teeth, creating the illusion of a wide grin. Want to know more? It can be used to mean anything from, "you sweet thing" to "you're an idiot". Its raining harder than he said, taking a pause deep enough that it drew painful attention to the fact he had nowhere to go, a cat shaking off fleas.. If you check out the naughty old-fashioned sayings you won't believe were once popular, then you may never think about folksy statements the same way again. 39. Its so dry the trees are bribing the dogs. 29. This phrase describes a person whos blissfully ignorant of reality. Answer: I just came across a word in a Dean Koontz book that I'm reading that might be what you are looking for: "darkling" or "darkle". Men's Boxers Svg Bundle, Dirty Boxer Underwear Svg Bundle, Funny Men's Boxer Svg, Gift For Dad, Gift For Husband, Adult Svg, Cricut Download. Specifically, Carters repped its Little Liver Pills so hard a Southern saying spawned from the omnipresent advertisements. (How to politely describe a portly lookin fella. It's hotter than knobs out here. Southerners mostly use this phrase to answer, How are you? Even those below the Mason-Dixon know frogs dont have hair, and the irony means to highlight just how dandy you feel. Best California Quotes for Instagram. Example: Jerk a knot in your tail if you don't want to be reprimanded in the middle of the supermarket! Probably not. 6. ), 12. Either somebody's in real trouble, or there's a fight brewing if you hear Now these are really unkind, but funny as heck! According to the language podcast A Way With Words, variations on the saying, "more excuses than Carter's got pills" arose from a "very successful product known as Carter's Little Liver Pills," which "were heavily marketed beginning in the late 1880s, and as late as 1961 made for some amusing television commercials.". Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. Enter your email address to stay up to date on the latest stories on Shareably. A pigs ear may look soft, pink, and shiny, but youre not fooling anyone by calling it your new Marc Jacobs bag. Does that mean a Southern accent? Youre tired and exhausted, Drunk as cooter brownCooter Brown was a character who constantly stayed drunk to avoidthe draft, so simply put.. youre drunk as ever, Buggy aka shopping cart, we prefer to make up our own words for objects though, Used to could I used to be able to do that, now I cant (simple, right? They've passed down their recipes, their china patterns, and their parenting tips, for starters. With that culture comes some of the greatestsaying you may ever hear, to us Southerners its just normal talkbut to others I realize the southern slang may not be so easy to understand. 36. If it's dirty, it's not funny, but if it's funny, it's not dirty Buddy Hackett. 3. Husband Jumps Out Of Car Telling Wife Take The Food Home And Come Back And Get Me. What your accent says about you. Busier than a bird trying to migrate. 2022 Galvanized Media. In the '20s, pregnancy tests involved injecting the urine of a person into a small animal such as a rabbit, according to the Oncofertility Consortium. Any idea where this one originated? When you hear this phrase, you can interpret it as, "If I had my way" or "If I had my choice." This is the couth Southerner's way of insulting your intelligence without using so many words. #1 an ant at a family reunion picnic. Question: Great collection you have here. Put that on top of your head and your tongue would beat your brains out trying to get to it. My question though is about the exclamation "Well my lands!" Im finer than frog hair split four ways. 2. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { -Arthur Baer. ~ Sijin Bt. A good mild swear on the end is also a frequent go-to. Funny, Kitchen. Whatcha gonna do when the crick runs dry? Colorful Southern Expressions About Liars. The Sign that says "There's not a pot to crooked that a lid won't fix" should say "There's not a pot TOO crooked that a lid won't fix". Heres our top 7, The Village Gatlinburg: A complete list of 25 shops [2023], 16 best Gatlinburg webcams: Live views of the Smokies, Big Bear Mountain at Dollywood: Opening date, what to expect [2023], Earthquake the Ride in Gatlinburg is just as bad as you think it is. Happier than a pig in poop. 1. . Shes so skinny, you cant even see her shadow. Answer: I have not heard that one before, but I would guess that it means "keep your head down if you want to avoid trouble". He's tighter than a bulls ass at fly time. He couldn't carry a tune if he had a bucket with a lid on it. (This is in reference to the bald eagle thats depicted on the back of a quarter. Exactly. } ); Traveling across the United States can feel like globetrotting, especially when you encounter dialects and slang that aren't commonly heard in your parts. 3. Shes meaner than a wet panther. Your email address will not be published. Answer: No, I don't. Did Chevrolet stop makin trucks? 4.14, 4.08 Getty Images. Create with usSubscribe to our free newsletter! Learn more. That would make a bishop mad enough to kick in stained glass windows. (Your fly's down.) However, we're starting to think that these words are passed down to us like our hair color and height.'POST', '', true); You can change your preferences any time in your Privacy Settings. While the South is not a single homogenous place, there are some phrases that are truly Southern (stock photo). Useless as hen-s**t on a pump handle. Dad-gum you. Or goat. 7 steakhouses, ranked, Who has the best pancakes in Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg? I am busier. We kin see clear to the promised land! Youre so fulla s**t your eyes are brown. The barn door's open and the mule's trying to run. When you hear this phrase, you can interpret it as, "If I had my way" or "If I had my choice." Check out our dirty sayings selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our collage shops. 30 southern sayings for when it's hotter'n blue blazes. Southern Living. Whether it's referring to a potentially embarrassing wardrobe malfunction or any act of sexual congress, these phrases can say a whole lot in just a few words. The phrase reportedly originated in C. Davis Diary of 1865. Its so hot I saw two trees fighting over a dog, for instance. Southerners don't claim "territory"they claim "stompin' grounds.". Its so much more poetic than I guess so or a simple yes. And the truth is, from Louisiana to Rocky Top, from Pensacola to Memphis, we do enjoy a good colloquialism. 26. Im so poor I couldnt jump over a nickel to save a dime. If somebodys got the red ass, its best to just give them a wide berth. This is a tantrum. Happier than ol' Blue layin' on the porch chewin' on a big ol' catfish head. (When shes more pissed off. Carters Products started as a pill-peddling company in the latter part of the 19th century. A good rider knows to walk the horse around so it can dry off before going back to the stable. if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { These cookies do not store any personal information. He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow. I have lived in southern mississippi for the past 8 years and I have not once heard any of these . History can't agree on who the Betsy in this variation on "for heaven's sake" is or was, but she's certainly left her mark on Southern slang. Question: What does the southern saying "yuns" mean? For more up-to-date information, sign up for our 5. (Spelling a phonetic guess). Don't call the world dirty because you forgot to clean your glasses. Back when I was self-conscious about filling Southern stereotypes, I tried to avoid yall and reckon like the plague. It rained like a cow pissin on a flat rock. 0 ; Copy You can be drunker than dammit, hotter than dammit or colder than dammit. This phrase dates back to a time when speaking openly about pregnancy was something of a taboo. A dirty exterior is a great enemy to beauty of all descriptions. Here are the most popular dirty quotes for girlfriend and boyfriend you can share over text or use whenever you feel naughty. Expressions such as these don't come out of nowhere; most commonly, they're reflections of the culture from which they arise. And we're beginning to understand what a treasure that truly is. If I had a dog as ugly as you, Id shave his butt and make him walk backwards. I never want to leave the South. ), 3. His bread basket is bigger than a bread basket, if you know what I mean. Tiny ringbearers adorable antics has all the guests dissolving into laughs, Teen steps up to take girl with special needs to prom after date cancels on her, Man buys self-defense taser for his wife and tests it on himself with comical results, Woman gets swift lesson in manners and gravity after taking package from someones porch, Closer look at flag being sold at flea market brings man to a halt when he spots writing on it, Married couple clasp hands in hospital as plug is pulled and refuse to let go, Woman learns to sew and brings her grandmas 83-year-old fashion sketches to life, Dick Van Dyke proves hes still got moves at 96 in video with wife. Before personal matters were considered appropriate topics for conversation, people still managed to convey some pretty private ideas through the use of euphemisms. 39. Within these general guidelines, its possible to create your own Southernisms, expressions that one day might find their way into the common parlance. Knee-high to a grasshopper Most of ten used to denote g rowth, as in: I havent seen you since you were knee-high to a grasshopper! Slower than molasses running uphill in the winter Things dont get much slower than molasses. A gentle reminder that Grandma still cares about your bedtimeand general wellbeing. Contact us at [emailprotected] for questions or comments. What did you think of these quirky Southern sayings? Old-fashioned sayings may sound all sweet, but sometimes these sentiments have a double meaning. The expression is used when one is speaking about a person who is absent and then suddenly shows up. Theyre clich. Popular Dirty dirty Mind Quotes To Share With Him Or Her. When you travel down South, "as all get-out" is the only superlative you need. A haint, in old Southern terminology, is a ghost, and according to tradition, scalding one will send it running right quick. Question: What does the phrase "he's dumber than a mud fence" mean? Happy as a dead pig in the sunshine. Balder than a peeled egg. "Oh, my lands," or "land sakes," seems to be a deliberate substitution for Lord, a minced oath. He fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. Some folks might say she's cheap, but that can take on a whole 'nother meaning. Sometimes these charming euphemisms are pretty darn dirty, or at least a bit risque. Im so poor I couldnt jump over a nickel to save a dime. Disclaimer: While we do our best to bring you the most up-to-date information, attractions or prices mentioned in this article may vary by season and are subject to change. You could have a stroke out here. You're lyin' like a no-legged dog! Yankees are like hemorrhoids: Pain in the butt when they come down and always a relief when they go back up. ), 4. And, with the right sauce, can be a devastatingly useful sarcasm delivery device. You probably like to assume that you're smarter than this water fowl, but if a Southerner thinks you aren't, they'll surely set you straight. It's so dry the trees are bribing the dogs. Getty Images. Hes so ugly, he didnt get hit with the ugly stick, he got whopped with the whole forest! If you're a Yankee, West-Coaster, Northwesterner, or a non-American, we've created a video to explain some of the more curious Southern and redneck phrases. Why do Southerners invoke his name in place of "hell"? By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Of course, there are the good old standbys we all know and love, like "y'all" and "down yonder." You better give your heart to Jesus, 'cause your butt is mine. I call bull on many of them. It's ingrained into felines to cover their mess, hence the invention of the litter box. It's been said every day, all day, for as long as we can remember. Whether it's attitude or style, we get it from our mamas (and grandmamas). Still, if you want to sound like an authentic Southerner we are fixin to explain some phrases that you might not find in Google translate. Similarly, an extremely cocky man might think the same when he speaks and also that everyone should listen to him. daily newsletter, You Know You're from the Midwest if You Know What These Words Mean. Slicker than greased owl s**t. (Something looks nice or has a smooth surface. This is the couth Southerner's way of insulting your intelligence without using so many words. It's always been a rhetorical question, but I imagine someone with a quick wit could come up with a funny, sarcastic answer. 'Cause she's Grandma, that's why. Read more here. The company's CEO says they're diversifying. "Drunker than Cooter Brown"As legend has it, Cooter Brown was a man who did not see fit to take up with either side during the Civil War, and so remained so staggeringly drunk throughout the entire conflict that he avoided conscription. Over the years, however, the phrase referred to young men going through a phase of promiscuity, according to World Wide Words. Its like Great Britain, where you can have a wide variety of accents and locally popular sayings in a relatively small area. In fact, the only thing we enjoy more than a good colloquialism is making up bad colloquialisms, slapping them all over a wide variety of knick-knacks and selling them to tourists at the gift shop at a 75 percent markup. Its frequently used when something you seriously doubted would happen comes to pass. Brad Paisley. This is an expression of shock or surprise, presented with an exclamation. Happy as a dead pig in the sunshine Deceptively complex, this one contains a built-in lesson in postmortem porcine physiology. Sale Price 13.54 Southern Slang Sayings, Words & Phrases: 1. Its been in use since the 1700s. Slow as molasses. "The sunsets are best on the West Coast.". In reality, the phrase has little to do with religion and more to do with a passive-aggressive way to call you an idiot. For example, "She takes such good care of her elderly momma and daddy, bless her heart." Hes richern Croesus. To the uninitiated Yankee who has yet to experience this unique foreign language, Southern sayings and expressions may sound like pure gobbledygook! Hold on; be patient. He don't know s**t from shinola. Southern Sayings About Being Poor & Broke. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Youve never seen hair on a frog? Generally, I have not heard comments about men's pants at all. Learn how your comment data is processed. "Happy as a tick on a fat dog." He ran like a scalded haint. If you don't stop that crying, I'll give you something to cry about! You don't watch out, I'm gonna cream yo' corn. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay under the porch. You cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear. Yall and reckon are included on every greatest hits collection of Southern slang. I am here to help with that, Well Bless Your Heart This one has two meaning, youre either being called an idiot or its a true term ofsympathy.. its all in the tone, Hes as useless as tits on a bull Well, bulls do not have these.. cows do my friend. ), Skedaddle now aka get out of hereor go on now, Gussied up Dressed up or snazzy looking aka youre not wearing jeans and a t-shirt, Supper The meal that comes after dinner which is the meal that comes after breakfast, we dont have lunch down here, Im just hunky dorey Youre happy, thats all there is to it, Fixin to I am about to do this or that (really this ones easy), cattywampus Meaning screwed up or out of place, Coke aka anything that fizzes or soda, soda pop for the Yankees(coke was born in the south and we prefer to reference everything with carbonation down here as Coke), Aint are not, is not.. whatever you want to say, Umpteen A lot of times or countless times, Tan your hide Youre in for a good whoopin, Sweatin like awhore in churchActuallyrefersto being overly hot and sweaty (because the humidity here is HORRIBLE) much like an uncomfortable prostitute in church, Too big for his britches That guy (or gal) thinks too highly of themselves and needs to bring it down about 5 notches, She was just knee-high to a grasshopper Seriously short, short enough to be compared to a random insect, Snug as a bug in a rug Meaning extremely comfortable, My eyeballs are floatin' This person has to pee, plane and simple, and theyre apparently so full its reached their eyeballs. If you enjoyed this, be sure to check out More Funny Southern Sayings and Southernisms from Readers. When a pig dies, presumably in a sty outside, the sun dries out its skin. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.". By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. A pig's ear may look soft, pink, and shiny, but you're not fooling anyone by calling it your new Marc Jacobs bag. 3. (This is for women who wear large-sized bras.). A New York-born actor in a movie set in World War II Morocco? I also like sarcastically stating something is "as pretty as a spotted poodle with the pink mange." You're working too hard to convince people who are already on board. Photo: H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock/Getty Images, Don't Count Your Chickens Before They've Hatched, You'll Catch More Flies with Honey Than with Vinegar, One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Treasure, You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But You Can't Make It Drink, People Who Live in Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Stones, You Can't Make an Omelet Without Breaking a Few Eggs, Don't Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater, Early to Bed and Early to Rise Makes You Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise, I Love You a Bushel and a Peck and a Hug Around the Neck, You're Making a Mountain out of a Molehill, You Can't Make a Silk Purse out of a Sow's Ear, If It Had Been a Snake, It Would Have Bitten You, What's Good for the Goose Is Good for the Gander, Double Names Rules That Every Southerner Knows, If You Know These Sayings, You Definitely Grew Up in the South, 50 Bible Verses That Bring Peace and Comfort, Things Only Southern Moms Say to Their Daughters, 110 Loving Messages for Mom that Go Beyond 'Happy Mother's Day', How Wild Horses Ended Up in the Outer Banks, 65 of Our Favorite Southern Grandma Names and Nicknames, 3 Southern Sayings Even Scarier Than "Bless Her Heart", 30 Motivational Monday Quotes To Inspire Your Week, Why Lunch at Your Local Meat 'N' Three Is Always Worth the Long Line. Question: Is there a saying for that pleasant time around dusk when the temperature cools off in a few minutes, in a pleasant way? Available in a range of colours and styles for men, women, and everyone. Weve gotten so good at it, that its harder now to know truth from fiction. Their vociferous habit wakes up the house, signaling time to work. Hes as drunk as Cooter Brown. Shop high-quality unique Dirty Sayings T-Shirts designed and sold by independent artists. Your email address will not be published. He was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs. They feel so rightthey must be in our DNA. (Translation: Run and hide! They speculate its a colloquial perversion of cater-corner. Variations include: catawampous, cattywampus, catty wonkus. In order to give you the best experience, we use cookies and similar technologies for performance, analytics, personalization, advertising, and to help our site function. Not pissed off. In this case, its clear that dogs are integral to the South and the character of its people. Hes got enough money to burn a wet mule. So when that insult comes your way, you'd better take a hard look at your manners and behavior. Do you have any idea of its origin? These are probably some of my very favorites! I couldnt buy a hummingbird on a string for a nickel. 34. Conversations south of the Mason-Dixon line will befuddle anyone not born there. - an expression of surprise, shock and/or disbelief. She was so ugly when she was born that her momma used to borrow a baby to take to church on Sunday. He couldnt find his ass with both hands in his back pockets. daily newsletter. Made famous by Forrest Gump, this phrase reminds us to look a little deeper. At any rate, telling someone "Charlie's dead" is a subtle way to warn that their petticoat was showing, according to BBC America. (Most of these comments are made about women. Cat owners won't need us to explain this one. As an Amazon, Tripster and CJ Affiliate we may earn from qualifying purchases. ), (The most creative expression about liars I've heard in the North is "Lying like a rug." Youre lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut. 4. Question: What does "Wake with the South In My Mouth" mean? (Very hot.) It's a Southern Thing. Law, pull that down! Answer: "Bless your heart" is sort of an all-purpose expression. Hes so cheap he wouldnt give a nickel to see Jesus ridin a bicycle. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=72297c88-e802-4ada-9cac-261ce95be11f&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=8894411616138032559'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); These are some of the most common (and not so common) Southern slang terms heard in Arkansas and throughout the South. Question: Do you think that "bless her/your/his heart" is an insult? Hes about as confused as a fart in a fan factory. Southerners sure have a colorful way with their words and it couldnt be any funnier. The beginnings of this Southern saying are lost to timejust suffice it to say that it means that the speaker is ravenously hungry. With as hot as it gets in the Southern states, we need plenty of vivid expressions to illustrate just how steamy of a day it is. If a "stuck up" person thinks that they're better than everyone around them, someone who's "stuck up higher than a light pole" has some serious ego issues. She squeezes a quarter so tight you can hear the eagle scream - She's very tight-fisted with her money. Some of the humorous phrases listed below will help to bring a bit of laughter to your day. And heres one that seem s likely to enter the lexicon any minute now: "That cat wont hunt." Question: What does it mean when someone says "You're sexier than socks on a rooster"? Part of HuffPost News. All Rights Reserved. This is a random phrase I remember from my own background in the south. If at first you don't succeed, there's surely another strategy to try. That's because, in Southern parlance, the hair of a frog must be too fine to even detecthence this colorful compliment. "Take my man, stay away from my horse.". A little effort now may save you lots of effort later. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Now, they roll comfortably off my tongue. Colder than a banker's heart on foreclosure day at the widows' and orphans' home. 2 Southern belles. This describes someone with an unfortunate set of buck teeth. Means: Be quiet and stop talking. Woman without curves is like a road without bends. It was also once used to warn against saying the devil's name for fear he would appear. Do not approach. Too poor to paint, too proud to whitewash. But in most clichs you can find a kernel of truth. I think the "oh, my hind foot" expression is just a cleaned up version of, "oh, my a**. I'm fixin' to fix the porch door after I finish this sweet tea. Dad-gummit. He's about as useful as a steering wheel on a mule. Tags: dirty humor, dirty saying, dirty sayings, dirty . You dont know dip sh** from apple butter! We use many of these almost daily. (Eat up, girl! Required fields are marked *. (Its like having your panties all bunched up. I'm gonna whup you where the sun don't shine! } else { Hes slickern owl sh*t. (Eww, how do they know? I been running all over hell's half acre. "Beach day is everyday in Cali.". (Translation: A very large bra. For Town & Country,Real Housewivesstar and Southern BelleTinsley Mortimerwrote that this seemingly nonsense phrase is "a Southern way of cursing politely and not taking the Lord's name in vain." It's not a southern expression, but might fit the bill. When Grandma offers this advice, she wants to ensure that we don't count on something that may not happen. So a person who's had a rough day and is a little worse for wear may compare themselves to a horse with a lazy owner. Busier than a single-legged football player. Now, if you want to graduate to PhD level the Southern way, you start making your own. Naturally, Standard Oil threw a hissy fit and tried to impeach him on some fairly erroneous charges (including attending a drunken party with a stripper). The time will pass anyway. If youre not from the Deep South, you might be about as confused as a fart in a fan factory when it comes to understanding the slang that comes out of a homegrown Southerners mouth. From $20.66. Ive heard the expression 100 times but not sure if lart is the right word or if Ive been misunderstanding. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's rainin'! Like our Instagram page to get more stories. Answer: "Speak of the devil" is part of the expression, "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." There are a ton of new adjustments, as of Sunday. A Southerner . If his lips's movin', he's lyin'. But sadly for the rabbit, the easiest way to investigate its ovaries involved its death. That thing is all catawampus. Neat as a pin. ), 2. He's so ugly, he didn't get hit with the ugly stick, he got whopped with the whole forest! Original Price 15.04 He squeezes a quarter so tight the eagle screams. I could eat the north end of a south-bound polecat. Inebriated Southerners have measured their drunkenness by him ever since. ), 15. yapper - mouth. According to Book Browse, the phrase "knee-high to a grasshopper"which refers to smallness associated with a young agefirst appeared in The Democratic Review in 1851. Breastfeeding In Front Of Family Members Doesnt Have To Be Stressful, Have A Valentine's Day To Remember With These Fun Games For Couples, 126 Newlywed Game Questions To Get The Party Started, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Can't Never Could. I'm so poor I couldn't jump over a nickel to save a dime. 48. Catawampus adj: askew, awry, cater-cornered. Hens sometimes enter a phase of broodiness theyll stop at nothing to incubate their eggs and get agitated when farmers try to collect them.
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