Any power burning evil candles and incense against me, die with your evil load. I root out all of the eggs Python has laid in my life and territory. Cultism, rape, gangsterism, militancy, terrorism, armed robbery, and all other forms of violence are the works of marine forces. 1. Their parents got them from the waters and though they live among us they are not human. 7. When you have a feeling of killing yourself or others. Dont you think the enemy would lurk in the water? We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles. Deliverance Prayers Against Sickness And Diseases . Your authority works in the water. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. The python and marine spirit can render termed a person a witch. bible verses for deliverance from marine spirit. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: When you live in a riverine area and you do not pray hard, you would get polluted. 26. I refuse to suffer for the things I did not do, in Jesus name. I dissociate myself from the use of marine materials by fire, in Jesus name. And its a different type of warfare. In Exodus 20:4, the Lord speaks expressly: "You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth." WISDOM FOR THE WARFARE: KNOW THE REALM YOU ARE FIGHTING IN Many times, we get hammered by a wicked spirit because we're fighting in the wrong realm. 15. Age group local festival at river banks. Attack by marine snakes. Psalm 8 . Rahab is the dragon spiritDragons attack at a time of crossing overor giving birth. It is not possible to notice it with your naked eyes but by the help of your prophets. Every pollution done to my financial blessing by the marine agents, be cleansed by the blood of Jesus. NIGHT PARTIES: It is not everyone you see at night parties that are normal human beings. Pots of darkness in the water controlling my spouse catch Fire in Jesus name. Gossip is one of the first manifestations of a Leviathan spirit. 6.Father God, I cut and sever and destroy the yokes of matrimony in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You stubborn marine spirit spouse, be separated from me by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Bombarding prayers is required here. God created the land from the waters. They use the lives of others to elongate their own lives. Python spirit swallow up all the things that you have gathered in life. Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. Pls pray 4 me,I want to be free totally from every Marin manipulation in my life, Que Dieu nous delivre de tout esprit marin et nous protege contre toute attaque du diable, Pudo apoyo en oracion por la liberacin de estos espritus marinos que han perturbado mi matrimonio por aos. What is Leviathan and why is it so formidable? IN ALL, GOD IS GLORIFIED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. Pharaoh wasnt surprised at all, he actually just smiled and laughed at Moses and Aaron. 5. I stand against this serpentine devil that is working to constrict the flow or Your light and life in my heart. I decree and declare that my praise will release more power and my worship is my warfare. Dark power using black pot to control my womb and summon arrows into my life, scatter. and the son of man, that thou visitest him? Marine parasites, Marine virus, Marine bacteria hiding in my body die by fire, in Jesus name. This was answered prayer! The Bible says in Exodus 7:10-12, And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent. Food of marine spirit in my body be flushed out by the blood of Jesus. Firstly, as Jesus says, deny our flesh then read scripture diligently. Deliverance from Marine Spirits: Powerful Prayers to Overcome Marine Spirits - Spirit Husbands and Spirit Wives - Permanently. Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Use marine animals including crocodiles and serpents to harass people. Water spirits manifests in different forms, some of which we shall discuss in this article, some of this forms are highlighted below: This is a demonic spirit that comes in a male form to oppress his female victims. 2. 250 PRAYER POINTS AGAINST INHERITED FAMILY BATTLES. Just as there are natural water dangers, there are spiritual water dangers. For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.. Spiritual Meaning of Hearing Knocking Many Times, Spiritual Meaning of Hitting Your Toe/Foot Against A Stone, PRAYER POINTS AGAINST MARINE SPIRITS AND WATER SPIRITS, About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries, Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube. Combat conducted underwater is somewhat trickier than air or land combat. Ensure you are living a holy life and that you do not have their materials in your possession. The python belongs to the class of serpent to fights the seeds of the woman and bruises them in various ways to manifests as poverty, bareness, failures, disease. For example, if you constantly dream of snake then there is likelihood that you have python spirit. According to Psalm 8, God has given me dominion over the works of His hands. Crush this crooked criminal spirit with your strong sword. 16. The first mistake is we fight against flesh and blood when the Lord says clearly we are night fighting against flesh and blood. 9. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. Marine weeding gowns tormenting my physical weeding gown; catch fire, in Jesus name. 5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Surrender your life to and rededicate your life to God. The good new is God has dominion over the water. Go for deliverance periodically to ensure that they do not regroup against you. Marine agents are adept at carrying out evil transfers. 3. 15. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth [it] empty, swept, and garnished. Having a felling of being watched or monitored. I command you out of every area of my life right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Whatever you want to call them, they are absolutely real. 5.Father God, I cut off the head of every hydra in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. When the python spirit is operating in your life, there will be hinderance majorly in the areas of your deliverance, marital connection and also progress. I renounce and break every evil dedication to water and marine spirits. Download and use this free PDF: Hope in the Storm - 30-Day Fear and Anxiety Prayer Guide to pray for deliverance from evil! Father God, I break the strength of leviathans neck, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Psalm 18:40). bible verses for deliverance from marine spiritsheraton club lounge alcohol bible verses for deliverance from marine spirit. Bombarding prayers is required here. 2. Lets look at Pauls encounter with the python spirit. Every evil materials transferred into my body through contact with marine witchcraft agents, catch fire and be burnt to ashes, in the name of Jesus. Meriam-Websterdefines Leviathan as a sea, monster defeated by Yahweh in various scriptural accounts; a large sea animal; the political state: a totalitarian state having a vast bureaucracy; something large or formidable.. This spirit is mentioned in the Bible repeatedly and even made its way into the dictionary. Raise prayer altars against them. 3. 1. Dreams of water such as oceans or rivers. I command a drought to come into Leviathans waters. While others are still struggling hard to prosper. 8. by | May 25, 2022 | the orchards haven | josh frydenberg net worth | May 25, 2022 | the orchards haven | josh frydenberg net worth It is the stubborn spirit that has the power to stay and glue with a person for a very long time. Deliver Yourself from Marine Spirits - Spirit Husband or Spirit Wife - Today Spiritual husband or spiritual wife is not just a feel-good preaching or get scared talk to impress anyone. 22. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. THE IMPORTANCE OF ANOINTING YOUR HOME OR PROPERTY. Marine powers possess and use serious monitoring and surveillance powers. 11. I pick up the stones of Fire, and stone python Goliath of my destiny to death, in Jesus name. HOW TO DEAL WITH WICKED MONITORING SPIRITS! Sow Your Seeds, Sacrifices, Offerings And Tithes. Imagining the presence of a snake when alone. 12. We declare the marriage contract, covenant, yokes are destroyed by the fire of God and no longer connected to _________. 7. Things from your body thrown into the water. They manipulate governments, and they have infiltrated deep into the church. 13. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. You have to break all evil dedication Uncontrollable sexual urges Bathed with polluted waters at birth or with concoctions from the waters 14. Paul and Silas were in physical pain but they praised and worshiped God, which is how they broke free and how you will break free. Fire of God, enter into my life and consume every stranger, in the name of Jesus. So they did what God asked and they went to see Pharaoh. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. Men or women who are considered Jezebels have marine spirits. 16. 8. Blood Jesus , Holy Ghost Fire Finger of God enter into the marine world, coven of witchcraft, ancestral altars, graveyard , forest , rocks first and second heaven on the earth, underneath the earth and kill every marine demons and agents of darkness ruling over my life in Jesus name. Python spirit in my foundation attacking all women in my family, die by fire. Every spiritual marriage, dowry, ring, gown given to me by the marine spirit, be dissolved by the blood of Jesus. All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). Fifa 18 Peut Devenir Spcial; Sogetrel Fibre Runion; Hlicoptre Hughes 3 Place Vendre; Google Traduction Marocain; Puissance Militaire Mondiale 2021 Classement; Holy Ghost Fire destroy the root of marine witchcraft in my foundation, in Jesus name. 5. 9. First of all I want you to know that if you are a child of God, you have power over all devils, Luke 10:19, Matthew 17:20, Mark 11:20-24. Every covenant formed on my behalf with serpent spirit by my ancestors/parents, break by the blood of Jesus. Thank you, Lord for this ministry! The fall of Lucifer and his been thrown out of heaven with his fallen angels, further compounded the problems. Behemoth spirit ideologies, spirits that cross land and sea, SPIRITUAL WARFARE DRILL 1: A Powerful Prayer Against the Python Principality. These arrows introduce problems such as sickness, insanity, and poverty into such lives. HOW TO CHANGE THINGS BY THE POWER MIDNIGHT PRAYING! 25. Employing marine agents or living in their house either as a tenant or as a visitor. I am convinced there are many others whose name we do not know. Every agent of marine witchcraft physically attached to my marriage to frustrate it, fall down and be destroyed now, in Jesus name. A lot of Christians today are victims of marine or water spirits, but when any believer chooses to stand his/her ground in Christ, every oppressions of the devil is broken to pieces. Observation signs of marine spirits (symptoms): 1. Do not be received, there are demonic forces in the air, on land and in the sea or waters, Ephesians 2:2, Revelation 13:1, Isaiah 27:1. What these ancients didnt know was that these were actual demons. In my book,Defeating Water Spirits, I deal with the water spirits I find in the Bible. muy util este material. I release the sword of the Lord against him. Again caused by increased pressure from undersea activity, gas held in the lungs can expand rapidly upon rising from the water and cause the lungs to swell or even burst. 10. For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aarons rod swallowed up their rods.. Learn how your comment data is processed. 9. for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12. Weve grown accustomed to battling the enemys foot soldiers in the earth realm and some have pressed into battling higher power demons in the heavenlies. I come against the deceptions this sea spirit has introduced into my mind. 8. dessin de plantu, le monde, 18 janvier 1991. 20. 1. Today, O Lord, visit all enemies from the marine and water kingdom with thunder, storm, tempest, and flames of devouring fire, in the name of Jesus. Merfolk spirits are actually found with Dagon in the BibleDagon was the chief God of the Philistines and the father of Baal. John 8:44 ESV / 2 helpful votesNot Helpful. Winning The War of Seperation From Spirit Husband Or WIfe, With 68 Prayer Points. $0.00. On the other hand, they threw the staffs they were carrying to the ground and they became big snakes, just like Moses and Aarons. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. They can even make a person to go insane. These are the heavenlies, the earth, and the waters. 21 PRAYER POINTS TO BREAK MARINE AND WATER SPIRITS BONDAGE. The third realm or stronghold of creation is the seas. I severe your coils and break the power of your lies. You can also call for prayer on: Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. 17. 6. Break the heads of leviathan in pieces ( Psalm 74:14 ). Prayers To Cast Out Evil Spirits . Isaiah points out Leviathan in Isaiah 27:1, noting the Lord will punish this fleeing serpent and slay the dragon that is in the sea. Psalm 74:14 speaks of God crushing the heads of Leviathan. Psalm 104:26 points to Leviathan among the ships in the sea. Evil idols in my fathers house bringing hardship and introducing financial wasters, catch fire. 6. FOOD POLLUTION: They pollute people through food. PARENTS THAT ARE MARINE AGENTS: Children born of such parents would be polluted. They control and regulate nations, families, and individuals. 5. Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'everydayprayerguide_com-box-4','ezslot_15',151,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-everydayprayerguide_com-box-4-0');This is the female version of the Incubus, and the victims of this demon are men, a lot of men are finding it difficult to get married and settle down in life because of spirit wife. 2. 8. 16. 9. We can make some natural parallels that offer helpful insight. Any incision in my body, used as entry point by marine demons; be flushed out by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. 17. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. Psalm 50:15. 12. Water spirits and marine powers operate out of the waters. All python demons coiling around my head spiritually, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. Your dream should b Marine spirits are water spirits that dwell in water such as rivers, lakes, ocean. 11. More verses: Jeremiah 1:19. from your hold, in the name of Jesus. Your power is against the high ones who have rebelled against You. 40 Bible Verses On The Fruit Of The Womb . Marine demons. Declare: I cancel every evil appointment with marine agents in the mighty name of Jesus. Any prolong delay in my life as result from sexual contact with marine husband be flushed out by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. 9. Even if we have heard of water spirits, most Christians dont know the depth of them. Then theres nitrogen narcosis, which occurs in underwater pressure when the nitrogen absorbs into the body tissues. 7. Prayer: Every marine judgment and decisions ever taken against me, be revised by the blood of Jesus. These spirits oppress men and women. Whoops! 10. 17. . 14. This demonic spirit causes people not to become what God has assigned them to be in life. town of marcellus ny tax collector; bible verses for deliverance from marine spirit. 2. Strengthen me for battle. It is rather a great challenge if you have the presence of python spirit. Strong Goliath from the marine kingdom that has taken my dowry return it and die, in Jesus name. Say: bible verses for deliverance from marine spirit. When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. Father God, I bind and break and crush the spirits of lust, generational lust, spirits of uncleanness, perversion, and send these spirits to the pit of hell, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And the seeds of the woman are Children of God. When a person is possessed by one python spirit is quite different from a person that is heavily possessed with multiple python spirits. Father God, bring down the proud demons that have exalted themselves against Your people. Sword of God touch the blood of every marine power agents assigned against my life and family in the name of Jesus . 4. Your first bath water used for rituals in the waters. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. 3. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link:, or through this Email:, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. Every operation of the python demons in my life, scatter by fire, in Jesus name, Any evil priest connecting me with water gods from the marine kingdom, catch fire, in Jesus name. Father God, I ask for your forgiveness and I repent and renounce for the following spirits: Sexual sins, Promiscuity, Juvenile delinquency, Immorality, Prostitution, Sexual immorality, Seducing Spirits, Sorceries, Enchantments, Divination, Witchcraft, Idolatry, Antichrist, Self-worship, Idolatry/False Religion, Antichrist, , Ungodly spiritual marriages, Disobedience/Pride, Hatred/Murder, Bloodshed, Greed, Abortions, Death. Please hear our cry for good health, longevity, wisdom and opportunity to succeed in several areas of our lives in Jesus name. Break his teeth. 15 He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. o Marine Altars Father God, I receive your forgiveness that I am washed by your blood. Sacrifice carried to the river either by you or on your behalf. Father God, I destroy all demonic powers of leviathan and make leviathan into pieces, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Familiar spirits cast upon me by spirit children; backfire, in Jesus name. God has given us power over devils, all power belongs to us, both in Heaven above, On Earth, and Under the earth, we have powers over the marine world. Without a word he snapped his fingers and a minute later three men walked in. The waters spirits are from marine agents. Unfortunately many pastors have consciously yielded to this water spirits powers in there quest to become popular, but the word of God cannot be broken, on the last day, every false prophet, who doesnt repent shall be cast into the lake of fire, Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:10. 10. THINGS THAT BELONG TO YOU WAS THROWN INTO THE RIVER. stevens funeral home pulaski, va obituaries. ABBA Father in the name of Jesus please forgive me for all sexual sins presently.with my present /boyfriend /girlfriend /wife husband before and all other females/males knowingly or unknowingly.Lord Jesus please deliver me and set me free and restore my fragmented soul and my life to wholeness ,Lord please restore my total innocence as if Ive been only married to my current wife /husband all the days of my life where applicable)Abba Father Son and Holy Spirit when I leave this court room of heaven after this prayer I have faith and total belief that what I have asked for in this prayer shall totally be and I shall be made whole for your words says who soever calls on the name of the Lord shall be delivered (Joel 2:32 ). Salem Media Group. Keeping vigil by the river and burning incense and candles. Every problem that has come into my life through contact with any marine agent, receive divine solution by the blood of Jesus. Marine materials and deposits are transferred into people by their agents through such avenues as sex, food, and sharing of clothes and other personal effects. We waste far too much time wrestling against people and compromise our authority in Christ by violating His command to walk in love and resist the devil. 7. When promise and fail are too much in your life. Scatter Your enemies with Your strong arm ( Psalm 89:10 ). POLYGAMY: There is no way a man would marry many wives and some of them would not be possessed with marine spirit. Declare now 21 times: I am free in Jesus name.. DELIVERANCE FROM PYTHON SPIRITS AND MARINE SPIRITS Matthew 12:43, " When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. [2022 Updated]. Prayer Points 1. Just because they are not listed in the Bible does not mean they dont exist. Miscarriages and barrenness. (Job 41:24). In Exodus 20:4, the Lord speaks expressly: You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth., WISDOM FOR THE WARFARE: KNOW THE REALM YOU ARE FIGHTING IN. You, serpent attacking my progress, I crush your head with the power of the Holy Ghost!!! Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. 19. Spirit husband spirit wife marriage certificate connecting me to marine world catch fire in the name of Jesus. Prayers and fasting become very difficult. Every serpent hissing lies and accusations into my ears, be Utterly Silenced by the Thunder of God, in Jesus name. Prayer points. Any power inviting marine demons to steal from me through my dream die violently by fire and thunder, in the name of Jesus. Children gotten by this means eventually kill their parents. This spirit is intimidating and intimates most people from contending with it. 13. Who Is Lillith and Why Don't We Find Her in Our Bible? Even If this was done generations back you have to renounce and break the dedication in order to be set back. Repent from all known sins and flee rebellion. SYMPTOMS OF MARINE AND WATER SPIRITS ATTACK. They allow their victims to stay long in their captives until when the person is old and has nothing to offer again before they start releasing them. This spirits are violent spirits and they manifest it though all manner of social vices. A marine strongman may be a serpent. There is a collective captivity marine vehicle carrying the whole family where God has not ordained for them to go. Evil ancestral covenants Please call: +2348099828623. Evil association through careless friendship The stubborn spirit are contagious. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. Break this principality into pieces for Your names sake. I command the spirit of death and hell to loose its hold upon my life, in the name of Jesus. To pray your way through deliverance is the hardest thing to do. Father God, I break the strength of leviathan's neck, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Psalm 18:40). What are the consequences of copyright infringement? 13. The fact that the man is polygamous is enough evidence that he has a problem of marine spirit. When you are always attracted to married men or wrong people. I command you demons from the marine world, hear the word of the Lord, out by fire, in the name of Jesus. All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). Any evil relative (mother) that have handed me over to the queen you are wicked release die in the name of Jesus. (Job 41:24). Employ your spiritual weapons to battle them including the name of Jesus, the sword of the Lord, lightning, thunder, and tempest. PRAYER WARFARE 1. The proper way to dispose of it is to burn it. I break the stronghold of evil dedication and I remove the generational curses, in Jesus name. He has authored over 50 life-transforming books and . Indeed, scuba divers face distinct dangers, including barotraumawhich is damage due to increased under water pressure on the air pocket in the middle ear. Below we examine a few of these from a bible perspective: FACT 1: Only water and the Holy Spirit were prominent and existed in the beginning.And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the . Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. 10. Every evil materials transferred into my body through contact with marine witchcraft agents, catch fire and be burnt to ashes, in the name of Jesus. SEEKING FRUIT OF THE WOMB FROM THE MARINE WORLD: These powers may give you a child but it would certainly be one from the kingdom of darkness. You have a stubborn and vicious spirit husband or wife. These include their robes, candles, creams, soap, sponge, mirrors, and incense. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyones chains were loosed (Acts 16:25-26). 21. 3. SCRIPTURES: Genesis 1:6-7; Psalm 124:1-6; Isaiah 27. Unexplainable failure where there should be success particularly after evil sex encounters in the dream. Psalm 146:6 (NKJV) tells us God made the heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them. Here we see three realms of creationand three realms of spiritual strongholds. VISITING RIVERS OR STREAMS FOR CULTURAL REASONS. Prayer: Every image and effigy representing me in the marine kingdom, I separate myself from you, catch fire and die. Let the strong room of the serpent in my life be destroyed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. 13. I declare myself free from every marine bondage, in Jesus name. There is also a king in the waters that is worshipped. 11. FAMILY IDOLS: Many idol worshippers consult water spirits. No force of darkness can over power you as a child of God. They show up in the dream to deal mercilessly with victims. I cancel Pythons assignment against me and my city. Like the devil himself this spirit is under my feet. The truth in Your Word sets me free from Leviathans twisted lies. In the name of Jesus, I have Calvary dominion over all things in the heavens, in the earth, under the water in the name of Jesus. All monitoring and surveillance satellites anywhere being used against me catch fire. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie - January 16, 2021 . 19. Deliverance can take place when somebody is rescue from bondage. You my eagle wings clipped off by household witchcraft, grow back by fire, in the name of Jesus. And Jesus spoke repeatedly of our heavenly Father. Go for deliverance periodically to ensure that they do not regroup against you. Father God, punish leviathan, the piercing serpent, even leviathan the crooked serpent, with Your sore, great, and strong sword, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Isaiah 27:1). Dream of swimming in rivers, lakes, ocean, Dream of sex with known or unknown people, Dream of playing with snakes and presents of frogs. Pollute people through sex and other avenues. Cause poverty as they confiscate your money and bank it under the waters. Let my blood receive deliverance from every serpentile and marine attack, in Jesus name. 14. Please wait, loading. Punish leviathan, the piercing serpent, even leviathan the crooked serpent, with Your sore, great, and strong sword . Python is the source of many financial failures and deaths of many people today through curses, spells, voodoo, incantations, etc. Fire of the living God enter into my body and make legion of demons uncomfortable for their operation in my life, in the name of Jesus. Initiate people into various marine societies such as mermaid society Every arrow shot into my life by witchcraft powers from the waters, I soak you in the blood of Jesus and return you back to sender. Jesus has given us the power to cast out devils, marine spirits are devils, therefore begin to cast them out of your life in Jesus name. From there, they were falsely accused, had their clothes torn off, were beaten with rods and thrown into prison with stocks on their feet. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. I jump out from the marine idols and covens in the water by fire, in Jesus name. 4. v Their agents go after top leaders in the government, business and even the church. Adept at carrying out evil transfers you want to call them, they are not.. Me, die by fire, in Jesus name carried to the river by... Swallowed up their rods the dream Genesis 1:6-7 ; Psalm 124:1-6 ; Isaiah 27 all demonic powers of.! Who have rebelled against you careless friendship the stubborn spirit are contagious would in! Others whose name we do not pray hard, you would get.. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams prayers. Resources in our content with original and highly quality articles with Dagon in the water leviathan spirit Storm - Fear... With concoctions from the use of marine witchcraft physically attached to my bible verses for deliverance from marine spirit... By household witchcraft, grow back by fire, in Jesus name parents that are marine:... 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How To Read Labcorp Paternity Test Results, Is Kelly Klein Married To Nick Manifold, Falmouth, Ma Shed Permit, Luxury Barndominium Builders, Articles B