In return, they must serve lunches that meet Federal requirements, and they must offer free or reduced-price lunches to eligible children. Potomac, MT 59823. Use the menu below the chart to select results for a specific group of students. Mathematics results for 2019-2020 are not available due to the closure of schools and cancellation of state assessments. Division Website (opens new window). building Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Student groups meeting or exceeding annual or long-term targets for reducing chronic absenteeism must improve performance compared to the previous year. Use the drop down menu above the chart to view results for a specific test. Category: Middle (06-08) School
George This table reports the percentages of all teachers and special education teachers who are teaching with a provisional license. This positive approach to discipline prepares teachers and principals to implement new techniques that reduce disruptive student behaviorsthat lead to suspensions and decrease instructional time. In return, schools must serve lunches that meet federal requirements, and must offer free or reduced-price lunches to eligible children. Graham Park Middle School; 3613 Graham Park Rd., Triangle, VA 22172; Phone 703-221-2118; Fax 703-221-1079; Stay Connected. The notice must state whether the student is eligible to return to regular school or to attend an approved alternative education program or an adult education program offered during or after the period of expulsion. If the student is expelled, the parent is sent a written notification of the length of the expulsion and information on the availability of community-based educational, training, and intervention programs. Lake Ridge Elementary School Lake Ridge Elementary School Parent Groups Student Activities School News See All School Vaccine Requirements 2022-23 View More School Supplies 2022-23 View More Online Tutoring for PWCS Students View More Immunization Non-compliance View More digital_device_handbook View More Meet our Principal Video View More Interested in PTO. The index awards full credit for students who earn a Board of Education-approved diploma and partial credit for other outcomes, as displayed in the table below. For more information about the mathematics waiver, see ESSA Mathematics Waiver in the Glossary. master's 20% ($115,852) Home Price. Our Chinese Immersion Program has received national media attention.We are also an arts integration school where teachers develop expertise in integrating the arts with other instruction, such as social studies or science, and it is designed to help all students learn with more motivation . School, 3216 Berkley Lane is a 4-bed, 2-bath, 1,310 sqft single family home built in 1966. principal is More information about ESSA implementation in Virginia is available on the. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. School," Practice test items representative of the content and skills included in current Standards of Learning assessments are available on the, This chart displays the percentage of students passing state mathematics tests. Potomac Middle School; Potomac Shores Middle School; Reagan Middle School; Rippon Middle School; Saunders Middle School; Unity Braxton Middle School; Woodbridge Middle School; . William Stonewall Under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, growth in reading and mathematics is a factor in identifying elementary and middle schools for improvement and increased state support. and Middle This letter informs households that school nutrition programs are available and that free and reduced-price meals are available based on income criteria. Our goal is to contact you with 24 business hours from the time your email is opened. health Excluded expenditures include adult education, community services, non-regular school day programs, capital purchases, debt service, food services, and fund transfers. The student may apply for readmission to be effective one calendar year from the date of his or her expulsion. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. receive Contact Us Reporting on the achievement and progress of student groups allows schools to identify learners in need of additional support and resources. three Virginia also reports on the percentage of English learners who attain proficiency. Address: 17851 Woods View Drive Dumfries, VA 22026
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent or more of the school year, regardless of reason. I have been able to broaden my skill set by focusing on topics that complement athletic health. at
Some even embrace the opportunity to study abroad. Students who can't read at grade level by the third grade are four timesmore likely to drop out of high school. A student who is chronically absent in any year between the eighth and twelfth grade isseven times more likely to drop out of school. Remote/Work from Home position. Shores" He also stressed that a major in a STEM field opens up a variety of job opportunities beyond science. Middle Principal: Joseph Murgo
Superintendent: Dr. LaTanya D. McDade
The average Middle School Principal salary in Potomac, Maryland is $109,063 as of April 26, 2022, but the salary range typically falls between $96,338 and $122,691. Expenditures included in per-pupil calculations include actual personnel and non-personnel costs. Advanced STEM coursework in middle school can help set your student up for success in high school. A parent may ask for a short-term suspension decision to be reviewed by the superintendent or his designee. Principal's Message. Breakfast menus must provide one-fourth of the daily recommended levels for protein, calcium, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and calories. This positive approach to discipline prepares teachers and principals to implement new techniques that reduce disruptive student behaviorsthat lead to suspensions and decrease instructional time. Using anecdotes from his college experience, Mr. Lu took the students on an exploration of the brain sensory reaction to bicultural norms and discussed preliminary evidence indicating that social media could trigger brain stimuli similar to addictive drugs. In 2013, CNNMoney listed Potomac as the most affluent town in all the United States, based on median household income. Woodbridge Middle School; 2201 York Dr., Woodbridge, VA 22191; Phone 703-494-3181; Fax 703-494-6745; Stay Connected. The percentage of students showing growth in reading and mathematics includes students passing state tests and non-passing students who are making significant progress toward passing. Mathematics pass rates reported for high schools reflect the performance of a 12th-grade class of students who entered the ninth grade at the same time. Virginia also reports on the percentage of English learners who attain proficiency. Middle School: Glen Edwards Middle School; High School: Lincoln . school Region: 4
. past 3130 Panther Pride Drive Dumfries, VA 22026, visit VDOE on Facebook (opens new window), A Parents Guide To Understanding Student Discipline Policies and Practices In Virginia Schools, For more information, seeA Parents Guide To Understanding Student Discipline Policies and Practices In Virginia Schools, for more information about school nutrition programs, < = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results, Accredited: All indicators at Level One or Level Two or Waiver, Accredited With Conditions: One or more indicators at Level Three, Accreditation Denied: Under State Sanction. More information about ESSA implementation in Virginia is available on the. Virginias ESSA implementation plan expects that by the 2023-2024 school year, no more than 10 percent of all students, and of students in the student groups listed in this table, will be chronically absent. A large quad, fields, garden and woods surroundsthe Upper School. Use the drop down menu above the chart to view results for a specific test. Children from families with incomes at or below 130 percent of the poverty level are eligible for free meals. Virginia schools are focused on the following school quality indicators in meeting the objectives of the federal law: The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 requires annual testing in reading in grades 3-8 and once during high school. . 2021-22 The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 requires that students take state tests in science at least once during elementary school, once during middle school and once during high school. All other students pay the full price for meals. ft. 10640 Muirfield Dr, Potomac, MD 20854 $569,000 MLS# MDMC2080236 Coming Soon: Rare opportunity to own in the sought-after Churchill HS / Cabin John M. The student must be told of the charges against him or her. School. looking Virginia students are assessed annually in reading in grades 3-8 and once in high school with an end-of-course (EOC) reading test. and Download Adobe Acrobat Reader (opens new window) to view PDF files. Wilson The education I am very excited to meet our staff, students, and families. the 4 /10. High-performing schools earn three-year waivers from annual accreditation, although performance on school quality indicators is reported annually. Minutes and frequency of services vary depending on the grade level. If the student denies them, he or she is given an explanation of the facts as known to the school and an opportunity to present his or her version of what occurred.
The base salary for Middle School Principal ranges from $98,189 to $125,045 with the average base salary of $111,161. Reading performance percentage of students in the school passing state tests in reading, Mathematics performance percentage of students in the school passing state tests in mathematics, Growth in reading and mathematics percentage of students in the school either passing state tests in reading and mathematics or making significant progress toward passing, English learner progress percentage of English learners making progress toward English-language proficiency, Chronic absenteeism percentage of students missing 10 percent or more of the school year, regardless of reason (students receiving homebound and home-based instruction excluded), Federal Graduation Indicator percentage of students graduating within four years of entering the ninth grade with a Standard Diploma or Advanced Studies Diploma. I am truly honored and humbled to be named the Principal of Fred Lynn Middle School. Get email updates for new Middle School Principal jobs in Potomac, MD. In June 2022, the Prince William County School Board approved a resolution to name the Potomac Shores Middle School library after Barg. ft. 11206 Welland St, North Potomac, MD 20878 $1,299,900 MLS# MDMC2080188 Welcome to Bellwood Manor/Big Pines Village and this stunning "Middleb. Division Website (opens new window). Potomac Middle General school information Category: Middle (06-08) School Phone: 703-221-4996 Address: 3130 Panther Pride Drive Dumfries, VA 22026 Principal: Rachel Preston Superintendent: Dr. LaTanya D. McDade School Number: 170 Region: 4 Division: Prince William County Public Schools Division Number: 75 Division Website
Great things are happening at Potomac Middle School! The collection of race and ethnicity information as specified by the U.S. Department of Education is required for eligibility for federal education funds and for accountability reports. Potomac Middle School; Potomac Shores Middle School; Reagan Middle School; Rippon Middle School . A short-term suspension (10 days of less) may be imposed by a principal, an assistant principal, or a designee teacher in the principals absence. Select Show Data for details on the combined rate for English Academic Achievement as follows: The combined rate used to evaluate academic achievement in mathematics in elementary and middle schools includes students who passed state tests in mathematics and non-passing students who showed significant improvement. Understand what. Coming Soon - 10640 Muirfield Dr, Potomac, MD, 20854 is a 1,940 sq. Performance on school quality indicators is evaluated as follows: Schools are evaluated on the school quality indicators for achievement gaps in English and mathematics as follows: The combined rate used to evaluate academic achievement in English in elementary and middle schools includes students who passed state tests in English and non-passing students who showed significant improvement, including non-passing English learners making progress toward learning English. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc. Performance on this indicator is rated as follows: A high schools four-year dropout rate is based on performance during the most recent year or on a three-year average. . A school shall not receive a Level- Two rating for more than four consecutive years, Level One Schools with a dropout rate of 0-6 percent or a 10 percent decrease if previously Level Two, Level Two Schools with a dropout rate of 7-9 percent or 10 percent decrease if previously Level Three, Level Three Schools with a dropout rate of 10 percent or higher or at Level Two for more than four consecutive years, Level One A Graduation and Completion Index of at least 88 or a 2.5 percent increase if previously Level Two, Level Two A Graduation and Completion Index of 81-87 or a 2.5 percent increase if previously Level Three, Level Three A Graduation and Completion Index of 80 or lower or Level Two for more than four consecutive years. Saunders Middle School; 13557 Spriggs Rd., Manassas, VA 20112; Phone 703-670-9188; Fax 703-580-5176; Stay Connected. Middle Middle, planned The school quality indicator for academic achievement in English provides equal credit for students who pass state English tests and for non-passing students who show significant improvement. at been Prince Shores' The wide variations in participation rates and learning conditions should be taken into consideration when reviewing 2020-2021 data. Nondiscrimination Statement: In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. If the student is expelled, the parent is sent a written notification of the length of the expulsion and information on the availability of community-based educational, training, and intervention programs. Percentages are reported for Title I schools, non-Title I schools, all schools and for high-poverty and low-poverty schools. which To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. 703-494-5154. A parent has the right to appeal a long-term suspension decision in accordance with local school board policy. is Division Number: 75
St. Andrew's Episcopal School in Potomac, MD seeks a Head of Middle School (grades 6-8) to begin July 2023. . The. taught Note: Under Virginias approved mathematics waiver from the U.S. Department of Education, students who are enrolled in advanced mathematics courses take the state mathematics test for the course in which they are enrolled. Gainesville Potomac Middle School; Potomac Shores Middle School; Reagan Middle School; Rippon Middle School; . Use the menu below the chart to select results for a specific group of students. Mr. Nicely believes in establishing positive relationships with students and parents, providing student centered learning activities that are engaging and rigorous, and creating a caring environment where all students feel supported, valued and successful. Use the drop down menu above the chart to view results for a specific test. Public school 1,253 Students Grades 6-8. at Dumfries, Students who can't read at grade level by the third grade are four timesmore likely to drop out of high school. Children who are chronically absent in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade are muchless likely to read on grade levelby the third grade. Writing results for 2019-2020 are not available due to the closure of schools and cancellation of state assessments. Rocket Homes Virginia Loudoun County Potomac 20165 46602 Ellicott Sq Unit 101. ft. 511 Potomac Ct, Lincoln, CA 95648 $579,261 MLS# 2293062 Discover this notable Ruby home!. Science results for 2019-2020 are not available due to the closure of schools and cancellation of state assessments. Principal's Page Potomac Middle School Administrative Team We are here to serve you. $2,841. I liked sculpture because I was in charge of the entire process. in the Potomac Shores Middle General school information Category: Middle (06-08) School Phone: 703-291-3590 Address: 17851 Woods View Drive Dumfries, VA 22026 Principal: Joseph Murgo Superintendent: Dr. LaTanya D. McDade School Number: 414 Region: 4 Division: Prince William County Public Schools Division Number: 75 Division Website 3130 Panther Pride Drive, Dumfries, VA 22026. Potomac Shores Middle School 17851 Woods View Dr., Dumfries, VA 22026 Phone 703-291-3590 Fax 571-297-6258 Facebook Twitter School Board Representative Nondiscrimination Policy Title IX Internet Policy Tip Line Contact Us Virginia students are assessed in history/social science once in elementary school (Virginia Studies), once in middle school (Civics and Economics) and at the end of secondary courses (Geography, World History I, World History II and Virginia and United States History) as needed to meet graduation requirements. $603. View property details, photos, and . Student counts are reported by grade assignment, race, ethnicity, disability, English proficiency, and economic status. I am committed to providing academic excellence for all students and maintaining a welcoming, positive and safe environment for teaching and learning. . for For more information, see, School divisions that choose to take part in the National School Lunch Program get cash subsidies and donated commodities from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for each meal they serve. The parent (and child) must be noticed in writing of the proposed expulsion, the reasons the expulsion is being proposed, and of the right to a hearing before the school board or a sub-committee of the school board, depending on local policy. Listed on 2023-01-01. Student groups meeting or exceeding annual or long-term targets must improve performance compared to the previous year. ft. home is a 4 bed, 2.0 bath property. Murgo to in This chart displays the percentage of students passing state reading tests. School Information 8810 Postoak Rd Potomac , MD 20854 Bus Routes Phone: 301-968-3740 Fax: 301-469-1013 Principal: Dr. Yong M Kim Jeanni M. Chin, Assistant Principal Edwina A. Kollo, Assistant Principal Barbara B. Carlstrom, Assistant School Administrator Counseling: 301-968-3750 Attendance: 301-968-3745 Follow @hhmsleadership Its If a high school administers a locally developed writing assessment, results are not included in this chart as scores on locally developed writing assessments are not reported to the Virginia Department of Education. Job specializations: IT/Tech. Principal: Rachel Preston
Elementary School 1/2 Day - Parent/Teacher Conferences All Day Jan 29 No School - Teacher Professional Development/Workday (No School for All Students) All Day Feb 19 No School - Presidents' Day Holiday (Schools and Offices Closed) All Day Apr 02 No School Spring Break (No School for All Students) All Day Apr 03 Potomac Middle School School News The Pride Weekly 2022 Issue 1 View More Principal's Newsletter Vol 4 View More School Supply Lists View More Paper Online Tutoring - Available 24 Hours Per Day, 7 Days A Week View More Principal's Newsletter Vol. Murgo Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: Prince William County Public Schools has named Joe Murgo as the principal of "Potomac Shores" Middle School, which is planned for opening at the beginning of the 2021-22 school year. Address: 3130 Panther Pride Drive Dumfries, VA 22026
See the Virginia Department of Education website, The above pie graph displays the average daily percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals who participated in the U.S. Department of Agriculture School Breakfast Program. Applications have been eliminated totally in divisions that implement the community eligibility provision for all schools within the division. Vision & Mission Statements. As a recent graduate in neuroscience from Pomona College, CA, Mr. Lu answered a variety of questions that the juniors in the SERC program had prepared, including What advice would you give your high school self? What does a career in neuroscience look like? and What career paths will you follow using your neuroscience degree?. MLS # MDMC2080142 Mason This is an opportunity for staff, students, parents and community members to share their thoughts and ideas for the upcoming school year! Stonewall from The collection of race and ethnicity information as specified by the U.S. Department of Education is required for eligibility for federal education funds and for accountability reports. Use the drop down menu above the chart to view results for a specific test. principal In return, they must serve lunches that meet Federal requirements, and they must offer free or reduced-price lunches to eligible children. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. The School Breakfast Programis a federally assisted meal program that provides nutritious breakfast meals to students. The wide variations in participation rates and learning conditions should be taken into consideration when reviewing 2020-2021 data. Schools that create a positive culture help all students thrive. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. The, The above pie graph displays the average daily percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals who participated in the U.S. Department of Agriculture School Lunch Program. leadership The $52.4 million school will use a new middle school design. Farther afield, they participate in music festivals, robotics competitions, and speech and debate tournaments across the country. Note: Under Virginias approved mathematics waiver from the U.S. Department of Education, students who are enrolled in advanced mathematics courses take the state mathematics test for the course in which they are enrolled. Participation in the School Breakfast Program has been linked increased achievement,reduced absenteeism and tardiness, fewer disciplinary problems, and better student health. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. Potomac Middle School - Public Elementary and Secondary Schools for Dumfries, VA. Find phone numbers, addresses, maps, driving directions and reviews for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in Dumfries, VA. ; 3613 graham Park Middle School ; high School with an end-of-course EOC... Million School will use a new Middle School library after Barg be reviewed the. Safe environment for teaching and learning conditions should be taken into consideration when reviewing 2020-2021.... Cancellation of state assessments waivers from annual accreditation, although performance on School quality indicators is reported annually Rd.... Actual personnel and non-personnel costs lunches that meet Federal requirements, and they must offer or! Be named the Principal of Fred Lynn Middle School ; Reagan Middle School ; Rippon Middle School Glen! Vary depending on the that School nutrition programs are available and that free and reduced-price meals are based! 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