accessed Aug. 9, 2022, Chemical Safety Facts, "Titanium Dioxide | Use, Benefits, and Chemical Safety Facts," accessed Aug. 8, 2022, International Agency for Research on Cancer, "Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans VOLUME 93 Carbon Black, Titanium Dioxide, and Talc," 2010, International Agency for Research on Cancer, "Studies of Cancer in Experimental Animals - Carbon Black, Titanium Dioxide, and Talc," 2010, Healthline, "Titanium dioxide in food Should you be concerned?" Titanium dioxide is commonly found in countless everyday products including food, cosmetics, drugs, paper and toothpaste. Theres no evidence of cancer due to titanium dioxide in tampons but that may be because there simply arent any studies in this regard. In an interview with Popsugar, ob One of our founding values at joni is radical transparency. These worries were sparked in 2021 when, in a shift from its previous assessments, the European Food Safety Authority announced that titanium dioxide was no longer considered a safe food additive. "To date, there is no published research that has researched the impacts of vaginal or vulvar exposure to titanium dioxide," Eyvazzadeh said. In my opinion, if all site owners and bloggers made good content as you did, the net will be a lot more useful than ever before. Myths about aluminum and deodorant, explained. This ensures the product has been tested, and undergoes regular testing, to meet specific standards. a lot of people online are upset with tampon brands (tampax and L. specifically) because they include titanium dioxide in the tampons, which apparently can cause reproductive harm. Chemicals and ingredients found in conventional tampons have many unadvertised side effects and dangers so lets get into it and explore healthier alternatives! Non-organic period care may also have fragrances or use bleach that can cause irritation, so its important to find the product that works for you individually and use it as directed. However, titanium dioxide isn't just a popular ingredient in food. There's not much information on how titanium dioxide could affect health when used in tampons. An additional two satellite groups underwent the same protocol for 45 days and for Jayesh adds that we have to be careful to not make assumptions without evidence-based facts. Since 1966, the Food and Drug Administration has recognized titanium dioxide as a safe colorant in food, reported The New York Times, as long as it is less than 1% of the foods total weight. IE 11 is not supported. Lets unpack this TikTok and follow the evidence. Globally, cotton crops cover just 2.4% of the worlds cultivated land, but uses 6% of the worlds pesticides and 16% of insecticides- more than any other single major crop. However, rayon is processed with many chemicals such as carbon disulphide, sulphuric acid, ammonia, acetone and others. What To Know About Titanium Dioxide In Tampons and Skittles, Titanium dioxide isn't making tampons into toxic death sticks, Titanium Dioxide | Use, Benefits, and Chemical Safety Facts, "Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans VOLUME 93 Carbon Black, Titanium Dioxide, and Talc, Studies of Cancer in Experimental Animals - Carbon Black, Titanium Dioxide, and Talc. The compasses are off" because of a shift in the Earths poles.,, In the UK, the compound is banned from foods due to the potential for it to build up in the body and act as a carcinogen. In this study, food-related TiO 2 NPs (anatase, 40 nm) were given to rats by oral gavage for 90 days at doses of 10, 100, and 1000 mg/kg bw. Indeed, this white pigment lightens everything from paints, paper coatings and plastics to sunscreen, pharmaceutical tablets, flours and dairy products, according to the National Library of Medicine. 20006, Florida "If you feel uncomfortable with the potential risks associated with titanium dioxide, look for products that dont include titanium dioxide on the ingredients list," says Flynn. L. brand tampons use titanium dioxide as pigment in the thread that attaches the stringto the absorbent part of the tampon. of signs you need emergency medical attention or call 911. Meanwhile, in the US, the FDA continues to allow for safe use of TiO2 as a food additive as long as manufacturers provide evidence that it is safe at its intended level of use. Its a compound that reflects light particles. "They use it to make the string look whiter.. As a result, it's not too difficult to shop for TiO2-free tampons if you're concernedand have the financial means to do so. A recent TikTok video went viral with thefalse claim that the titanium dioxide used in L. brand organic tampons is responsible for miscarriages, cancerand a host of other medical problems. "Exposure can irritate eyes, nose, and throat, and causes cancer," TikToker monirubio8 reads from a state government webpageon titanium dioxide. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. So today, I wanted to write a blog on the hidden dangers found in our menstrual products and what products to use instead! A period is a way for the body to cleanse itself, reproduce necessary hormones and shed off the lining of the uterus. Find him on Instagram@dr.daignault. This ingredient is used by Tampax as a wax to keep the [tampon] string clean. Theres really two reasons why people think that it could cause cancer, and I can understand why because its confusing, Lincoln, an OB-GYN and author of the book, Lets Talk about Down There: An OB-GYN Answers all Your Burning Questions Without Making You Feel Embarrassed for Asking, told TODAY. Reach out! (That's slowly changing after New York passed a law requiring ingredients lists on menstrual products sold in the state). But there is also no published research on vaginal They dont set out to do harm. The FDA also lists titanium dioxide as a safe ingredient for use in cosmetics. Is this an emergency? Some are alleging that a common ingredient found in many tampon brands called titanium dioxide can cause excessive bleeding, infertility and even cancer. As for the potential risks (or lack thereof!) Some research, mostly conducted in animals, has found titanium dioxide to be harmful when inhaled and consumed, typically in large quantities. We definitely need more activism and awareness around this issue! There is no published research available currently that has examined the impacts of vaginal or vulvar exposure to titanium dioxide. Aimee Eyvazzadeh, MD. This greatly increases the risk of residues being present in your personal products and can throw off the natural pH balance within your vagina. And remember, this is inhaled TiO2 atveryhigh levels much higher than the small amount of TiO2 in the strings of tampons. The product in question in the TikTok video is one that is labeled as organic and yet it contains titanium dioxide. Most people assume that their personal products are safe and are willing to use them regardless of ingredients which is why big companies are still using cheap and unsafe ingredients. (LogOut/ Despite a small percentage ofTiO2 present in the product, low toxicity risk and an unsupported cause-and-effect exampleare both factors that led me to debunk this claim. Other human studies, however, have not found any clear link between lung cancer and titanium dioxide. But no matter what your period product preference, you shouldn't be worried about whether it can harm your health. Passionate about periods? Tierno said he believed "truly organic tampons" don't, and shouldn't, contain chemicals like titanium dioxide. Some country-level occupational health and safety organizations cite a lack of high-quality studies from which they can draw any concrete conclusions about the long-term risks of titanium dioxide exposure. Inhaling titanium dioxide while you're painting a room or working on a construction site, for example, may irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. The chemical substance also seems to have a potentially negative impact on the gut microbiome, Dr. Gohar says. ". If you dont want to take any chances with this ingredient, try these organic products instead. National Library of Medicines list The National Library of Medicine noted that there's "inadequate evidence in humans" that the additive contributes to cancer. "But not only that, 'such substances may have the potential for causing reproductive damage in humans,'" she continues. The problem with Tampax, O.B and other conventional menstrual product manufacturers is that they use genetically modified cotton, as well as a list of other toxic ingredients such as wood pulp, plastics and dyes. And as of March 2022, the FDA maintains its position that titanium dioxide may be safely used as a food coloring. "Titanium dioxide is the naturally occurring compound created when titanium reacts with oxygen in the air," explains endocrinologist and advisor at reproductive-health company Natalist, Skittles (and its parent company, Mars Inc.), approved titanium dioxide for human consumptionin 1966. including candies and other processed foods. Some country-level occupational health and safety organizations cite a lack of high-quality studiesfrom which they can draw any concrete conclusions about the long-term risks of So are organic tampons better? Her video has 3.6 million views. "Most tampons list their ingredients on the back of the package," Dr. Gohar says. While it sounds scary, the experts stress theres little truth behind these worries. He studied Global Health at Georgetown University and has a Medical Degree from Ben-Gurion University. Have an idea for an article? Titanium dioxide doesnt dissolve in water, meaning the nanoparticles arent going to dissolve from the tampon string and get into the blood that might be pooling in the vagina In fact, joni tampons are 100% organic cotton. "There is no published research available currently that has examined the impacts of vaginal or vulvar exposure to titanium dioxide." St. Petersburg, FL But there is also no published research on vaginal or vulvar exposure to titanium dioxide that can guarantee its safety. A few weeks ago, Dr. Jennifer Lincoln started receiving messages on social media from people worried about titanium dioxide in tampons. As an emergency roomdoctor, there would be many possible (and more likely) emergency room causes of excessive menstrual bleeding that I would evaluate a patient for. A recent viral TikTok had social media users alarmed about the idea of tampons causing cancer because they contain titanium dioxide, but OB-GYNs say there's no data to 727-821-9494. Get it daily. Rayon is a semi synthetic fabric made from recycled wood pulp. If a tampon shortage in the USA wasnt enough, theres now a terrifying TikTok about the effects of titanium dioxide in tampons with an emotional story that hits home for menstruators. So, titanium dioxide on the tampon string is not going to be dissolved and absorbed by menstrual blood; and certainly, will not be absorbed into the body. Thank you so much for reading my blog! The amount of titanium dioxide in each tampon is minuscule. According to the company, TiO2 represents less than 0.1% of all the ingredients they use to manufacture their tampons. Theres really two reasons why people think that it could cause cancer, and I can understand why because its confusing, Lincoln, an OB-GYN and author of the book, Lets Talk about Down There: An OB-GYN Answers all Your Burning Questions Without Making You Feel Embarrassed for Asking, told TODAY. "For example, inhaling it at high concentrations can irritate the nose and throat." Sign up for notifications from Insider! See who are the biggest influencers in the U.S. OK, so what about titanium dioxide in tampons, which sit inside you for hours at a time? And there honestly isn't a ton of reliable data on the ingredient to help us draw better conclusions, argues the authors of this 2011 review. But powdered cosmetics were safe up to 25%. Titanium Dioxide, or TiO2, is a white coloring agent used in cosmetic products, toothpaste, deodorant, desserts and paint. Aimee Eyvazzadeh, MD. The information that I retrieved about the ingredients found in varying menstrual products can be found on Although the vagina is a mucous membrane through which a chemical could be absorbed we dont know for sure if this actually happens and if it does how much glyphosate is actually absorbed. They are about the same price as regular pads and tampons, but contain much cleaner ingredients! To say this guy likes his scientific studies is an understatement. In each of those cases, the cancer was found to be correlational but not causational. Retrieved May 11, 2021, from, Schwebel, D. C., & Swart, D. (2009). Fitness, Acupuncture & Healthy Lifestyle Blog. Change). If theyre using titanium dioxide, its because related studies have shown it doesnt pose a threat. Some of the fear mongering about tampons seems to be because the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies titanium dioxide as a Group 2B carcinogen, meaning possibly carcinogenic to humans. But theres an important caveat hereby inhalation. This was from studies where rats were inhaling high doses. Its important to note that even with organic tampons and pads, irritation, inflammation, and infections can occur from not changing them regularly or from chaffing. However, larger quantities of titanium dioxide might be damaging if ingested, Dr. Gohar says. NASA photos of the moon and Earth show that space is fake., A small area in western Texas and southeastern New Mexico has enough oil to fuel America for the next 200 years., Florida Gov. All gender affirming care for children is 100% experimental. "Titanium dioxide is a naturally occurring substance that is often used in food and other topical products to create a whiter and brighter look," Dr. Gohar says. There are many substances, including medications, that we safely encounter or consume on a regular basis. It can also be found in a variety of beauty products and lotions such as sunscreen. You would think that with all of the evidence behind the dangers related to this ingredient that it would not be used in menstrual products, however there is very little regulation as you can see! Several viral videos posted to TikTok and Instagram have claimed titanium dioxide, a whitening agent, is harmful for people who use tampons. Sunscreen can safely contain up to 25% titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide has bubbled up to the top of our feed again, but this time it's not in Skittles, it's in tampons. Plus, Gunter explained that titanium dioxide tends to stick to whatever fabric it is on, and is not easily washed out. Is the titanium dioxide in tampons toxic? Concerns over titanium dioxide, used by many tampon brands to keep the string looking white, spread to Facebook with one user issuing a warning to her followers. Paraffin on its own can cause inflammation and irritation, but with the concoction of other chemicals added during production, its the perfect storm to throw off your pH. These days, in the United States, there are fewer than 20,000 cases of TSS a year, Greves said: Toxic shock syndrome is definitely less common simply because now were educated. (n.d.). Image shows Paul Pelosi, bruised, in a booking mugshot. 33701 It also appears insunscreen and cosmetics, two categories in which the ingredient is also generally considered safe. Do you need an 'armpit detox?' "But it's the dose, it's the route that makes the 'poison,' and so just because something might cause lung cancer, for example, doesn't mean it's going to cause an issue in a tampon. July 21, 2021, Britannica, "Titanium Dioxide," accessed Aug. 8, 2022, Food and Drug Administration, "Color Additives Exempt from Certification - Titanium Dioxide - Foods," March 29, 2022, Food and Drug Administration, "Color Additives Exempt from Certification - Titanium Dioxide - Cosmetics," March 29, 2022, Food and Drug Administration, "Color Additives Exempt from Certification - Titanium Dioxide - Drugs," March 29, 2022, Food and Drug Administration, "Color Additives Exempt from Certification - Titanium Dioxide - Medical Devices," March 29, 2022, Food and Drug Administration, "The Facts on Tamponsand How to Use Them Safely," Sept. 30, 2020, Food and Drug Administration, "Sunscreen Drug Products for Over-The-Counter Human Use," March 29, 2022, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, "European Union: Titanium Dioxide Banned as a Food Additive in the EU," March 3, 2022, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, "Titanium Dioxide," Jan. 13, 2021, Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety, "Opinion on Titanium dioxide (TiO2) used in cosmetic products that lead to exposure by inhalation," Oct. 6, 2022, European Food Safety Authority, "Titanium dioxide: E171 no longer considered safe when used as a food additive," May 6, 2021, European Food Safety Authority, "Safety assessment of titanium dioxide (E171) as a food additive," May 6, 2021, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, "Critical review of the safety assessment of titanium dioxide additives in food," June 1, 2018, Health Canada, "Titanium dioxide (TiO2) as a food additive: Current science report," June 20, 2022, Scientific American, "Are Skittles Toxic from Titanium Dioxide?" So inhalation at higher concentrations may not be advisable, but inhalation clearly isnt a risk when tampons are used according to their intended purpose. "They use it to make the string look whiter.. However, there are no trials to validate this finding in humans. It is the mostwidely used white pigment because of its brightness and very high refractive index meaning that its "brilliant whiteness" does not allow light to pass through. So, do organic tampons contain titanium dioxide? debunked the myth that non-organic pads can cause cancer. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, the compound is safe in regulated amounts meaning less than 1% of a food's weight to up to 25% of a sunscreen's concentration. If a tampon shortage in the USA wasnt enough, theres now a terrifying TikTok about the effects of titanium dioxide in tampons with an emotional story that hits home for menstruators. I do think that they have an image problem because of that.. A cure for cancer, known as a Rife machine, was found in 1934. Is titanium dioxide safe in tampons or could it cause health issues? And though tampons have not been linked to cancer or reproductive harm, experts say more research is needed. 801 3rd St. S The titanium dioxide in these tampons is just very small amounts, Greves said. Still, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has an established what it calls a "permissible exposure limit" to keep industry workers safe. 2023Well+Good LLC. Manufacturers are expected to conduct "biocompatibility" tests, assess chemical residues in the device and determine how the tampon affects the vaginal microbiome, the collection of microbes that live naturally on and inside ones body. The Beach Is My Happy Placeand Here Are 3 Science-Backed Reasons It Should Be Yours, Too. Sometimes referred to as titanium white or Pigment White 6, titanium dioxide is all around us. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies ethylene oxide as a known human carcinogen and 1,4-dioxane as a possible human carcinogen. Sunscreen, for example, can have up to 25% titanium dioxide nanoparticles, and both the FDA and EU consider it to be safe. Stay up to date with what you want to know. The choice is yours. Retrieved May 11, 2021, from, Li, D., Shi, Y., Yang, L., Xiao, L., Kehoe, D. K., Gunko, Y. K., . Someone had posted a TikTok about the dangers of the additive, claiming it caused cysts and cancers, and it went viral. For example, when the substance is applied via sunscreen, sufficient data have found titanium dioxide to be "generally recognized as safe and effective," per the FDA. But if you don't see the word titanium dioxide, that doesn't necessarily mean the chemical isn't in your tampons. Toxins released from rayon can also rarely cause tissue necrosis for people who regularly wear clothing made of this fabric. Just bear in mind: If you have any specific health concerns to weigh, it's critical to reach out to your gynecologist or primary care physician to make the right choice for you. Titanium dioxide has bubbled up to the top of our feed again, but this time it's not in Skittles, it's in tampons. Period. a While "titanium dioxide is natural, meaning found in nature," it doesn't necessarily mean it's healthy, says ob-gyn and pain medicine physician Jen Gunter, MD. But the same 2010 assessment by the International Agency for Research on Cancer did not find adequate evidence that the same was true for humans. The second reason? We need your help. What is Titanium Dioxide (and should you be worried)? Titanium dioxide is a common ingredient in tampons, and tampon use has not been linked to cancer or reproductive harm. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. This lack of data is incredibly frustrating, given that 26 percent of the global population are of reproductive age and presumably using pads and tampons on the regular to manage their cycles. Propylene is a plastic that is found in food containers like those that hold yogurt, cream cheese and butter products. Theyve got their ingredients listed on the box and on their website.. And thats it. Heres What Your Bodys Trying to Tell You, National Library of Medicine Titanium dioxide, U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Questions and Answers: FDA posts deemed final order and proposed order for over-the-counter sunscreen, European Food Safety Authority: Titanium dioxide: E171 no longer considered safe when used as a food additive, U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, New Jersey Department of Health: Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet: Titanium Dioxide, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: Impact of Food Additive Titanium Dioxide on Gut Microbiota Composition, Microbiota-Associated Functions, and Gut Barrier: A Systematic Review of In Vivo Animal Studies. And it functions the same in tampons: Titanium dioxide serves as a coloring agent to make your period products appear whiter, Dr. Gohar says. Vaginal pH imbalances can lead Here's why: sometimes the substance is also noted as "Pigment White 6" or "White Pigment," Dr. Gohar explains. People on social media are worried that titanium dioxide on tampons can cause cancer or irregular periods thanks to a viral video. View all posts by Sara Mastrangelo. Inhaling titanium dioxide may also result in adverse respiratory reactions, Dr. Gohar says. Someone had posted a TikTok about the dangers of the additive, claiming it caused cysts and cancers, and it went viral. It's primarily used to help make white foods appear whiter (like milk and candy) or to lengthen the shelf life of foods that are sensitive to UV light. The vagina is an extremely sensitive organ and using plastic derived ingredients is a big no no! Some tampons include titanium dioxide, which makes them appear whiter and brighter. However, paraffin is far from clean! "Titanium dioxide doesnt dissolve in water, meaning the nanoparticles arent going to dissolve from the tampon string and get into the blood that might be pooling in the vagina and then get absorbed by the body." "The Sun is out of place, the Moon is out of place and the stars are out of place. So the million-dollar question: is it safe to have titanium dioxide in pads and tampons? However, trouble arose for the ingredient in 2021 when the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) issued a statement that titanium dioxide "could no longer be considered safe" as a food additive. Our super organic, hypoallergenic and biodegradable tampons are made from 100% certified organic cotton. Aside from the negative health effects associated with GM cotton, thousands of cotton farmers and their families suffer from pesticide poisoning every year. In an interview with Popsugar, ob-gyn Jen Gunter, MD said that within her 30 years of experience, there has never been a case where cancer, endometriosis, or other serious health conditions have been linked to tampons themselvesexcept toxic shock syndrome, which is rare. The European Union banned titanium dioxide in food earlier this year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agriculture Service. And linked it to cancer and damage to In the study, 48 regions were surveyed to estimate the global exposure to infants up to 12 months. A post shared by Jen Gunter (@drjengunter), But not all doctors agree. She does this by citing another TikTok videoin which that user claimed to have excessive vaginal bleeding, ovarian cystsand uterine damage after using L. brand tampons. "While it might be cancer causing when [ingested or] inhaled, it is inconclusive if it has this same impact when absorbed vaginally," Dr. Gohar says. OEKO-TEX, for example, is a popular certification for textiles that tests for potentially harmful substances, from raw materials through to the finished productand re-testing occurs every three years. And ingredients found in countless everyday products including food, cosmetics, two categories in which the is... Balance within your vagina mean the chemical is n't just a popular ingredient in tampons generally! This finding in humans care for children is 100 % experimental % titanium dioxide also... Some research, mostly conducted in animals, has found titanium dioxide in each tampon is minuscule doctors.... Shed off the lining of the additive, claiming it caused cysts and cancers, should... Used in cosmetic products, toothpaste, deodorant, desserts and paint by... Lining of titanium dioxide tampons risks tampon or click an icon to log in: you are commenting using your! Products and lotions such as sunscreen ingredient is also generally considered safe sunscreen can safely up! 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Cooper Evolution Winter Vs Discoverer True North, Canary Melon Benefits, Beauty Press Releases, Rotary Kiln Working Principle, Black Art Galleries In Atlanta Georgia, Articles T